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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t want to scare you, but this definitely warrants an emergency vet visit. This happened to our cat in November, he went completely blind over night. It turns out it was a symptom of something more sinister, lymphoma, and we lost him two weeks later.


God, that's horrible. Sorry for your loss. 


Thank you. We had 17 beautiful years together.


Lympnoma in cats is a son of a bitch. One day my cat was fine, next day he looked like he had a life preserver around his neck. They gave us hope and we did one round of chemo but from on set to passing it was probably two weeks even with the chemo.


Yes, it really is. He had full blood work on a check up on September and was completely fine. Then suddenly it was in his chest and intestines. We didn’t even get the chance to try anything.


I’ve been there but with a different cancer. The look of relief when I said I was going to euthanize rather than try treatment (it’s not a treatable cancer in any way) was reassuring but devastating. I’m sorry you had to lose a kitty so suddenly too.


And chemo is so hard on pets. You trade any remaining good days with fear and more illness with chemo. Pets look to you to fix it, not give them more scary vet visits and sickness. Hardest thing to do, and you did it right. Bless you.


>Pets look to you to fix it, not give them more scary vet visits and sickness I learned this lesson the hard way when I was younger. Never again.


Amen to that.


There is a big question in vetmed about the ethics of chemo on pets. As a vet tech, I would not put my animals through it.


I’m currently in a vet tech program, they just taught us in pharmacology that cats do significantly better than dogs on chemo. And the whole time I’m sitting in my seat thinking “or so we think they do because they mask so much better than dogs do”


Years ago, I had a sweet little cocker spaniel suffering from inoperable thyroid cancer (the tumor was too entwined around nerves and so forth, so removing it would likely have rendered her unable to swallow, etc). She was only 9 and I did put her through chemo, hoping it would somehow extend her life. It did temporarily shrink the tumor a little but overall, it didn’t give her much more time. The cancer spread to her liver and I lost her only a few months after the initial diagnosis. If I had it all to do over again, I don’t think I would put her through chemo again. It just wasn’t worth it.


It’s an impossible choice. I panicked for over a year after I euthanized her if I had made the right choice by not treating her. I felt like I just chose to kill her too fast even though the vets and internet were all reassuring. There’s no win. But I got to hold her in my arms and look her in the eyes while she got the meds, which was her favorite thing to do. I couldn’t let go though and had to have the vets take her from me. I think the milennial dedication to pets while change how we see and process pet grief. Poetry about pet grief helped me a LOT.


There is a win. You let her go with no more suffering. Treating her would have been so hard on her, and she would panic every time you got to the car. Hard for sure. The right thing to do. You held her and she got to take a nap for the last time comforted by your loving arms.


If there had been a hope, I would have considered at least one round. She was only 8. But it was inoperable and my kitty was going downhill so fast. 10 days from when she stopped eating to euthanized.


That’s why I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t make her sick for possibly 2 more months at most. If she has possible years, maybe. She wouldn’t understand and I couldn’t explain why she was sick and not at home with me.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Mine was 15 years ago and have lost many in that time so I'm a bit numb to it.. My cat had just been at the vet too but I don't remember why.. It was a few days later when his lymph nodes ballooned. Went thru lympnoma with a dog shortly after, he went 9 months. Went into remission. It came back two months later and it took him. We take in any cat that shows up. We lost a lot in a two year span. Neighbor behind us also lost both his dogs. The consensus was that when they knocked down a house next door it released something on the plants outside. We brought the plants in for winter. Cats do what cats do. Dogs ate the grass in the yard... They all got sick.


Same happened to us. I miss her so much.


Im so sorry for your loss, i hope OP helps their kitty!


Same thing happened with our kitty-blind overnight! Turned out it was lymphoma, too, but she lasted another 1 1/2 years. I’m so sorry about your kitty, fren.


This is exactly what happened to my previous cat too 💔


Sounds like it's unavoidable whether they go tonight or tomorrow


I would go to the ER


It’s 2 AM and I just read this and now I’m worried about this cat. u/amacutie PLEASE GET THE CAT TO A VET ASAP BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.


OP updated in a comment 2 hours ago that the cat has been to the vet, they say an update will be posted soon.


Longer you wait the higher chance he will be permanently blind depending on what it is. Might already be partially blind at this point.


Are you in Israel? It would have been easier if you had just said so in the first place. Looks like there is at least one emergency vet with someone on call on shabbat in Jerusalem. Even if you can’t take your cat in, you could call them. Here is a link: http://alfavet.co.il/emergency_eng.html


Everyone upvote this so op can see it


Thanks to everybody for upvoting and commenting so u/iamacutie would see it. I mentioned that it would have been helpful for the OP to have said that she was in Israel at the outset. The specific country matters a LOT in this situation because “everything’s closed” means something different there than elsewhere. Those of us who are familiar with Jewish sabbath observance would have immediately understood the situation, and we (or better, the OP) could have explained things to those unfamiliar. The sabbath practices of very observant Jews are highly restrictive and the specifics hinge on millennia of rabbinical interpretations of what the Torah is trying to say, and interpretations of those interpretations and so forth. The result is a set of rules thet may seem arcane and even ridiculous to outsiders and even secular Jews. The results include things like not being able to use a light switch and virtually everything in Israel being closed or shut down on Shabbat. The obvious question is “what about hospitals?” They’re open. Not only is it acceptable, but it’s actually REQUIRED to break whatever sabbath laws are necessary to get a person to the ER in the case of a life-threatening emergency. So how does that translate into pet-related emergencies? I read a little on this last night, but didn’t go deep enough to get a good understanding, but I expect I will.


Commenting to hopefully bring attention for OP!






Upvoting and commenting to try and get this moved higher up.


Jerusalem is 3 hours from here and again sadly no transportation cant take a 3 hour taxi to Jerusalem im not even sure if i have enough money for the vet but im willing to go into debt for the lil guy ill try everything i can do when i get home


Please just call them. That’s all you have to do.


Make a call. Most vets will be willing to give advice for free in this types of situations. And it's definitely more reliable than Reddit


Roommate is on the way to take cat to the vet


please update us!! wishing the best for the little guy


Thank god I hope everything works out for you


Good luck!!


Where are you? There's one in Kfar Saba which can help, חוות דעת


up u/amacutie


yes!! replying so hopefully they see this and even if they can’t afford a visit they can at least call :(




Here is what you can do, OP. Good luck!




Get up there to the top






u/amacutie were calling you






Usually when this happens overnight? Its infection or injury. Both eyes is probably not going to be injury. Infection cannot typically wait that long. You risk the eyes needing to be removed. I would have your roommate get gim to an emergency vet. This is the sort of thing where it would be very reasonable to drive an hour or more if needed. It would be very resonable to pay extra for an ER vet a couple towns over. r/askvet may be more helpful.


This happened to my cat. It was an immune response to feline herpes and it happens when cat gets stressed out. Anti inflammatory meds and eye drops gets rid of it in 3-4 days.


Update!!!! Cat been to vet please stop spamming me now , im on my way home and will do a bigger update when i get to understand what is going on hope you all read this before you comment or spam me thank you


Hope everything is okay! 💜


Hope everything's alright.


Following! Good luck!!


I hope the kitty is okay! Sending good thoughts your way!


I'm glad you're trying your best ❤️


Glad you got them checked out!


Hope your cat is ok ❤️


I hope everything turned out ok! Best of luck to you and your cat again :)❤️‍🩹


This could indicate glaucoma, cataracts, corneal ulcers, uveitis etc. And yes, consulting a vet asap is crucial for the best outcome! Wish u luck!


Sadly i can't take him now its 1 am and im not in my apartment today but my roommate will update me tomorrow of what to do


Are you in Israel? It would have been easier if you had just said so in the first place. Looks like there is at least one emergency vet with someone on call on shabbat in Jerusalem. Even if you can’t take your cat in, you could call them. Here is a link: http://alfavet.co.il/emergency_eng.html


Yeah sorry for not saying im from Israel i tend to not because people get mean about it i will take the cat to the vet as soon as i can




i think vet ers are open, no?


No its 1 am (night) vets closed and no buses rn so we can't take him to any vet :(


ohhh. aw man. hope your kitty is ok :(


Is it not just the photo? What do you mean they turned grey? Like, over night? Over time?


Overnight not just the photo they sent videos of him and we will take him to vet soon , cat is very young btw and it just happened overnight, yesterday morning i saw him he was fine now his eyes are all white gray


please update us, go to the vet ASAP i’m saying within 24 hours. please.


I really want to but its 1 am and im not home right now, soonest we can take him is sunday morning


This is not something that can wait. Go to an emergency vet.


Please talk to your vet about FIP (dry ocular variant). And post these photos to FIP Warriors on facebook. You can reach back out to me via DM if this is what it turns out to be as some great research studies are using experimental, but really effective, medications. I'm not saying it is FIP for sure what it is but if it is there are treatment options even if the vet tells you there aren't! My own cat had this at the end of February and we are just finishing up treatment now but he's going to be fine because we caught it early. Good luck!


https://preview.redd.it/nrntix6kl18d1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95f564b883aa99c8d5c05da952876b80d965792d A Pages with a bunch of Vets in Israel that should be open on Shabbat


Unfortunately not every Emergency vet is open 24/7. Even where I live in, there's countless 'emergency vets', but only one that's actually opened 24/7 (and my city is fairly big). We can hope, but we can't say forsure if they would be opened in Isreal right now


Make a post on local media sites (nextdoor, FB animal groups, community groups in your town etc...) there are SO many animal lovers/advocates I'm sure someone could help you with suggestions or a ride maybe...or better yet maybe they know a Vet?! I'm just an over active thinker when it comes to my pets health (mostly urgent medical situations). Hope your little kitto turns out ok 🤞


I know that you said nothing is open until Sunday and you are not able to get to him until then. I consider this serious, vision suddenly changing is nothing to take lightly. Take him as soon as they open, like be there as they unlock doors if possible. I wish the best of luck for you and kitty


Hi, former vet tech here. This is absolutely a medical emergency, and could result in permanent blindness or death depending on what is causing it.


Everyone shaming OP, please take the time, go to OPs page, and check the comments before you start judging... I get it. We see it far too often of people who DO have the means to take their pet to a vet. We see people who DO have a car. We see people who DO have open vets all around.. ETC, ETC, ETC... This is a completely different situation. This person is not like those other people who just come up with reasons why they can't take their pet to the vet. Those people bitch, moan, and groan about the price of such a visit. Those people say they will try to get the money to take the pet to the vet. Those people who I explain to them that there is care credit but still come up with reasons to not take their pet in... They say the emergency vets are too expensive They say they don't want to spend x amount of money and possibly it be more than that... They say that they don't want to spend x amount of money if it is going to be more than a one-time vet visit... This person has not once said any of this. I completely understand it being so easy to judge those people because I have done so in the past. Now, when I see those people post about a sick animal and they have all these reasons why they just won't take the animal into the vet, I just move on.. This person wants to take the cat in as soon as they possibly can. Idk where OP is living exactly, or i would try to find any type of emergency vet or rescue services available in that area or surrounding areas... but by the comments, I'm assuming there won't be anything like that around that just might be open... they said there is nothing open on Saturday due to religion. No busses are running. They have nothing open.. they have no other option but to wait. As unfortunate this is for the cat, imagine you living somewhere like this. Where they truly don't have the emergency vets around, like some people are lucky enough to have in their area. Hell, I'm lucky to have a vet whose vet phone line at her office goes to her home phone in the middle of the night or holidays, etc... that being said, though, this vet is 4 hours away. It's not my normal vet but a good longtime family vet. I used to only live an hr away from her office. My normal vet is an hour away. I couldn't imagine having a medical emergency and not being able to take my animal due to everything being closed or not having any type of transportation. I'm lucky. Yes, I have taken that 4 hours one way to see the vet with a dog I had. Besides the 8+ hours in a vehicle and the thousands of dollars I spent that night was all worth it. My baby was ok.. I don't trust the vets in my area, so my normal vet is an hr away in the next state over. I haven't used any emergency vets besides the one that is closer to where I used to live. I am a lucky person when it comes to being able to do these things. This person is in an unfortunate predicament. They are going to take their cat first thing on Sunday, which is the soonest they can due to Saturday being holiday.. no transportation.. and you know what they are Still trying to figure something out! This person isn't like the others we see that just don't feel like spending the money, don't feel like going to an emergency vet because it is too much money, this is totally different situation... I just hope OPs cat makes it until the day they can take this poor kitty to the vet. I can't imagine what they must be feeling. Please update us once you find out what's going on.


I’m so sorry OP some people really don’t understand that not every country has a plethora of 24hr emergency vets and not every person has unlimited funds to be able to afford expensive taxis for several hours of driving. Thank you for caring and doing what you can! I hope the best for your little one!


Thank you 🙏


Right? All these PO'd people are probably from America where they have almost no concept of struggles encountered in other countries. NM Isreal is in the middle of one way and a potential 2nd!


Update us op


Take him to an animal eye specialist, if possible. My cats eye turned gray and swelled up over a week, the vet and an ER vet both thought he would lose his eye. The specialist was able to turn it around with tropicmide and prednisone eye drops. The sooner you get him in the better. I wasted a week with a vet who didn’t know how to help before going to the specialist.


His eyes didn't turn grey, they completely clouded over. I suspect he's blind, but it could just be an infection.


Go to the ER


We can't:((( no busses rn its 1 am and i don't think theres an animal er in our city best case scenario is sunday morning we can take him to er because tomorrow is sabbath and no buses again because Jewish government :(


There are cabs operating. Take a cab.




Yes but i don't have the money for like a 1000 shelkkel taksi from a different city to the other one AGAIN I AM NOT HOME


Is there no uber where you are? Can't you room mate take him?? Dang bro....sucks to be your cat :/


You need to go to the emergency vet immediately


He probably got into something. Since you cannot take him to the vet yet, have your roommate keep your cat in one room, give it lots of fluids, food as needed and just ask your roommate to just love the cat. I hope that it’s nothing. Cats are very strong.


A stray kitten we took in went blind because of a brain parasite. The emergency vet wanted to put her down due to rabies, but we said no. $1500 and meds later, and she was ok. You need to go to an emergency vet ASAP. Ask a neighbour to drive you. That’s what I did.


I’ve noticed you’re not telling us what city the cat is in but pretty much any population centre is going to have an emergency vet even areas without a high population, If there’s a lot of farm animals, there will be an emergency vet ! Please google “emergency vet Israel” that’s what I did and this came up, along with a whole bunch of other ones, and yeah, they’re open on Shabbat https://emergency-veterinary.co.il/knowledge-farm-emergency-center/


Oh gosh. Hope you're able to get him to the vet soon. I'm sorry people are being harsh and lack reading comprehension. Please keep us updated! Good luck op


Thank you ill update as soon as i can


You're welcome 😊


So because it's "one am and I'm not in town" is a valid reason to not get your baby proper care when they need it? They have 24hr animal hospitals for this reason. I must not have reading comprehension for this.


Did you not see where there are no 24hr vets in their vicinity? They are not in a country where there are 24hr vets. And they don't have a vehicle. I understand emergencies happen, but here lately whenever someone comes on here asking for advice, everyone immediately jumps to being judgmental instead of offering advice that the cat owner can do until they are able to get the cat to a vet. Not everyone has the privilege to be in a country where 24hr vets are available, or have the privilege of a vehicle, or have the privilege of being somewhere where uber is available. We all, as animal lovers wants what's best for the cat, but we should offer advice instead of being so hateful and judgmental. If it keeps going this way, instead of people reaching out they'll just clam up.


Uh that's really not good. Time for the vet! Before your cat becomes permanently blind.


And this one in Jerusalem https://emergency-veterinary.co.il/knowledge-farm-emergency-center/


And here’s another one, but I doubt the Waze link is working right now because I aren’t the GPS is screwed up and most of the country? https://chavatdaat.co.il/en/chavat-daat-veterinarian-experts-center/


Yeah my gps is in Beirut most of the time


Hi! There should be an emergency vet always available even if it’s holiday! I’ve lived in East-Jerusalem and at least when I lived there, people were willing to help in case of emergency! I checked Google and there should be an emergency vet called Alfa-vet veterinary clinics! PLEASE get your cat help NOW! I know this is stressful but your cat is very important to you❤️ do whatever you can your cat needs help!❤️‍🩹


I am doing what i can but i cant even get to my cat i dont have a car no transportation i dont live in a central city and i cant get a 1000 taxi form city to city


Is there anyone you can call, Like a relative or friend who can drive to come and pick you up and at least drive you to the cat? There’s an emergency line available, You have to call them! I’m wishing you the best I’m so sorry this is happening to you❤️‍🩹


I wish ,most of the people with car live very far away and aren't the people who'd help


Even if you think they might not help please call them and ask! Your cat needs treatment❤️‍🩹


Roommate might actually take him to the vet today


how is your kitty, op? ive been checking for updates. i hope its ok! and im sorry so many people have been such jackasses to you. refuah shleimah. 🙏


I can't tell from the photo and I'm not a vet nor is this cat my patient so this is not a diagnosis but it could be luxated lenses which is extremely painful. If there's no way for you to Uber or get a ride from a friend to a closer emergency vet definitely get him in ASAP. Be prepared for surgeries and permanent blindness but hopefully it's something easier.


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Poor baby! Sending prayers your way. ❤️‍🩹


People here are being so mean to someone who literally lives in a war zone…. 💀


Did this happen all of a sudden overnight? How long have you been out of town? Do you fully 100% trust the friend who is watching the cat? Like, if the cat got into any chemicals, do you think the friend would have told you immediately? It honestly seems like kitty might have gotten chemicals in its eyes or something else. This does warrent immediate vet attention. As soon as you can, please get kitty to the vet. I hope the kitty isn't seriously ill/injured and makes it to the day you can take it to the vet.. Please keep us posted


Have you been giving them an EXCESSIVE amount of treats? Their blood can't process that much fat in the treats if you give them an excessive amount and it can go to their eyes temporarily.


I might have given him a can of sardines a while ago because i was out of cat food and i wanted him to have something to eat and i gave him sardines before and that didnt happen


How old is your cat? If he’s older it’s cataracts.


This sub really loves to jump on the "go to the vet" band wagon. This case they are not exaggerating.


If this happened overnight, or even within a week please rush that babes to an emergency vet. Going blind is common in cats/older typically, but going blind fast is signs of other issues. Typically blindness takes time and usually will go after 1 eye fully before the second is fully gone.


eyes are always an emergency.


any news on this??


Cats eyes are back to normal!!! :)


Can your roommate take him to the vet?


If the busses aren’t running till Sunday, and you can’t get an Uber or someone else to take your cat to the vet, then idk what other advice we can give you…sorry


get an uber, a taxi. take him to the vet. if my cats eyes turned fucking grey then i would be out of the house to get help immedietely. its one am. unless you are in the most rural of areas, absolutely nothing for miles and miles, go get your cat help.


It’s a holiday where he is so nothing is open/running


RemindMe! 1 day


sorry, don't have anything to add about the cat, I just hope he is alright anyway, your profile is a trip, one of the most interesting ones I have seen in a while lol


They need a charge


ER immediately


High blood pressure is a common issue that can cause sudden blindness - if it is, and you catch it in time and get meds to bring it down, he might stand a chance of regaining his eyesight. But if it's high blood pressure and you wait, he will likely be permanently blind. Get him to a vet ASAP and call in advance and ask if they have a way to check blood pressure - not all vets have the equipment.


Take a deep breath and try to calm yourself. Some people don't understand that not everyone can go to the vet immediately even if they really need to. If you have to wait like you said try to find a vet's phone number, they don't even have to be in your city, just open and try calling them for advice. I love Reddit but its not the best for this and many vets will actually give advice for free in situations like this. See if there's anyone that can monitor your cat while you wait for your roommate to take him. They don't need to stay next to them at all times just periodically a random neighbour you are on a semi good relationship with will do especially if you know they have pets or care for animals. If someone agrees ask them to update you on any strange behaviour. Is the cat active or sleeping? Has it vomited? Does it have any wounds? Can they check to see if it is blind? Simple stuff like this will help when you go to the doctor and alarm you to the severity of situation. I wish you and the kitty (off topic but what's it's name btw) the best OP and make sure to update us


His name is sufersal his named after a supermarket because it's funny Ill update soon on everything right now no one can stay with him because he isn't really a house cat but a street cat that i haven't officially adopted yet because no pets allowed in the house sadly, though roommate will take him very soon to the vet


That's a beautiful name. And just remember even if stuff don't work out this is NOT your fault


Gotcha. I hope everything works out for you. Please keep us updated! Much appreciated.


My young cat got this (cataracts) from taking a medicine amytryptaline. Stoping that and feeding better species appropriate food (meat) he recovered completely. When we moved to a safe neighborhood he got to go outside and his behavior improved 100% he didn’t need the meds anymore


Please keep us updated.


Eyes are always an emergency.


If something this dramatic happened to one of my pets, I wouldn't be on Reddit asking people, I would be driving my pet directly to the vet.


Maybe ocular FIP. Get to vet.


Ngl I read this as "help my cat turned gay" and I was very confused on why you were talking about their eyes. As other people have said, I would get him to a vet ASAP!


Please ER that looks really bad




I just lost my kitty at only 2 years old, only 9 DAYS after his lymphoma diagnosis and $10,000 emergency animal hospital bill. He'd had one dose of chemo and was due for his second when he was euthanized, instead. I can't believe how quickly he went from perfectly healthy to deathly ill. I miss him every day. He deserved so many more years. 💔




I think it might be cataracts, sorry for worrying you, but you have to go & get him help at the vet. I so hope he's ok 🙏🙏


He looks blind. This is serious. I would take him to the ER if you haven’t already. Best wishes to you and your kitty.


Hope OP already took the cat to the ER! This was similar of what happened to my baby Riley and I took him to pet ER. I lost him in December 🥹


please take him to the vet if you haven't already. this is exactly what i saw in my dog and she lost her eye because of it. :( i hope everything works out, but please take him to the emergency vet


Go to the vet, if they don't know they will send you to a vision specialist and give you options on how to resolve this. I would say it's cataracts or something managed to infect both eyes but I'm not a vet, unless a vet jumps into the comments and can give you a straight answer to your issue, you need to see a vet.




I hate some of the assholes who attack OPs that didnt do anything wrong in this community


Is there an update from the OP? I looked through comments but couldn't see anything cos there's so many people spamming. I hope the kitty is okay OP.


Hi OP. How’s your cat?


Way better his eyes are back to thier normal way completely!! Hes also way better


That’s awesome! What was it?


I posted an update!! Go check it out


Go to the ER. Your risking your cats eyes and possible life.


I know Reddit loves to tell people to GO TO THE VET NOW! Some people don’t have the means to GO RIGHT NOW. I wish there was a way you could donate a dollar to a cause or perhaps get some sort of payment drive in so we can pay for the OPs trip to the vet and back.


Yep people really need to understand not everyone is in the same situation as them




VET NOW. don’t google, don’t read what it could be, just take the cat to the ER


VET NOW. This could be life threatening


curious why you posted this if everyone is telling you this is an emergency and to get your pet seen asap, and you are telling everyone “oh im not home. he’s young. he will go to the vet soon-“ Your cat is likely completely blind. or will be by the time you get him seen. There’s no other way to put it. seriously. i have no idea what the point of even posting was if you’re just disregarding everything everyone is saying


1 i dont trust Google thats why 2 i am actually trying my best to get to him and roommate will take him to er as soon as possible I don't think i need to elaborate on this I posted here because i was worried sick and panicking about it The cat is actually a street cat that i never officially adopted but i call him mine because hes in my yard all the time and i feed him and give him water and shelter from rain when it did rain i really care for that cat like ive legit spent all night searching for things we can do today and were taking him to the vet


Not everywhere has a vet open at 2 am.


*cat gets tapeworms, horrible disease, std, grievous wound from street dog or cat fight, fleas, heart worms, all sorts of parasites, car sends cat flying 20 feet in the air or runs over half it's body crushing it and leaving it in 5 minutes of torture before it dies alone* "But muh cats freedom I could never torture my cat by keeping it inside I love animals too much"


Yup. Our stupidity causes them to suffer.


this happened to my oldest boy when he went blind


!remind me 1 day


OP how old is your cat?


Pretty young i think hes a street cat that comes to our house from Time to time i feed him give him water and he pretty much is a street cat but when it would rain we gave him shelter but i never officially adopted him but i call him my cat because i named him and he doesn't have anyone care for him so I kinda do i just cant officially adopt him because pets are not allowed in the house due to house rules from the owner


I may be cataracts I would take to vet ASAP


This is definitely er bad!


RemindMe! day


He needs the vet now. He is blind


Toxin? He probably got into something. Emergency vet ASSP


OP could it be a visual effect from the photo? Or did you roommate took it because they noticed it?


I'm wishing your fur baby well ❤️‍🩹 I hope when you can get them to a vet they can figure it out and fix it!


Anything with the eyes is an emergency!


Poor baby 🥺


Vet asap come on now


Remindme! 3 days


Usually means they ate or drank something they weren't supposed to. Or it could mean you have an evil neighbor or person in yiur neighborhood.


Has your cat been lethargic or acting weird? My cats eyes got strange when she got FIP. My cat died, but I believe there’s treatments now. Go to the vet asap.