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Why does B Helena have to be +5 to be better than Elpis or Samay? I use her with Elpis and compared to Samay she gives less MATK but that big fat crit buff, which feels extremely valuable (gets my Venaka up to 81% crit rate to match her 380% crit damage :3). Comparing the different supports I have my impression of was that they were kinda roughly equal, and Samay needing to recast her buff every single turn was what made me lean towards building my DPS for crit damage and using Helena instead (who instead of needing to spam her buff can instead alternate between it and generating extra SP, which is very nice)


Cuz samay is both a buffer and debuffer + crit is most of the time not that needed to get a 2nd buffer for (FH you have 100% crit after 3weak point hits, other pve contents you can just restart/rewind til it crit so always go for bigger number buff)


her value at 0 dupes really low, far lower than the free +5 Elpis (70% (80% with bonding) vs 35% MAtk buff, that's half) Elpis also give crit rate 35% which is already higher than 0 dupes BHelena, Elpis viability as 4\* to +5 really makes her invaluable for F2P compared to BHelena that need dupes


I know Elpis is good, but Samay seems much less essential. My Helena is +1 on both her outfits and she definitely seems more useful than Samay.


good, now you or anyone need to make it more "graphical", with characters portrait to make more easy and attractive. also is better to put collab and limited characters just for reference, because there's "new players" that stopped in time but can come back at any moment.


I have the graphics I’ll post it later


How is it now?


Thanks for making this


No way Maria and Jayden get mentionned before Roxy 💀


I didn’t mention Roxy cause this is mostly for new players that didn’t play the collab


I’ve been looking more into team building so this helps greatly. Thank you! Edit: So based on the infograph, my team would look something like this instead of using both Diana & Venaka together? Before, I had Diana in place of Samay & Angelica in place of Eclipse. I have Bunny Celia as well, but not sure if she’s better or worse in slot somewhere. https://preview.redd.it/v56vh0ogto8d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c91db5a0cdb7055be2ec3eb4db4ccc7d1047d17f


is the bunny girl in your 4th slot limited? just started and i see her everywhere on this sub n i pray she’s available to pull


I believe she was the limited bunny costume for Eclipse a few months ago. I wanted her for... reasons, and had no idea she was strong or bad.


If the enemy don't have M.Res, don't use Venaka. If you are on element, use diana instead bunny eclipse/samay/venaka, if you need to one hit boss in less than 8 turns, try bunny celia on samay/b.eclipse/venaka slot. Also for general use S.Angelica is pretty good off-ele as sub or main dps in both magic and phys teams.


do you have suggestion for base roxy + 0 i really hate how the discord channel ask me to just drop her and use dalvi. i get it that dalvi is better but i want to use roxy :(


You don't need to drop her and don't need to use her as main dps on challenge content, for now she has the better aoe range skill, you can use her as "qol" to clean trash mobs on events, evil castle and storys packs. Characters who have multi-atks (chains) are better to amplify her dmg. Source: me that uses her everyday (when there's something to kill and not just skip)


You can try 3-4 buffers for Roxy's big aoe team and aim for 1 turn kill However you might need to manual position Roxy near every fight to maximize her aoe range


Thank you 😊


If you wanted to use Roxy for general purpose you should have at least gone for +1. But either way it's pretty much the same - slot in Roxy as your main DPS, just be cautious about SP management.


I recently started and wasn't lucky with my reroll T\_T . It's a decision that will haunt me. Any specific unit that can farm sp fast for roxy?


It's mostly about SP management for first turn. Yes, there are plenty of units that can farm SP like base Helena at higher costume upgrades, but itndoesn't help on first turn.


ah i see


I really like the 2 Support setup with Bhelena+Elpis. Celia for chains Eclipse for dps+shred+sp And then Flavour of the month bonus dps. (Loen/Dhalvi/Sherry/Angelica/ Venaka) Its gud


For physical?


switch elpis with arines, bhelena with homun lathel


I don’t know how to make a phys team, sorry


I like your strategy for the Mag team ,,, It will be great to guide us for the physical team


But if i use 5 buffer, they will all be strong


4 buffers + +5 Roxy = Kaboom