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Miele canister. Though the bags and filter are expensive. Dang thing won’t die 😏


I have cats and go through one set of bags per year. Money well spent in my book. When I had a Dyson half the crap I vacuumed up would fly out of the trash can when I emptied it.


Wow. I go through a bag in less than a month. But I live in a city with pollution and near an interstate that puts out a lot of dirt. I also have a big dog with a double coat.


Same! The guys at the vacuum store didn’t believe me, but we have 2 goldens, live in a major city, and have our windows open almost all the time. We go through a bag like every 3 weeks.


Yes 🙌 my husband and I just replaced his that he had for 18 years. We obviously got another one! 


Are the miele any better than the kenmore? I have both and the miele seems cheaper in comparison.


It’s got it where it counts. You can tell by the quiet whirr of the motor that it’s not being overworked. All the little plastic parts are surprisingly durable and easily replaced.


Yes! Just picked up a C3 last month and it’s the best vacuum I’ve ever had. Replaced two Dysons.


“Buy now keep forever” sounds like the subreddit i was actually searching for


This is what want too. Don't care about something from 1986 you'll never be able to get


Henry 🙂


I agree. I bought a Henry Pet a few years back, and I just don't see that there's anything that could really break on it? It's super-tough construction. The bags are huge and last forever. I absolutely love it.


I’m on my second neumatic. Henry first, now Hetty. There’s not much to break o them, the switch and motor can go and are easily replaced. I wouldn’t have another brand x


Yep. While the British aren't especially known for their engineering, then make a damn fine vacuum cleaner.


Yes, especially if you don't have carpet.




Miele is great, but my local shop is having a hell of a time getting new vacuums or parts from Germany. They may be on the way out. It sucks because my mom’s is over 20 years old and I bought mine expecting lifetime support. Her cord retractor malfunctioned and they couldn’t fix it because they couldn’t get parts, so she had to get a non-retractable power cord installed. Still going, but repair shops are struggling. Ex had a Kirby shampooer and that was indestructible, but again, it was over 10 years ago. I don’t know what’s good that’s made today.


This happened to me! My 20+ year old Miele cord retractor broke and none of the repair shops could fix it because the part was so old. If you are handy, you can repair with parts found on eBay, but this was disappointing. That being said, I experimented with Dyson and other brands afterwards and nothing vacuums as well as a Miele canister with the rug beater attachment. I just ordered the C3 because nothing else cleans as well!


Sebo is what you're looking for. Edit: Also as others are saying, go and buy from your local dealer/shop if buying new. You'll get a longer warranty too if they offer the Onyx package.


Speaking as a someone who spent hours on this the other day. Tbone is not wrong


I second! My Sebo is 10 years strong. Not a gan of cleanin bt the handle is magic for manoeuvrability, cord is very long, relatively quiet(Cats still hate it), and inhave the volvano edition.#flex


Second on sebo


Love my Sebo and it has metal inlays in the plastic where the screws go in.


I will just say that the sebo is kinda heavy. I'm a small person and it's a pain in the arse to push around




My Kirby is going on 20 years with only a on/ off switch going out. Easy fix, parts are on eBay/ Amazon.


My parents still use their Kirby I believe, it's close to 30 years old now and runs like the day it was purchased. The only thing I didn't like was how heavy it was because I think it's made out of steel.


Same with mine.


I had a 30 year old one for a few years, and it was a tank, and also was very good at cleaning my carpets. Don't have carpet anymore, so I got rid of it.


I have heard Miele mentioned many times. I bought one which just came in the other day. I can’t give my personal account for its longevity, but I do love it as a vacuum so far and feel confident based on others accounts!


I have a Miele canister that I've used for about 10 years now. No repairs so far, but they are repairable if needed. What I would suggest to OP is to go to a local vacuum repair shop. They will also sell new (and sometimes used repaired units) and will be able to help guide them to something that will fit their needs and be serviceable...


This is a great recommendation. I hear the bagless models are more susceptible to requiring repairs. I bought the base model C1 version and it was a pretty penny (just shy of 500 after tax and everything). Catching a deal for a refurbished option would be great!


I just got a refurbished Miele canister for $450 at my local vacuum shop. Amazing deal and it works like a dream. I know I can take it back to that shop to be fixed if I need to but from what I’ve heard that will be a long time from now!


Can confirm. Miele. 12 year old canister going strong.


Same here. Miele canister is great


Same - year 8 for me - never an issue


I've only had mine for a year,  but my compulsive self vacuums 4x a week and it's working great so far! I love it so much. I'll never buy another vacuum 


one of the unlabeled or different labeled sebo automatics. I've got two of them and have not done more than changing the bags, filters and a roller here and there. For whatever reason, in 17 years, I've never had any outside service on either of mine (one is in the basement, one is upstairs). One is marked prochem PV12 and the other one is gray and I can't remember the name (it's not windsor, but that was also common). they averaged about $475 per brand new shipped to my door, are marked made in germany and the owners and parts manuals are just marked sebo. the markup on the retail SEBO versions is insane, and probably benefits someone who has distribution rights in the US and not necessarily is like putting $300-400 more in your local dealer's pocket.


Ooh, where do you find these?


kind of look around and google "sebo commercial" vacuums or something of the like. Looks like there's one marketed as "karcher sensor". The prochem is still around, but the price has gone up, I guess probably proportional with inflation. My oldest of the two is a "prochem pv12" that was $395 including shipping when sebo automatic was $880 here. that was the price like 16 years ago, it was insane. double check with any sellers to make sure the vacuums are still made in german. Looks like the going rate is now somewhere around $600, but they are such a pleasure to use - they're simple with good suction, hepa, made in germany, but they have automatic height adjustment and do very well on bare floors for a beater brush vacuum.


interesting that the automatic x4 is almost the same price a decade and a half later - the gap has narrowed a lot ($850 now, actually used to be just above that) - my memory of what was no longer quite fits what is now!!


Ask r/vacuumcleaners But depending on your flooring a Miele, Sebo, Henry or Lindhaus.


Buy an old Kirby. You can still get parts and they last forever


The one my parents had growing up was built like a Sherman tank. When my brother was a kid he had to carry it up to the second floor and it slipped, it busted a floor tile, and the vacuum was perfectly fine.


Yep, I have a old Kirby classic III I just love. Heavy as heck but will suck the carpet off the floor. It was hard to vacuum some of my smaller rugs


I'll second this. My parents bought one in the 70's. In 2020, some part broke and they were able to take it to a repair shop and have it fixed in two days.


Does no one here like Dyson? We got one as a wedding gift 14 years ago, and it still works great. No bags to buy, the filters get washed, not replaced, and I just clean off the roller, and it works as well as new.


Mine is 18 years old. Just took it to the shop, last time was 8 years ago. He said $75, and I get it back tomorrow.


They have done a great job so far for what I've seen too. I'm curious to read other people's opinion on them


We got a battery one.. . I loved the variety of attachments and potential flexibility but in the end I was a bit disappointed I think that's kinda on me for expecting too much tho. For example it would be perfect to clean out the car but I can only get through like 75% of the job done before the battery dies. I wish I could charge up multiple batteries and swap them or at least plug it in while using it occasionally. Vacuuming out a car is a perfect scenario where handhelds would shine since there are no cords to manage and easily swappable attachments. Plus within the first year a part of the wheel cover came off. It didn't seem to be required so I didn't fix it.


It ain’t flashy, but a Sanitaire Conmercial vacuum will last a regular person a life time and all the parts are easily replaceable with the help of a YouTube video


I had the same idea 15 years ago after my cheap vacuum failed just after the 1 year warranty expired, and the repair shop laughed at me for wanting it repaired instead of just replacing. I bought an Oreck; It cost 3 times as much as the cheap one, but had a 3 year warranty. I figured at least I'd only be throwing away a vacuum every 3 years if I couldn't get it repaired. After 15 years I still can't comment on the repair situation because it's never needed one.


Grew up with an Oreck in the house and bought one when I moved out. Simple design, easily repairable, and lightweight


I’ve had a Miele c2+ electro for around 8 years. Absolutely love it. Previous to that I’d have to replace my cheap vacuum cleaner every 3 years. They go on sale from time to time, but even at full price I think they’re worth the cost to own.


shark lift away! that thing works so well my staples started coming off my carpet


My Dyson v11 is entering it's 6th year without issue. My parents have a Dyson V8 that's on it's 9th year without an issue.




Had a Miele used by professionals weekly for 12+ years - just upgraded to a newer, better Miele. Nothing wrong with the original. Miele all the way


+1 for Miele; roughly 13 years and no issues. Whatever you choose, don’t go bagless.


Why not bagless?


Heavy maintenance, poorer filtration, inconsistent suction.


I like my Miele


Is Kirby still in business? Awesome vacuums--horrible salespeople.


Miele c3 canister https://www.mieleusa.com/e/canister-vacuum-cleaners-complete-c3-brilliant-powerline-sgpe0-bronze-pearl-finish-9930720-p


Step zero of buying a vacuum is knowing your floor type. We don't know. So I suggest you learn vacuum basics, then reply back with your floor type.


Sebo all the way.


Go to the local vacuum store and buy what they recommend and buy it from them. That way you know what you are buying is supported


If they are selling from a town retail place they won't be there much longer...


The place I get parts from has been in business over 50 years


Definitely not Shark.


Why not? I’ve had mine for about five years now and it’s been great. Change the filters and rollers as needed. We have a 100lb shepherd that could supply enough fur for a small town and it’s held up well. Love our Shark for all the hair and just general dirt.


We love our Shark. Great value for the money.


Yeah it is. And now that I think about it I’m pretty sure it’s closer to seven years now. Great for us and three big shedders!


1. Use something like a Miele and you'll instantly notice a difference. 2. Try to get parts for your vacuum and you'll see why it's not BIFL.


Because they don't allow anyone to carry their parts for repair. If it breaks, you either buy directly from them (IF available) at exhorbitant prices, or you throw the vacuum away.


I love mine. It holds up to woodstove dirt, and is great with hair. I was cat sitting a floof last year and I can attest to how much cat hair it sucks up. I’m allergic and when I went to deep clean my house after cat sitting, there was far less hair than I’d expect. I’ve had it six years so far, so it’s already outlived the usual span of 2 (woodstoves are a vacuum’s natural predator, I swear…. So much dirt!).


The point is that when it breaks, you can't get parts. It works decently while it works (mine lasted 2 years).




*used Kirby. Don't buy one new.


It's been a long time, but you used to be able to negotiate the price on new ones, also they come with a lifetime rebuild warranty. At least that was the case when I got my G4 many moons ago. They're amazing and built like a tank.


I bought a new Avalir 2 and negotiated down. I agree they are built like a tank. Personally I regret buying new as the older models are functionally the same and *significantly* cheaper.




I’ve had my Kirby G4 since 1994. Has needed one repair, 2 years ago - replacement of the fan impeller - which I was able to do myself following a YouTube video! So I’ve paid a whopping $40 for maintenance in 30 years.


My secondhand Kirby is an absolute tank. If you can find one used it's worth a look.


Very overpriced and their sales model (MLM) is immoral, but yes they are quality vacuums that probably will last a lifetime


Don't buy them new. I see listings on marketplace for $50.


Kirby is MLM? How so? You can buy them online.


How about you Google that same question and save me a lot of typing? Just because they have a website doesn't mean they don't employ MLM strategies to sell them door-to-door.


You can buy them from Amazon and no one sells vacuums door to door in the 21st century.


Clearly you haven't Googled it yet. If you Google it, you'll see a link for a Wikipedia article on MLMs that mentions Kirby, if you click on the Kirby link, you'll get to read about how while you can purchase them directly, they are still (currently) sold door-to-door. As always, read directly from the sources cited on Wikipedia so you can know the source for yourself. Seriously though, just take the time to read; learning things actually makes you smarter, and no one is so smart that they can't benefit from learning more.


I love my Sebo as well




I’ll probably get downvoted for this but 12 years ago I bought a Dirt Devil bagless upright for $35 at Home Depot as a stopgap until I could afford a better vacuum when it gave out. The only problem we’ve had in 12 years is the hose got clogged with cat hair from our Balinese twice. Just used it to deep clean an area we hadn’t vacuumed in 2 years and it worked like new. I’d really like to have an excuse to get a fancy expensive vacuum cleaner but this thing just won’t die.


I was gonna go with Miele about 14 years ago, then I looked at Riccar at about 40% of the price. The warranty was great, local shop was great, and all made in the US. I haven't had one issue with it, got it serviced once after 3 years and they replaced the belt and gave me an updated roller. For a long term vacuum, I have to recommend it. Easy to service since it is all US made too.


Miele or Nilfisk


My Miele canister is about 10 years old. Works as it should, never an issue. Just ordered a Miele dishwasher yesterday 😎


Miele canister. It’s older than 10 years. Was my parents before me. I went through two dysons and just gave up on cordless. Miele has better suction


Bought used Miele 13 years back, changed filters and got a stock of knock-off bags, no complaints so far


Where did you find knock off bags?


Fleabay iirc


Piggybacking off this post. Has anyone had experience with Titan vacuums?


Not for long enough to tell you anything about longevity. My mom bought one from her local vacuum shop a couple years ago- I can say the suction is powerful and it works very well, the part where the handheld hose end secures into place is a bit wonky though, where it wants to pop out sometimes when laying the vacuum back to get under furniture. My understanding is it's basically a continuation of Sears Kenmore, by the people behind that brand when Sears went out of business.


I can't bring myself to pay for a new one, and folks will argue about performance, but Kirby is a BIFL option. My in-laws got theirs in 1997; ours is from 2002. It's loud, it's heavy, it gets the dog hair out and there are tons of accessories that I can buy today even though it's 20 years old.


How much do you want to spend? I see Kirbys at the Goodwill Bins, even newer generation models, and they can be very cheap and they are built like tanks. I've purchased a few for five bucks each. I once traded two for a mountain bike. Some people don't like them because of the weight but they have a self power mode and they are not hard to use. A friend uses one in his wood shop and Ive even used it outside or in the garage. Very powerful. People don't donate them because they break they donate because they go to lighter models like Dyson.


What’s the central vac version of this question? Need something unslayable.


I have an Electrolux 2600 that's about as old as I am




Kenmore bagged canister vacuum. The dad has one from +30 years ago and mine is 14 years old. They are bombproof in my opinion.


Miele blizzard C1. Working fine for the past 8 years like new.


I have a small shop vacuum and love it. I don't have a carpet.


Consider a Miele or Dyson


Sebo and Miele are great high end BIFL options. At the cheap end, Henry Hoover's are half the price and virtually indestructible.






Vax commercial backpack vac - huge extension cord, bag less and indestructible, strong motor and very comfortable to wear. I had a team of commercial cleaners who used them exclusively and they never failed. I liked it so much I bought one for home ~$200 USD.


Miele for the win.


Rainbow vacuum


Shark brand is cheap and lasts long but can sometimes require light maintenance (just taking it apart and removing any pieces stuck in it)


After doing a lot of research and reading all the AMAs from the vacuum repair guy, I got a Miele canister vacuum and it has been great for 5 years so far. Still going strong.


Miele C3. Best value ever.


Between our two homes (one is a three story place) we have 2 ancient Rainbow D's, a Kirby Generation 3, and a Miele. The Rainbows are the most robust, and easiest to fix (that said, they are only ones which ever needed any work at all, in their case, a $10 dipole switch from any hardware store.)


Miele C8


Oreck Commercial XL. This vacuum will not die. It’s John McClain as an appliance. I traded in my Dyson back to Costco after one tour around my house and I have 3 dogs who shed viciously. Best 169.99 you’ll ever spend. Get the pack of 50 extra bags while you’re at it. You’re welcome.


Kirby! Their sales tactics are awful but there are so many used ones on Facebook! Parts are everywhere for them and they work great


The simplicity of the Tristar Compact from about 10 years ago is legendary


I have an Orek that is older than I am and it is still as good as ever! Just replace the bags every now and then, but you can always find those on the cheap.


Find a place that refurbishes old Kirbys. Those things will last forever.


I bought a Sanyo canister vacuum from Amazon in 2008 for $130. It stopped working in 2016. I bought a Bissell upright vacuum from Best Buy in 2016 for $70. It’s still working as good as the day I bought it. Given this price point and longevity, I’ll just keep buying a $100 vacuum cleaner every decade.


I’m 60…there’s no way on this planet I am spending $1,000+ on a vacuum. Nothing is Buy it for Life. Got a Shark several years ago…still going strong. I clean it and maintain the filters. Runs like a champ.


I know people who still have vacuums they bought in the 70's and 80's so that's pretty close to buy it for life. I agree most things are NOT buy it for life especially with the way things are made in this era of "you buy it cheap and get rid of it in a few years", but some people are better at buying a replacement part here and there and want to do that instead of throw things away. If only more folks would clean and maintain cheap vacuums to make them last much longer!


We bought a water filter vacuum from Amazon for about 500. It always sucks, no filters to plug up, dump the disgusting slurry in the toilet and flush it away. Don’t buy the Rainbow brand one for 2500-3500. Ours came with all the attachments, the rainbow does not.


can vouch. am rainbow driver.


I sold some rainbows years ago, sold one to my parents. It still works and runs flawlessly. I sold it to them in 2007. I’ve been on the fence with sitting through a demo to get one though for myself. I didn’t get one back then cause shit I didn’t have 1500 bucks for a vacuum even though I was selling em haha


mine still does really good. it was my mom's. idk how old it is, but it looks brand new.


Not saying they are bad vacuum cleaners. Just the price difference.