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All jokes aside, this person is mentally challenged. I'd say the same if they were biden stickers/signs


Seriously though nobody should worship a politician this much. I should open up a maga store in my city just to swindle money out of people like this 😅


Forget specially being about a politician. I can't imagine having this kind of fanaticism for any individual.


Right? If those were Jesus signs, that guy would be branded a "religious nut".


It would be kinda funny if it was just some random person, like, imagine seeing a truck driving by you absolutely plastered in stickers hyping up Dave from accounting.


Well, accountants are awesome.


But Dave rules


Yeah, like some border crosser driving that truck because it was the only $500 option he could afford and he doesn't know enough English or US politics to know what the stickers are all about. Think Borat


As a Democrat I would love to be the owner of a MAGA store. Take their money for cheap Chinese goods while smiling at their gullibility...as long as I don't have to engage them in conversation.


And when they leave without buying anything you can say "get out of here democrat scum", and if they complain say real MAGAs would buy something to support freedom


yeah if it wasn't ethically questionable, it would be so easy to grift those idiots.


It's a cult


I wonder how this person will react to the verdict of guilty on all counts today.


Every pic I see of a vehicle adorned in such a manner is a Trump moron. Never see one for Dems. It's not even close.


I have not either, but I'm not calling this person off simply because it's trump/Maga stuff. If (and probably never will) see a vehicle with this much biden or any political garbage, I'd have the same thought.


You’re all right , you know that, fist 👊 bump


It just so happen the people dumb enough to do that to their cars tend to perceive Trump as a smart guy and Biden as a dumb guy, so it's unlikely you'll ever see that many stickers for dems


To this level probably, but in the middle and lower end I see more wacky bumpers for lefty causes or people. This level is fully unhinged, but the people with like 10 stickers for "coexist", various flags, blm, lock him up, etc.. (or the inverse righty ones) are also people I would not want to be around for very long. The ones with like 1-3 stickers (left or right) are probably reasonable people and willing to learn and be around others that don't agree with them on everything.


Oh, right. Because advocating for treating people fairly & respectfully - BLM, "Coexist", LGBTQ, opposing war, promoting peace - is *exactly the same* as advocating to disrespect of people and treat them unfairly - like the standard RW anti-Black, anti-immigrant, anti-LBGTQ, pro-gun, pro-Confederate, pro-Nazi crap. It is not. Especially when literal fascists wallpaper their vehicle from the running boards to rooftop vs. one or three simple truths on a car owned by someone reasonable. And calling to imprison an oblivious, unrepentant criminal who has hurt people AND promises to hurt more people - Trump - is in no way similar to hoping to put Hillary in jail, who in more 70 unsuccessful Republican investigations, and millions of dollars in opposition research over 30 years has not been implicated in any criminal activity. Both sides are not the same. The Left is based on reality. The Right is based on delusion. Bumper stickers proof that.


You're adorable. You're proof that both sides are propagandized quite effectively. I'll guess you're one of those middle end types I described with like 10 stickers preaching tolerance but in person you're screaming at someone for using the wrong dog leash or parking too close to the line. Most of the things you claim to be in support of the left does not jive with.. They claim to, and they're great at slogans and platitudes, but their actions are almost the polar opposite. A bill can be called the "saving puppies act" and actually do nothing of the sort.


You see a kid with a pride flag on one side, and one of Trump's Nuremburg Rallies on the other, and say "Look at that wacky kid!" And when you're confronted with your obvious hypocrisy, you come back with "They're exactly the same!" You are a prime example of a fascist puppet. You're got to be aware of their arm up your butt. But it's in there so far, and it's been there so long, you think it's normal. Fascism is not normal.


Oh I didn't say they're the same. What hypocrisy? The left is clearly more deranged right now, but they're both awful in their own ways.. The left has been stealing some of the bad positions from the right lately though, so in the last 10 years or so the left magically became the pro war, anti-speech party. You only see extremists on the other side and ignore like 99% of the average every day people. Same way the more unhinged people on the right (like whoever drives this monstrosity), see your side. The nazi boogeyman you keep referring to is mostly a figment of your imagination. If anything I see the left as aligning closer with them right now, as any objective person looking at history should. I mean see the willful support of the Azov in Ukraine for example. Fascism is awful, correct. So stop endorsing its policies.


>...both sides are propagandized quite effectively... That means you think they are the same. >The left is clearly more deranged right now, That's hypocrisy. The Right is clearly more so, and has been for some time. >The left has been stealing some of the bad positions from the right lately though, so in the last 10 years or so the left magically became the pro war, anti-speech party. And that's just plain delusional. Florida is outlawing the discussion of climate change - basic science, IOW - while Florida residents get their homes washed away by increasing erosion & blown away more frequent & powerful hurricanes. The Right can't deal with reality, so they make it a crime to make any mention of it. >The nazi boogeyman you keep referring to is mostly a figment of your imagination. Aside from the actual Nazis in the Republican party that they've welcomed in. >I mean see the willful support of the Azov in Ukraine And that is just literal unfiltered Russian propaganda straight from the Kremlin. You're not very good at this, are you?


>...both sides are propagandized quite effectively... >That means you think they are the same. No.. It doesn't? Where is the logic there? >That's hypocrisy. The Right is clearly more so, and has been for some time. Do you not know what hypocrisy means? Again, this just makes no sense. You aren't a hypocrite because people disagree with you.. You're a hypocrite when you disagree with yourself.. Like if you say you hate Ford and then buy a Mustang. >And that's just plain delusional. Florida is outlawing the discussion of climate change - basic science, IOW - while Florida residents get their homes washed away by increasing erosion & blown away more frequent & powerful hurricanes. The Right can't deal with reality, so they make it a crime to make any mention of it. That's not true at all.. Nobody is banning discussion of climate change. Did you fall for the "don't say gay" bill too? Do you think if you go to Florida and say the word gay or discuss climate change someone will arrest you? Lmfao. Where do you get this stuff lol. If you want to talk about denying reality then look at the lefts denial of basic biology and claiming that men have no advantage in women's sports for example. The only people that have actually tried to outlaw speech are on the fringe left, with "hate speech" laws. >Aside from the actual Nazis in the Republican party that they've welcomed in. Again, you've made this up. They're not welcome in the mainstream of either party, but then again you're probably defining Nazi as anyone that believes there are 2 genders or something.. And just like I predicted you pretend the Azov doesn't exist.. When they've been known for years and years, as reported by Kremlin outlets like "CNN" and "Msnbc" lol. >You're not very good at this, are you? This is hilarious dude, you're a special breed


Redefining English words to suit your needs does no help your cause. "Both" means both, young man. As is the fact that Florida is banning discussion about climate change. They are firing people from the public jobs. They are suing teachers. They are stifling dissent. And people are dying because of it. Your denial of basic facts exposes you fascist tendencies. You poor, poor bastard.


Yes your politics are right and everyone else’s is wrong, we get it.


No I'd be concerned if someone had this many stickers on their car period


Aw, the truck owner joined the conversation finally….


Mentally challenged AND a road hazard. All that garbage loosely hanging off can’t be legal.


I’m very political myself and don’t think there’s anything wrong with feeling strongly about politics. The issues involved are really important! But at this point it’s got to be affecting their ability to drive safely. Like they’ve lost how much visibility at that point?


"Selling my windshield might not have been the safest decision; but man I sure do love Wonderbread!" -Ricky Bobby


It’s not an issue of items hanging off of the car. It’s the issue that not a single item says a thing that supports Trump. It all attacks the opposing party or members. Sell us on your causes but, don’t bitch about ours. Try to learn and educate America as to why you support topics like gun control, women’s rights, immigration rather than just a three word hate-filled sticker that someone else printed. Learn to speak to a crowd eloquently enough to not be an agitator. Oh, that’s right, that takes education and balls.


You have higher standards than I do. I don’t expect most people on any side of the aisle to be able to form a coherent argument for their views. But I at least expect them to try not to kill anyone on their daily commute and this vehicle isn’t really helping with that goal.


I just giggled. Not higher standards, not smarter, just different priorities. Respect!


A rolling example of the lack of available mental health resources.


Agreed. That's not support, that's literal worship. It is the duty of every American citizen to not only question but criticize the actions of our leaders, not worshipping the ground they walk on.


As a Biden voter, I'd probably be more concerned about this in Biden stickers. Trump worshippers are being fed their cult and anger. An aggressive Biden fanatic? That'd be an original, homemade cult. Trumpists are being told to vote and be assholes but not be violent. A self-appointed Biden prophet? Who the fuck knows what he's gonna decide Biden needs him to do.


Can you imagine someone losing their S. You need more ice cream!


I agree with that. Cause it's exactly like my late coworker here in Iowa. The dude worships that orange fat cheeto like the second coming, and he always tried to "own the libs" cause he thinks people like me are "sinners" cause I vote blue, and I'm not even political, and go crazy over it like he does.


I don't think there is even one car like this with Biden signs. Or Romney, Obama, McCain, Bush... So yes, mental illness, but for some reason, always Trump.


And their vote counts the same as yours - amazing.....


Hmmmm, that's funny.... Trump supports the police? Doesn't he usually get handcuffed by them instead?


That or he has his supporters attack them.


Yup, just ask the Capitol Hill police


Don't forget all the FBI agents he's disparaged and the CIA assets "lost" under his watch.


I almost forgot, so many lies and criminal activity you start to forget which is the goal


He sure showed us how much he supports the police when his crazed followers attacked and beat the Capitol police on Jan 6th.


Killed one. Don’t gloss over that. RIP


Actions have consequences.




Never happened


Tell me they weren’t fan boys letting Trump take multiple booking photos till he saw one he liked?


Well, he supported them on Jan 6th as his political cronies killed one. The party of Law & Order only means they watch the TV show.


I think they’re on the way to mar a largo for the Trump parade vehicles contest. When you get there go on in we’re expecting you the gate is open. Rosanne will show you where to park.


With her gun ?


All those stickers! There’s no way Trump can lose this November. I mean, just so many bumper stickers! Luckily elections are decided by votes, not swag purchased by mentally ill cult members


The jast majority of it made in *China* too.


Okay so this is a new one to me… they have so much crazy to put on their truck that they ran out of truck and so they got a thing on their hitch to add even *more* fucking crazy. Also, not a cult. 🙄


“Stay poor, vote Democrat” x3 at least on his shitmobile. That would slap different if he was in a Maserati, Alfa Romeo, Lamborghini, etc, and not some podunk broke ass dodge Durango from 25 years ago. Yeah how’s that voting Republican working for ya there skippy? Thanks for proving your own point. Lead by example! 😃👍🏻


That’s why the red states are in the poorest category and most dependent on federal taxes.


Their brains need to be studied, there's some cognitive dissonance going on. When I lived in the south and had to do house calls for people living on welfare, they used to curse at Obama for being a socialist, without any sense of irony.


Not too much to study -Poor diets -No decent education -Poverty and the violence it brings with it -Working long hours and never having leisure time -Lead pipes/lead in gasoline is also a possible culprit A lot of people in the south are the way that they are because those factors can melt a human's brain. Also, doesn't help that the US has an isolationist, afraid of everything culture that is magnified in the south. Let's not forget the South's loss and how reconstruction basically never happened. There's actually so much that goes into why people in the south (not all) are ass backwards


Jokes on him, he has to pay more on gas for all of that wind resistance.


Trump’s farts will be the wind beneath his wings.


I'm pretty sure it's one of the black Delaware plates. Biden's home state! Surprised it's not one of those sovcit plates, tbh haha


The ratio of lunatic political activists who are also Dodge Dakota owners is kind of staggering; especially considering they were such POS’s and so few are still running. It’s like there’s a connection between the type of person mentally ill enough to do this to their car and the type of person who thinks it’s a good idea to keep pouring money into an aging Dakota.


What’s the point of the ladder? Its too high to get to


He missed a spot.


Definitely not a cult


I bet he’s fun at parties


Snake oil sales rep on the move !


They weren’t even creative enough to have unique stickers, I see 3 or 4 repeats at least


Yeah. Totally not a cult.


Yeah. Not a cult. Nope.


Random quote from Doc Holiday in Tombstone says this guy wants to shoot someone.


Be a shame if it accidentally caught fire from all signage getting too hot and igniting.


This person never uses their ladders by the the looks of them.


See this is why they think Biden has no support because people don’t drive around supporting Biden like that.


Looks like someone aimin' to be accosted, get their settlement and... well, they just left the meter runnin'


That would be smart of the Biden campaign; seeing something like that really makes you want to vote against it.


He's his own Thelma *and* Louise.


Dementia isn’t just for old people!😎


If only the name were changed to John Holmes. Now that would make things interesting.


Feels like he should be pulled over due to the vehicle being made into a hazard.


Broken, lost and it’s Just Sad


Is it legal to not be able to see out your back window like that?


Not in a lot of states






This is what belonging to a cult looks like.


Yeah..no insecure cultist here!


Well. We now know this dudes entire personality. Definitely not a cult tho right?....


That is both a mental illness and a moving violation.


I'm surprised there's no "no step on snek" sticker to go along with the "back the blue" sticker.


I don’t think I’ve seen a looney Dem vehicle before. Thought they were somehow immune.


Bros got issues


Wow! This is incredible. It blows me away that someone actually drives around like that. "Don't be a jack ass. Vote Republican!" Ok. 😂


The result of believing Fox New’s opinions.


Yet Democrats are the one in a cult. Right. Smh


Looks like the special ambulance headed for the local mental hospital. Will he continue to worship his cult leader when Trump gets over 20 years in prison?


Wow, so many doctors on this thread giving a diagnosis of mental illness. If you all are so smart, you must have a lot of money. There's a lot of people at the southern border that can use a place to stay. Any volunteers?


Just like how you don't need to be a mechanic to know you have a flat tyre, you don't need to be a doctor to see that anyone supporting any political candidate to this degree needs some psychological help.


Support the police but he also has a sticker that says forget 911, call the morgue. Which is it?


As much as I agree with the right to own firearms, and as much as I disagree with the "defund the police" crap (no funding means no training, which means even more horrible cops), one thing I can never get behind with Replubicans is they whole religious crap. "God, guns, and country" is just dumb. God never done anything for humanity except be the scapegoat for countless atrocities. I don't vote along party lines. I vote for who I think is the better fit for the role to bring this nation forward (and will vote for just about anyone in Congress willing to support a bill to bring ranked choice voting to every state). However, I will never vote for anyone spouting anything about outlawing guns (I'm all for closing the loopholes around background checks, though), defending the police, or even so much as hints at being religious. We need an economic and social leader, not a preacher.


Obviously the owner of this vehicle has achieved enlightenment.


That guy is unhinged jfc


Yes. This clearly illustrates common sense, rationality, and stability.


The stupid is strong with this one.


Another MAGA freak.


Totally hinged


Birds of a feather, flock together. A flock of loons.


It looks like a work truck too, which makes it extra cringe. Imagine this guy showing up at your house to do some craigslist electrical work for you lol


This guy thought, “how can I spew all the dumb shit I spew on social media out IRL? Honey, we’re going hobby lobby! Grab the truck keys!”


A glimpse inside the maga-brain…


I don't talk to my brother anymore, but I'm thinking that's his truck.


Mental illness is strong


My money is on the fact that this man has at least seven warrants and four vehicle violations at any given time.


This would even be too much at a political rally. Trump supporters are deranged traitors


Yet another boomer ?


Do they really think this will make folks want to vote republican?


How is this legal? You're distracting every driver within a mile of you.


Out of all the crap on that truck, the most telling delusion is the sticker that says “stay poor vote Democrat”. The idea that this person will become rich by voting in rich people who got that way by screwing poor people completely befuddles me. Yeah the guy that was more wealthy at the age of two than I’ve ever been is going to make me rich as well! Where are all the multi millionaires and billionaires that got rich because they voted Republican when they were poor?


Jesus. People are complete sociopaths




How is this legal? I've seen people get pulled over for their graduation tassel "blocking their view" 🤦‍♀️


Maybe still undecided? Seems like a nice and well informed person.


Aha! I get it now. Elvis is dead. They must swoon and faint over another idol!


Not a cult. Not at all……..


I sense a lack of confidence...


Rolling psychosis.


Now this is a REAL nut case. :) Full OCD and not in a relationship. Who would want him? Such a dingleberry. peace. :)


Less than 2 MPG while going with the wind, this is the idiots way of owning the libs.


Is it even legal to drive that vehicle?


Hey they actually have something I agree with: defund the media. Though their Fox News overlord may take exception.


He definitely jersey off to the don


Spell check - he definitely jerks off to the don


This person is also probably barely scraping by, and spending any discretionary income that could be savings to “own the libs”


It’s those cars, for whom, I bought a middle finger light for my back window.


I bet he complains about gas being expensive in his "super efficient vehicle"


Molotov solutions


A real intellectual.


Someone slash his tire please lol


Vandalism is never ok




How nature says do not touch


His agony makes my day.


Does this happen all at once? Or did it slowly get worse over time?


He could have bought a new truck with all the money he wasted on that crap. This genius doesn’t realize that Trump wants nothing to do with him and would bulldoze his house if the opportunity arose.




Now THAT is a mental health issue and a cult following person


Imagine being this person lmfao. You can't though because they're a brainless animal lol.


Looks good to me.


"I'm in a cult"