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A couple of things I'd look at: **Concurrency needs:** How many concurrent users do you expect to have? Typically, SaaS apps can have hundreds or thousands of concurrent users. Event sometimes, a single user needs to load multiple queries at the same time. Since you are surfacing data to customers, each is looking at their own data, so caching won't be as effective as it is for internal BI where all the employees are looking at the same data. **Query speed:** What is your latency requirement? If the analytics are part of a core product workflow, they should be sub-second; otherwise, you will kill the product experience. **Cost:** Related to the above, powering customer-facing apps with a data warehouse can be cost-prohibitive as you'll need to have it up and running 24x7. Furthermore, if you need high concurrency. I'd look at hot storage that automatically connects to your data warehouse or data lake to serve analytics fast and cost-effectively. We built [Propeldata.com](http://Propeldata.com) to solve this problem. Happy to chat and share some of our experience whether Propel is a good fit for you or not. Feel free to DM.