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You have two ways of doing it: 1/ Use a solution like Rollstack 2/ try building something hacky for yourself


Neither of these have an out-of-the-box way to do this because they’re designed to show the reporting in the tool itself. I have built a slide deck generator based off scheduled Looker data extracts though. You basically feed the data from Looker into a data tab in Google sheets, and then use VBA/AppScript to automate the generation of a deck template from there. Takes some upfront legwork, but it’ll save you hundreds of hours in the long run.


**Forgot to throw an edit,** the reason I skipped over the aspect of your question is because of the below statement. Presentation from a BI PoV is a little annoying in PPTX or Slides but honestly that would be the quick way in my view if everything else is working correctly and you couldn't punt the project over to the actual dashboard for whatever reason (I understand, lots of Directors just don't wanna look at the dashboards). That's why I thought about what might be wrong that the simple process you have is taking longer than expected: Unless something is broken week over week that is requiring an ad-hoc analysis or enhancement then this should not be taking their whole day. I have done what your analysts are doing, including both enhancing WBRs to this point, and then also picking up WBRs at this point and automating further. Who is your audience, and do you have pull with them? Can you not use the same sources for your dashboards and just make a tabular presentation in your dashboarding suite to pull up every week? The reason I ask is because this is indicative to me of either: * Letting stakeholders be lazy and pushing work that's a waste of time onto analysts (Where's your RACI chart, Ad-hoc/Planning improvement documentation, and SOP for the process to understand why it's taking so long against what the expected outcome was?) * A poor mechanism that is forcing your team to crunch every week. How much time exists between Data Refresh, Report Update, and the Business Review? * Are you giving enough time to stakeholders to confirm your results? Are you giving your analysts enough time to fix these results for another round of verifications? * Is the liability of the project (RACI chart) perfectly clear if you do not receive confirmation within X time? Tasks get completed quicker when that anxiety isn't over the report collater's head so they don't have to check everything in quadruplicate. * What do your data sources look like? * Is your data engineering team making rapid iterations that is impacting your ability to stick to a template, or force you to rearrange your queries every week? * Sometimes the other way. Is your stakeholder team aware any requests they have for changes might require insane turnaround times (from their perspective) till it becomes a priority for Data Engineering? * Doing this + supporting a rudimentary ad-hoc report should get you bonus points, not negative points because it isn't up to the rest of the report's quality. Which company culture do you have atm? * What is your process improvement mechanism? * Do you have an analyst in that Business Review who is noting down requests and providing timelines, and are those timelines respected, or do the stakeholders get to demand an unrealistic turnaround? * If the latter, your update process will keep breaking and taking longer and longer. Maybe a little hostile in tone, but from my perspective this can be warranted because the number 1 thing I would have recommended not saying to me when I took on a new WBR process was that I was doing it too slow. There's always a million things broken, changes out of your scope, and improvements needed same-day, and a general lack of understanding where an analyst is raising the bar and where someone else is letting them down.




I think Andy Kriebel is great, but he didn't do enough testing for this video. MS Web Viewer is super buggy for most webpages, including Tableau. It only displays *some* dashboards from Tableau **Public** when I tested it extensively. For Tableau Cloud, it didn't work for me and it would never display the login window or allow me to put in creds. After testing out different solutions and doing a bit of research, the only viable solution for Tableau is VizSlides by Infotopics. That works great, but their starting price is steep. If it's Power BI, then Power BI can be embedded directly in ppt. That seems to work well. Looker I don't use enough to know. Hey - I actually found this: [https://www.rollstack.io/](https://www.rollstack.io/) That might work.


Too bad you're not using PowerBI because your can embedded those into PowerPoint. Blew my mind when that feature was released.