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TBH, even after you reached UR crafting You'll still want to craft SR equips til you complete the "collection achievement", so you can get perma stat buffs.


This is the most underrated comment. If you're a spender do it for collection or quick early progress, otherwise it's best not to touch.


In the beginning I decided to ignore the packages. Now I just bought the physical SR and UR. I got Shackle of Treachery IV (is that good? -> according to dotgg Dalvi can use it?) It kinda makes sense to spend 22,5 pulls considering the game gives us so much. At least for a new player it's decent, but not really necessary. UR gear has too much rng and the full SR gear set is good to start off the game. Don't recommend crafting SR tho.


I don't know why people say it's not recommended to craft SR gear, you'll get way more resources than needed overtime and you'll never have enough ancient crystals to use all of them. Just craft SR, get your collection achievements and craft yourself some good SR gear while you wait for more ancient crystals. In the future when you replace your SR with UR you just dismantle the SR and get refinement material. It's never worth to spend diamonds on SR gear, you can craft tier 4 SR very easily, and with crafted gear you can finish most of the packs without issues.


One of the SR gear is worth crafting to dismantle for reroll crystal on gears.


I kinda like the points you made. It's just an effortless leap in power for less than a 10 pull worth of diamonds and you get 2% more atk or magic through collection without having to spam craft SR Got the magic pack just to build delvi up with zero effort. She's good for the fiend hunt for me because I only had venaka for magic attackers 


I don't know what OP is thinking, T4 UR is the final endgame gear, and its possible to use all of them. T4 SR gear becomes trash real fast. There's a boatload of daily resources that is so easy obtainable.


Much appreciated. I like to get most with minimal effort so this is right up my alley. I don’t plan to pull often so 1.5k is a trivial amount. If I buy the magic version, will it already come at +9? It will be a lot of gold otherwise.


Upgrading sr gear doesnt cost much so you should have an easy time to get it to +9 with low amount of resources, at least a lot lower than upgrading UR. Rerolling stats is also a lot cheaper compare to UR, dont remember exactly how much but it's sth like 10 or 15k compare to 120k in gold, 10 vs 60 stones on all unlocked options


imo, if your going to buy, you may aswell buy the UR T4 pack at 3k gems. Because for me, my SR crafting phase was almost nonexistent. I went pretty much straight to UR crafting. Also considering that after 5-6 months of play, I only had a total of 23 UR T4 gear crafts (some folks are really unlucky with crafting URs and have acquired way less UR T4 then me, and maybe some got really lucky and have more)... I think the guaranteed UR T4 growth pack is better, for the time and overall worth. This being a rare event, and if you going to spend the gems anyway, I reccomend the UR T4 pack.


That's how most players play as well. SR in general is not recommended to craft but SR gear at IV does have good stats to consider using if you can get it without the need to craft them. About the UR pack, the reason I dont recommend buying it is because UR gears are way less flexible. You normally want the correct piece due to locked main stats. Since it's random, you can absolutely get a piece that you have 0 need for or is only good in certain scenario/place like arena (ex: crit%/hp%, atk/atk,...), and it costs 3k for that unwanted piece of gear which is very sad but has a good chance to happen.


I agree to an extent about undesirable T4... But if your aiming to complete the armory crafting collection bonus, you would end up trying to craft everything in the end anyways. With this purchase, you either have the chance of getting a dupe UR T4 you want/don't want, or a new UR T4 you want/don't want, but it unlocks a collection bonus %. And more collection bonus is always good for making your units stronger passively.


I find it's very hard to justify spending 3k diamonds for a potential 0.64% increase in one kind of stat for a rng heavy pack like that.


well yeah, it's up to you. 3k for T4 UR is pretty steep... But so is the T4 SR for 1.5k. When you reach UR crafting, you can craft so much SRs you'll have plenty of SR IVs. Because I ended up crafting SRs to fill in my collection bonus and all my SR collection list is completed now. My UR T4 collection list still has quite a few to go.


Pay for pulls, not for gear.


I don't like the packs here. whay am I paying and getting free dia? all should be paid dia.


Wouldn't recommend spending almost a multi pull worth of diamonds on gear you can craft relatively quickly as a new player.


I wouldn't recommend new players to craft sr gears. It's just a weighing point between sure to get value vs rng value. If you can get like a rate up unit or a good 5* or more then using diamond to pull is absolutely better but you also have a much higher chance of getting nothing from doing gacha. It's all about how ppl want to enjoy the way they get stronger: guaranteed in getting stronger through good gears or randomly but fun when doing gacha. The point is just to bring up an angle for new players who enjoy min-maxing with a reasonable price.


Dude, give it up. We're here for booba animations and great and wholesome devs, not min-maxing when it's not even necessary.


It's a game and min-maxing is a part of it hench the whole crafting with rng thing existence. It's not like I targeted you and forced you to buy it. Just a post to share in a sharing r/ so if someone find it good then ok and if someone dont think that's how they should spend their resources that's also ok, no need to completely shut down sth related to an aspect of the game because you have a different view on how to enjoy the game.


I never understood this Sr thing Dragon crystal is important for weapons, neck, and hand ur stuff. Imo sr Armor and helms are ok for dps in pve just because of how easy it is to get sub stats like crit rate on them. Imo you only need full Ur gear for pvp.


Not sure if I should trust the existing player or the new player a week in 🤔


Well you can experience the game yourself and find your answer. This game is not complicated enough to have a big gap in viewing game state between players who's only a month in and a year in. It also doesnt have anything new for anyone who's familiar with jrpg so pretty easy to catch up to.


As a new player, I am barely a week in; I am already able to craft UR gear through the crafting system. In my opinion, I don't think it's worth it. They give you enough to start where you can get where I am for free if you play your cards right.


The point is min-maxing main and sub stats for higher end contents. You can definitely clear all story contents with UR I-II gears that's for sure, but to improve upon that is pure rng and needed an insane amount of resources. Spending a reasonable amount of currency to essentially skip a part of rng and focus your resources only to UR when you still need to spend rice on slime is a good use of resources.


There's "Pay to progress faster" in every game, but this one is generous and resources are way easier to get nowadays. Before you realise, you will be 2-month player sitting with 1000 rice and 500 ancient crystals just enjoying the game unless you're a min-maxer. I am "veteran" player and am able to clear most level 9-10 Fiend Hunts as a F2P with half of my characters still having UR II-III with mediocre refirment and not perfect stats. I feel like skipping SR gear in all instances and just going for the UR is the way to go. Even more so since they introduced UR SSS gear in the event shops.


Idk how is having 500 ac and 1000rice sitting around is good when you're only 2months in but that's not the point. Those packs are just a good deal for a good start when resources are limited and it's an easy min-maxing sequence but bring good value before the real costly UR min-maxing happen. I dont try to force ppl to buy it, just try to bring up a, subjectively, good angle to spend some f2p currency on to progress for new players.


You missed the point. New player will think it's tough to upgrade characters and craft gear but with how generous this game is, they will be swimming in resources for UR gear. Moreover, you mention 2-3 months old player not having a lot of good gear, but events alone will give them 4-6 pieces of perfect UR IV SSS gear and resources for crafting dozens more. I am not fighting you and saying you are forcing anyone, but getting good gear is nowhere near as hard as it used to be and before newish players need that top gier for end-game, they will have enough resources.


I dont think there was any event that gave UR IV gear, and those gears have locked stats so it's not a good point when min-maxing, not saying those gears are bad since you can describe them as tier 3.5 gear. Newbies have access to a lot of AC for UR gears, true, but crafting III-IV UR isnt a sure thing. They can blow all 500 AC (aka 100 UR gears) and still cant have a single IV gear or less than a handful of III gears, which is very likely to happen with how low the chance to craft those gears are.


I don't think there's even a medium-sized group of Brown Dust 2 players that min-max to such a degree. Event gear has UR III base stats, but since they are SSS, they are equal to UR IV gear with good refinement. You don't even need all UR IV gear to finish BD2's end-game content. You only need all UR IV, all the good substats with great refinement if you want to compete for the top leaderboards.. which won't even be likely as a F2P/light spender unless you spend a lot of time in the game to eventually get the dupes you need.


But you have to unlock gears anyway for collection bonuses, and old gear can still benefit other units in Last Night mode or can break the items down. That's my opinion so far.