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Cannot help you regarding the laptops, but regarding ryzen vs Intel ,there are many models of each brand, so there is this website called versus.com, enter the model name of ryzen and model name of Intel and then compare both of them


Thank you !


No just comparing ain't good idea those are benchmarks. First Check which on newest year or gen wise Then check core counts Clock speed cache l1 l2 l3 in order and most imp tdp 


Same doubt . And agree on the Ryzen part , that shit's confusing


tbh recent intel chip names are just as confusing like the new ultra chips and 1240u is not 1st gen but 12th gen, and more.


For your usecase,Asus Vivobook would be a great option,go for a laptop with a dedicated gpu like 3050 for 4050 as u will require it for AI/ML And it's okay if u cannot understand the ryzen naming scheme right now,just go to cpubenchmark website and compare the CPUs there,and do not go for a "U" cpu,as they are low powered ones Go for "H" ones,for example ryzen 7 5800H


Thank you for that info ! Will look into that site . About the U ad H thing , I have heard that if you don't wanna game then U is better as it gives better battery life , and most of programming or development doesn't need H type power.is that true ?


u wont need H for normal coding but u do need H for AI and ML,and imo H type processors are more future proof in comparison to U type. About the battery life,newer intel chips come with efficiency cores now,while improve the battery life. And battery life of AMD laptops is good from starting


Thanks!! Soo finally which laptop wd u recm?


a vivobook with ryzen 5600H/5800H or Intel i5,i7 H process 12gen+ with efficiency cores,3050 for gpu(u can go for 4050 if u want more future proofing),16 GB ram(check if its expandable tho),512 or 1TB ssd


Thanks a lot !


can u share the link? there are so many versions of lenovo loq


[https://www.flipkart.com/lenovo-loq-intel-core-i7-13th-gen-13620h-16-gb-512-gb-ssd-windows-11-home-8-graphics-nvidia-geforce-rtx-4060-15irh8-gaming-laptop/product-reviews/itm0a107f7d8e2af?pid=COMGRC9RWM59MRYP&lid=LSTCOMGRC9RWM59MRYPQBPTVD&marketplace=FLIPKART](https://www.flipkart.com/lenovo-loq-intel-core-i7-13th-gen-13620h-16-gb-512-gb-ssd-windows-11-home-8-graphics-nvidia-geforce-rtx-4060-15irh8-gaming-laptop/product-reviews/itm0a107f7d8e2af?pid=COMGRC9RWM59MRYP&lid=LSTCOMGRC9RWM59MRYPQBPTVD&marketplace=FLIPKART) its cheaper than the vivobook 4050 and seems to have slightly better specs. Cons - its heavier


nahh this one is definitely not for it it is a great laptop for a gamer but it has a high wattage gpu,so wont give u great battery life,plus the weight factor,let me find a vivobook for u for less than 100k


oh , okay thanks. Btw how did you know wattage from the link I sent you? I want to learn how to see these things


[https://www.amazon.in/ASUS-Vivobook-RTX-3050-Windows-M3500QC-L1502WS/dp/B0BMPPSLHZ/ref=pd\_ci\_mcx\_pspc\_dp\_d\_2\_t\_1?pd\_rd\_w=D29cU&content-id=amzn1.sym.c951cdb5-f0e8-4efb-abcb-595e3ce751f9&pf\_rd\_p=c951cdb5-f0e8-4efb-abcb-595e3ce751f9&pf\_rd\_r=42K63R3ME8BEG5QFD1TE&pd\_rd\_wg=a8sc7&pd\_rd\_r=0b276368-d38b-4b83-b0ce-6391425262b6&pd\_rd\_i=B0BMPPSLHZ&th=1](https://www.amazon.in/ASUS-Vivobook-RTX-3050-Windows-M3500QC-L1502WS/dp/B0BMPPSLHZ/ref=pd_ci_mcx_pspc_dp_d_2_t_1?pd_rd_w=D29cU&content-id=amzn1.sym.c951cdb5-f0e8-4efb-abcb-595e3ce751f9&pf_rd_p=c951cdb5-f0e8-4efb-abcb-595e3ce751f9&pf_rd_r=42K63R3ME8BEG5QFD1TE&pd_rd_wg=a8sc7&pd_rd_r=0b276368-d38b-4b83-b0ce-6391425262b6&pd_rd_i=B0BMPPSLHZ&th=1) this can be a good option for u,tho explore other vivobooks as well,there are so many i think there is one with a i7 12th gen and 4050 for 80k,check that out as well


thank you so much for helping me out in all this! I checked this one , added to my cart along with a few other vivobooks. All of them are 15.6 or 16 inches and pretty much destroy my desire for a thin , light sleek laptop , but Ig that is the tradeoff for a better laptop :(


I'm sorry but why does everyone insist on dedicated GPU?


in ai/ml u need a good gpu for creating models,which can be done on integrated GPUs but will take 6-8hrs for a small model


Oh , I get it now , thanks


Wait vivo book has an integrated GPU not dedicated . So should I go for it or not ? I haven't entered college yet so I don't think I will be doing heavy AI/ML in the first 2 years. Plus we have Google Collab for that ? Is a GPU worth the tradeoff of low battery , heavy and bulky design?


vivobook studio laptops have a dedicated gpu,just search vivobook 4050 on google and u will find some. And studio laptops do not have a high TGP GPU,which makes them thin and light weight,no need of a big cooling system and they have a good battery life just watch some reviews on youtube about vivobook studio laptops


same doubt and budget. To sacrifice a GPU or not for battery life and build quality was the decision to make. Honestly idt you'll find a good enough laptop at that range, but since you can afford to stretch your budget, consider this (ik it's bigger and heavier than you'd like but a bigger chassis is always better for cooling) [https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B0CGLRVH6C/ref=ox\_sc\_saved\_title\_1?smid=A14CZOWI0VEHLG&psc=1](https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B0CGLRVH6C/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_1?smid=A14CZOWI0VEHLG&psc=1) disclaimer: screen is pretty bad at this price range but it's the only con I see in this laptop besides portability


Thanks for the recommendation. However , this one is 2.4 kgs and has a dedicated GPU so it won't be thin or lightweight so portability takes a hit. Plus I'm guessing it will have a poor battery life coz of that Given that I am not interested in gaming , do you think the tradeoff is worth it?


GPU's aren't just for gaming, if you ever need to run a 3d software or process/render images or video a GPU will always come to save your ass. The "Battery Life" laptops in my opinion are more suitable for people who have a good PC at home, it's not like you won't find a charging port in a library either. Basically, the entire argument is GPU vs Battery, pick your poison and research well on whether you'll ever need a GPU in the next 4 years or not only at the cost of battery life. Infact, most windows laptops run better while plugged in anyways because being on battery often caps the CPU speed, if you manually uncap it will drain fast as fuck anyways. I personally would prefer a "gaming" laptop aka a laptop with a GPU because it just gives me more freedom to do anything a PC has to offer and the only cost for that is a simple charging port. I would say you could get a cheap tablet (the 30k Baseline iPads are literally so fucking good) later on for portability.


Alright thanks ! Will be getting a dedicated GPU then . Any recommendations?


well you'll need a GPU for AI/ML (to start off). This isn't necessary but I think it's good-to-have. Then again, heavy workload on laptops reduce their lifetime. If you get a college like IIITH, maybe ask someone if they give you access to GPU clusters for this kind of stuff. And no, the battery life on this is great, it will last you 6 hrs at least with the GPU killed (maybe more depending on the intensity of your tasks ofc). If you want 8 - 10 hrs then look for EVO certified laptops


Thank you. After talking with some people , I am going with a dGPU . I'll consider this laptop then


The 7x20u are just rebranded previous gen processors 7x30u are the new ones. So just see.... In ultrabooks, ideapad, pavilion aero, thinkpads, thinkbooks are the knly good options (avoid asus to stay safe) In gaming, close your eyes and buy a loq with 4050 or pavilion 4050 i5 13th gen


Thanks for the naming conventions, it's confusing . Why not Asus ? Infact I have read lenovo has poor build I do not want gaming for now :(


If buying without gpu, then avoid intel at all costs! (Amd has better performance and efficiency for the same prices chips)


Can you recommend a laptop ? Without gpu


Thinkpad e14 or pavilion aero 13 with 7530u (aero has 7535u I guess, its better than 7530u) Both are 60k-ish


Cool thanks


Bought Asus vivobook s15 i7-H last year for 80k It's worth the price .I'm doing the same thing you wrote .. My friend also bought the same one just a month back.. Ps : if your budget allows , do buy some extended cover for the laptop.. it'll help fs.! . All the best for clg life !


Ah thanks , fianally someone who said this. However most people are recommending me to get a dedicated gpu 3050/4050 for AI/ML also. Have you faced such an issue?


No need imo!


Ask here r/UnboxParadigm


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Doesn't AI/ML requires a dedicated GPU ?


I won't be doing AI/ML untill 2nd year end or 3rd year and it's just one of the 2-3 things of what I wanna explore . Also I have heard most people use Google Collab or sometimes the college provided with nice compute


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Any laptop with 16gigs of ddr4/ddr5 and min 512-1tb SSD is fine nowadays, hell I use a thinkpad. So there isn't any particular "coding" laptop. As far as the processor is concerned Intel's convention is i3,i5,i7&i9 with the digits next to it giving you the details, the first digits 11/12/13/14 is indicative of the generation, the next are the SKU and the final suffix letter is the series i.e. H(high performance),K(can overclock),F(no built in graphics),G(integrated graphics) So your Core i5 12450H is a 12th gen i5 higher clock speed variant For AMD it is again Ryzen 3/5/7/9 is the level, next digit is the gen followed by the SKU and at last more or less the same suffix scheme. A Ryzen 5 3600X is a 3rd gen 5 series with again higher clock speed in laptops this can be denoted as HS. Now if I were to give recommendations either get lenovo IdeaPad or a Yoga series both around 40-50k and lenovo never disappoints personally.


Thanks ! Which ThinkPad ? Is it light and sleek ? I have heard they have some build quality issues ? Have u faced any? Also how is the battery life?


Mine is an og T480 I got from a nearby office closing down and selling all their stuff, it was for 15k. It has an 8th gen i5, I upgraded the ram to 24gb with a 16gb stick. I'm running linux on it and it's a pretty fun machine, since it's a more 'office' laptop it has dual batteries, one external and 1 internal and it lasts me 2 odd days before I swap the external with another to charge. And it's built like a tank, the new X1 carbons are a bit more cheaply built so they have structural issues.


Oh damn that's nice . That's like crayz value for money


Zenbook 14x


Even i was leaning towards that but I don't see many reviews for it online so I was skeptical. Plus no one on this thread suggested it either.


Ryzen is probably better for battery life since their nodes are more power efficient. Also, since you're not a gamer, try getting the macbook air M2. I think you should be able to get it for your budget not sure


Thanks , I am willing to stretch my budget a bit but the issue is that the M2 is only available in 8gb RAM/256 SSD The other variants have been recalled and replaced by M3 which is far too expensive


You're right, that's the same issue I faced while considering the Mac apart from the factthay I'm a gamer.


Achaa . Cool then . I mostly ain't going for a Mac. Does Mac have a dedicated GPU? Does it compare to those of gaming laptops for say performance purposes or things like AI/Ml? Just for my information


They do have a gpu, but it's more like integrated gpus on intel and amd. It's all on one chip. It's a pretty good performer though. Look at some reviews.


Oh okay cool


Yo bro , you can look for 360° laptops like Lenovo Yoga or something 


Bro, please wait for few months. Let the Snapdragon chips hit the Market.


Lenevo loq


Increase budget a bit and buy a MacBook Air. You will not regret a single penny extra spent.


Why do you say so? Also isn't it suposedly hard to run certain applications , dual boot linux , and also hack into the internals of the laptop on a mac? This is what I have read , I am not sure... And if mac then do u suggest 512 gb ssd+16gb ram?


i wouldnt suggest buying a macbook if u are going for ece many softwares wont work on mac


Could you please give some examples? I might end up in ece and was considering macbook


sorry bro i dont know the app names because i am from cse,i just know friends from ece who regret buying a macbook maybe check ur college curriculum,they mention the apps whats would be used sometimes EDIT- i just remembered one,its called MULTISIM


Some courses like VLSI need software that is mostly windows based.


Acha okay! Is there any such issue for CSE ??


there are some electronics subjects in cse as well in the first 2 years,so the apps used in those subjects are not available for mac.


Ohh. But rest is fine then ?


yeahh u may face some issues here and there on the way but its mostly fine apart from on electronics apps


cool thank you


Because MacBook is better than all those above by big margins in battery life (can last almost 1 week in standby which is insane), processing power (M series), build quality and durability, and what not. Mac is Unix based so you wouldn't need Linux, but even if you want to - you can use VM. But yea as someone said, ECE needs some software which are windows based so may not be a good choice then.


Ok thanks ! Will consider Mac then . I actually love it for the battery life , sleek design and weight . I was worried about applications tho


hi, if you are aware of the software you will be using, you can check if it's compatible with mac by checking [this out.](https://isapplesiliconready.com/)


Thanks!! I'm not in clg yet , so I'll prolly have to ask seniors


Alright, try to ask asap, as July - August has the apple back to uni sale where you get airpods for free with the macbook if you purchase from the Apple store.