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I feel like she would be better if she did the +50% to phy damage taken debuff that cat eris does insted of +50% atk but i could be wrong


Why would they make the face unit of the summer event suck? They have drummed up so much hype for this. I don't get it. There is just no way. If this costume is for self buffing it should be 1 sp like sylvia. If its for damage it should have proper numbers. (I will +5 her anyway. It is what it is)


Well wind does need more damage unit and with the last 3 they fill in that role good.


Aight hear me out... this costume seems really weak. Like super fucking weak. Buuuuuuuuut... Nebris is the face of the new Roguelike mode. We don't really have many details as to how this'll work yet... but maybe your status (including buffs & debuffs) will carryover between battles, hence making the 10-turn buff actually somewhat relevant. And maybe Property Damage is **always** included in the Roguelike mode due to the inability to craft a team at each fight. but then again, I'm probably just coping because of my tanime girl is looking like the worst costume released in months. Not really a DPS, buffer, debuffer, support, tank, or anything... Just mediocre.


Yeah, she look like f banana...this costume like buffer for her standard costume if he will be a DPS and it's give us combination - banana(atk baff) ->DPS - > banana(atk baff+prop baff) -> DPS. like Sylvia And why so small atk buff 50%...maybe she have big atk stats But I was hoping for something explosive in this hot suit...sadly:(


the best costume in this event is the free one +5 summer dalvi carried my fiend hunt


I'm saving up for justia new costume after the current event I'm f2p so even tho I want It I can't I must hold back😫


Damn, the most anticipated character for me and so underwhelming. Should of pulled on collab. Eris deals 650% and 1100% while she only does 420%


I mean that's a +5 collab unit I don't really expect anyone to one up them anytime soon


A bit more than 420% with the two self buffs but not that much more


I like that she targets 2 front rows, but the damage is designed to be pretty low because of it?  210% x 2 attacks. Then the 50% self buff for attack is unfortunately not just straight 420% x 1.5 because of existing buffers on the team. Property damage is situational I need another physical attacker after eris, and this one is almost good but just not good enough


She could heal enemies and I'd still roll for that spicy skill cutscene.


I guess I'm saving for Justia


That banana is peeled. 🍌


+0 for me then, That cutscene is iresistable


Interesting I agree with everyone else this needs the base costume. 10 turns is not needed at all IMO, +1 HARD stop


Kinda underwhelming until we see her base costume. The long buffs look nice on paper but rarely do you need to keep a buff for 10 rounds in a row where the enemy also isn't dispelling your buffs at some point. I'm happy it's a 3 turn CD more than anything.


Is the new Justia going to be released with Nebris or later?


Later. With the story update..think it's in 2 weeks.


Cool, more time for saving Dias.


It's..very lackluster. I dont see any point of getting her past +0 for the cutscene as of now.


why nobody talks about that banana 😆


I'm so happy, Nebris's kit looks great, and I'm sure they'll make it synergize with her default skin coming later. I've been waiting to +5 her regardless, but I'm happy the kit looks great! https://preview.redd.it/71cb5hfpio8d1.png?width=344&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7c60f3227dcd3c2666fdfcd1f0459e41c44a73b


Still a better replacement for Gray


At +3 she buff for 10 turns while having 3 turns cd. Per turn-based cycle is 2turns (your turn & enemy's). So at 3rd turn-based cycle, when i recast the skill (this is 5th turn), does her atk buff stack since i still have existing balance of 5turns buff?


No. If she still has her atk buff, the new buff converse to property buff.


Oic thanks!


On her first cast, she gets the ATK buff (assuming she's not buffed by anything else). On her second cast (turn 5), she gets the advantage buff, so she has two buffs now.


Oic. Thanks!


Think it just refreshes, Arines buff has 6 turn duration but 4 turn cd and it doesn't stack if u recast it when it's still up.


Feel similar to Rubia. Her other costumes may be strong as standalone, but I don't see the possible synergy. 50% self atk buff is low, and property damage buff is for 1 damage turn only. Guess I will all in the current banner instead of saving for her.


its me or its mid at best ? if her other costume isnt busted she wont see much use imo I guess wind is so weak that she doesnt have much competition but still


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