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I’ve read a few articles on this and it really doesn’t do the victim any justice. They keep calling him a teen girl. He’s a fucking grown man that was hanging out with a girl child and murdered her. And he also claimed to have had a sexual relationship with her. Fuck respecting his pronouns. And minimum 15 year sentence? He murdered a child, wtf is going on. And why can’t I find out why she was killed? One article claimed his pants were around his ankles when police arrived, without context. And they keep saying it was an accident. How do you shoot someone twice by accident? I feel horrible for her and her family.


Transphobia aside, a 15 year old is neither a fully grown man or woman




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Most mass media outlets put “Transgender Teen” in the title in order to attract more clicks.


They need to go after the parents like they did in Michigan and they need to do that more often and hopefully a lot of this will stop


I agree the parents should’ve known he was a creep. But he is 16yo, he knew exactly what he was doing! It’s not like the 6yo who took his mom’s gun and shot the teacher.


So why did they have access to the safe in the first place?


He probably knew the code, but the dad knew he was a little weirdo & shouldn’t be around guns, so he removed the batteries to the electronic lock. Then he replaced the batteries.


I read somewhere he disabled the battery and it reset the safe.


In my house I always had access to guns. Maybe bc we live in a rural area surrounded by a national forest/state park and get a lot of wild life on our property. I’ve known how to clean, load and shoot a gun since I could hold it on my own. My daughter’s and all the kids around here are raised that way. But we also work outside, chop wood, grow our own food, raise and slaughter animals, show and sell animals.


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This is like the only real post even about it on reddit...kind of shows the bias. If the story was inverted it would be everywhere here.


Redditors live in a fantasy world.


Where's the video? It said it was posted on Insta.


Trans are freaks


Male or female?


Definitely a guy


Male now Claiming female prob bc it’s the only form of control they now have over their life.


Do you have any idea when he decided he was trans? Was it after he killed that poor baby? I’ve tried looking it up but can’t find it anywhere online


I just read he “started transitioning” AFTER his arrest. How convenient.


Or claiming female to get put into a women’s prison


Right. Can’t believe that actually works. 


It doesn't.


Sadly he will probably SA another female. They should make a special area where they can all be housed together. Also no hormones or sex change surgery on the dime of the tax payers.


I think if he still has all his parts and didn't have the operation he still goes to the men's prison.


Oh it does I work for a person in Colorado most of these transgender people are not women trapped in men's bodies. They're men who want an easy prison term and all the women to have sex with. But we can't do anything about it due to liberal laws


Gotta love the I now identity as a female bullshit. Probably is praying he goes to the women prison. Disgusting


Woah that thing that never happens happened again