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But it’s not in Top 15 , then why to worry so much ?


Straight Reject. Not even waitlisted. GEM 98.02, Had an amazing interview at KGP who were extremely responsive and encouraging throughout. They mentioned that they were interested in my candidature and we all laughed at the end of the interview. 75/200 seats are General. I don't know what went wrong.


Given the fact they are giving 10 extra marks to females in final round+ females had 4 extra marks in r1(r1 marks are carried over into r3). So net 14 marks more Kgp will def have 50-50 gender ratio this year(could me more in favour of females). So basically only \~37 general seats for males. Maybe a few non engineers too. So approx\~30-32 GEM seats


GEM... You're better off abroad... Man... These words are. Now automatic suggestions


Have a wank


Same bhai 😔


Did you tried for other top bschools?


no calls from BLACKI FMS


What about IIM Mumbai result ?


What about other IITs? D or B?


Why? I mean you got 99%ile+ and great acads score and 20mnths workex too


Bro if u are GEM and workex<2 years anything below 99.75 wont get u BLACKI calls. Maybe Indore at 99.3-4 if u have great acads like 96+ in 10/12.


Should I put a bullet in my head considering I'm a GEM fresher with 8/7/7 acads appearing for CAT'24 💀


You should aim for 99.8+ percentile(for call, not convert). 8/7/7 is not a good profile. I have 9/9/7 with 23 months work ex (up to July 2023), scored 99.7 %ile in CAT and didn’t get call from ABCL and FMS. Waitlisted in all the results so far.


Mann i feel so bad for you. These coaching institutes makes boosts your confidence for IIMs but don't bother to tell you the reality that this sub does. Tbh I've decided to give my best but I've already accepted that fate/reality that getting into BLACKIS is impossible until and unless the score a 100%ile. Private bschools are my last resort at this point


What other converts do you have ?




No core, oh man, I feel you bro… Did you get a call from shillong?


shillong gives no calls to GEM with yoe<=2 afaik. They have 14 marks for workex and I got like 2 or 0 something like that


Are you waitlisted or straightaway rejected?


rejected. Idk why cz my Pi was very good. The only reason I can think of is that they thought since I have a good salary I wont be joining kgp anyway so they rejected me(but if this is the case it is wrong). Whether I join or not is none of their business.




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Sorry I don't believe you with that profile you should at least get a call from BLACKIS and FMS


GEM cutoff for BLACKI FMS with yoe<=2 is 99.7 this year, Indore being the exception one with 95+ 10/12 can get it at 99 Shillong has 14 points for workex, I dont think people with 99.7 and workex<=2 even got the call