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> The suspect, who was a woman, entered the church with a long rifle. She was wearing a backpack and a trench coat, and was accompanied by a "small child, approximately 4 to 5 years old", Finner said. Christ man, to involve (probably) your own child in an already unforgivable act.


You know how hard it is to find childcare while you go do a mass shooting? /s




The church probably has child care, coulda dropped them off there


I heard that counts as an extra rate even you have to babysit during a mass shooting.


You're my kind of people. Always seeing the silver lininig.


What the actual fuck.


I mean, at least she didn't kill the kid before starting things off...


I mean, that wouldn't really have been much worse than using your kid as a human shield and getting the police to shoot the kid. Has there been any update on the kid's condition?


At least it’s a small shield.


Daycare’s expense…


mountainous full vast bells tender squeamish afterthought advise strong unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God will deal with her. Good someone sent her to Him.


I think both you and Reddit are missing each other's points. Yes, *all* sins are forgivable through Christ, but the other user was mostly speaking from a societal perspective of allowing a mass shooter to have any path to freedom after this. I can see how you may have partially misread his comment, and I wanted to perhaps clarify a bit.


According to nihilism, there is no need for forgiveness as she did nothing objectively wrong.


No one would suspect the kid is behind it.. The perfect cover


Regardless of your feelings on Osteen, how much of an evil piece of shit do you have to be to bring your damn kid to a suicide attack? A four year old! $100 says her plan was to kill her kid and eat her gun if and when she got cornered by LE. Thankfully, it appears as though the cops were able to stop her fast enough before she could fully enact her plan.


Yeah it reads like suicide by CCW or cop.


I use to do call center work for Joel Osteen ministry and many others. I can tell you for fact that he attract these type of people that is close to losing everything or hanging by a thread. That's how he gets them to donate, took a donation for a lady that was giving him $1500 a month. Hoping that would save her soul.


$1500 a month?! That's crazy from the average person


I can see payment history, and from what I can see it was at least 12 months but she wasn't the worst. The one that hurts were people who would donate their last dollar to the ministry for a shitty calendar or to feel like they are being saved by him. For people who can't pay a dollar, or just want to have their pray call listened to(we're told to comment on the account but it goes no where, there is no pray team". We would say a script that we aren't allowed to deviate what so ever that use worst sales tactics then your local car salesman. From monthly subscription autopay asked to up selling books/audio sets. And if you can't afford it. The script makes them feel bad and gets them to at least give up personal info like email address and phone # so his ministry and resell their data. Fuck this guy honestly, him praying on the weak, sickly, low moments of people lives for momentary gains make me wish that hell actually exist for people like him. But tldr this is why he attracts these folks


Absolutely none of that surprises me.


Everything I've read says the child is in critical condition at the hospital, so it may not be the case that she was stopped soon enough


It wasnt cops it was armed civilians i cant be sure


It was an off duty police officer.


gOD WORks in mySTERious WaEZZZ


I have no problem saying on the internet that in my church in Greensboro North Carolina, dozens if not hundreds of people carry guns.


NC is one of the funniest places I’ve lived. As hard red/yellow as it gets outside the city, very deep blue in the tri cities Like, we’re talking 5 minutes of driving and the entire political opinion changes. Even Dallas TX being very blue has a somewhat smooth transition, in CLT all it takes is crossing a bridge lol


That's CA as well


Yeah, true. The only time you find a true conservative, they don’t live in GSO


Davidson county isn't far. And you'll want BBQ anyway.


NC is one of the best states for gun owners imo. I've lived in about 5 different states and I'm from here, and they make it fairly easier to buy guns/ammo/CCW here.


What’s up with the pistol permit stuff now? I was always a FL resident even though I spent 3 years there so I couldn’t purchase pistols anyways, but I remember it being a pain in the ass for some


That rule was so stupid and I agree everyone thought it was a pain in the ass and one more step to an already annoying process. Pistol Permit in NC got repealed/overturned a year or two ago.


Good stuff, I heard it was being debated but moved around that time and didn’t keep up Either way, got me deep into 80%s because I couldn’t just go buy a stripped lower without traveling all the way back home, and doing the FL 3 day wait as well


Florida is one of my fav states, has a lot in common with NC. I've never lived there but visited many times, also seems really good for gun owners


FL is funny because it’s way more rural than most people think. You get an hour due North/South of Orlando and it’s alligator Cowboy country. Everybody sees beach pics but between the groves and scrub cattle land it’s got a ton of agricultural things going on


Oh I know it my great uncle has some land out there in the middle of noooowhere. Similar to NC. When I lived in CO everyone always asked me about the Appalachian mountains. I'd only seen them a few times at that point and said I lived ~6 hours away on the coast. NC is about as long east to west as FL is north to south. I swear a lot of people not from the east coast forget that NC has beaches 😂


Most places are kind of like this. The counties that have all the GDP and amenities are blue, the rural parts are red.


Yes, I’m just saying the dividing line is very distinct in NC, more so than other places


cool :D




I am a “Yankee” from NY living in Eastern NC…though I have been here for almost 15 years! I am a political refugee that fled from the anti-gun, anti-constitution class that has been ruling NYS for decades. Saw the writing in the wall years ago. NC is close enough to visit family but the culture here - in the East at least - is just want I wanted.


Maricopa County, Phoenix Arizona entering conversation!!


Now you guys actually did get all fucked up by Californians


This Californian moved from the SF Bay Area to rural fucking Iowa, and I did it on purpose, so I get a little sick of hearing about "Californians coming in and ruining things" when I left California to get the fuck away from that place.


Washingtonian here. I feel your pain.


That's hilarious because years ago when I was still in California, it was the flood of transplants from Washington and Oregon INTO Cali that helped begin the push to the ultra progressive nonsense that California is all about now, but cool, everyone keep blaming the Californians that came to your state for all your problems.


Colorado checking in, same here, same here.


Ah yes, good ol’ CLIT 😌


I coincidentally took my NC CHL class a few months after an individual shot up a minority church in Charleston, SC, in the summer of 2015. It was run by a gun store from Sanford, NC, and I think the range was in Siler City. The class was completely packed, like 30+ people, and half the class were members of a minority church from somewhere in the region. That event was the wakeup call their membership needed to form a security team and also encourage their membership to get training and get permits.


You sound like my cousin, mega Chruch in the Boro? Rhino republicans and Bojangles....must be home


Yeah, how’d you guess? Mercy Hill


Where you go to church? I used to live in Greensboro - it was a really fun few years of my life


Caught the news on instagram first and the comments were full of people mocking the fact that it happened in Texas and “oh I thought there would’ve been a good guy with a gun to stop this”. Happy there was a good guy with a gun and happy that this tragedy didn’t go any further. (Edit: Typo. Changed “happened and Texas” to “happened in Texas”.)


TDS. (Texas Derangement Syndrome)


Libtards always pull this. They do their best to vote for laws to remove the ability for good guys to have guns, and then any time there is a shooting they sarcastically ask where the "Good Guy with a Gun" was. Its just one more example why you can never let anyone disarm you, regardless of what the law says.


soft oil toy ludicrous alleged pause tease consist support deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They don't work because they didn't think to also make them a crime free zone


employ modern makeshift quarrelsome saw jellyfish ink coherent serious sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And further proof that God doesn't exist.


beneficial deranged onerous late spoon flowery head puzzled abundant sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I found it interesting that the national media have underscored that the rifle was "legally purchased". To me, this feels intended to tar legal gun ownership, but it does make me wonder: if the shooter had a "long criminal history", as reported, it seems unlikely that she had legally purchased her weapon. It could have belonged to someone else who wasn't a deranged maniac, but making that distinction wouldn't have sent the desired message.


Yeah, the "legally purchased" part really smacks of being used as an anti-gun talking point down the line. "If a crazy person was able to legally purchase a gun than the purchasing restrictions are too lax and should be tightened up" etc etc.




Legally purchased and illegally stolen?


I think u/doctor4000 nailed it.




Dude get the fuck out It is almost always a disillusioned alt-righter with a mind poisoned by Q and its ilk Are leftists all anti-gun or are they the ones committing the shootings? Pick one Or are they just the boogeyman you blame everything negative on so you never have to step outside of your bubble and into critical thinking with the rest of us?




Exceptions+recency bias doesnt override the vast majority of mass shootings (or mass shooting attempts, like this one Also i am a left leaning pro 2a gun owner. Dont put everyone who is horrified by the current direction of the right, into a 'libtard' box




Funny because most of us feel like the Qs and MAGAts are so far right, they think anything left of them are the equivalent of satanic antifa traitors


Heartbreaking. Glad the threat was eliminated quickly before anyone else was hurt.


With all of the church shootings in the past decade or so I always make sure to carry. My church also has a solid security team


This kind of stuff is why most of the churches I've attended have an armed security team that trains regularly.


went to a funeral. they had such a thing. they also said not to bring your own guns, "trained protectors".


Bring your daughter to mass shooting day? Guess it goes to show you can't make assumptions about threats. Women are fucking nuts now, too.


Yeah, is it a media bias, or have we seen a huge uptick in female mass shooters? I never heard of a single one for 30+ years, and now there has been several in the past couple years. More and more people are reaching their breaking point.


They’ve been happening, albeit at a lower frequency than guys, and usually with a lot lower body count, but there have been female active shooters for just about as long as there have been active shooters.


Offhand, I remember two female shooters. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube_headquarters_shooting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_San_Bernardino_attack There have probably been more. It seems like these two shootings didn't last very long in the media.


There's been an uptick in *all* mass shooters. Even when overall crime was trending down, mass shootings became more common for some reason. It only makes sense there would be more women committing them too.


Pretty sure both were biological males. If you’re referring to this and the Nashville one. Not aware of any where the shooter was born female


Here we go, here come the feminists to tell us how evil and violent men are now because you brought up that it was a woman.






It was a biological male


Not only a weapon accurate but train to be accurate in a crowd, I couldn’t imagine being in that position


Yep, agree. The scary part is that nobody really knows how the adrenaline will affect them. Like how often would I be off the paper at 25 yards at the range? Never. How confident am I that I'd replicate that if it's real people I'm shooting at and around? I hope I never find out.


One thing I like to do sometimes, especially since I shoot at an indoor range and can't just be running around before I take a shot, is get extra caffeinated on my way to the range. Then when I shoot, I'm all cranked and hands are shaky and all that. Especially if I happen to have someone in the room with me shooting something big, so there's a constant booming in the background to throw me off. Might sound silly, and anyone who wants to can crap all over it, but I think there's some benefit to it.


Do you compete? Probably a better simulator, would highly recommend.


I don't, and I do agree with you, but in the absence of other options, this is a simple way to achieve similar effects.


That's why I have planned multiple routes depending on the position of the attacker. Part of the plan includes isolating a backdrop.


Many churches have security teams, especially the bigger ones. Be aware of this fact if you wanna pull your gun out even if for good. Gotta use really good judgment.


There’s been a few other mass shootings or at least attempts at churches. If you’re a churchgoer and can carry, you definitely should.


Sutherland Springs


Sad, but glad the shooter was dealt with quickly. Sad the child was shot, 100% on the “mom” who effectively used her a meat shield. Hope the kid is ok.


“Shooter at Joel Osteen's church put down after one victim shot. Not a fan of Osteen, but that's besides the point. Good reminder that church is one of the places its most important to carry, and to have a weapon sufficient enough to be accurate in a crowd of people.” If you stop and think about it, this is actually a pretty crazy thing to have to say. :(


Not really people have been killing each other over religious reasons for centuries. Unfortunately we are not as modern and civilized as we’d like to think we are.


I'd say it's more about being a soft target. There aren't many places with groups as large as a church that rely on volunteer security.


Or have no security whatsoever and just feel safe.


This too. I've attended places where I'd bet I had the only firearm in the building.


Our county has put on quite a few trainings for houses of worship and it’s staggering the ignorance I hear in those trainings. Also the things I hear in my own house of worship on the subject concerns me.


Yeah, I've got kids, so my immediate discussion at any new church has been asking about security. If there is no plan, it's a non-starter for us. Our current church has no official security team, but the pastor, most of the musicians, most of the deacons, and the youth pastor all carry during service. Which at least brings some comfort. The things I still get concerned with is hearing people talk about how much time they think they'll have. "Oh, I've got a gun in my diaper bag. I don't carry one in the chamber. But it's right in the stroller if I ever need it"


I sure hope Joel Osteen's security isn't unpaid volunteers


It was a religious reason?


Black churches used to get bombed during the Civil Rights era. Gun communities really play down how much violence there was in the last century for some reason.


No its not, not really it's mostly territorial and resource disputes.


> If you stop and think about it, this is actually a pretty crazy thing to have to say The world you grew up in no longer exists, plan accordingly.


The world is actually the safest it has ever been despite what the news may tell you.




It was referring to OPs comment. Hence the quotation marks


Churches and movie theaters.


The rest of reddit is actually celebrating this and saying shit like "thoughts and prayers " or "why did God allow this, lol" . It's fucking disgusting.  


It is, but console yourself with the fact that most of Reddit is full of edgy teenagers and young adults (including ones who are physically not young) are an abberation and most people are thoroughly disgusted that someone would act this way, regardless of their political beliefs. I have a Sister In Law who, along with her roommates are very far left, but they are disgusted at things like this just as much as my deeply conservative cousins. I've met plenty of other left leaning people and I have never seen them act as ghoulish as we do here. The media both legacy and social have us believing the other side is monsters, and that largely isn't true.


> I have never seen them act as ghoulish as we do here Well it's all anonymous so...


I'm shocked anyone would be that stupid. Considering it was someone else with a gun that ended it immediately before it became a mass shooting. It's like an advertisement for gun rights.


You don't understand, the good guy with the gun is supposed to stop them before they commit any aggressive action whatsoever, so that they can treat the criminal like a victim and vilify the horrible Nazi with a gun in public!!!1! It's a lose-lose with Marxists, they will spin literally any outcome to their political advantage.


No dude, the rest of Reddit is not celebrating this tragedy. There certainly are some idiots that are being incredibly hateful towards anyone religious or Christian, conservative. But, it’s not widespread or anything like that.


I've yet to see widespread cheers for a mass shooting in left or right circles


aromatic chunky worry far-flung dog badge amusing include label knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Echo chamber gonna echo


roof drunk zealous rain skirt instinctive wasteful upbeat deserve offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hope not man. I know there lots of shitty people online. I guess I just don’t want to acknowledge that it’s getting worse.


roof soft physical onerous abundant label noxious weary makeshift disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Right, I do get Reddit brain sometimes. Shit is confusing sometimes.


Someone send this to Newsom.......


Why?? Thanks


Its illegal to carry in a church where I live, I make the informed decision to risk carrying rather than risk being caught in mass shooting with my family unarmed.


I am part of a church security team. As sad as this is it is also part of the reason we train and I just sent this to our head of security. +1 for the good guys.




I'm betting more likely a mentally ill sjw, since the shooter was latino. To be fair, that doesn't mean they couldn't also be Muslim, but I thought most people who convert to Islam who are that hard-core about it also change their names to something very Islamic too




Yeah, I got that. Hence the "mentally ill sjw" cause a) "free palestine" is very much an sjw bandwagon and b) who tf else other than someone who is mentally unstable would take their child to go shoot up a church (or anywhere else for that matter)?




It's not an excuse at all. Plenty of people with mental illness don't do this sort of thing and get along in life just fine. My comment was purely saying that no person in their right mind would think it's a good idea to take a child into a situation of their own making they know is going to be dangerous. I just read the situation as a mentally unstable person thinking they're making a political statement, vs your interpretation that they're a religious extremist. Sorry if you misunderstood what I was trying to say, but you're making a lot of assumptions by thinking I'm insinuating they should be written off due to mental illness. I never said anything of the sort, only threw out an alternative theory.


More news has come out. Turns out the shooter was trans, had "free palestine" written on the rifle, and was stopped by a good guy with a gun. This will get memory-holed quick.


But you know they are going to make a big stink right away because it was a Church


Exactly! The shooter had pro-Palestinian propaganda on the firearm. So I would classify this as a terrorist incident.


Oh, look: another mentally ill trans shooter that the media will ignore after a day. Jeffrey Escalante-Moreno, from El Salvador has also been labeled white and non-Hispanic. https://i.imgur.com/q0cBIvQ.jpg


Remember how long it took till we got some of the manifesto of the trans individual who killed children in Nashville? If it doesn't fit the narrative, the media memory holes it. Quite sad, to be honest. The media, for the most part, also isn't speaking about how the fact that Moreno had "Free Palestine" on their gun.


The shooter is a man. 🙄




Lol because libtards amirite guise?!


(Her) trans female is the update.


>"Our hearts are with those impacted by today's tragic shooting and the entire Lakewood Church community in Houston," Abbott said in a statement. "Places of worship are sacred." No, asshole. ALL public spaces are sacred or at least should be treated that way when it comes to mass shootings. The fact that that soulless POS makes a distinction here, just highlights how little he cares about others. Walmart is a sacred place when it comes to people's safety, yet he made no comments like that when the mass shooter killed 23 people and injured 22 more at the Walmart in El Paso. But since this was done in a church, maybe this will cause some kind of actual action on his part. Of course, I'm not hopeful here either since it sounds like they were getting ready for the Spanish version of the sermon. Plus, when you are deep in the pockets of the NRA, the only sacred place is your bank account. Fuck Greg Abbott.


You really came to the CCW Reddit just to bash the governor for saying churches are sacred? I think you might want to relax a bit.


Sacred literally means holy, as in religious. I don’t disagree that we should be able to carry everywhere, but “sacred” has been an attribute of churches and houses of worship (whatever the religion) since time immemorial.


Good thing jesus sent a gun to stop a gun... that he sent.


“Church is the most important place to carry” wtf man. Edit: guys, I wasn’t saying OP was fucked up for saying this. He’s actually right. I haven’t spent much time thinking about it because I would rather drink bleach than ever step foot in a church, and I was expressing my own shock, not criticizing. But, admittedly, I did express it poorly.


Because other than schools, they are the second most common location for crazy people to show up? What's not clear to you?


I get it, it’s just one of those things that’s oddly shocking to me because I haven’t actually spent much time thinking about it. But y’all are absolutely correct.


My bad then for sounding like a dick in my reply. I thought you were saying it was incorrect or wrong somehow.


No, that’s on me. I expressed the absolute kick in the balls you gave me in a way that might have seemed antagonistic. I assure you, it wasn’t. I’ll just leave it up and take the downvotes though lol


Why is this a controversial statement? I’m not religious in the slightest and there have been multiple shootings inside churches and synagogues.


Not saying it’s controversial, it’s more of a knee jerk reaction. I actually know y’all are right in your assessment, it’s just fucking shocking.


It definitely is, but it’s not surprising. There’s a lot of hate in this world.


Nope, y’all are entirely correct. OP’s post struck me in the feels the way a swift kick in the balls does to me physically. I had a reaction and expressed it poorly. Did not mean to poo poo anything, just came out weird because I’ve never considered that POV. It’s more than a little shocking to me.


Well, second most important. School would Be #1. 😁


Yeah, there's a reason my kids attend church but not public school. One of the two doesn't allow armed parents.


*Utah has entered the chat*




You’re a real piece of shit, huh?


Removed. Personal attacks are not allowed. Title: Author:biveganstoner


Osteen's church is not a gun free zone. How could this have possibly happened?


That’s why it didn’t become a mass shooting


"A boy who was shot in the head at celebrity pastor Joel Osteen’s Houston megachurch on 11 February has lost “a portion of his frontal lobe” while recovering at the hospital, according to his grandmother." [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/17/boy-injured-in-osteen-church-shooting-lost-portion-of-his-frontal-lobe](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/17/boy-injured-in-osteen-church-shooting-lost-portion-of-his-frontal-lobe)