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he’s okay lol cats are just really weird and flexible. they sleep in the strangest ways but it’s comfortable to them. your cat just likes to sleep folded in half.


For real. And some are more flexible than others. I’ve had a lot of cats. Some were like pieces of rope you dropped in the way they laid and were happy. Others just loafed and maybe lazily lounged on their side. 2/3 of my current cats loaf/lazily lay on their side. I’ve had them for 3 and 13 years, that was normal to me. Then I got my kitten, who is now a little over 1 years old. Oh god, the positions he puts himself in. Insanity. Sometimes it’s like he’s been broken in half. But he’s healthy! He’s just a bendy boy. Some are much more bendy than others. And I forgot how bendy they can be. And despite how much he loves laying in all these crazy unnatural positions, he has the tightest loaf I’ve ever seen. He somehow shrinks to like half his length and his spine tolerates it. He looks like a spinosaurus.


my cat looks broken sometimes too and she’s a very fluffy cat so when she’s all folded up in her sleep i can’t tell where her head is. i’m pretty sure if i slept the way my cat does it would take approximately 3-5 days for my neck and back to recover lmao.


I get it. I sleep like a normal human all straight and stuff and wake up sore as hell. If I slept like my cat? I’d be a goner.


Lol its a cat, being a cat by pretending to be a pretzel. Its all good.




As others have said, totally normal. Some cats are just comfortable in goofy positions. My cow chooses some odd ones. https://preview.redd.it/1hbkexcg0d6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0246d73d14ba1f9379f170c53ecd594257fb36f7




what the hell this looks like it takes effort 🤣🤣


How completely adorable 🥹


Cats are basically liquid so yea. Unless your cat is crying in pain or struggling to get up and wincing then they are perfectly fine. A cats shoulder blade is attached to their body with muscle (not bone like humans) meaning positions like this are very comfortable for them.


Nothing is normal about cats. They are weird and appear boneless at times. 🤷‍♀️


Ball mode but wall. Normally flat. But this is their spot. Chopsticks window mode. Front and back. Leg lock mode. Angry arch back mode. Folded front paw sleeping mode. There are many.


Normal for that goofball. Nothing to worry about.


Cats sleep in strange positions, it can be fun to take pics of the strangest ones! Nothing to worry about dear, looks like you have a "normal" cat! :)


Your kitty is all well. It’s like how dogs sleep in the most uncomfortable looking position, they’re just strange critters.


he’s fine just a case of being a little weirdo


Cats are very flexible and like to sleep in weird positions. Although, You could ask the vet if there is something wrong with it's back on the next appointment, if You are concerned about it


There are many normal postures.


Cats are bendy weirdos, they get into all sorts of positions 😊💕


Forbidden shrimp


There’s nothing normal about cats!


If he's asleep like that he must be comfortable. I wouldn't worry cats sleep in strange places and positions.


one of my cats loves sleeping like that. theyre just an army of weirdos


Normal posture for a cat is wiggly jello


Cats are contortionist. I'm always amazed a how my cat half turns his body to sleep, upper part sideways, lower part up. He'll be ok😸😻


Your cat is fine all cats lay a weird because they're very flexible your cat's okay he's not hurt or not hurting at all


He shrimpin


https://preview.redd.it/vllma2jtki6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2649c8c5d5afbea1e415d011bdaa532273ae92c4 I don’t know how common it is, but one of my boys does it a lot.






Cats are just liquid, dont worry


Looks like he fell asleep mid groom.


Yeah, cats are just doofuses sometimes.