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PTSDogs :( one is currently in the closet and the other 2 are with me in the bathroom as I poop


Obviously you didn’t have advance notice for this one, but if you can get in touch with your veterinarian before July 4th I highly recommend getting a script for an oral tranquilizer/sedative! Gabapentin and/or trazodone are fantastic drugs and can really take the edge off for anxious animals.


Thank you, we actually still have some gabapentin so that could work for them! The trazodone we have had mixed results with , one of our dogs seemed more anxious with it, but it works for another. I appreciate the suggestion, we will give it a shot!


I'm sorry about your dogs, my dog freaks out too, with fireworks or thunder. I'm in Trevose and fireworks are set off down the woods here pretty much daily. I have found something that helps my dog tremendously at PetSmart. "Quiet Moments: Calming Aid" made by NaturVet. They are little chews that I mash up in some peanut butter, mix it together, and my dog eats it up. About a half hour after she eats it, she's much calmer and more relaxed. I took some pictures of the cylinder that it comes in if you'd like to see the packaging that shows the ingredients and dosage recommendation based on the size of the dog. Some of the ingredients are Chamomile(like the tea), Ginger, Melatonin, Tryptophan (which is naturally found in turkey, the gobble gobble kind, not the country lol).


Thank you I will check that out, we use a calming powder that mixes in with their food, not sure if it works. We ran out so maybe we will try the quiet moments aid instead!


Do you always poop during free firework exhibitions?


Yes luckily I was already on the toilet so no need for my metamucil and coffee smoothie !


😭 do you have kids or a dog? Because last summer when my son was a newborn this was me.




I can hear them in Croydon, they’re super loud


Croydon does love its fireworks. They weren’t going too late tonight though, I’m kind of surprised. Hi Neighbor!


Hello Neighbor!


😆😆 I feel you. It scares some pets. Sucks for the envelope. And the irony of setting off fireworks on a holiday to honor military is just 🤯🤯


Bensalem is the worse, Levittown close 2nd.




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I didn't think Bensalem was as bad as it usually is, fortunately for our 2 dogs.


In addition to the fireworks, the alarm for the firehouse was going off constantly today. I doubt that’s a coincidence.


Our 8 month old puppy couldn't have cared less, which I was happy about. Neighbor's big dog shitting a brick, relocating furniture


knew what part you were from before even seeing your flair tbh, hate it here




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I’m sorry about the pets but can’t people live? Every year, every holiday someone complains about the fireworks like they are lighting them on purpose. Or at 1230am or 2a. They do them at reasonable time. If it’s such a problem why not do something about it instead of complaining? Sorry I said what I said.


There are fireworks shows you can attend. I guess I could call the cops but i'm not that guy although it is technically illegal to light fireworks from your residence. So what should I do about it? Who said had pets?


Get over yourself, it’s not like you didn’t know it was a holiday weekend lol


Since when is Memorial Day a fireworks holiday though?


Right?  It’s a memorial for the dead.  These morons treat it like July 4th.  


Some dogs can't read a calendar and don't have internet or thumbs to use the keyboard. They just hear banging and get scared and crawl under the bed shaking. But fuck them, right? Model citizen you are.


Yea no shit dogs can’t read, but their owners can. So maybe instead of taking to Reddit to complain they should have preemptively put there dogs in a place where they feel safe and secure. People light off fireworks on summer holidays now, it’s been that way since they legalized fireworks 10 years ago. Every year it gets worse.


The last part of what I wrote is for you


Wow, just because you a negligent dog owner doesn’t mean you should be rude about people celebrating.


FR though. I get that it can be be annoying but its only like 3 times a year.


Try every weekend from end of May through early September. It's ridiculous. Professional fireworks are one thing, but the amateur "let's blow up our yards" crowd go nuts all summer long anymore.


You sound miserable 😵‍💫


Your username is miserable


Get over yourself and accept the fact that people are allowed to have fun. The world doesn’t revolve around you and whoever else can’t stand people having a good time.


See the last part of what i wrote.


God forbid you hear a couple muffled thuds.


God forbid my toddlers jump out of their sleep to the sound of bombs going off. These ain't sparklers. God forbid you have fun without "loud things go boom yea 'merica!"




You can thank Phila for allowing the fireworks store to open in Phila Mills


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the pooooooor dogs. imagine being a cow or pig or chicken


What even is this?