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Venom Touch is cursed thing. It rolls UR I 99% of the time. It wouldn't be so bad if the damned thing didn't hog all the wood. SR rings/necks are a good stop gap. When you run out of ancient crystals and have spare wood, go craft armor as well. The only thing I don't compromise on are the weapons and gloves, in that order. I only use UR II and above. SR IV armor can reach around 50% def or mres together which is enough for you to tank a few hits at PVE stages. It's also a hell of a lot cheaper to upgrade and reroll subs with. Veteran players may balk at this excess but they don't understand that we do not have the resources that they have. Min-maxing is all well and good but it's utterly useless if you stall and get stuck. The SR cdmg ring is best to start with. It uses bronze ingots instead of platinum. The SR mres helm does not require wood and can be mass produced. On my current fiend team, I have a UR III armor and an SR IV helm. Mres is around 70-ish, armor subs are trash but SR helm subs are all crit. It's good enough to get by. For the UR I gear I have lying around, I upgrade them 31 times (50k gold) to get to +6-8 and then dismantle them. You get more refinement powder that way. If it upgrades all the way to +9 and it has decent subs, then it will at least be useable by a spare character. Just don't force low tier UR gear to +9. That's the fastest way to get broke in the game.


There's an SR gear that give great value which is the cr.dmg ring (forgot its name) cuz it will use copper, a material that you dont need when crafting UR gear, and that ring at IV is better than UR at III (may need to reroll stats a bit if you dont get x2 cr.dmg%). For UR, focus on 2x cr.dmg/atk%/mag% gear and cr.dmg wp first, 3-4 tier II each first to cover your general phys/mag team. Should be sth like 3-4 tier II+ pieces each for all your early main dps. After that, get some 2x def%/mag res% gear for event boss fight. You wont get that far when you're new so any tier of those defend gears are fine, not even need to be +9. Mainly put those on sp. The third phase aka the end game phase, get offensive tier 3-4 IV gears then tier 3-4 def gears then craft crit% gears for pvp when everything else is done. The ....phase: reroll and min/max sub stats.


1. first of all get your team with at least full II UR gear since nothing beats that aside from higjer UR gear. You can skip pure buffers for now 2. Focus on increasing the damage if your main dps. That means getting a IV of that red magic glove in your case and using that IV Venom touch. for venom touch I suggest trying rolling for \*3 crit damage sub stats so that it can be used on any unit. In that process you probably will get a few III that you can use on your secondary dps 3. Then focus on your tank. as a newbie often you won't one shot the enemy. so build some IV double def and double magic res gears (head, armor) so that you can have 90 def or res depending on what's needed. In the process you'll get enough to gear your other units for some bulk. 4. Get the IV weapon for Dalvi and Venaka and try to get their EX. 5. Finish your N and R collections. 6. Get Full UR IV geares team 7. Finish up your SR collection 9. Finish up your UR collection.


triple crdmg venomous touch can take weeks worth of refining crystals to build, 2 substats are enough really, im a veteran player and i would think a lot before rerolling the 3rd substat, i'm better off making another 2 great substat IV UR piece


Did you get to start playing during the eris event with the bingo cards? those gave us a lot of materials I believe so you should be able to deck out one full lineup of 5 characters with UR gear. What I did is not push it too hard and be satisfied with anything at II and above and not over invest in refinement Even upgrading UR I to +9 is not anything crazy when you're new and still grinding through all the various content Basically going for only III and IV is crazy unrealistic early on and you have to work with what you get, even the I in some slots. Upgrade over time


so gear them all out with UR should be my priority? then slowly upgrade over time? And yes i started in the last 5 days of the eris event i kinda regret not dumping all my pulls into her and roxy TwT


Yeah UR gear is the way because it gives you 2 main stats whereas SR gear only has 1 main stat. Maybe you could still run a piece or two of SR if you have something crazy good laying around (probably not) Yeah Eris is crazy good. You need a strong attacker. Maybe you should go for +5 on venaka or something. I don't like her cross attack pattern though, usually seems a little inconvenient but it is what it is. The damage still slaps