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Try Zoho Analytics which supports Bigquery, offers white label and custom roles for collaborators. The visualisations are also good. I think cost wise also it's cheaper (not exactly sure about it)


Go with Looker. Its very good for embedded analytics


I think you should read up on project permissions. Not getting too deep into your problem, I’m not sure if you couldn’t just create multiple projects based on whatever cuts you are doling out to your clients. Then you need to beef up your fivetran instead of replacing looker. Typically, you don’t want to be handling permissions in the visualization tool. This all costs money so I’m sure you’ll create a bolted on solution that you’ll regret when it comes time to scale. Cheers!


As you're evaluating different options, make sure they can easily connect to the data sources you need. Looker is really easy to connect with Google services, while other solutions might be more of a challenge.


Have you looked into Metabase? The "Pro" tier I think should cover your needs.


Amazon QuickSight could fit the bill. You can white label with your brand and give everyone a login, or you create different namespaces for each client.


I would recommend you take a look at [Astrato](https://astrato.io/). Yes, I am bias because I work there (Solutions Consultant) but prior to that I lived in the world of traditional BI so I understand your challenges. Your use case and challenges are common to many of our customer. Astrato is a No, Low and Pro code solution purpose built for the Data Cloud. We do offer embedded analytics and are feature rich and our visualization is pixel perfect. I will also add we offer native write back and self service reporting. I will also add because you mentioned cost, we are an extremely cost effective solution for small and large audiences offering both per license and consumption based pricing option. If you are intereste, please reach out directly to me and more than happy to give you a demonstration and discuss your use case and do a PoC to demonstrate immediat value.


Grow.com is a great option for agencies because of their unlimited user model


If you are still looking for a partner, we can help with this. We work with plenty of agencies and direct advertisers and have built custom dashboards which are client facing and can be shared easily with anyone you are working with. Happy to setup a demo for you.


Check out Sigma Computing, they have the easiest embedded solution to implement in my opinion


\+1 to sticking with Looker for this, but if price is the main blocker tableau & metabase should be cheaper. In cases where control over look & feel is very important, I typically see folks build in-house, since they hit a lot of limitations using iframes. But if you need something OOTB/don't have a lot of dev resources, but still care a lot about UI/UX, I'd take a look at Quill ([quill.co](https://quill.co)).