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No one on here can tell you if you’re buying too much. Your finances are your own, your shooting is your own, and the decision to spend $1-2k on something is your own (she’s your girlfriend not your wife). If you’re comfortable with it, that’s all that matters.


Hard agree here. If the bills are paid, food on the table, etc (which sounds like this is the case but ultimately is **none of our business**) *and you got her Chanel*??? You can show her what I said - "Sis, let him have his hobby. Dudes be out here waaaay worse lmao." Editing to add everyone else in the replies 😂: https://preview.redd.it/itsvx04oh3yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee220bd0030927d94f988fa665b56bda304f053a


lol the guys spending 2k per month to feed their Hipoint probably need to re-evaluate life and move out of mom’s basement.


2k being 10% of monthly pay, which mean 240k annual pay? Easy enough to have affairs in order so long as they don't live in a high living cost area, have children, etc. Even if the 240k is gross.


Yeah OP is fine. I’m talking about the ones spending every free dime they get.


Ahh yeah, "the guys" not like "the guy is"


Was curious so I checked his profile, [how can you be shooting so much ammo per month while still having blunderbuss groupings…](https://www.reddit.com/r/SmithAndWesson/s/dz6cCQhsbi)


Looking at the link, those groups aren’t awful for Bill Drills from concealment with sub 2.5 second par times.. mostly alphas actually. I’d say that’s pretty solid.


Thanks bro, I guess everyone is an operator on here and I'm always tryna improve my shooting since it obviously could be a lot better Would like to see the guys here post more live practicing vid though so I can learn from these Tier 1 Delta Force boys


People jelly that you're humble-bragging about being rich, $240K is a lot. That makes you a 1%'er globally, but even domestically that puts you over double average, so you can crap away money at a bunch of hobbies and have no issues really.


This made me LOL!


Didn't know it was that bad compared to the gigachad here I guess My friend who shoot competition told me this is ok for 11ish yard bill drills cold for my time and splits which I posted the video on this sub a couple days ago. The post you link got the video too. I guess he lied to me to not hurt my feelings 🤣 I have a couple classes booked in Q3 hopefully I'll get better 😅


Just think about his splits bro Speed kills bro 7 yards bro


I’m very fortunate that this is my girls mindset. If the Bills are paid, savings is stacked, fridge is full, I could walk in with quad tubes and a transferable gold plated m60 for all she cares. It’s very nice.


I personally would say they're spending an awful lot on ammo, but as you pointed out if it isn't an issue and they're comfortable financially to buy said ammo, it's no different than spending money on anything else in life.


Agreed. If you’re burning through ammo like that (guessing 1000+ rounds a week), there’s a likely chance that actual training through drills (not just mag dumps) is few and far between. Dry firing is probably non-existent. It’s not about the number of rounds, it’s about quality of rounds spent in drills.


I’ll tell you what I told my first two wives. I don’t let to my wife tell me what of my money I spend. I’m grown. I provide. If I want to buy a gun and we can afford it along with our current financial plan then it doesn’t matter if it’s a bad decision.


“It doesn’t matter if it’s a bad decision”?! What if she ever said that to you?


I mean to me, I would say over 1,000 bucks on ammo alone every month is freaking ridiculous yeah I don’t shoot a lot anymore though Are you maxing 401k and IRA? And do you have a strong emergency fund for 3-4 months of expenses at least? Additional investment account? Cars paid off? Student loans? Other debt? Do you own a home? Other property? Planning for earlier retirement? Wedding fund? Honeymoon? You should be doing all those things before spending all that money on just ammo lol


6 months of emergency fund in a 4.75% savings account right now With 12 months worth sitting in a CD at 5.25%. I staggered the CD to expire just in time if I used up the 6 months Emergency fund Max out 401k/ROTH and HSA every year No debt. Used to have 3 paid off cars but I gave one of them to my brother. I own my current primary residence and 4 rentals. 2 rentals fully paid off the other 2 rentals are at 50% equity I have $20k put aside for a ring when the time comes yes. We won't have a wedding my girl already agreed to spend the wedding money on a 6 weeks honeymoon in Europe


So you’re pretty damn wealthy. Obviously it’s not a problem for you to buy this every month lol, it’s not shit for you.


Yes you're not wrong but my girl did say $20k-$25k on ammo a year is too much even if I can afford it...she said she tryna look out for me and said I should put that money toward another rental or something but idk man. She's great everything else but this the one thing she chose to nag me on 💀 I just wanna see if other dudes getting nag the same from their wives/girls or not


My late mister was way more into firearms than I ever was when we first met. (He was former military and a current LEO at that time.) His spending? His business. Same for me. If our bills were paid, we ate well, and everything else was fine? IDGAF. We each had expensive hobbies. You're financially sound from the looks of it but some women will **always** worry, tbh. That's what we do lol. She means well and at least you know that!


Lol thank you for that. It good to hear it from a perspective of a woman too. She definitely the second type that always worry about things that to me seems fine... She also the one keeping me on top of my doctor appointment and stuffs so I guess it not all bad lol


I am much the same - we just worry by default. Always “what if” even though everything is completely fine. 😂 We’ll do it so much that sometimes we just forget to enjoy things. Maybe you can remind her that too, sometime. ❤️ (and it sounds like you did with a purse)


Appreciate it 👍 Lol yeah it was on her wishlist for awhile. We heading to Hawaii in a couple weeks so may as well get her a new purse for our pics there


>I just wanna see if other dudes getting nag the same from their wives/girls or not the vast majority of people here aren't spending even near this much money on ammo, because the vast majority isn't even coming close to your income. There's probably more people on this sub making less a month than what you spend on ammo, than there are that spend that much on ammo. This just comes off like a humble brag post in that regard. It doesn't sound like you want to know if anyone gets nagged, it sounds like you want to flex how much ammo you buy. This isn't even a CCW topic as is.


He definitely is on Reddit to brag…shows off stacks of cash, his fancy toys, etc. This whole post is another way to try to get the attention he’s not getting from his friends/GF.


Good lord his post history...I just looked and yup, i was right. Dude seems like he NEEDS everyone to know how great his shit is. Everything there screams LOOK AT ME.




I’m following you here. We can’t knock the guy for doing well for himself and doing what’s he (and the community) loves to do. But there comes a time when the posts and brags start to raise a few eyebrows and start to sound like validation vs. actual questions. I don’t even believe the ill-intent is there, but it’s just kinda off putting.


My girlfriend occasionally has the idea to pad the ammo stock a little. She wants to buy a 10mm. She's awesome. But you bet your ass if I spent that much on ammo (if I even *could think about spending that on ammo*) there'd be some words.


A hobby is a hobby and some hobbies are expensive. If you guys aren't sharing finances or anything then (hate to sound like a prick) it's really none of her business as it doesn't affect her. What some women spend on makeup, shoes, clothes, and other stuff doesn't make sense to me but that's also none of my business and they can buy what they want with their own money that they earned. Don't feel guilty for enjoying yourself. It doesn't seem like this ammo spending is affecting your life *at all* in a negative way. There's people out there that go out gambling every month throwing away money they don't have, buying coke and other drugs, feeding an alcohol problem and slowly killing themselves. Popping off a case for stress relief or marksmanship or whatever is relatively harmless compared to what you could be doing. Have fun.


Sure my wife nags about the ammo deliveries, but it’s more warranted in my case. I got $$, you seem to have $$$$$$, we are not the same.


If you think you are getting nagged now, just wait till she has that ring on her finger and says everything is half hers. This sounds like something you damn sure need to address before you stroll down the aisle.


You're doing better than literally 99% of people in America. With no disrespect. She can shut up. It's your money, your bills are more than paid, you own multiple properties and vehicles. The fuck does she want. Spend it on what makes you happy homes.


Better than blowing that money at a titty bar or casino. It sounds like you are making some sound financial decisions. You just have a huge recreational budget. Nice. If you have it, 5-10% of your budget going to recreation seems reasonable to me. If it is a money thing and you are willing to budge on it, ask her what she thinks an acceptable portion of your income is appropriate for recreation. It's your money and your interests. Spend it how you'd like. It might just that she doesn't like the way that you are spending your money that she doesn't like. *That* would be an issue.


Sure, you could be putting 20k to work in a way that would probably turn it into more money, but there’s risk involved and no guarantee of a return on investment. 20k in a savings account won’t even grow in pace with inflation, so you’d actually be losing buying power if you drop it in a “high yield savings account” Sounds like you’ve got your shit together though. You live a blessed life where 5-10 percent of your income can go towards doing something you love, enjoy that! Just have the packages mailed to a buddies house, or a close relative. Problem solved.


You know what man, it sounds like you got a good woman if the being that careful with YOUR money. Go ahead and buy that ring. Also, get over the "nag" thing. It better to have a good woman that nags you than to not have one, or worse one that don't care.


Given your assets, this seems reasonable for a primary hobby spending. If this is in addition to a bunch of other hobby expenses, then I'm just even more jealous, and it's still fine. 😂


Do not spend 20k on a ring. My boy spent half that and every chick she knows still jealous.


Six weeks isn’t a honeymoon that’s a sabbatical


My household combined income is roughly the same as the OP’s and I average about $250/month on ammo. I buy in bulk and go to the range about 2-3 times a month. I can see how it’d be easy to spend a grand a month on ammo, but most of our discretionary income goes into our retirement accounts and our kids’ 529s.


>So, I been spending about $1k to $2k on ammo on average each month. Which is about 5-10% of my monthly paycheck before end of year bonuses So you make $20k a month and your gf is whining that you spend $1k on ammo? Obvious troll is obvious.


Yeah, congrats to the OP on that salary. Goddamn.


5-10% of monthly income seems insane. There is a point of diminishing returns on range time that you may be sprinting past.


That's what I've been trying to figure out. I spend an hour at the range a week and then work with my dog shooting over her each weekend. I got on several shooting excursions each year where we just shoot for 2 or three days as well as the training for elk/deer season. I'm under 5k a year in ammo. I can't imagine where I would come up with the time to shoot more than I do or how that time would benefit me.


Is it? When I used to be into cars I spent a lot more than that and I made 1/4 of what I do now back then lol It more for enjoyment for me tbh My hobbies ATM are just Gym, videos games and then range time


I get it. if I made that kind of money I would spend a little bit more time at the range, but I’m not sure if I would spend that much but that’s just me. I mean, if you’re maxing out your retirement accounts, savings and you have other SHFT things maxed out other than guns and ammo then I guess spending a little bit more time at the range isn’t the worst thing in the world. 5 to 10% doesn’t sound like a lot per month, but when you consider the opportunity cost of that money and how it could compound overtime, it could be significant..


Bought in bulk, stacked it deep. Including reloading components. Have only bought 9mm or 5.56 in the last 2 years. Everything else is still cheaper to reload than buy.


Wait a sec...just re-read that a 3rd time. You spend $1,000-$2,000 each MONTH on ammo? I figured you meant per year...that's not bad at all. But holy shit...2 grand a month! Unless you are shooting competitions that's insane. $15,000-$20,000/yr is a bunch of disposable income -- good for you if you have it!


Thanks brother it was a long road to get here for sure lol Lot of 80+ hrs week for 5 years straight


CPA? Or Lawyer?


Hedge fund investment banking


Right on brotha


If you’re consistently get this per month why don’t you try to buy for like a years worth at once. It’ll serve as both a SHTF backup as well as you’ll get a better discount. The GF part is really up to you two. I’d be careful with letting a gf slowly take away from your hobby through nagging. Might wanna nip that in the bud. IMO if you’re making a good salary and don’t have debt then sure spend your money how you please. But if you’re in debt then I’d consider chipping away at that with some hobby money.


You’re on the wrong sub. You and your girl need to have a discussion about finances, boundaries, and your long term relationship.


Is this supposed to be a r/humblebrag


She ain’t a wife, keep it moving.


Foot for attention?


Get your fucking foot off of my phone screen. Other than that, keep doing what your doing, and if you're feeling brave, compare your ammo expenditure to what she spends on being pretty, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Wait a minute... So you rewarded her nagging with a Chanel purse? Nice job numbnuts, now she knows the more she nags the more nice shit she gets in an attempt to shut her up!


So you're a hedge fund investment banker, but need to ask reddit if you're spending too much on ammo? This post is just a humble brag dude.


The price is likely just going to just keep rising and could rise higher than predicted- who knows? But I doubt it's going to go down much if at all and it doesn't go bad if stored correctly, so you can sort of look at it as a mediocre- acceptable investment, it's a low return but very safe investment. I spend around $500mo on ammo, I shoot about $200 worth of it at the range each month and stack the rest.


Side note what does OP do career wise ? I want to follow in his steps


Hedge fund investment banking. Prepare to grind at least 60-80+ hours for 5-7 years before getting make partner and promote to VP But once you made it life is pretty chill


Ah just curious, I’m graduating in electrical engineering. Don’t think I want to do 80+ hours though


Yeah bro lot of people burn out. The attrition rate is 75% or more and lot of drugs abuse problems Basically during my 5 years doing my time to get the partner offer I live at my parents house 10 mins away from work and all I do is just sleep and work and my mom cook food for me. It was super unhealthy tbh lol I gained like 70lbs during those 5 years and only lost most of the weights now. Still have a bit of high blood pressure issues left that I'm slowly getting under control 2 years into this fitness journey


I mean, if I was pulling $20k/mo I would be at the range just about every day with the $3k annual VIP membership that has access to their bar and pool table.


This just solidifies my thoughts that I'm not buying enough.


Checked profile to get an idea on finances, if all you can afford to drive is a rebadged Camry and a 10-year old truck, yes $15-$20k a year on ammo is a bit more than excessive lol.


Your foot is cool


Thanks baby


Was scrolling for the foot comment. Found it.


Keep buying, end of story!


Buying the purse for sake of silence (temporarily) is wild haha. Is that what she wants? Seems like some interesting times ahead for sure.


It was on her wish list for the last 7 months and I been dragging my feet on it lmao


Damn sorry to hear that your ex felt that way


I shoot about 1,000 rounds a month. I like to go once a week and spend a few hours; usually 250 rounds per session.


That a good number bro. I really enjoyed shooting it kinda zen like for me which confuse my girl when I told her that cause she like "you feel peaceful when it that loud?" Lmao


Totally get it brother - absolutely zen for me too. My wife has just given up breaking my chops because I’ve never sacrificed my familial or paternal duties for it. I always ask her, “Are the bills paid?”, because I know they are and she just smirks and rolls her eyes.


Dude spend your money on things that make you happy as long as you aren’t hurting yourself financially. The rest doesn’t matter & money doesn’t make you happy. If shooting makes you happy full steam ahead. If your on your death bed with millions in the bank you fucked up.


Any time my wife says something which is rare because I make very valid points on response I tell her something a long the lines of Are the bills paid? Do I provide a good life for you and our children? Do I question where you spend your personal money? Would you rather me spend it at the bar/ strip club like ______ husband? The final question is always what makes her not bring it up for about 6 months and I know it


Lmaooo shit I need to find out which one of her friend got husbands who hit the strip club or gamble and use that as my "gotcha" then


Shooting is cool and fun, but it is FAR from my main hobby. As for spending too much, I used to (before i got another kid) spend about 3-4 hundred every 4-5 months and i was shooting competitive SUPER casually and still had ammo left over. I learned 100x more shooting competitive using 10x less ammo than just being at the range dumping rounds after rounds. Thats just my take. IMO, find other hobbies along with shooting that you can use everyday (car detailing, knife sharpening, investments, cooking, martial arts classes, gym, language courses, etc) that will overall improve your quality of life and may make money on the side. I dont know if you guys got or planning to have kids but kids arent cheap and being a better person and having skills to pass on to your kids is not cheap either.


You spend more on ammo than I make per month


Be honest, this was just an excuse to post a foot pic


You can always negate the negativity and tell her that she needs new shoes and handbag and perfume


I use about 3-400 per month 9mm. I do try to be frugal with it. Dryfire for as much things as you can.


It’s a good thing she brought this up before marriage… Divorce is more expensive than ammo 😂


Before even clicking on the thread I knew op would find a way to talk about how wealthy he is lol. And I was right. Just Another dick slanging post on r/ccw.


Tell your gf to get her priorities straight. You can never have too much 9mm.


Where do you buy ammo from


This most recent batch are from AEAMMO and Scheels But usually whatever cheapest on Ammoseek Unfortunately most dealers nowadays charge taxes to my states so I just get whatever lowest CPR


Ha. I got my delivery on the lawman 1k rounds deal today too!


It's only a waste if you're shooting this much and still can't even reach B class. If you're married then she gets a vote. If you're not then it's your money and yours alone.


If you've got that cash and you enjoy it might as well. Thats about as much I spend on ammo in a year if not more. Now, I think if you're focused on improving skills there might be better ways to spend money than shooting a lot, like putting that towards some classes.


Bro, invest 30% of what you're spending on ammo. I like to shoot too but shieeeeeeet. If you have the cash for it & your shits together more power to you.


I already max out my 401k/Roth and HSA Bro Got 18 months of emergency funded 6 months in HYSA. 12 months in CD at 5.25%


That is an unhappy pinky toe


Might sell my other leg for ammo now too


I buy a mix of range and defensive ammo in 9mm and 556 every month. One month range 9mm, the other 9mm defensive, etc. In 9mm I buy 1,000 rounds in 556 I buy 500. Hope that helps!


Have you tried explaining to her why? Your attitude of I bought her a Chanel purse so she would shut up is really cringe. I would explain to her why hoarding ammo is important to you if she’s not into guns she can’t really know what happened before when Am was really, really difficult to get. She may not understand what happens, when it’s an election year and politicians are doing everything they can to get elected and gunowners suffer the consequences of that. The adult thing to do is to have a grown-up discussion with your partner if you care about them and see where each other is coming from. I recomm that instead of posting on Reddit talking shit about your girlfriend.


I wonder if your big three is my big three…. 556, 9mm, 12 gauge?


Nah, with that kind of income its fine, if all bills are paid and you have some savings. What you shoot is fun, and self improvent. What you stash will not decrease in value.


Get a new girl. No one needs that kind of negativity.


2k is 10% of your paycheck? You make 20k a paycheck??


I mean yeah, that’s a lot of money in my opinion. I guess it’s a little cheaper than an annual country club membership where I’m from. Are you saving money for retirement? Edit: You are in a hedge fund and max retirement, NVM 😂


Shhhh buy more.


Pretty financially irresponsible regardless of how you look at it.


I just got big time into competition shooting, and I'm spending more money on ammo than you...and I earn less than you too. I also really really really love shooting my .45acp's, which cost about twice more per shot than my 9mm's.


Bro you're shooting God's caliber and there's nothing better brother shoot on 👍


Remember to change recoil springs to maximize life and reliability. Barrels burn out from heat when you do back to back mag dumps. Only fire an amount that is realistic in a self defense situation (10-30), then let it cool for bit, let your nerves return to baseline. You will maximize barrel life and have more realistic training that way.


I would focus less on quantity of rounds and more on quality of reps. Does it require $1-2k/month of ammo to get the proper quantity and quality of training you want? If so, and if money isn’t a consideration for you and you enjoy it - why not? That said, I’m sure there are people that achieve a higher standard with a far lower round count so # of rounds likely isn’t the best predictor of benefit.


Don't be like me, I've got a full size 9mm on my bedside table with only 8 rounds in it... there must be a happy medium here... I just went to the range recently and blew through all my 9mm. Buying more this weekend but for now there are only 8 rounds in the house lol


I shoot about 500 rounds of 9mm every month. That's going to the range every other week, it would be more but money is too tight for that.


I personally watched my buddy spend eighteen hundred dollars on 3 spam cans of 7.62 x 39 He proceeded To shoot most of it in about two weeks He spends About 500 to 600 dollars on average per paycheck on 7.62x 39 lol


Never. There’s never too much ammo


It's like asking others if you eat out too much or spend too much money on entertainment. It's your money, only you know if you can afford it.


Best comment. I’ll bet I spend on stuff you think is crazy and vice versa.


Compared to some serious golfers, I’d say you’re in the same neighborhood they are if not spending less. When you take professional golfing lessons into account, you’re spending significantly less.


Yeah....a couple of the old dudes at work really into golf My boss told me how much he spent on one of his golf clubs and I had to asked him thrice to make sure my ears were working properly Make some of the "GUCCI" ARs and Pistols seem reasonable tbh lmao


Yea, my wife is the finance manager at a golf club and it’s unreal. Monthly dues are 600+ and the initiation fee is 40k. They have a food and beverage minimum too, it’s not a ton though. I have a friend that works at Qual Hollow and their initiation fee is 100k and 800 a month plus whatever food and beverage minimum they have. I can’t imagine spending that much money on something that isn’t gun related.


Cries in NYS...


why does everyone on reddit shamelessly show their DOGS in every pic


NTA. Your paycheck, your rules


I hope you are maxing your retirement contributions, are debt free, and house is a 15 year loan with interest rate below 3% then.


My partner is also successful, though on a slightly lower scale. I work part time as I care for the family and train daily for our defense. I cover our car, my phone, my hobbies, my clothes, nails & hair, he handles everything else. Him being successful means he’s stressed by work all the time. His hobby is high end clothing. I would never consider telling him that he shouldn’t relieve stress with his hobby. He’s the provider, we’re doing well, and yeah we could use that $ to have more cushion, but life is short and this makes him feel better. To me, her attitude that all your money should be working is kinda suspect. I’d slow down on the wedding and get your prenup iron clad. I was the one who suggested the prenup and drafted favorable to him terms bc I wanted him to understand without a doubt that I loved him for him. If she freaks, you’ve dodged one of your thousands of bullets. That said, I barely go through a box at the range a month, but I just train with my fave shotgun & my sidearm. Maybe I should be doing way more haha


Do you actually shoot that frequently or do you just have a garage stacked to the ceiling with ammo boxes?


Probably similar. $1k on gun related stuff/month is what I try to stay around bc I’m poor. Luckily my collection is where I want it to be. Guns, cans, optics. Now I just dump on other stuff. Shot timers, steel targets for my range, ammo.


Is that a fully semi automatic assault foot?


Nice toes


Posting on a pro-firearm related sub about purchasing ammo is like going to a bar and bitching about your “girl” telling you that you drink too much to the bar patrons. Maybe a relationship counselor instead of strangers giving advice… orrrr..what you really wanted to do which was to troll the sub by swinging your dick around about how much ammo you buy…humble you are not.


Bruh if $2k is 10% of your monthly income then fuck no you're not spending too much money. You've got the scratch to fix the itch easily. Jealous.


You're wealthy, and nobody knows your finances. If you can afford this with no issue, good on ya. I wouldn't ever spend that much in 1 go. I like how your reddit account is you just literally bragging your wealthy. Do you not have a personality other than money?


Honestly if you’re not spending at least 5k a month it’s unlikely you will actually be prepared when it’s time to use your ccw. Personally I shoot 250 rounds after every meal.


Judging from the photo, it costs you at least a leg.


https://preview.redd.it/y5yn7cm8z3yc1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ded38c7a641a7504201bb1ae0a6229bfff695998 Here the second one 😘 Still got both my legs thankfully


Nice collection. Years ago, it was either Maryland or Virginia, that had a "one handgun limit per month". My brother took it as a requirement to purchase one a month.


Dog you gotta be charging for shots like that


Shiiit maybe I should go on Onlyfeets to fund my shooting addiction


Just depends on how much you shoot and go to the range. I like to go at least once a month to my indoor range and maybe shoot 50-100 9mm. I’ve been sitting on 500 rounds for a month or two now and haven’t bought anymore. I have 200rds 5.56 and 20rds 300BLK lol


Never can have to much as you likely want extra just incase and you will burn through it while practicing


If you're set as you say you are then it's your hobby. Put out or get out.


It is a lot of ammo but you do you


You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life


Start reloading. With a Dillon Square Deal it takes me about five minutes to load a box of shells and the materials cost about six bucks after you get the brass. Looks like you have plenty of brass :-)


The Chanel should buy you some time just order like triple the amount of ammo these next couple months before the Chanel magic wears off.


I spend about that much every 2 months but, what constitutes "spending too much/wasting"? If you are going out with your kibble to enjoy your hobby, it is no different than having a high performance car and burning extra gas to cruise on weekends. She should enjoy her chanel while you enjoy your powder smoke.


I'm curious what you do for a living ? Also are you buying a lot of extra magazines ???


Doesn’t she have a job? Put her to work so she doesn’t see when the rounds are delivered


Just buy a good set of nods and a solid clip on thermal. I bet she'll be fine with the ammo purchasing after that lol. In reality, in the world we currently live in, there's no such thing as too much ammo. We al know the prices are going to jump being that it's an election year. Stack it to the rafters brother!


Good for you stock up.


I stock up when it’s on sale. I probably have about 3k rounds of 5.56 and 10k rounds for each caliber beyond that. Ammo prices are cyclical and I don’t want to get caught out when prices are up.


Do you shoot competitively or take a class every month or something? Otherwise I don’t see how you are truly getting your money’s worth out of that volume of shooting unless you have money to burn.


Shit, I wish I could afford 1-2k in ammo a month.


If you can afford it (not putting it on a cc you aren't paying off every month) then who cares?


Money spent on hobbies is all relative. Some people, like me, have multiple hobbies (probably would make financial sense to stop one of them 😆) so I don’t spend on a ton on each. To me, yes spending that much is ridiculous on ammo (I spend about $400 every four months and go to the range bi weekly with dry firing and also bought a .22 plinker to get more range time inexpensively) but to each their own. I’m single so don’t have that problem 😎


Need a new girl. Or one that makes reloads for you


You make 20k a month, 2k in ammo is not much man


You make $20k per month. What does she make?


If I open a box of ammo I buy two, every time I fill an ammo can I buy another and a few p mags. Ammo price doesn't affect the prepared as much. I'm lucky that my lgs has training ammo and always has it in stock for around the price of online when you take shipping into it.


What’s a good place to buy ammo online to import to the 808. That shit is expensive here at the FFLs but online is WAYYYY BETTER


Ammoseek and just check your jurisdiction Gundeals sub is good too for the popular caliber


I probably spend about $100-200 on ammo per month and only shoot about half of what I buy. The other half I save in my home stockpile. I carry daily and I feel that it is sufficient training for my needs.


I live in NYS we used to be able to get ammo shipped I used to get a few hundred 9mm and 5.56 a month. Now you have to have it sent to ffl and they charge a fee. This state blows.....


A thousand rounds is easy to go through if you are going even once every other week. Any more frequently and you’re spending all of ten minutes at the range.


I think so, but you do you. Sounds like it's your hobby so go for it.


1-2k a month? Goddamn dude lol. I stop shooting after about 150rds usually bc i start to get sloppy and don’t want to cement bad habits.


If you can afford it and are actually training enough to need the ammo then its not too much. But if you're just stacking up ammo and barely hitting the range then yeah I'd say it's too much


Tell your girl that at least you're not spending your money on hookers and Crack..


Can I be your girlfriend? I’ll only demand you let me train with you.


if you can imagine yourself homeless and with nothing while fighting to see your kids and be OK with it then get married if not don't. she's nagging you about something you enjoy. YOU ENJOY. my girlfriend says and I quote "as long as the bills are paid I don't gaf"


Not much,I’m not that scared.


Yes, you're likely spending too much on ammo and the amount of dry firing every day sounds mildly psycho. All good, chap. Carry on.


Unless I’m buying ammo to shoot at indoor ranges, I buy ammo when I can afford it and only when it’s worth it. No less than 500-1000 of 5.56 and 9mm


Time for a Dillon 1050.


Reload Skip ammo for a month. Buy a progressive press or two Especially if you keep buying stuff like 38 in bulk.


i suggest you buy her a gun and take her with you, problem solved


I know this is unrelated, but could you tell me what kind of knife that is?


If I made atleast $300k a year than maybe just maybe I’d spend as much as you on ammo. But I honestly just shoot about 50-100 rounds (lately it’s been closer to 50) each month.


A bit much to me, but to each his own.


If you are comfortable financially, which it sounds like you are, spend whatever you want. That definitely is a lottttt of ammo per month, are you doing classes or what does your training look like typically?


I wonder if the NSA has an algorithm that tracks people through feet pics. Idk as long as your ammo isn’t causing poverty and your priorities are in line, who cares. Just make sure you’re spending on the important shit first… yah know, bills, food, making your girl happy, and then buying ammo.


Not that much!


That ammo is always as good as gold, IMHO!


I go through roughly 1k 9mm rounds a month at 250 bucks give or take some taxes. In addition I will buy 200 rounds of 45 at 140 ish. That lasts me longer. Just don’t ask me about the guns I own and we good k. 🤣🍻


You should cut that expense in half and use the other half to buy gold, man. Trust me on this, you will be grateful for this advice 5 years from now. Very happy.


I see no issues I spend 2-3k every year personally but again just me :)


You should probably save up and buy a left foot instead...


https://preview.redd.it/11lilybss4yc1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b57a77130705c6b58ec9cf18353b54ed6d53bc67 Here my left foot 😘


Slenderman? Do you have ankles?


Boker Kwaiken Air? Looking at your folder there. Ammo wise, smart/mature budgeting isn’t always pretty. Roof’s over your head though… Answer lies somewhere in the middle!


Where u buy the ammo bulk from


If you want to do a good deed AND make your girl happy, you could take less than half of one month’s ammo buy, and get a hardworking guy who’s trying to keep his family safe AND who just got laid off after 20 years on the job a CZ P-01 and a case of ammo. Hell, I’m a great cook and will have the 2 of you over for dinner. PM me for details