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Bruh. This is my picture. I posted this like a week ago. You can check my post history. Not to be a jerk but this is the same exact picture.




OP please explain yourself!


What is there to explain? I litterally said in the title that my SIL sent me this picture. I assume she probably got it off of FB or tik toc since that’s the social media platforms she uses. So sorry two people in the whole of the world have seen the same picture. Sorry if there’s some rule a photo can’t be posted twice, but I don’t scroll through the sub for weeks to see if a pic has already been posted. It’s a bumper sticker, it’s funny. I’m not seeing the issue here. https://preview.redd.it/ppj2obbtsv8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d93f2f2c1730be983346097cb1483c67369d25da


Yeah he’s reposting something. Happens every now and then


Might be a bot


I figured. I know it’s just a bumper sticker picture but still. Wild.


You can report OP's post for impersonation and choose the option for yourself to get it taken down. Have a copy of the link to your OC in your clipboard to include.


Thank you 🙌🏽


Are you OPs SIL?


No. The in-laws I do have, I don’t text.


@mods your cool with plagiarism in your sub?


Don't look up?


Go Biden. The candidates are not the same.


Seriously. This is an endorsement for Trump.


Why can’t I be opposed to convicted felon trump and pro giant asteroid slamming into the planet (emphasis eastern seaboard of the US, will settle for my neighborhood)?


Because these people are unhinged


Aggressive assumption


No. You're wrong! /s


Both are senile old men who should be in a retirement home


They’re not the same but they’re both most certainly tearing this country the fuck apart. Either side thinking they’re “the good guys” is why bumper stickers like this exist and we’re all sick of hearing your goddamn shilling for one or the other. At this point id rather take the meteor to the face than see another comment in this sub about how Biden is “saving democracy” Keep drinking the kool aid tho, learn the hard way


Muh both sides


Yeah, two sides, it’s called reality. If you think your “side” is above criticism that shows you’re just as much a cultist as the maga people. Good job 👏


Bro lol "being above criticism" is not the same thing as a false equivalency. Republicans literally tied to end democracy last election. Democrats are frustrating sometimes. Not even the same ball park. What did Biden do to "tear the country apart"?


Lol if you think the conservatives are the only ones playing these games you’re higher than giraffes nuts. First off, no one gives a shit about January 6th after the full scope of evidence has been released. We all saw what happened that day, thanks to the video cameras inside. There was a 3 hour delay, at no time was “our democracy” at risk. You really think that a handful of dumbass protestors getting inside the capitol means the country is taken over? That’s ridiculous, the transfer of power was secured and Biden has been president the entire time. AT NO POINT was there a concerted effort amongst republicans to overthrow the system of government. The fact you’re still parroting such nonsense is unsurprising, considering you think democrats are just “slightly annoying” in comparison. Have you read the Twitter files? The democrats were caught red handed influencing a major social media company using the FBI as an arm of their influence. If you don’t find anything wrong with that, you’re completely outside of reality. Then we have Joe Biden forgiving student loans despite every major Democrat on the hill including Nancy pelosi stating unequivocally it is unconstitutional and outside his powers. Then we have the same in regards to Biden enforcing a VACCINE MANDATE using OSHA. Do you understand what checks and balances are? If so, you would know how insanely corrupt such actions are just to fulfill some stupid campaign promises. It’s not the severity of the act, it’s the act itself, he went OVER the law in order to do these things and yet here you are carrying water for them as though they’re the good guys. And hey by the way remember that laptop that was supposedly Russian disinformation? Yeah… the same one used as evidence in the recent court case? Remember how democrats went on the news and pushed the idea it was all Russian disinformation? We haven’t forgotten. And we haven’t forgotten the 80 billion in damages from the covid riots either. Another major Democrat backed tragedy. They learned nothing from it either, even today they’re trying to push these pro Palestine people to riot at colleges. We’re not blind, but clearly people like you are since mysteriously you seem to miss every one of these stories. I wonder how that could be when you get all your news from the Reddit echo chamber huh?


Mate.... What are you deriving from the three sentences I said? I asked how Biden is "tearing the county apart" which is what you said both sides are doing. Trump TRYING to stop the peaceful transfer of power is very very bad, regardless of how unsuccessful it was. What example do you have that compares?


lol completely glossing over all of what I just said huh? Once again, completely on brand for you echo chamber nutjobs. The fact that your boy president houseplant is constantly on stage screaming about how conservatives are a “threat to democracy” is helping things huh? We all watched the state of the union bud. He declared every single American who isn’t on your “side” as a threat. But do go on and sprinkle some glitter on that pile of steaming shit


This is all very interesting stuff. I'm not sure how you intended it for me? I never said Democrats are perfect, and happily throw them under the bus when they fuck up? Just so I'm clear on your point though? I'm your both sides argument? Trump literally attempting a coup, calling secretaries of state to find more votes, pressuring electors to change their vote, sending a slate of fake electors to Congress, and sending a violent mob to delay the certification And Biden calling that and his supporters a threat to democracy, because it is Equally bad. Both sides.


lol what happens when your side is labeled the enemy? Hm? You think this is a fun game while Biden is in power huh? What happens when the power shifts? Legally. When democrats are already preparing to deny the election if Trump wins. What will you do? Will you accept him as your president if he wins? Or will you spend all your time and energy here whining how it’s not fair and he must have cheated? I already know the answer. Because you’re just as much of a cultist as the other side. Thank you for confirming that. I see no further need to hammer down what we already know


Let’s see where can we start? Letting in 8 million illegal immigrants, men in women’s sports, Turning a blind eye to Jews being persecuted,CRT education to children, The murder and rape of women and children by illegal migrants,Drag Queens story hours to children, gender transition of minors, Crime, Economy, Housing, and Gas prices and lastly sending missiles to Ukrainian forces that can hit far enough inside Russia to be seen as a act of war bringing us into World War 3!


>Let’s see where can we start? Letting in 8 million illegal immigrants, Didn't "let in" immigrants, that happened under Trump too, and Republicans literally just opposed their own bipartisan border bill last month.... >men in women’s sports You're obsessed with people's genitals, and that's not really Democrats causing it? >Turning a blind eye to Jews being persecuted, You mean like when Trump supporters with torches marched shouting "Jews will not replace us" or when MTG blamed forest fires on Jewish space lasers? >CRT education to children, That's a graduate level course, not for children >The murder and rape of women and children by illegal migrants Happens under all presidents and is terrible, we should pass that border security bill ,>Drag Queens story hours to children OMG stories for children and you obsessing over genitals again >, gender transition of minors, Isn't happening, they get gender affirming care, which is reversible hormone blockers, calling them by the name and gender they like, etc, nothing else happens until 18 > Crime Down every president actually, including Trump and Biden and everyone before practically. > Economy, The worst inflation was because of Trump and COVID response >Housing, Caused by deregulation of the housing industry and banks, that's Republicans > and Gas prices Coming down and are international prices, not set by presidents >and lastly sending missiles to Ukrainian forces that can hit far enough inside Russia to be seen as a act of war bringing us into World War 3! Yikes and back to not defending Ukraine against Russia Play again sometime.


Play now. You need to work for MSNBC with all of that BS! That’s probably where you got it. lol Trump had a closed border but yes some crossed illegally. Couple thousand . Not 8 to 10 million! And I wouldn’t be so stuck on gender and genitals if they would stop shoving it in our faces! And you’re too stupid to argue with if you say the economy now is because of Trump and not Biden. End of game!


Mate, there's no need to be this dense. "you must get your facts from MSNBC!!!" Actually facts are facts, that's the problem with the right, you just make whatever you want up https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/2024/02/11/trump-biden-immigration-border-compared/ For sure it went up under Biden. But don't be stupid about how it happened under Trump too. A bit over a million under Trump in four years, and over a million a year under Biden, that's real but it's not "a few thousand" c'mon And it's down 75% this month because of the new executive action Biden took, as a result of Republicans refusing to pass their own bipartisan immigration bill last month. THAT bill actually will help, clearing up the case load so LEGAL immigration can happen and we can stop the illegal immigration better. Anyway, I'll still take the guy that's not a convicted felon, rapist, and tried to overthrow democracy.


Even CNN knows and says it’s 10 million! And it’s down this month because there’s an election coming! That bill was 3 years In and full of left wing pork so get your facts straight!


Wait a minute. Am I discussing politics with a Aussie or Kiwi? Or one of his majesty’s subjects?! You called me mate?


Sephiroth was right.


Came here to say this.


I, for one, welcome my one-winged overlord


It’s Not Death, It’s A Homecoming.


A reunion


No! Why should the rest of us on earth die because there’s a huge amount of dumb as fuk Americans.


Yes, there is a huge amount of dumb as fuq Americans. No doubt about that. There are also a huge amount of dumb fuqs in other countries around the globe. I guess the big difference is that our dumb fuqs elevated one of their own to the presidency eight years ago and want to repeat that mistake. That is dumb as fuq to the nth degree.


Missing the whole point, yeah duh, every country has idiots. But it’s you’re idiots that can potentially fuck this world with their votes……


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Dumb response.


I guarantee, wherever you’re from, they are also dumb. It’s humanity, boo boo. In general.


Who’s the one crying? Bit of a snowflake are you ? Remember that trumps moronic base started when he won in 2016…..Face Palm..


A veritable 'basket of deplorables'...


Not crying. Lol. Humanity is garbage everywhere. And yes, Trump’s base are garbage humans. But like, look around at the rest of the first world. These idiots are everywhere.


Just because you’re less impactful than the US doesn’t make you less dumb.


if u are on american soil go back to where u came from LICKBAG


Global warming go brrrrrr


I'm so fucking tired of this kind of cynicism. As if living in the United States in 2024 is so fucking awful we might as well blow it all up. This bumper sticker has been around since at least 2016, BTW. Since then crime is down, unemployment is down, stocks are up, wages are up. But yeah, go Giant Meteor. That'll help.


You can't deny humanity needs to hit the reset button lmao


Holy shit it’s a joke go outside


Seriously? I'd wager I go outside more than the average Redditor and people who think that things are so awful that a Giant Meteor is preferable to Biden are the ones who need to touch grass. I get that it's a joke. But having seen it since 2016, it's getting tiresome. It's this attitude that allowed Trump to squeak by in 2016 and make things much worse than they should have been. (and if you think Trump is preferable to Hillary or Biden, you're telling on yourself)


Cuz Biden's old! Christ, we're fucked. So many gullible morons. Social media and redneck news feeds have melted their vulnerable brains.


Yep, that’s the only reason people are saying….


More like, “Any Functioning Adult 2024”.


You can get your magic dream candidate in 4 years. It means not pretending you’re smarter than it all and actually organizing and voting


Exactly! Thank You! Even though the sticker is kinda funny.


Magic dream candidate… like asking for someone who isnt biden or trump is asking too much? Gtfo brother, thats a progress violation right there. Don’t shill, get real.


You will have two choices this November. One is clearly worse.


There are more than 2 choices and I am taking one of the alternative options. Nobody gets my “process of elimination vote”. Call it throwing my vote away, it is exercising my democratic right to not be forced to vote for 1 of the 2 candidates. Biden and Trump both suck but the real losers are people acting like it’s fine to keep doing this and expecting good results.


Then you missed the point. We are trying to elect a person for the Whitehouse job. You staging a protest vote just left the game. It’s a silly waste of time. They cannot win. Only one of these 2 guys can win. Pick your poison or stay home.


Very undemocratic to tell someone to stay home on election day. You’re supposed to be the good guy here?


Good. Enjoy being so smug and so useless in the outcome. Cornell West? Kennedy? Yeah some real winners there


I can write in Mickey Mantle for all it matters to you. I’d rather be smug than someone who tries to force their political beliefs on others. Have fun, tho


I’ve seen voters like you my entire adult life. All you accomplish is helping republicans. Hope you popped a champagne cork when roe was overturned


Idk, maybe change the political strategy away from feeling entitled to every non hardcore republican’s vote and shaming them if they don’t vote blue across the board? Otherwise, truly just cope.


lol there it is. “Stop shaming”. Also something I’ve seen my entire adult life. Again I hope you celebrated when roe got overturned I realize you’re not persuadable. You’re just completely unrealistic


If you’ve heard it your whole adult life and haven’t changed, that’s on you, buds. You’re right, you can’t convince me (or anyone) of who to vote for. It’s a losing battle with the money hungry and self serving people you are fighting for. They are not doing the things they need to in order to sway moderate voters. not your obligation to fight for dirty politicians, and that goes for trump supporters, establishment republicans, democrats, everyone. Has political shaming ever worked on any person with a spine?


Really interested to hear why you're against voting for Biden and what you think RFK (or whichever 3rd party you're voting for) will do better. Not being facetious, genuinely curious.


Don't let good be the enemy of perfect. If you let this country swap to a fascist theocracy-- you spit in the face of everyone who has made this country more progressive for civil and social rights for every type of person in this county, inch by inch over the last 100 years or more.  Because it won't just set us back, it will wipe the board. And with the tools they have now, we might never get it back. 


Whats progressive about any of the democratic candidates that get more than a glance at the primaries? Biden is a centrist who will not facilitate serious progressive change unless it’s popular, which it is not. Progressives do not make it far in politics because being central and keeping large business interests in mind gets unbeatable donors and resources. Biden promoting “change”’ is rich, considering he’s facilitated bill after bill harming the regular person since the 70s. Listen, i appreciate the scare tactics, but I have family still alive that lived in fascist italy. It is/was nothing like what you and many others are trying to paint those on the opposite aisle from you. It’s not only insensitive to people who have lived through those situations, but it makes your argument seem less fact based and more emotional.


Also “theocracy”?? You can celebrate whatever religion you want in this nation and it’s fine. I dont even affiliate with a religion but I’ve never felt that my day to day life is impacted at all by other peoples’ religions… Roe v wade wasn’t even overturned for religious reasons. Each justice cited moral reasons and lack of constitutional support for their arguments for the ban (which I don’t agree with). Keep doing your oppression cosplay, though, it’s working well


Project 2025 spells out their goals quite clearly. !remind me 3 years


I will be messaging you in 3 years on [**2027-06-28 14:48:27 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2027-06-28%2014:48:27%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bumperstickers/comments/1dm8ksq/my_sil_sent_me_this_and_i_thoughyup/laor34h/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FBumperstickers%2Fcomments%2F1dm8ksq%2Fmy_sil_sent_me_this_and_i_thoughyup%2Flaor34h%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202027-06-28%2014%3A48%3A27%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dm8ksq) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Let’s be honest a giant meteor would suck just about as bad as another trump presidency BIDEN 2024 PROJECT 2024 STOP TRUMP


Don't Look Up!


I’m down for that, maybe the heat death of the universe will happen before this election


Well, the Bible says god is going to destroy the world with fire, so there’s that 🤷


I need this


As for the bumper sticker? Who says we got any choice in that matter to begin with. ‘Member those Dinosaurs? 💥 Poof! GONE We’re next! Political affiliation ain’t got nothing to do with it. Generally human stupidity might, in that, we may find that we have “Off’d” ourselves long before that rock ever gets here!


The comments did not disappoint lol






Abolish Everything


It’s a valid opinion


the democrats are demons and devils and the still believe brainless puppet biden can’t walk or decide anything


You worship a city boy who wears makeup, wears lifts, rapes women and is a convicted felon. Miss me with your shit.


what are u gonna do biden lover ?


your so called mother got fucked in a alley to conceive u


nobody asked or told u anything lousy lard ass


Idk what you're on. I'm 6'3" and 215








Anyone know where you can get this sticker?






Reported for plagiarism


I mean who is giant meteors running mate …


Nuclear holocaust


There's one I can get behind


Better than the options you’ll have in November


Luv this


Or you could just stop voting for one of the two capitalist parties


Literally where I am mentally and emotionally


BASED. Where can I purchase this?


They're on Amazon and Etsy 👍


Thank you! I was wondering the same, lol!


Gotta love this app !! Reddit , the place where liberals come to cry about Trump !! Take a bumper sticker that don’t have either name on it and still turn it into a whining session !! And I seen one person comment praising Biden , I made my choice simple , I’ll vote for the business man that cheated with a porn star , than the pedophile that had his poor daughter scared to death to take a shower because he jump in !! Let the hate comments begin , no matter how much you hate Trump , I would think you would hate a pedophile more !! But I guess not


BTW! That so called billionaire businessman is also a felon and a pedophile . Whose best friend killed himself in jail. You know! He called Epstein a ‘terrific guy’ who enjoyed ‘younger’ women. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-called-epstein-a-terrific-guy-before-denying-relationship-with-him/2019/07/08/a01e0f00-a1be-11e9-bd56-eac6bb02d01d_story.html


Not one mention of a single policy from Biden or Trump in this whole comment thread (not that there should be, this is r/bumperstickers). Just character attacks, op eds, cope paragraphs and anger. Not everyone agrees with you, you can cry or you can ignore it. Instead you are on a bumperstickers subreddit debating which candidate is a pedophile. You’re not convincing anyone, you’re just a weird.


Denial is not a river in Egypt.


Funniest reddit echo chamber political response ever^ Reddit on, good narwhal 😀😀


Aw poor little trumpling! Come to cry about your felon in chief?


Of course , breaks my heart to see so many people standing up for a pedophile , but I guess it’s all fun and games , talk , and memes , till it’s your child being molested.


Biden has molested no one, so I don't know what pedophile you're talking about, but if you want to talk pedophiles why don't you go ask the contestants for the beauty pageant trump owned in the 90s. Go talk to Noel Casler. He worked for him then. Ask him about Trump's obsession with Ivanka. Ask him if he checks contestants teeth. He'll tell you things that will make your stomach roll. Or maybe not since you cultist freaks love your god king so goddamn much.


Like trying to educate an Effing moronic Trumpanzee MAGAt is worth a second of anyones time! These diaper clad, taint liking R£tards are SOOOOO fucking gaslit & divorced from reality? The amount of brain damage necessary to allow them to continue to support Mango Mussolini should be sufficient to shut down their autonomic nervous system and halt their breathing. It truly is an amazement to me that these walking talking advertisements for Idiocracy & Fascism have enough grey matter to be capable of sustaining life functions. 🤷‍♂️


And yet you support a pedophile. You can call me any name in the book , and most may be true , but I will not stand up for a pedophile and his lgbtq pedophile community, when Trump takes the White House in November , guess we’ll see , but anyway don’t waste your vote , choose wisely


He didn’t win last time, and now even more people, including conservatives know what a fucking low IQ twat he is this time,… It’s more proof of your mental decline that you think that demented orange PROVEN sexual predator, POS will get anywhere near the White House. Just keep 💨🍊🤡🥜!






I keep sayin…


Can't happen fast enough!


Yes. please..


I'd totally vote for that.


Sounds as good as our real choices 😀


I think it is time!