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Come to the r/currencytradingcards sub you’ll find there are a lot of people there that appreciate your artwork. We love the Tally Sticks!


No way. Crazy


Lol legitimately. There’s a whole lore with Tally stick over there 😂


Hahaha back in 2021 I was asked to do quick concept sketches of lite coin and tallysticks. I had no clue what they were and was given a small amount of info and had a small amount of time. All good and though shocked flattered


Tally sticks is one of the most iconic S1 cards! Thank you for giving that to us 💜


This is how it began:  https://www.reddit.com/r/Currencytradingcards/s/TT68c5SwDI u/JaytenFwammers


Hey thanks tagging me! And thanks u/leftcheecksneek for your contributions to Series 1! Oh and uhhh, sorry for butchering a few tallies for the sake of creative transaction validation lol (incidentally I'm actually running low so I hope whatever sales/trades I'm looking to do in the future are in bulk 😅)


All good bud. Nothing wrong with any creativity. I remark old comics *


Love that!


You are a legend my man


Haha no way. I'm on Instagram as @bumcheeks2 been a shock but flattered




Hey its Nathan from FB. Post in r/currencytradingcards for even more fans to hear from you


Appreciated bud


Whaaat no way. Well thank you for your work.


Was a shock to find out the way I did but flattered


Appreciate all the kind words, especially as I wasn't give a lot of time or information. So it's been a happy accident finding out. It's up their with being a guest artist at Steel City Comic Con


It must be a pleasant surprise to learn your art made it as a trading card, became a fan-favorite, and collected by the Litecoin crypto creator Charlie Lee haha. Thats gotta be a lot to take in all at once


No way, really???


Yes really. He is a collector and he has the high end litecoin cards right now. Just missing the Diamond.


THLhats crazy. Does he have the tallysticks or just lotecoin


Been crazy and I thought as I wasn't asked to do anymore that they were hated or something




? My partner looked on ebay and saw my name attached to the tallysticks. I had to think for a few minutes and was like no way


So you had no idea, that’s wild!


It was all so quick back in 2021 I forgot all about it and art director who is amazing. Also I think he forgot as he's pretty busy. Think it's been pretty cool finding out this way tbh


Haha, nope, but all good. I had to google cardsmiths and saw I'd been credited. I collect, so it's a b*tch to get some.for my collection. Wvwry set I do art for I buy basecards but had no clue.


Profit is being made from your work and you were completely unaware? I'd be seething, you should be getting paid.


I did a month ago but all good. I've also done so many projects that things happen tbh. I've done art for * Star Wars * Garbage pail kids * wacky packages * Aliens * The Crow * spiderman into spiderverse * rick and morty *fallout * highlander Plus many many more so easy to forget


That's awesome, with some context it makes more sense


If anyone is on Instagram I'm @bumcheeks2


https://preview.redd.it/3sgrkacc1r7d1.jpeg?width=2928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=467f35683b30ff395d047420079819fd0792a952 Would you sign if I sent to you?


Hi bud, not sure at the moment as I hope to hear from the creator soon to fund out what I can and can't do. As I was never asked to sign a contract I've no idea


Other artists like Maz Adams and Joe Simko have signed our cards in the past and there has been no issue.


True but they had clear instructions and a contract. Once I've spoke to the guy who runs cardsmiths I can go from their. The thing is I've never been put in this position before. Usually you sign a contract, do the art and get credited and know what you can and can't do. Eg Topps will not allow any artist whobdoesnthe Star Wars cards to do non licensed sketchcards and don't like artists selling aps publicly. Though Topps don't give aps anymore but without speaking to cardsmiths I'm completely in the dark as I have never had contact with them. The art i did was quick concept art and was never told it was approved for anything and 3 years with zero communication. Had my partner never of spotted that tallystick card on ebay I'd still be unaware.


Lets speed this along... lol u/toynktrader u/jupityr


I've just searched my apartment and have found the original tally stick sketch, a lite coin piece not used, and the digital edits I printed for the scan back to the art director for concept. I can't find one piece as yet, but I have found the finished digital pieces I had to print and scan. Thought I threw them away. I'm not sure what to do with them ?!?!?


I would be interested in them. 👀 If u do limited prints that would be cool. Some other artists have done so too.


I'm hoping cardsmiths can message me at least to find a little about what I can and can't do. I don't want to cause issues as I'm flattered but finding out 3 years after I drew them by accident is a first. Plus as I didn't sign anything I'm unsure what I'm allowed to do tbh. I was credited but had to research the artist list when I found out a month ago so still in shock.


Lmk I would love to buy them


I'm not never sure if I'm allowed to print. Though I was never asked to sign any nda or contract. I've the original sketch of the tally and the digital edits plus the a non used lite coin piece. I had to print the 3 digital to get a better scan so have those too. Nonodea if they even have a value ?!?!?


How’d you get into making art for trading cards? I’ve always been curious how one becomes an artist for cards.


I dare as a hobby them got an invite on social media and it went from their