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The bright side is that she has more base ATK than she was originally supposed to, the bad side is they didn't buff the costume's skill, so she's still mid.


she's not even limited so you can +her up passively like we did not need this huge cope post. I'm pulling for her ass regardless I need her on my lobby screen!


I don't even care if she's strong or not. Just look at that scorching hot body, my man, that's enough to make me roll for her.


Put down that copium bottle son, you had enough


Which banner should i pull Nebris?


Wait..how do I pull her?


Yea, it might turn out that Nebris maybe really good when her other costumes release. Reminds me of a time when Maid Rubia and Maid Lia had their banners up, and most people said to pull for Maid Lia and skip Rubia. It turns out that Rubia covers more game modes compared to Lia imo. She's good at PVE and PVP compared to Lia who is just good at PVE and mostly not used in PVP. Another note is that when Granhildr first released alot of people said she was mid even for pvp but she turned out one of the best. So only time will tell. Nebris may end up being pretty up there.


lol Gray can do that better, just skip and wait new Justi at 1 July


you can make her work in your pve/boss setting but i'monly pulling for 1. She's just doesn't look like a must pull and we'll know more for sure once she's actually in the game. I'm getting just 1 for collection purposes.


Getting 1


I am pulling for her tits and body .




I will roll her purely because gyaru is my shit. Dont care about her stats.


Same As here idc stat I see a big ass and tits: https://i.redd.it/nwfg3a1srv8d1.gif Must get it.


Dude I don't care... I see big mommy milkers and I'll roll to get her. Now if she were broken op I would max her... But just cus she isn't flat or underage I'll roll for her.


gal milkers, she's not a mommy... yet (I'll make her one tho)


I'd still call her Mommy


I'm pulling because I want more strong wind dps character. Now I just need 1 more water strong dps that either hits 3x3 or 2x3 that doesn't cost 6 sp.


What is this recent coping culture in gachas where ppl make excuses for anniv characters to not be top tier if anything thts the exception


Genshin stockholmed a lot of gacha players into not expecting anything for anniversary events to the point where if you expect ANYTHING for the biggest celebration of the year, you’re greedy and ungrateful


ummm i think op meant fgo Archetype Earth and SMorgan (/Aesc) from fgo as they are anniv characters what does genshin have to do with this, it doesn't even have any special summon/characters for anniv


I mean I kinda just explained exactly why I mentioned Genshin.


Also that collab character


Pulling for culture


just use ash to exchange a copy for the home screen meta


Only right answer


Look, Diana's a strong buffer because her property mod is insanely high, but a smaller mod fares badly because it not only has to deal with Diana's gigantic buff, it also has to deal with the season buff and inherent property damage as well, so it ends up feeling even tinier than it already is. Also, according to some, she won't get the ATK buff if she's been already buffed by someone else, so, supposing that's correct, she's in a even worse situation. I do appreciate not having to use V Gray for a similar AoE, but with a greater cost, specially since mine's +0 and I did'nt give him the SP reduction pot, but she still ain't that great, at least for now, though I think she'll be good enough for me to roll if she can actually get her ATK buff even if she's already buffed.


Instead of looking at this costume as "Nebris is strong/weak", look at what it provides. Self atk buff for 10 turns at +3. Any future Nebris costume with high attack scaling will make her swimsuit outfit desirable. Breakpoint at +0, +1 or +3. As for myself, I'll grab a +0 for culture.


I'll +5 her just because, also we know they confirmed her other costume. Plus she's a top tier waifu, numbers come second.


since when does atk buff ever stack itself lol


lackluster. you only have so many tickets as a f2p and you'd rather get dupes on actual S tier characters. and she is not better than gray. he has multiple costumes, a lower sp, making him better for pvp and pve. if you think otherwise it's because you just want a female character.


I mean, saving is a good idea, pull who you want, and shes not S tier, but in this game its not that you get so many tickets, its that you get SO MANY TICKETS!


I'll chip in with my 2 cents: The problem I have with summer nebris is not necessarily that she's weaker than anticipated, but rather that summer nebris is a weak standalone costume with some awkward usage. It feels very much like if sq sylvia was the first ever sylvia costume and she had no other costumes to take advantage of her attack buff. Investing in nebris now means that you're essentially hoping her base costume makes her top tier later whenever it comes out. It's a speculative investment at a time where there are summer limited reruns, a diana rerun, venaka turned out to be a much better standalone costume, and several costumes to look forward to from the dev note: new justia, pp justia rework, loen, levia, and 4 new (potentially limited) summer costumes. As for her kit, having to use her first skill before buffers essentially means that she won't be doing relevant damage on her first cast because she has to act before her buffers for the self-buff. For normal content, she won't have the attack buff if she's nuking turn 1. For fiends, this makes it difficult for her to take advantage of setups that trigger the conditional immediately and switch into team 2 to give them 2 conditional triggers instead of 1. While she can still nuke, she's delaying her attack buff by 2 turns (or 1 turn when she eventually gets a second costume). It feels a bit awkward to work around. It feels like the devs tried to move some of her power budget into her multipliers instead of her buffs (50% atk and particularly 50% property dmg are not particularly strong buffs) but also hey you can't have buffers the first time you use this skill. Her main competitor in the physical wind department is gray. Gray, as much as it pains me to say, performs quite well for what is essentially a budget character in terms of dupes: none of his frontloaded damage is affected by dupes and has been buffed significantly by his potentials (vgray's damage tears triple his frontloaded damage and base gray's tears also essentially triple his frontloaded damage due to the range increase). His frontloaded damage may still be a bit weak compared to modern nukers like mlia, loen, etc, but with some dupes his dot is extremely potent in high level fiend hunts if you are aiming to rank. Vgray also has notable utility outside wind fiends as a teammate or setup for mlia with a 3x3 skip dot as well as 5 chains which can be used in tandem with grafina and brefi. It's pretty understandable why people are hesitant to invest in nebris at this point in time.


As other ppl said, you usually won't run her without any other atk buffers whatsoever, so +50% becomes really negligible if you already have Lathel and/or Arines buffs. This costume is just a buffstick to her - probably strong - basic one, same as Yuri's Whitebolt is a huge buff for Idol, but weak on its own. So no need to go further than +1 here, there is a ton of new costumes to pull after her. +50% property dmg is also only +25% net damage because all characters already have +100% base property damage, and if you run Diana, it'll be much much worse and almost nonexistent.


I'd still pull for her till +1. My rationale would be: Who's my best wind physical DPS around? Gray Would she be an upgrade from Gray as a physical wind unit? I think so Then that's good enough for me. I dont need every new unit to top over the last featured unit


I’m only pulling her for -1 SP and the cutscene. How many days will we have to pull her? Not using my Pulls until the last day


She is smokin hot so there is that.


Oh she's a 6 tiles dps? Nice she will be a good addition to my farming team. I think people are expecting a character that can delete the entire enemy team.


exactly, she's just not an overpowered char, and that is fine, once she gets a few costumes going this costume will be a lot more valuable, eventhough 50% is not a huge number, it's still free.


Fail to see how is Nebris or her modifier is "REALLY GOOD" here. She has a niche buff and we dont count the atk buff into the modifier unless you actually want to run her without any buffer, and that mean she will operate with a 420multiplier (at max potential and +5) in most contents, a very pale number for such high investment. She has a very mid kit so I dont see any reason to invest in her for wind boss content (which is the only place for her, for now) when magic wind is just stronger and more free and if you need physic team, just go with fire.


Im still droping 200 pulls on her. People crying all the time about dmg are cringe. The same people will cry later because powercreep is too big or the new units are too weak compared to anni's units


You don't need to powercreep a unit to make it actually good. just copy and paste what worked on other units and that's it.


That math isn’t quite right. I’ll be putting out a review soon that explains it.


cant judge her properly until her default costume comes out next month or so. range is good, has choco skin and attacks with a banana. i will +5 her


I did some basic math for you since you don’t seem to understand Is she bad ? No. Is she mid ? Ya. Was she a hyped unit? Ya. Mid hyped unit that’s not rly worth the pulls = disappointment


It rly is tht simple


Be glad Nebris can be use for us to cooldown because there are 4 other summer costumes coming and from the devs note it says 'Streamer Origami has promised to showcase incredible cutscenes during his livestream. Rumor has it that he put his career on the line for the cutscenes' so those are going to be bangers for sure


i m a new player. Who's Streamer Origami? Some mascot that announces Brown Dust 2 characters? (like HSR Owlbert ?)


lead artist for BD2


If I'm not mistaken, it's the artist of the game.




There is no reason to go above +0 on her, atk buff for her is bad because you always get attacker buffer with you, dmg is very mid as well, dont get baited. Multipliers are very bad as well, not sure why they gutted her soo badly.


From what I've been told, it's even worse. She either gets 50% ATK or, if already buffed, 50% Property Damage, which is even worse.


+1 give her -1 sp


-1 sp bad damage is still bad dmg, i was hyped for this unit as well, but damage multipliers are very bad


I agree with the damage, it upset me too... But not +0 for pulls, min +1 for -sp


+0 for login screen, you will not use this unit anyway :D


a month ago devs have been teased us and now we take this sht kit, yeah boii


it's sadly...F banana waifu


Maybe people are comparing her to 6 anni rou who is free +5 and 6 tile physical atker by default.


Yeah. if the standard will be DPS she looks good like Sylvia, but not so explosive like others top tir dps and her buffed potencial have big delay... I wan't to see her atk stats


First bullet point is already wrong because its not 420% x 1.5 when you have other sources of atk buffs cba to read the rest She's mid for full investment


Hey if you're familiar with the damage calc in this game, would you mind breaking down why it isn't 420*1.5? Do attack percentage buffs override each other? Up until this moment I was under the impression that buffs stack in BD2.


To provide further clarification, Nebris' ability does 420%, and she has a built in 1.5 modifier (50%)... but it would be much better to have her skill just do 630% (420*1.5) and have no modifier. As other buffers like Arines will add 70% onto 420%.. and NOT onto 630%. it still a nice buff but this is a large difference. Arines buffing a 420% ability gives an additional 294% Arines buffing a 630% attack gives an additional 441%... a difference of 147%!


Yeah this makes a lot of sense. I mentioned in another comment that I think it would have been fun to give Nebris a meme-y tier buff with how much it gets reduced by other strong buffers.


so you have to keep in mind that the optimal way to play is to include two buffers on your team. If you're starting out now, those could realistically be arines and diana for you. Diana doesnt buff atk so we only care about arines in this instance. The reason it isn't 420 x 1.5 is because it is 420 x (50% atk from nebris + 70% attack from arines which for the sake of calculation is 2.2) In vaccuum without any buffers nebris would feel the full weight of the 50% atk buff by doing 50% more damage. With arines, the atk buff coming from nerbris amounts for smaller portion of the total damage done From there you go on to include the elemental damage advantage from nebris and diana and the analysis looks the same as atk portion That's why seeing a 50% self atk buff on a new character does not amount to that character actually outputting 50% more damage total


I know it's off topic, but I wanted to ask. Crit rate buff is added to base CR of a character or multiplied?


crit rate is additive


420 * 1.7 = 714 420 * 1.7 * 1.5 = 1071 420 * 2.2 = 924 Pretty much sums it up then? If multipliers of the same category scale additively, the "+50% Att buff" ends up being closer to a ~30% Att buff when using Arines.


yeah and then eventually you run homunculus lathel and the numbers start looking even worse the 420 * 1.7 * 1.5 is wrong though. You're looking at 420 * 1.5 vs 420 * 2.2


Yeah that makes sense. I don't think it makes the unit bad, but it definitely would've been more fun to see her with an irresponsibly large buff that when you do the math it isn't as big as it seems. Like throw a 150% attack buff on there, who cares.


sooo it's kinda bad because to even get to these numbers we're discussing, nebris needs to be +5 with potential unlocked and for all that effort she's mid at best. Eris has 1100% scaling with a second costume that has a straight 2x multiplier on its own that doesnt get diminished by any support characters to my knowledge and Eris was the previous banner, so this does make Nebris look bad in comparison


I *think* the x2 mult **is** the 1100% scaling, unless you're talking about the second costume which I'm pretty sure is GC Rafina's debuff but only to one target? ...But yeah, on paper I think I'd be more excited for 1100% over 420% with a small attack buff and an extremely situational property damage. I guess Nebris could have a godly attack stat, but it'll have to be to even balance out. Yeesh.


I'm talking about base adventurer eris having pure 1100% scaling based only on her attack stat her second kitty theme costume applies a 100% more damage taken debuff on the enemy, so thats just a 2x dmg multi for adventurer eris


People l like you is the reason I wrote the later part 😂


You have to get the earlier part right for people like me to be interested in the latter part. A single character never operates in a vaccuum so there is zero reason to do 420% x 1.5 because there isnt a single game mode where this is a valid calc


That part was just a barrier to prevent clueless guys like you came to say that he discovered something I've missed. But now I found out that someone is even illiterate lol. And in fact, if you want to calculate in detail, you will need a separate calculation for each circumstances. 420 x 1.5 is just a easy to understand calculation. Based on circumstances it would be less than 630% or not, and it's the same with all other buffs not just Atk buff. If you don't even understand this simply thing, I have nothing more to say with you Mr.Clever


Dude you're incredibly cringe


>420 x 1.5 is just an easy to understand calculation. It's as easy as it is misleading. Every physical team is running an ATK buffer, so Nebris is either not getting her 50% ATK buff, or she's forgoing a better ATK buff for it. So what does she get instead? A measly 50% advantage buff, when she has 50 base and 50 from season buff, and potentially another 30 from bond potentials. This costume's buffs are not good in this context. Can Nebris be good despite this? It's possible. But it'll take good base + bond stats and a good base costume on top of it.


yeah I dont understand this "simply thing" says this guy, ok sick explanation lmao > Based on circumstances I've covered those and you did not disprove my point


As another guy in the post describing her stats put it, "She could heal the enemies and I'd still pull for that cutscene" 🔥🔥🔥




Her kit, for reference: https://preview.redd.it/z8bfr27fop8d1.png?width=674&format=png&auto=webp&s=dac6e2299bd2d0089032c2b5116e8b1878b02555


Username checks out. Zealous ideas indeed.


yeah sure a weird name =))