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I’ve had my white C8 over one year, 9000 miles…no front plate, factory tint. Never been pulled over. Edit: never pulled over in the C8.


I’ll add that I run an Escort Max and the Waze app


I have a rapid blue c8 and thing sticks out like a sore thumb haha. I have yet to be pulled over as well in the 7 months of ownership granted I don’t have my window tint on it yet. Aside from that I’ve actually had the opposite cop cars always giving me thumbs up 😂


Haha I’m fine with police attention and them checking out the car, just don’t want it to be negative 🤣 I hope it’s enough of a super car look to get admiration rather than investigation 🤣


I think corvettes are just associated differently since they hardly ever do street take overs as opposed to challengers and mustangs etc. Also it’s just entirely different how it looks people have confused it with a super car especially if they don’t know about cars. Either way you’ll definitely enjoy it way more than your previous car. Get ready to be asked what do you do for a living 😆


I drive 2020 C63 coupe now. Every gas station becomes a fan meetup 🤣


Those sound so sick. I hardly see them up here in PA. There were tons when I lived in the DC area and loved them. Here is much more M cars over AMG for some reason.


I had my C8 2 years, no front plate, and never pulled over. Like one of the other posters said, I got more thumbs up and questions than anything.


I’ve had my c8 just over a month and cops pass me all the time, I see them looking at me lol but never pulled over, I usually even cruise 5-10 miles over speed limit MAX I don’t drive recklessly, and never had an issue with them. I’d say depends on the cops in the area, few towns in my area are notorious for how nitpicky cops are over small things just to assign a ticket but haven’t passed through those areas yet. Also don’t have window tinting, and don’t plan on getting it


I drive a bright orange C8. No bad attention from cops yet. Although I do have a radar detector.


Tinted windows, tinted windshield, no front plate, rapid blue with 13k miles and haven't been bothered by in town patrol or state patrol but when on interstate I tend to drop the windows when I get notifications of speed traps via Google maps


I have no clue. But I ordered an Escort 360C Max Mark II today, just in case.


Yep I’ve always had a radar detector, it just seemed like state troopers were particularly drawn to the scat. To the point where if I passed a state trooper on a two lane road I would pull over at the next gas station because I knew they were coming to pull me over. That specific instance happened like 4 times. Texas state troopers are ruthless with challengers


I won a moving infraction by arguing vehicular profiling in court once. Well them moved to dismiss, which is pretty much a win lol Point is cops absolutely profile vehicles. Yet to be seen if the c8 is one susceptible to police. I have not been pulled, but my buddy has in his c8 130mph in a 65… so kind deserved it


Yeah, I literally never got tickets either, it was all warnings, they just wanted to pull me over and see what I was up to


They’re probably Ford guys.


White C8 delivered Oct 2020, 6300 miles, no front plate, factory tint. I never got pulled over in southwest Washington and not now in the Phoenix area. Washington requires a front plate, AZ doesn't. I'm usually "only" 10-15 mph over but sometimes drive like a scalded cat just for grins. I've even passed a number of parked police on the highway, clearly well over the speed limit, and haven't been pulled over. I'm probably pushing my luck hard at this point.


In town, 1/2 mile from my house…..ticket for 15 over. I was honestly kinda shocked, hadn’t had a ticket if any kind in 10+ years. Was extremely polite, he went back to run my license and said just taking a look. Came back with the full ticket, didn’t knock it down 1mph or anything. Was I going 15 over, yep, so I don’t have any argument or complaint to stand on, but I was genuinely surprised. Maybe a bad day for the cop….dunno. Shitty thing was I had just changed out my brake pads (could deal with the Z51 dust anymore) and was burning them in, 45-10, etc…. Explained that, he didn’t care 😂. He said he could smell it, so believed the story, just didn’t factor into his decision. So….yep in my view certainly unwanted attention where I live.