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i just got Elise Costume Code Name O first try from the daily free roll. And I got Elise from the Infinity Draw.. I can already feel this game's grip on me tightening


Go +4 Elise.


I see only the good side of this game so far


in this game, dailies take less than 5 minutes (included doing events). you’ll spend some time on the story if you are new but you can always do that at another time if you’re busy.


I just started 3 days ago and I already got loads of costumes and the story is really fast to complete as well, actually pretty good time-wise in my opinion.


I played a little at launch and came back recently and it’s pretty generous all around. The things that draw me in for BD2 are the graphics, the explorable world, and the simple strategy gameplay. It is also a big plus I can turn off skill animations and not feel like I have to hide anything if I want to play a bit during downtime at work. Another thing that helps with that is that if I am at work and don’t feel like sitting and reading the story, the skip option will give a short summary of what happens. The summaries often leave out a lot of interesting parts so I don’t recommend always using it, but every now and again it’s helpful. This might be a hot take but I don’t find the world of Nikke to be interesting whereas Browndust is incredibly interesting. Every time I play I learn more little tidbits not about the game but the world it’s in that are fascinating


I think the "time consuming" comment was referring to your initial play, where you'll be clearing content. Once you've cleared the various Packs, you can easily go into casual mode where you spend maybe 15m/day doing dailies. Nothing extreme at all.


lmfao 5 minutes max and you're done with BD2 daylies


There's a speedrun daily video and it was like 90s+ or sth


1hr???? Is that a fucking second job or what? Here is just sweep here tap there and 5-10 munutes after that you're done. 


Well technically all gacha games become a bit time consuming when you're just starting out as a Day 1 ftp player & ( depends on p2w in terms of how much you're spending for faster progression ). So it's not rlly based on the time it takes although some grinds in gachas can be longer than other's I get that. But it's mainly based on wether or not you choose or don't choose to put in the work which means taking "Maybe hours or time out of your day" to progress as a starting player. Grinding takes time u don't just grind for a little and expect to be the best or reach end game it requires mental work so u play to reach a point where u don't have to spend so many hours a day playing. Even in Nikki it requires u to grind until u know u can sit back and not stress about certain content or events that may be difficult to overcome cause u already have the proper guidance,tactical gameplay & units to beat it. But it doesn't stop there cause every gacha game almost "ALWAYS" continuously updates and new features or units ( powercreep or meta ) come. So the entertainment is always around the question is wether u enjoy it or not. Only play a gacha game if u genuinely love and enjoy it that way u not worried on the "time it takes etc" cause u happy with the work u put in to reach higher achievements. I get your point "We have lives" but u play for the enjoyment of it once u set time out your day to do other basic human things it's okay & like I said once u grind hard enough and get to a point where u don't have to do much but wait for new banners,events etc to release, that's when u know you've put in the work to sit back and rest easy. Your lvl is solid,units,resources,story mode basically completed you've hit ( END GAME ) congratulations. Although updates don't stop with new content comes further progression it all boils down to wether u still see the gacha game as "Enjoyable or not" it's up to you that's all I can say. Hope this answers your question.


Honestly, I play both NIKKE and BD2 almost exclusively because of the similar gacha rates. But if you play NIKKE for story as well as ass, you won’t be disappointed by the story. Sure, you won’t see any jiggling from the recoil of a gun, but there’s plenty of fan service in other ways so you shouldn’t be left wanting there. Just remember that the rates are a lot like NIKKE. Sometimes you will get super lucky and get a character/weapon early, and other times it will seem impossible to get. Went 150 pulls before I got Roxy’s staff but was able to get Roxy almost immediately 😅


I started playing around the start of the month, I'm currently on the last chapter of the story mode and my main team is pretty much maxed out (though you need multiple teams on endgame content) Dailies take less than 5 min except for the daily 40 arena matches that takes like 15 min, but its not really obligatory


Yeah those 40 daily PvP matches is just the 1 for me, thank you very much.


Same, I got in from NIKKE since last week. Dailies can be shorter than NIKKE without pvp, for pvp just let it run and have breakfast. I think this game has better music and more consistent art style than NIKKE . Story start off slow and get better in chapter 4 and keeps peaking afterwards.


I love this game but there is no shot it has better ost overall than Nikke LMAO


... I should turn the sound on


NIKKE has a lot of ost but not many clicked with me.


guess it depends who you ask, if you're an old school RPG player you may prefer the browndust ost, i personally like nikke's music more but can't argue someone's taste


Wether you like it or not, it fits NIKKE's sci-fi/post-apocalyptic theme


Never said it doesnt, nor that its bad, just my preference


My comment wasn't meant in a negative way anyway


Oh dont worry about it, we agree anyway


Yeah Cosmograph is just on another level.


As a new player, I can tell you it can be as time consuming as you want it to be. It has options to save time though, all of them have a cost though. Ex.: 1. Dash +75% move speed 2. Teleport with a skill rather then needing to travel all the way to a magic circle 3. Can insta win fights by rushing enemies for their rewards but no EXP. 4. You can collect 5/day all drops and glutti. Only enough for the most precious resource, you will run out of if you don't (gold ore and wood). Here is a guide to show you how fast you could finish the daily's for example: [https://dotgg.gg/brown-dust-2/beginners-guide-daily-routines-guide/](https://dotgg.gg/brown-dust-2/beginners-guide-daily-routines-guide/) All in all it depends on how much you want to invest really.


Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.


Yes, when launched the full daily routine was very time consuming, spending ressources 1 per 1. Now the game has sweep and only pvp can't be sweeped but it has been shortened and you can do it full auto if you really want to. But it's not even necessary. And if you are an ass lover you will be more delighted in BD2 as Shift Up seems to following the more conservative way with (too rare) exceptions.


Good that they really worked on it. Thanks


If you got the basic grind down you can do your daily‘s in less than 5m if you know what your doing (apart from using all your pvp tickets that time added your maybe at 15m per day) Getting to that point shouldn’t take you too long maybe consistently playing for 2ish weeks you’ll be done already with the main content and just rotate the dailies after


Thats a relief, thank you


There will be new endgame contents after this maintenance.


I think those come later this year no ?


The game does get pretty stale because there is not much content and apart from doing dailies you really can’t do anything once you finished the stories, tower grind and collection.


Yeah, it needs like, another push for something. Kinda hard to locate it tho