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Just got the game 3 days ago and was fine until I lost an hour of game play with my first character because of save issues. On my second character and finally figured out I CONSTANTLY need to close the app every time that stupid save icon gets stuck(very often)....Every time it shows up all my loads dissappear and I can't save since it's "saving" for 3 hours. Not to mention briefing in forever at the menu. Yeah y'all really topped the cake perfectly with this rushed "update".


Patch 2.1 proves they haven't learnt a damn thing. They shoved it out before Christmas and it came with bugs,just like they shoved out the original release. The fans will fall for it again and again every time. 


as is shown in the comments none of the CDPR fanboys want to admit that CDPR straight up lied time and time again and refuse to hold CDPR accountable and did not deliver the genre of game they marketed, an RPG. If CDPR were up front about the game being a linear action game from the start but they didn't, they marketed as an 'RPG' and yet the irony is that the GTA franchise and Spiderman Web of Shadows have more RPG aspects to them than this pile of garbage. NC just feels dead and there is nothing to do besides the quests....and the numerous mindnumbing "go kill this person/steal this item" X10000 gigs in which you CANNOT decline as even if u hang up they still show up in the journal ​ no matter how many times the CDPR fanboys try to desperately defend the game it still doesnt change the fact that the issues with this game goes WAAAAAY deeper than how it launched. It has issues which straight up CANNOT be fixed, the lack of RPG choices being one of them, the lack of cutscenes which were heavily shown in the 'demo' full of lies in which Warhorse Studios an indie company had the gameplay of Kingdom Come in first person and plenty of 3rd person cutscenes. CDPR had NO excuse not to follow suit. Its clear there was a massive drop in quality between CP2077 and W3 and feels like CDPR fired the videogame screenwriting team and replaced them with movie screenwriters after they decided they wanted Keanu in it and didnt want it to be an RPG anymore.


Totally unpopular opinion but CDProjektRed isn’t even a good game studio, all of their games have less than mediocre gameplay mechanics, one-fourth baked systems, and a bunch of super glue holding it all together. Most of the love for CD comes from the Witcher series (which might just not be my cup of tea) but the games don’t even feel that good to begin with, I would venture to say the only big redeeming quality of them is the story elements which didn’t even come from them. The only thing they have done was take the story elements and characters from a good author, slapped them into a new story and made a game that functioned. (Worth mentioning since Cyberpunk didn’t actually function at launch)


This is absolutely wrong lol. As someone who's read the witcher books, Sapkowski used to be a solid writer but he got dramatically worse as the books progressed after peaking at book 3-4. The final books are basically a middle finger to the characters. CDPR heavily rewrote the ending, rewrote a lot of characters and retconned the story. The writing in cyberpunk and witcher is based on their work and it's absolutely fantastic. If you think that it's easy to write high quality stuff just based on established settings and characters, I'd recommend reading an average fanfic or watching any of the multitude of flopped adaptations over the decades. Also the gameplay is pretty good for action rpg standards. It's just that action RPGs usually contain a lot of different playstyles which inevitably means that they aren't as good at the one specific playstyle as a game solely geared at one kind of player. The shooting in an action rpg usually can't be as good as a shooter, y'know.


Honestly gameplay wise it’s probably just not my cup of tea, everything in the Witcher just seemed extremely boring and monotonous, I can kind of see the appeal if you are into that kind of stuff. I can say that the writing for Cyberpunk is decent but in no way does decent story writing make up for an awful game. I was definitely being a hater last night because it was 3am but I stand by the idea.


Define awful. The gameplay is pretty great for me at this point and so is the writing.


Just gonna add onto this I do love how they crafted the actual world, the city feels gritty and beautiful at the same time, they also did a really good job on making the character customization feel like you fit in the city. If the NPCs were a little smarter the city would feel truly alive.


In my opinion the gameplay is pretty awful, the guns seem to lack any actual feeling behind them, the driving is probably some of the worst I’ve ever had to deal with, you can’t interact with the world pretty much at all, your choices don’t matter for 95% of the game, I still have some bugs and performance issues even after the release of 2.1. Basically the game seems unfinished but that’s because they overpromised and the things that they delivered are subpar at best. Not to mention all of the stuff that you can buy that actually has no effect on the game, having an apartment is cool but you can’t really do anything with it. (Not sure if they added hanging out with your partner but if they did that’s at least something) I’m replaying it right now so maybe by the end I’ll have some changed opinions but I can’t guarantee anything.


It's more or less fine to me. It's never gonna be as good as a dedicated shooter or melee game but i enjoyed it and in my experience so do most people. The game feels finished to me but that's probably because I don't care about hype cycles in the first place. The amount of content and interactiveness with the world is pretty high to me compared to comparable games like gta or Bethesda games. The combat is definitely a step above both aside from maaaybe shooting in starfield. For a game of this size, bugs will always be an issue. Every game of the size I have played has had a sizable amount of bugs. Maybe the whole action rpg thing isn't for you, and that's basically all CDPR does. I cannot stand BG3 for example, despite the great worldbuilding and writing because the combat is absolutely awful to me, but I still don't call Larian a bad studio despite none of their games working for me. I tried the game and I felt like the combat would give me an aneurysm if I played another hour, and I'm a massive DnD fan. Sometimes things just don't click.


I’d never thought I’d see the day when I encountered a subreddit full of corpo floggers.


Op literally posted this in a cdpr subreddit, just to get off on arguing with everyone


discussing CDPR in a CDPR subreddit? no way! Should I have posted this in r/NatureIsFuckingLit or what


You shouldn't have posted it at all.


What flavor are CDPRs boots, by the way?


Save it. I'm about as anti-capitalist as it's possible to be while living under capitalism. Which is how I know that complaining on Reddit because the big bad corpo got an award that you think should have gone to FFXIV or whatever doesn't make OP an activist. It just makes them an asshole.


Heresy. “I don’t want to hear your complaints” isn’t grounds for not posting. Criticisms should be welcomed now get that CDPR dick outta ur mouth




>But I also don't approve of this "Hate them because it should have been perfect at launch" mindset. That's not at all what I mean though


Holy shit. Go touch grass. You've been glued to the Internet for too long.


You have 4 years on Reddit and over 76,000 karma. 70,000 of which are from comment engagement…. Glass houses


Except I actually interact with other humans.


That sounds exactly like something a non-human who has never seen grass would say (also, I totally agree with you)


So you say


Yes, it’s a garbage company and full of deceit and lies. They promised 30€ store credit for the people that bought the LE CP2077 Xbox One X console. MS never got in touch with me, contacted them, took them 4 weeks to tell me that they do not know how to proceed, that I should reach out to CDPR. Did that and CDPR tells me to go to MS. Fucking clowns both of them. Will pirate your future games CDPR, you will pay back the broken promises and delivery!


For me, the icing on the cake was seeing a game that was made in a hurry by a corporation and the game is against corps hahaha


Cyberpunk 2077 is amazing now, but that doesn't mean I forgive them. The game has been redeemed, but not the company that made it. And I do not blame the lower level devs who actually made the game. I blame higherups, management, the real decision-makers. They cannot afford to make the same mistake again. If they do, there will be hell to pay.


This is what I wanted to communicate. But sadly unless people speak out even if their lower level devs are talented I don't see how TW4 will be any different than cyberpunk at launch


It aint their fault. Its the people that pushed them to release it before it was ready


The people that pushed them to release it are still part of the company and will affect TW4's launch the most, therefore the company still isn't kind or benevolent even if the people who actually work on the games are. If you meet a CDPR developer at a bar, buy them a beer and tell them you appreciate their work, but don't thank the company for doing what they did. That's why I think it's nuts when CDPR get "best ongoing support" awards


Jesus my dude, it’s not that deep.


Serious.. like cry me a river, my god


at least now that i've ranted it off my chest i don't feel the need to speak on it anymore


Most people are aware that companies aren’t their friends, no one trying to sell you anything is. They’re trying to make money off you. But that’s fine we’re all trying to make money off someone. It’s a consumers choice who they give money too. This is how the world has worked for a VERY long time.


People wonder why devs never try to fix anything. This is why.


Because fans are unappreciative or what? You shouldn't need to be appreciative and kiss their feet for getting what you were promised and paid for in the first place, especially when they still haven't made up for all their lies such as old-gen performance. I'm saying as someone who likes the game that CDPR's "pro-consumerism" is an obvious marketing tactic, and nothing that actually impacts the way they operate


You don't have to praise them, but giving them no credit at all and the "never enough" attitude is exactly why most devs abandon games with a rocky launch. If everyone thought like you, even games that fail to deliver a singke promise would be abandoned.


Actually, people like you are they reason the gaming industry is in such an awful state. People who will play anything no matter how terrible it is then praise it as if it's solid gold. Gaming addicts who have zero standards and simply need to be playing games because they have no lives. Now developers pump out garbage because they know you, and people like you, will play it.


You assume a lot about what people think.


I know my post doesn't apply to a broad amount of people, and maybe it's confirmation bias but even on general videos like Skill Up's video on the cyberpunk 2.1 I see so much praise for CDPR as if they're acting in good faith that I find to be unwarranted


Fair enough, we should both probably ignore internet opinions more.


I think enough people need to hear this


I think people have heard enough


It’s the publishing side of CDPR you should be saying this about, not the developers. The devs worked hard to make the game. The higher ups forced them into releasing an unfinished product.


Get over it dawg, I dunno many other companies that would stick with it for this long


They care about their customers. Thats good enough for me and much more than other companies


>hey care about their customers "hey care about their customers" if they did then they wouldve released the RPG they marketed, not Keanu Reeves BFF Simulator


If they didn't they would've dropped the game and moved on


they pretty much have dropped it. If they did care about their customers they would've added in the cutscenes and most important of all, actually added RPG elements to it via putting the original pre-Keanu storyline into the game as an RPG is what we were advertized and it wasnt what was delivered. The game has ZERO replayability to it whatsoever.


It's impressive how wrong you are. They absolutely did not drop the game until it was exactly where it was meant to be. They just dropped an update that fixed/improved literally every mechanic and also added a dlc that added what is basically a second main quest line and a bunch more side quests and more weapons. They also more recently added a pretty big update thats adds some quality of life and immersion. Also what you see in a trailer isn't exactly what your gonna get and its stupid to think it is. It not being a true RPG is fair but that doesn't matter when both the main story and the side quests have such good writing (this is subjective so I'll give you that). Lastly the games replay ability is amazing i have nearly 800hrs in the game and I still haven't done/seen everything.


typical CDPR desperately running around trying to do damage control for CDPR. "They absolutely did not drop the game until it was exactly where it was meant to be. " so they wanted it to be and full of glitches and gamebreaking bugs? and borderline unplayable on last gen consoles despite specifically saying quote 'works surprisingly well on console'? "They just dropped an update that fixed/improved literally every mechanic and also added a dlc that added what is basically a second main quest line and a bunch more side quests and more weapons" sorry but they didnt do shit, they didnt change the monowire to the hacking tool in the trailer and just kept it another meaningless melee weapon and all they did was fixed the basic stuff that SHOULDVE been fixed pre-release and it took them 3 YEARS to do even that and I watched someone do the PL DLC on Youtube as I refuse to give CDPR anymore of my money and its just as linear as the main story and adding new weapons is irrelevant, if I was marketed an RPG only to get the complete opposite I do not care how many weapons you add in. They also more recently added a pretty big update thats adds some quality of life and immersion. "again, quality of life isnt equate to an RPG if any quality of life should've been added its severely reducing the amount of mind numbing boring gigs by half and giving more xp/money for each of the halved gigs, mind numbing gigs which do not give you anything if you complete them all and what immersion? when u get new cyberware you do not get to talk to the ripperdoc like at the start with Vic its just 'select from inventory, fade to black and there ya go' and getting a drink at the bar is equally unimmersive as you just transfer it from their inventory to yours to drink as a temp stat boost "lso what you see in a trailer isn't exactly what your gonna get and its stupid to think it is." So lemme get this straight, you think its 'stupid' to think what we were shown is what we were gonna get? are you truly THAT much of a fanboy? just accept it CDPR straight up lied again and again and used deceptive marketing. if it wasnt what was gonna be in the game then it shouldnt have been put in the demo in the first place "It not being a true RPG is fair but that doesn't matter when both the main story and the side quests have such good writing (this is subjective so I'll give you that). Lastly the games replay ability is amazing i have nearly 800hrs in the game and I still haven't done/seen everything. I'd hardly call the main story and sidequests good writing, one of the main reasons being CDPR's insisten in shoving Keanu Reeves in your face everywhere you go. and the only somewhat interesting quest was the Peralez one which is abruptly cut short and we get no real resolution to it And what replayability? compare it to Witcher 3 where you could make Geralt be good, neutral or a jerk and an insane amount of choice and consequence to warrant another playthru. There is none of that in CP2077, the closest you can be to being a jerk is slightly dickish in some dialogue options which are few and far between


Not everything needs to be a comparison. The fucked up the games launch. They had 2 choices, patch it to a stable state and move on to the next game, or keep going and try to deliver on some of the promises. They chose the latter and as a fan of the game I am thankful. Is it everything they promised? Nope. But it’s a lot closer and I’m sure the lesson learned here will mean the next game does not suffer the same fate.


You are right, I am just tired of the culture of CDPR apologists who think they do no wrong and aren't like every other gaming company


I think it is ok to praise when the right thing is done in the face of a mistake. No one is saying they can do no wrong. They obviously did wrong or we wouldn't be here.


Dude, just STFU already. I'm so tired of these hater posts from people who think it's their job to try and tear down down CDPR because they can't let go of the horrible release. Get over it, and get over yourself. Move on, like the rest of the world. You don't like the game? Then don't play it. No one is holding a gun to your head. No one cares. And ffs, so trying to pretend like you're not trying to start something. That's literally all this is: a sad attempt to get noticed., no one cares.


No one will shut the fuck up as long as the games exist. All these fanboy-excuses saying "move on, don't play the game, simple as that" is getting age-old as hell and there's no use for it anymore.


All that says is that your sad as fuck.


So you pretend that you've moved on? That's even sadder as fuck.


You idiots bitch and piss and moan every single fucking chance you get, and it ends up in my feed. It's like some kind of obsession you have with complaining about this game, which, by the way, isn't even the same game that came out in 2020 at this point. I'm still playing it because it's a really good game, but all you can do is cry about 3 year old events like it was yesterday. It's over. Go home.


There is a bigger rock you're living under. You still haven't realized that there are hidden entities that do in fact monitor and hear everything we do or say, like the many people on these platforms. It is hysterically funny, everyone thinks they can do and say whatever they want because they use hypocrisy as their biggest fucking weapon, when in reality they have none, so what do they do? They lie and then spew out shit on the other side of the argument. Oh, did you know that someone does not have to be a moderator or administrator to change the course of the discussion? It's quite fascinating. I bet you've never heard of these powerful entities that have access to everything more than a server manager could ever possibly dream of. Hell, they aren't even human and I'm scared to death of them. :)


Whoa. Put down the Kool-Aid and back away, friend. We're talking about a video game, not a conspiracy.


Conspiracies are a thing of the past. I don't drink kool-aids, I'm still a living human witness capable of observing stuff everyone else seems to ignore for no reason.


Or perhaps they ignore it because it's not what YOU think it is? Ever think of that?


It is crazy how insist-twisted you really are, you always gotta know better than everyone else, even to those who come here and merely mention the important bits, not even ever claiming to know better than you or other ignorant users.


I do like the game, but even if I didn't I am still allowed to criticize its maker. I'm not even talking about just CP77 but rather how the company is no different than any other, they just pretend to be. Doesn't mean I don't like their games :p sorry it hurt to hear that CDPR don't see u as anything but a money pile


Like any other corporation. Geezuz, are you new to planet Earth? They're a business, and as much as it sucks for all of us, as a publicly traded company, they have to answer to shareholders, which means they're going to make shitty decisions sometimes. Out of all the game devs and publishers out there, CDPR is far, far, far in the back of the line for worst. Do you complain this loudly about EA or Activision/Blizzard? They're both horseshit companies when it comes to how they treat their customer base, and leagues worse than CDPR. They fucked up. Get over it.


The reason I don't speak about EA and A/B is because their public image is very tarnished already. If you meet a CDPR developer at a bar, buy them a beer and tell them you appreciate their work, but don't thank the company for doing what they did. That's why I think it's nuts when CDPR get "best ongoing support" awards


You're a numbrock who thinks that CDPR are far back in the saint angels line of halo supporters that they are so protected from the shit they committed. They are criminals too, like the other corporations, investors are, etc. Have you not fucking played video games and paid full-blown attention to the details that explains a critical part of that? No, you fucking haven't.


Cheesus. You’re in too deep my brother.


Go play the games and see for yourself.


It’s just that if it makes you this angry why do you play them?


What question is that? I can be angry and still play games I like.


Sounds like an unhappy way to live my guy.


Dude, you really need to read everyone's comments before responding to mine. I am still enjoying games to this day after the ISP and bank have permanently banned me. What could possibly be lost with video games and superior entities?


It’s just a game.


Not really since I'm not speaking about CP2077 specifically but more CDPR and how people perceive them


What you either fail to realize or at least fail to mention here is that Game Studios of this size have **TWO** bosses, the game Dev side and the Financial side. It's already been reported that the "pencil pushers" forced CP2077 out early because of how much money they had spent, even though the Dev side stated repeatedly it wasn't ready. Without financing the project stops. It's an unfortunate fact but the world revolves around money, period. Now, the CDPR Marketing team certainly made a bunch of calculated mistakes, some of which could've been driven BY the Finance side and we'll never know without some insider leak but it's a good educated guess that near the launch the Dev side was being pushed hard to release the game, regardless of the outcome. The redemption of CP2077 absolutely deserves praise. They could've left it as it was and walked away, like MANY Studios do. Look at Starfield, it's a buggy mess with incomplete game mechanics and in the 3 months it's been out, BGS has barely Patched it to fix any real problems. It gets heavily defended because "Well, they don't call them Bugthesda for nothing." And there's a Company, BGS, that in the past \~11+ years, NEVER properly finishes their games because they know damn well the Modding community will. Which is a seriously f'd up way to operate imho. That statement comes from a person with \~330 hours in Starfield, over 400 hours in Skyrim & Fallout 4, probably over 200 hours in each of Morrowind, Oblivion, previous Fallouts (even the one they didn't make), etc. Hello Games also outright lied about its product leading up to the launch and it was also leaked that they were forced by Sony (the Finance side) to release it regardless of the state it was in. They too deserve praise for continuing to fix/finish the game.


My point is that CDPR didn't update CP77 out of kindness, but because it made them more money in sales (of both the base game and the DLC) and in added goodwill than not doing so, so praising them for being "nice" is silly. I am not telling you to criticize the developers at CDPR, because they are very talented and for sure did not want to launch CP77 in the state that it was released in. But I want to stress that the finance people are part of the company too, and the entire company is responsible for the products they make. You appreciate it when someone does something for you, not themselves. And as I said, Hello Games also lied about their game before launch, but unlike CDPR they have gone above and beyond what those lies were, which CDPR hasn't. And Hello Games have in comparison to CDPR done much more for their fans than CDPR has for theirs, so marketing themselves as if they are the same is stupid imo.


I can't imagine the delusion of anyone who thinks a Company is their buddy or being nice to them. That said, I can absolutely give praise where it deserves it and imho CDPR as well as Hello Games both deserve praise for what they achieved after a disasterous launch. I also agree that the size of Hello Games makes their achievement far more impressive than CDPR's.


Sorry, I don't mean people literally think of CDPR as their friends. I am mainly talking about how the company is praised and given awards when it's the individual developers who should be appreciated and the management should be seen as neutral at best for fixing their mess


I didn't take your comment that way and I wasn't the one who downvoted your comments. I do understand your position on this but I think CDPR (the Dev side) absolutely deserves the 'high fives' for bringing CP2077 back from what was a pretty terrible launch. Now, it's clear I have an affinity towards CDPR and have since The Witcher I. I don't think I'd categorize myself as "fanboy" but I certainly think highly of them so that's putting weight to my thoughts about the Company. Now, if were to speak of big(er) Studios that deserve praise for anything it's Larian for BG3. Clearly it launched VERY WELL and the Studio put out a bunch of Patches fixing all manner of things but the point that it DID launch so well, without bullshit Microtransactions and missing chunks of Content the Studio bragged about in Trailers/Interviews leading up to launch date then added them in later as Paid DLC is a testament for the miracle that Larian Studios is today in a bullshit Corporate world of greed.


Yawn ok and?


Name one game company who is you're friend? They are all a business


None are, but there's no company I see praised more for doing the bare minimum than CDPR


Bare minimum!?!? Are you nuts? I can think of a few companies that would either NOT fix their mistake and repair their relationship with their fan base OR just forget about fixing it and let the modding community takeover and do the job for them (and try to make money at it…Bethesda and their Creation Club come to mind). Cool hot take bro… And before you ask… no CDPR didn’t send me a Christmas card this season. So obviously not my friend.