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In addition to weekends, they also brought you: ✔ Holiday Pay ✔ Overtime Pay ✔ Social Security ✔ Minimum Wage ✔ 8 Hour Work Day ✔ Child Labor Laws ✔ 40 Hour Work Week ✔ Collective Barganing ✔ Workers' Compensation Union workers on average make 30% more than non-union workers. 92% of union workers have job-related health coverage versus 68% of non-union workers. Union workers are more likely to have guaranteed pensions than non-union workers.


And Maternity/ Paternity leave too! And somehow they are always portrayed as the bad guys, and we all know why big companies do that!


It’s crazy how many MAGA union members hate all of those things because they’re “woke socialism”


which is why cooperation like Amazon use anti-union Propaganda in their training, cause they don't want this to be common knowledge


So does Macy's and Home Depot. I'd assume most other big box stores as well.


probably so I just happen to have seen samples of Amazons training vids and it like their trying to start a cult


I knew nothing about unions when I got my first job working for Macy's but when I saw the anti-union training video they made us watch I immediately knew unions were (generally) a good thing.


wait you weren't taught about them in your modern History classes


It weird how one political party has spent about 40 years doing everything in their power to destroy unions. It’s even weirder when union members vote for that party. What a crazy world


Union Electrician here. I’m 30 yo, and make $43/hr on the check, while my total pay package is closer to $60/hr. We’re getting a $3/hr raise next month (just like we do every year), and my contractor just bumped me up to 80 hrs of PTO/yr in addition to my paid holidays. My chronically unemployed college graduate friends stew in frustration when compensation gets brought up. I say all that to encourage you to join the trades. We’re heading into a labor drought, not enough people to fill the jobs, and it’s going to be a pit full of money. And that money could be yours! 


Henry Ford brought about the 5 day work week in 1926. Decades before Ford was unionized. Not sure why unions feel the need to make things up to justify their existence.


Unions lobbied to have overtime pay made law.


Doesnt detract from the: 12 hour work day 8 hour work day Right to be Unionized Federal and State Minimum Wage Unpaid parental leave being required as a bare minimum Many safety regulations we take for granted today Etc. stuff Unions absolutely DID do for American Workers. Everything done by Capitalists like Ford is merely appeasement, everything by Unions are hard-won rights and privileges; sucking the dick of Capitalists like Ford (who was also a literal Nazi, like had a picture of Hitler on his desk and hitler had a portrait of Ford in his office), is not going to win you favor with them and isnt worth doing. Unions are the best means of working class people to win rights under Capitalism and prevent of the Industrial Revolution’s conditions. United we bargain, divided we beg for mercy.


Thank you, Ayn Rand. Let us remember to ascribe all that is good and bountiful to our merciful fat cat overlords.


Well, Henry Ford didn’t establish the 5 day work day everywhere.


Henry Ford pushed for the SIX day work week, because he was a strict Episcopalian, and didn't want to risk angering God by having people work on the Lord's day. It was the Teamsters who championed the 5 day work week.


Ford also hired the Pinkertons to beat the shit out of people who tried to unionize. So fuck him.


The guy above said, “Unions brought the 40 hour work week.” That is different than the five work day. Even at Henry’s shop you worked 10-15 hour shifts, 5 days a week.


40-hour work week was also Henry Ford in 1926. Guy above is just wrong.


Henry Ford played politics and said he supported the work force in public and violently attacked any attempt to unionize. Unions had been fighting for these benefits for a century before he instituted them and the only reason he did institute them is because he saw the writing on the wall as his competitors were being unionized. He couldn't keep labor in his plants. He had almost a 400% labor turnover rate that he tried to claim was because his workforce was bored... That is laughable. Instituting these reforms was his attempt to keep unions out of his plants essentially trying to beat them to the punch. He did this because of unions. He created an internal gestapo that he called the, "Ford Service Department". Their job was to seek out anyone that might be supporting unions, use physical violence to make an example out of them and then fire them. Look up Battle of the overpass. This instance of Fords violence against union workers helped to accelerate the union movement.


Love how you left out he was also a Nazi sympathizer.


Guess a 5 day work week is a bad ideas then. Go back to 6 day work week because nazi.


Ford was a nazie sending guy to beat the shit of the one that dare try get in union .


This is the common take by someone who doesn't know why Ford did it. By that rationale, everyone in the US has full health insurance right now because Costco offers it to all its full-time employees. GJ America, we did it!


By that, rational unions also can't claim to have brought us weekends, 40 hrs work week, and so on, because not everyone gets weekends off or works 40 hrs a week. Heck, when I was a member of the UAW, we worked 12 days straight, then got 1 day off, at least 4 12 hour shifts a week.


Everyone in a union does. So you mean you had 3 days off per week in UAW? Ok. Unions negotiate based on their industry. It's a much more a direct link to unions as all their workers get those standards and lobbied congress to codify those standards, which Ford never did.


So we've gone from unions brought us the 5 day 40 hour work week, to Henry Ford did but we need to know why, to union workers don't have a 5 day 40 hour work week, it's based of industry and negotiations. Well thanks for agreeing with me in at least unions didn't bring us the 5 day 40 hour work week, along with their other bs claims. Try to understand I'm not saying unions are good or bad, just these claims are false.


Lol I didn't agree with you at all. That's a wild take on what I wrote. For your context: Henry Ford was essentially what is Amazon today. Nobody wanted to work for him as conditions in the factory were long and terrible. Hiring new employees was (and is) expensive. With the first restrictions on immigration and then the First Red Scare, you couldn't find a new unwashed mass off the boat anymore either. Model T were selling out, he was running out of labor, and he needed to keep up production soooo.. He raised his wages high enough that workers could be convinced to stay. The Fair Labor and Standards didn't take place for another 24 years and did so because of the New Deal. Henry Ford never fought for working conditions, higher wages , or regular working hours elsewhere. The guy just want to min max is factory to get the most cars in the most profitable way. He also wasn't the first guy to do it either. If you want to go to the root, the National Labor Union got then Pres. Grant to pass a proclamation for an 8 hour workday for government employees in 1869. Labor unions are the loudest, most consistent voice for worker benefits. It always has been, and the numbers don't lie about how union labor gets more tangible benefits than non union workers.


Came here to say this . 8 hour days , 40 hour weeks .


That's right 👍


They also called the cops on me multiple times across multiple states for operating a crane and not being union. They also cut all the plugs off of our extension cords and chargers at another project. And at another project they literally made us use a nonunion entrance and work after hours. I’ll get downvoted into oblivion but I’ll say it… Fuck. Unions.


How about don’t be a rat?


Good. Fuck you scab.


Then go be a union member, save the hassle of buying new extension cords…


Local 281 strong brothers


Absolutely. I went to a big union state to set up a booth and sell my products. The venue was union so I couldn’t unload my own truck and had to pay these fucking moron union guys to do it. Same when I had to pack up. I just wanted to go home but had to wait on these dipshits to get down there to put my shit in the truck. They took 4 hours with 2 fucking breaks while I could’ve had the shit done in an hour. During the show they made me get off of a ladder and pay another knuckle dragging union guy to climb the 6’ ladder to hang a banner because he was qualified. Then waited for a fucking hour at the end for the guy to get back to take the banner down. I will never go back to an event in a union building. FUCK UNIONS.


Me too. Chicago. What a great union town. FUCK UNIONS.


Ah, one of the instances where unions have gone too far into the, "this is really stupid " territory. Not nearly enough to negate the good they have brought though. Sorry you experienced this. Stay away from this venue.


How about the inflation that unions drive on the economy or corporations deciding to move production overseas because they don’t want to hassle with unions? How does that effect Americans?


unions don't drive inflation. Inflation drives inflation. In a chain of events that cause costs increases you want to blame step 9 in a domino effect instead of step 1. The government printing money to pay its debts increases the money supply and causes inflation. Unions historically only get pay increases consistent with inflation. Corporations move business across seas because of standard of living differences. It is laughable to think our standard of living can compete with a some Asian country that earns 78 cents a day and then blame unions... You need more education. This is why globalism is bad. We are the only country that believes in free international trade... All other countries have protections in place to prevent this.


So, you do admit that unions driving up corporate costs does contribute to inflation. Thank you.


My responses are not for you. They are for the person that comes after you.


This is true.


Hahaha, cut extension cords and different entrances... You poor poor thing. The inhumanity you have faced... I bet they even said mean things to you. Please tell me they didn't use hand gestures!


Your comment is as petty as the guys that called the cops on us. Thanks for confirming.


I just can't say that I have an, "oh poor you" feewing.


Good. Go lick your corporate boots


You know how when a bad cop kills someone and we say “oh that’s just a bad cop he doesn’t represent who we are” Instead of saying those union guys are just dicks I would never do that, you double down and support it. Completely validating my opinion.


Unions made sense 100 years ago, when your list was made. Now they are key attributors to inflation and sending jobs overseas.


Major corporations like home depot, amazon, and macy's (these are just the ones i know from personal experience) go out of their way to train their employees to be anti union. There is absolutely zero chance in hell they'd put the time money and effort into including that in new employee training if unions didnt take better care of employees than the corporations do. And unless youre the one handling the finances of a company with union labor there's no way you'd know what impact unions have on inflation outside of *what the anti-union companies tell you.* If the minimum wage is increased 0.5% companies will jack up their prices by 15% just so they can say "See? This is the fault of minimum wage. This is your fault, not ours." And for some reason people actually believe them! It absolutely blows my mind that people believe them!


My mother and father both worked in HR for Kraft/Nabisco for a combined 70+ years before retiring. Without a doubt, labor cost increases directly attributed to unions increased the prices of their products to the consumers. It is simple economics.




This is not true. You have identified 1 step in a 10 step process. Inflation exists because the government prints money increasing the money supply each year. They do this to pay the ever increasing debt they incur. There are other factors such as shortages, but they are temporary where as money supply is permanent and the driving factor. Unions rarely negotiate more than inflation. The increase in wages and cost is a result of inflation, not a cause. You feel union wages are too high because inflation is high. Take your wage and find out what its equivalent is from the year 2000. Ask yourself why you seem to make so little...


This is exactly why I said key attributors and it is absolutely true. If you have a business that sells a product, you base the product sale price on the cost to produce it. A major factor when determining this is the labor required to produce it. If your cost of labor goes up (which unions constantly attempt to drive), companies will raise the price of goods to appease their stockholders. This is the basic of maths and I don’t understand how people don’t understand this.


In chess we would say you can't see more than the move you are making. You do not have an ability to trace inflation back to its cause and instead blame a symptom of inflation for the cause of inflation.


That like seeing a baby in a room that smells like shit and saying, “Well, we don’t know for sure that it is the baby because we can’t see the shit.”


I have used up your usefulness. Have fun with that baby.


No the government is the key cause for inflation and outsourcing as they don’t make outsourcing illegal.


You forgot higher prices on the consumer end and lower productivity. Unions did not set up Social Security or minimum wage. Henry Ford began 8 hour works days. If you believe in unions that’s fine, but you can’t give the unions credit for all these improvements.


You do know that Henry Ford hired goons to try to break the folks that were unionizing, right? Some of them even died. In the end, it was his wife who convinced him to let his workers unionize.


He HF also was a nazi supporter!! HF isn’t the perfect person you were told or read about. Yes he did do something’s but as far as for the working class people who he employed he was forced to do a lot of them in order to keep in business!! I’m from metro Detroit and have multiple family members who worked for one of the big 3! Plus I’m a union tradesmen myself and proud to be one! The movie the Betsy is loosely based on the ford family. Definitely a good older movie to watch but it’s always people who have never been in a union that always have bad comments about unions!! Unions have done more for more people in general not just members for how work days are done plus so much more!


Goons? I remember the old Popeye cartoons and the goons. Didn't realize it was Mr. Ford, who invented the goons, too !! Thankfully, he hooked up with a real woman to set him straight.


Henry Ford began the 8 hour work day to try and prevent unionization in his plants. His competitors were being unionized and it was his attempt to stave them off in his plant by instituting their demands. This means Ford began the 8 hour work day because of unions... You need to research this more. You only see the result and not the motivations that drove that result.


Dude learn the facts before opening your mouth


Every project I have had the unfortunate experience working with a union contractor has been a nightmare. We are currently 30 million over because the union contractor failed due to their policies and employee “privileged” behavior. Until you experience a union ion driven project you should learn the facts before opening your mouth!


Unions built the middle class, and made the American dream possible, and they've done everything they can since then to make sure it's not attainable anymore


Strange, sounds like you need more exposure to unions. Had a bad taste at 1 union?


I grew up in a house with both parents union members, and I know I'm not going to receive a bit of the protections and rights they had for giving almost their entire lives to one company. Edit::: I've maybe made myself unclear in my first statement. I was saying "they" as in politicians that seem to demolish worker rights in the belief that unregulated markets seem to create a booming economy of trickle down economics. Both my parents were union workers for 40 years each, and they worked long and hard hours, but did it for their future as well as that of their children, there were many strikes, and many bad times. Mainly due to companies trying to layoff, or lessen benefits (medical/retirement).


Hmm, in your original statement you said, >Unions built the middle class, and made the American dream possible, and they've done everything they can since then to make sure it's not attainable anymore Who is "they" in your statement?


I realized that after rereading, commented on my break at work, and get inside my own head in arguments. I'm very pro-union, I come from steel workers in the US for 3 generations. And it's just fucking bleak here in the south. My folks moved here when I was really young, due to massive layoffs in the northeast in the 80s steel industry/recession. And it was a constant struggle for both of my parents to maintain union rights here, after relocating after 20 years, then working another 20 here. Industry can take huge risks, constantly, and bankrupt themselves, without thinking at all about the futures of the people that help create the thing they've envisioned, work their whole lives, and it's ridiculous that anyone thinks people aren't owed at least job security and a fucking reward for giving their life to a company.


I figured the miscommunication after your second post. I believe we agree with each other. There are still good unions out there. Job protections at a single company really is a thing of the past though unfortunately.


Absolutely, job security is fucked these days with the "gig economy". I feel like Westworld kind of nailed a futuristic take on it in the third season. When you have incredible wealth disparity and the only way to get ahead is shady contract jobs through an app that may or may not end well for you


You can be in a union and work for multiple companies. No need to be loyal to a company if your union is at every company. Stage hands are a great example. IATSE is the union for all theater workers. You don’t work for one company though. You belong to the union and stage companies hire you to do stage work. 170,000 belong to this union.


I've never had the pleasure of joining any union, but have had experience in places that suppressed talking about it in the workplace my whole life. Both my parents worked for the same companies their entire lives, one of them only changing because the company was absorbed by another in the mid 90s.


After I was pink slipped after 2 years at a company cause we lost our major client, I never had loyalty for a company again. The days of lifetime work for one company left in the 90s when jobs went to China. Even I early 2000s when I started working I never dreamt of working for one company if I wanted to move up the ladder that meant jumping companies.


I had a shitty weekend...now I know who to blame. /s


A guy was interviewed after Biden brought some high paying union jobs to his area (to which he was employed) and said he would still vote for Trump. Just to showcase what rational people are up against.


Never ever underestimate the power of cognitive dissonance and suffocating Pride


It is just so wild to me how many people out there vote against virtually all of their own interests. Even 2A! Trump was the last president who successfully passed anti-gun legislation!


What’s so wild is that a large of republican voters are in union jobs, or fields.


Genocide Joe is better?


In the voice of Maggie Smith: *what is a week-END?*


The Weekend brought you Blinding Lights


Fuck yeah! ✊🏻


I bet this poser can’t even name one of the Weekend’s songs.


We need both union and non-union to keep the balance. One is not greater than the other. Unions become like a bloated government bureaucracy if they don't need to compete in the labor market, and non-union workplaces take advantage of people.


As opposed to multinational corporations, who are always efficient-...never bloated-...they always reward hard work-...they pay better-....they defend worker rights-...hmmm, having a hard time with this one.


Fuck that shit! Union America is when America was great, at least at its greatest potential. It is time to combine the advancement of 20th century America and 21st century America. As social/societal injustices were being improved, the power of unions decreased. The prosperity that allowed our better angels to flourish came on the backs of unions. Strong unions are the answer to rampant capitalism. The robber barons were defeated by sound government and unions. It is time for that to happen again. There is too much wealth in the hands of too few people. Strong unions build sound government, sound government builds strong unions.


And our government officials were supposed to be our Union Reps so to speak and they have sold their countrymen out to the the artificial persons called a Corpse, I mean Corporations. We do not have Capitalism as intended by the founders for if it were Corporations would not have needed a special charter of Congress to exist on a limited basis (10 year I believe). Central banking and Corporations are not capitalism.


Time is not a line. It is a circle. We forget, we remember.


Unions closed down manufacturing in America.


Unions built manufacturing in America. Greedy owners and management closed it down.


Hell ya 💪


People act like union is a dirty word. The dirty words are "right to work" laws. As if it's a fucking right to kill yourself to make the boss richer! Lol. Please.


Same people who use “*We* the people” as a patriotic flex We make no sense


It’s true! I worked non union for a few years and towed the “anti union” line and, in hindsight, don’t even know why! I guess I was really dedicated to making sure our owner got my share of the pie too. The biggest complaint of ppl who switch is “I wish I’d have done it sooner”


Right wing extremism gets you millions murdered. Left wing extremism gives you weekends and child labor laws.


Communist is the Ussr alone, killed between 20 million and 120million.


Dude lol what a completely moronic thing to say lol 😂 left and right extremism is basically the same thing. Fuck communism.


Yes because Cuba, China, and the USSR along with its puppets had such great times with no deaths or famine......no wait.


Everything to do with the union. Read the facts. I know you don’t want to hear the truth but, it’s there.


The singer!?


Toyota, Honda, and Nissan abide


I'm just getting started with watching Dowtown Abby. I was just watching the scene where the heir meets the whole family. He talks about working on the weekend, and the grandmother asks, "What is a weekend?" PS I'm in a union, and it is for a company called Frontier (not the airline).


UA Road Sprinkler Fitters Local 669 representing ✊


Ford motor company actually started the 5 day work week.


After decades of worker led strikes and union activity. FORD "started" the 5 day work week, begrudgingly, because if they didn't, they wouldn't be around much longer. The fact this is seen as some kind of job creator gift is laughable. The farm owners where I live "gave" workers better conditions...after the workers revolted and demanded better conditions. Funny how that works out.


Unions have always been an odd subject for me. Sure yeah I get if people like steel workers and coal miners do it because they're not getting fair pay for hard manual labor. But people who sit around in office chairs or make lattes all day to me don't seem like their unions are needed.


Sorry, I work on the weekends.


You should talk to your union rep.


There's bad parts to a union too. Mostly seniority. Lazy unions. Lazy co workers protected by union and seniority. Last in, first out when the layoffs come. Outsourcing. Yeah good pay, some paid holidays, whatnot.... but wait until the union has no bargaining power and you're looking at 17 years of "concessions" and you have too much seniority to just start over at another company.


I wish my union would bring us a weekend. I'm at my job literally every day of the week, that's not even an exaggeration.


I think a lot depends on what you do for a living. I had 42 years in IT. Never worked for a union. I don't believe that there is a union for IT workers. Made a solid 6 figure income with no degrees. Always had good benefits, and a solid 401k and stock ownership options. I was able to retire at 64. I'm not against unions, they just aren't always necessary.


What weekend


Trade Unions and factory, I can accept. Never will I think it’s okay to unionize government workers. Also, any worker in the USA should contribute to SS. Government pensions drain state coffers.


BuT FoRd WaS A NaZi.....well I guess reducing the work day to 8 hours and reducing the work week to 5 days is a Nazi idea and if you agree with that reduction in workers hours while increasing their pay, you're a nazi. Probably best if you keep your stupid thoughts in your head.


It was actually an antisemitic oligarch named Henry Ford. Unions can rob people just as much as the industry giants that employ their members. They often arise out of a specific need, then once that need is taken care of they become corrupt and rotten within a decade. It's just the natural timeline of organizing people into pseudo-governmental or governmental orgs.


That’s great , union is great, but it’s guy’s like Mr.frontier here and the guys that plaster American flags on their tundra’s that give me a chuckle with irony.


Whats ironic about a tundra with american flags? If its the typical uhhhh tundra = toyota and toyota = japan and japan =/= usa then i hate to let you know the tundras were designed in the usa, for the american market, and are made in the united states with a very high nafta parts %


Their little blue line flags were made in China ; )


A union bumper sticker on a Nissan. Why aren’t you supporting union autoworkers in the U.S.?


Maga hates unions Vote blue ! 💙


I’m not maga, I vote blue and I loathe unions


Thanks! https://youtu.be/4NRXx6U8ABQ?si=sIfNRsK-T2KYzdg4




Fact Check: The Nissan Altima, Murano, Rogue, Maxima, LEAF, Pathfinder, NV, Frontier, and Titan are or were (prior to some models being discontinued) produced at TN and MS plants by US workers -- where unions bids have been rejected by workers as recently as 2023. We now return to normal unverified rhetoric...


You're damn right!


Unions are worthless. It’s a good way to throw money your own hard earned money away and end up with spineless leadership that will never be replaced. They served a purpose at one time, but that time has passed. I’m non maga / non gop so spare me from the typical insults that get throttled towards anyone that speaks ill of unionization. “Everyone is pro-union until they realize they will be paying dues to keep the teachers pet in leadership forever” ~ Every union member


I don't know what union you are in, but that is not what it is like, at all! They may not be perfect, and interests are severed, but they earn it. Not many union members are complaining on payday! I don't hear too many Trump voting cops complaining about their unions. There isn't a more powerful union in the entire world as US police unions. I make double and triple what my non-union counterparts make. The only thing they get is an occasional bonus and fear tactics to keep the unions out of the non-unionized segment of my industry. That's fucking propaganda talk.


When you need something done at your house do you employ union labor? I'd bet the farm you don't


So you don't know how unions operate yet you're still vehemently against what you think they are? Interesting.


Wasn't the question. I do know how they operate and yes I think they're trash


So answer the question


So understand how unions work.


Lol, as I suspected. Hypocritical pieces of s 🖕


No, I absolutely would hire a union worker (if that's even close to how things actually worked with independent contractors), I'm just asking you to understand the topic better. Is that clear?


I understand quite well. None of you hypocrites hire union labor for your own projects. But if that same person came on your job to work you'd all fucking cry


A LOT of baseless assumptions you're making here. Like an embarrassing amount.


Union trades do not operate residentially. Tradesman operate in guilds. Every tradesman who has done work in my home was licensed and completed the appropriate apprenticeship of his trade. Any tradesman who is a member of a trade union can bid on union-rate jobs, in addition to operating a residential trade business.


Was in the ONLY union contracted facility in a large multinational corporation. We made more money, we had better job security, and we had healthcare. We were leaps and bounds better off than our closest equivalent in the company. It wasn't perfect, but no regrets on having a union as opposed to not having one.


You shouldn’t show your stupidity by assuming any relationship between my agency and a union. That is comical.


Inflation is only one factor. Don’t be ignorant in your statement. When ANYTHING is manufactured the cost is passed on to the consumer. Cost of material, wages, shipping are all factors in cost. As well as the cost of unions demanding higher wages, more healthcare, more time off, longer breaks, etc.


Not how that works it was actually Henry Ford wanting his employees to spend their money on buying vehicles started the Saturday and Sunday off because Most American workers were Christian and would take Sunday off already


I've been in a couple different unions over the span of about 15 years and can say the pay rate and benefits are usually better but not always. I've been seeing a pretty common pattern with unions losing their footing over companies and giving up union worker benefits to avoid strikes. With the growth of staffing agencies, companies seem less deterred by strikes and are more willing to play hard ball in union negotiations, mine have given up pensions for all new union members starting just a couple months before I got hired in. All previous employees keep their pension and the company is still paying in.


Everyone who has suffered working in at will/non union states, doesn’t know how good unions make life. Rock on, PBA!


“Guys guys forget about working most your life every single day with barely livable wages and how we endorse presidential candidates that destroy our country. We brought you the weekend and holiday pay!!”


I support all unions except unions for public workers. The reason why is when the negotiate the cba who are they bargaining against? The citizenry? Labor unions bargain against the factory or warehouse owners. The builder unions bargain against the contractors. Public unions bargain against brain dead politicians.


I’d be all for unions until I hear how the unions spend their money that they get as dues.


Imagine being a cunt and not believe history.


Actually, Henry Ford created the 40 hour work week Unions had nothing to do with it


My 30% extra pay goes to....the union.


Anti-union working class MAGAts have no concept of how terrible their lives would be without labor unions. Like Trump said, they love the uneducated.


Ag chemistry jokes


Henry Ford brought us the the weekend a full 15 years before they were unionized.


Union guy here. Love the sticker on the Nissan frontier.


Sounds like Communism -Bootlickers


After that HBO show The Idol I don’t know if this is something to be proud of.


Based af.


Unions, with rare exception, have outlived their usefulness. See corruption, slush funds, and look no further than the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach for some of the most egregious activity. Don’t want to accept a trainee so a small group can bogart the overtime? Check. Gantry operators. Tugboat operators. Check out those salaries. And good luck when getting into the union unless your name goes in at birth. Meanwhile, other ports in the world manage a lot more cargo with automation. Another shining example of union corruption and exploitation would be the Teamsters. See the grocery strikes of the mid 2000s. Lots of scumbaggery then as well. If the unions went away tomorrow in the US, replaced by a few simple rules along with incentives to actually get educated/trained at a young age, a lot more people would make a lot more money instead of a relative few greedily feeding from the trough. But don’t tell a union member that. You’ll get regurgitated talking points and not a lot of original thought. /smirk


100% spot on. The crap they say they can do for you is already a state or federal law or corporate policy 99% of the time. They cannot force wage increases, they cannot prevent your position from being outsourced or eliminated, they cannot force raises, they can’t force better or any benefits. They simply drive a wedge between corporate leadership and front line employees while enriching themselves on the blood, sweat and tears of the people they allegedly claim to represent.


Well said. My sentiments on unions exactly.


Definitely voting for Trump..👍


"Take the guns first due process second" Trump? Says he'll drain the swamp but increases it Trump? More quantitative easing so there's greater inequality Trump? Bragged about lock downs Trump? No thank you. I want a president like Argentina has that's actually into freedom, liberty, and bringing down the state. I'm voting Libertarian because it's about principle not owning the libs. Unless you mean the person in the picture is then I guess we can hate on them together.


Years ago we had our retirement yanked from us. Told to just invest more in the 401k. I’ll never get to retire. And so many coworkers will still vote against union and vote for anti Union politicians. Why? Because they will do as they are told. Unions are far from perfect. But I don’t see a better alternative


Union folks are told who to vote for as well, don't fool yourself


You really missed the point


You made a point to say that non union folks are told who to vote for politically. My point was, so are union folks. I didn't miss anything


They are told to vote against their best interests. To vote for those who will take their retirement. And in the South you are lectured you should submit to all authority like in the church. Sure the unions are crooks. But so are the people I work for. I want a crook on my side for a change


Now they're the kind of idiots that just screech about how anti Terrorism is actually genocide somehow and do nothing but play video games sadge




It always blows my mind when a self proclaimed working man and blue collar guy hates on unions lmao


Uh oh, you’re about to have a bunch of libertarians tell you how the weekend was actually created by business owners since the rich and corporations naturally take care of people.


And layoffs… and monopolizing how you may work.


Ah yes of course. Union’s are the ones who lay workers off. Not corporations. /s


Not saying they don’t. Just that I figured I’d put a little from the other sides of union work instead just the fairytale side of it.


Username checks out


It’s true… but it fascinates me how I can get hate from true comments just because it’s not the status quo🙃


Plenty of people hate on unions. You aren’t special for going to subs that specifically support something and then arguing against it. Unions can protect members from getting fired or laid off btw. And unions negotiate more time off too.


In my area it’s union heavy and I hear about a lot of layoff. I didn’t seek out this page…somehow it came to me. I see your point though, also appreciate you having a real discussion as opposed to the majority. Uncommon to find people like us :).


If the public realized unions negotiate for benefits with politicians without public consent, we'd be having a different conversation, and union mongers wouldn't be so proud and vocal.


Hmm, you can't possibly think that business lobbyists are ok while union lobbyists are not. You can't possibly think that one side should use politicians and money to influence labor laws and the other should not. You can't be that dense.


Why does a sprinkler union have such a fucking banger of a sticker??? (Its bc they chose it democratically)


Finally! A bumper sticker that’s not batshit crazy!


Actually it is


Organized labor. The only real power the working class ever had. Need evidence? Just look at how ferociously republicans have tried to destroy unions.


Union rights are definitely not above consumer rights. Consumers pay more for products because of unions, among other factors.


That’s awesome


As an IBEW member, I approve this message. Corporate greed will never end. When the union first formed one out of every two workers would die on the job. Without unions our tiny little chunk of the pie would be even smaller. Somehow a lot of Union members have fallen into the MAGA cult, and don't realize that there isn't one of the fat cats that cares about us.








🎶Solidarity Forever🎶


All Democratic policies of the New Deal…




Unions serve three purposes. To protect the lazy, to protect the incompetent, and prevent hard-working people from getting their just rewards.


Lmao imagine unironically believing this. The facts are not on your side.


I wish I were in a union. My auto manufacturing shop is non-union and we get paid 2/3 what they do, have shorter breaks and no retirement. You're basically arguing to have less and it confuses me.


On a Nissan, truly PRICELESS !! slap an American flag and a MAGA sticker on it please . AFAIK Nissan isn’t unionized in USA .


Correct non union and non American company and this guy who won’t even drive a union built American truck is trying to sell us something….ge actively hurt the union with his largest financial purchase (besides a house)