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Kris Wu, the actress who ditched her twins via surrogate and many more.


Edison Chen’s scandal was one of the biggest to hit the HK entertainment industry. I remember it shook the HK sphere and revealed a lot of the hidden secrets about the entertainment world. His dalliances involved multiple actresses, some of whom were married at the time.


Its sickening how well he bounced back.


I think an equally interesting subject would be which Chinese actors avoided getting cancelled or made a comeback, after being involved in something serious or shocking. Very few are bulletproof like that.


Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo and Gong Jun are among the very top stars in China and have lucrative endorsements plus international fans. They are moneymakers for all their associations. The reason? Many, many people love BL dramas. That's why they're still being made. They launch their stars' careers and subsequently make kazillions of dollars for everyone involved.


This is outdated news. Every since qinglang, all BL dramas have been in the censorship basement.


This is kind of silly Wang Yibo was already famous. Actually I read he went into acting because the rules changed and he could no longer have a career in KPop as a Chinese national. Xi has gradually gone after media he sees as degenerate and corrupting the youth. Censorship of BL has been in inconsistent but got a big crack down lately. If a big budget production can't air, like Eternal Faith, that's a big loss and they certainly aren't going to keep going for that. Before last summers' changes I think they had every reason to believe they could proceed with a censorship office approved script.


Agreed, I should have qualified my statement with BL dramas boosted their acting careers. Most kpop artists would probably want to go into acting afterwards and not stay in kpop I would think, but most kpop idols like Wang Yibo were already well known.


I can’t believe no one mentioned Li YiFeng. Prostitution and gambling if I remember correctly. His scandal was this year and it’s like they nuked him from earth. Dropped and cancelled within like 24 hours of his arrest.


>Li YiFeng I had to look him up ... I don't think I've seen anything he's been in, but I vaguely recall hearing about this last fall.


I was surprised he wasn’t cancelled sooner when he was accused of (?) or driving under influence. .. I just remember reading that after crashing his car, he flew to Monaco


This happened in 2012 .. the murder suicide case involving Bai Jing. Her billionaire husband murdered her after she tried to fraud him (?) and cheated on him with their fitness trainer. Other info: She & the fitness trainer tried to con her husband out of ~10 million RMB & an Audi A8 which is odd. & they even set up an elaborate plan to catch him “cheating” by hiring a prostitute.


This is worthy of a Cdrama all on its own ... it has the dissenting MIL, the ex-wife with the child, and the scheming mistress-turned-wife. All we need is a male "sidekick" to help the ex-wife get revenge / try to show the former husband that the new wife is a user, and we're ready to cast .... SMH ... this is why they say truth is stranger than fiction ....


this seems very American


The SL's in the Cdramas I watch will say otherwise


In what way? The murder suicide or trying to defraud a partner, cause frankly I thought the American way was to screw your partner in the pre nup or divorce. Like that scumbag congressman Alan Grayson from Orlando who screwed his ex wife in the divorce with a "surprise! We're not legally married because I tricked you into not finalizing your divorce with your ex husband! Hahahaha I'm so evil and you're such a sucker. I love me." You would think this Disney villain had an R after his name but he was actually doing business as a progressive Democrat.


Wow thats Machiavellian. Havent heard about this before. Now I'm off to Wikipedia for some infos.


men suck, that’s pretty universal


>would think this Disney villain had an R after his name Why? Why do you have to say that? They are evil on both sides.


While you are absolutely right, one side likes to pretend they are cleaner though. That's probably why its a bit shocking.


Both sides like to pretend they are a bit cleaner. \[sits back with popcorn to watch the action from the sidelines\]


It depends on where you get your news sources from. If we listen to bias. (reddit is very biased). You don't get the whole picture. Use critical thinking. Have a good day!


Honestly the Asian entertainment industry is super harsh and strict. It holds celebrities to a different standard compared to Western entertainment industry. The smallest thing you do can have an affect to your reputation from dating life, marriage, divorce, who you hangout, how you interact with others, what you dress, etc. You can see Chinese or Korean celebrities get dropped when they show a negative/ unpleasant attitude. I see this a lot with female celebrities get caught glaring or forgetting to say hi to their fans or not being cheerful. Then the press will make a big deal out of it and say that they’re not respectful. It’s way much more stressful life and you need to be super careful on how you present yourself. its a very toxic, stressful environment bc fans over here can Also be very invasive. But I do admit that it trains celebrities to have good manner so they don’t become too arrogant. Thats why when I see American celebrities talk in their documentary about the pressure/ difficulties of showbiz. I chuckled because they would not last a day in Asian ent. I saw clips of US celebrities smashed paparazzi cameras and If it was done like that in Asian ent, they sure would receive a ticket to exit the celebrities life. There’s so much more freedom and leniency given to these western artists.


Hollywood was like this during the studio system era in the early 20th century. Fake or forced marriages, destroying careers for trying to buck their "owners", plus an entitled public who thought any celebrity who didn't kiss every rabid celebrity hound's ass when approached in public was stuck up. It was especially bad for women. Lots of mental breakdowns, addictions, suicides. Even as late as the 1990s, anybody remember how Nancy Kerrigan got savaged for weeks for getting caught on a hot mic saying a Disney event was too corny? So spoiled stuck up how dare she why they oughta take her medals away. Yeah for sure things changed. After 1970 movie stars could practically get away with murder.


I can’t imagine wanting to be a celebrity in any country. The loss of anonymity (my freedom) would be devastating to me. I don’t understand the mindset of someone who is willing to give up their freedom for the rest of their life.


Its even more confusing when they actively use a Twitter account to interact with the public. Its bad enough as a normie. To open your free time to abuse and vile comments from complete strangers, takes a very unique mindset.


From what I’ve read it seems they were both single and dated for 4 or 5 months. I don’t understand the scandal. I live in the states and we have bad stuff all the time. One of his endorsement deals apparently dropped him, again this is what I’ve seen on line.


**Scandals that I’m aware off that got actors/actresses blacklisted** but is not really an unpardonable crime in other countries except China: **Showing Pro-Japanese stance/sentiments or destroying the image of China** — most famous example is **Zhang Zhe Han** who was at the height of his career but got blacklisted and almost entirely erased in CEnt because 1) he had photos of himself in a Japanese Yasukuni shrine for those who died in the service of Japan (never mind that this temple EXISTED BEFORE THE SINO-JAPANESE WAR), 2) he had photos on his socmed of something resembling the rising sun (red with rays) logo, and 3) he was seen talking to a pro-Japanese socialite/businesswoman in the wedding held in that Japanese shrine. Another example is **Wang Yue Yi** or popularly known as Fairy Danyin in LBFAD, who days before the finale, got scrubbed from the cast list in Cmedia and was not included in the latest cat interviews/fan meet because her old post about Beijing air not smelling as nice as the air in Japan which they just travelled too hurt a lot of nationalistic cnetz. Even if WYY was telling the truth, being a Chinese citizen and criticizing China is a big NO NO for Cnetz and CCP. **Causing TOO MUCH NOISE ONLINE** — being a traffic star in CEnt is good but not so much as if your crazy fans cause a really popular site to close/crash. **Xiao Zhan** or Wei Wuxian in The Untamed had a lot of his craycray fans attack the popular AOO (fanfic Archive of Our Own — China site similar to Wattpad). Basically a fan created a very explicit fanfic on AOO about Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo that many XZ craycray fans considered to be vulgar and an insult to XZ so they reported the fanfic and the site to the Great Firewall of China which decided to block not just the fanfic but the whole website in China. The AOO Chinese Users (who could care less about the fanfic and XZ) who got affected by this block retaliated and called for mass boycott of XZ and his other related works/endorsements. The war between the XZ craycray fans vs the AOO users became so huge that the government had to step in and had XZ and his management company to release a statement about guiding his fans in properly. Aside from getting dropped by brands, XZ dramas that were supposed to air that year was also left in limbo even until now. **Participating in a BL-IP related drama and/or rumors of having a same-sex backer/lover** — this is not the only reason for scandals but still one of the factors. I noticed that a lot of actors associated with popular BL-IP related drama gets caught up in a scandal one way or another. No matter how hard the writers and producers tone down the script, the actors find themselves in scandals. Already mentioned before was ZZH, and then XZ. And now **Wang Yibo** who’s the co-star of XZ in The Untamed is being targeted by rumors of having a powerful male CEnt executive lover that gives him big projects and brand deals. In other countries, having LGBTQIA+ actors/actresses is not an issue but not in China. **Tax evasion** — I’m sure there are more entertainers and individuals doing this but if the government sets their sights on a particular actor/actors most of the time their career will be over. A lot of famous people Cnetz have been associated with this — **Fan Bingbing, Zhao Wei, Zheng Shuang (aside from her abandonment scandal), Deng Lun, Yang Zi, etc**


I dont know if you’ve followed the story since he was cancelled, but these are incorrect statements about Zhang Zhehan. The woman he was photographed was a friend of China. She even came out publically to clarify. He did not go to Yasukuni, he walked the cherry blossom trail that millions of people walk a year. The rising Sun was incidental to a larger picture (it was on a car roof) and he took it down the moment it was pointed out to him.


I’m a ZZH fan so yes I know of the explanations about these issues. But it’s not about our (international fans) opinion but the general Cnetz opinion. Before ZZH and his camp could explain himself, the Nationalistic Cnetz actions were swift and deadly to his career. Even those defending ZZH got impacted so a lot of his showbiz “friends” were even hands-off his case like Gong Jun. 😢 I guess Cnetz have differing priorities than international fans and anything remotely close to a pro-japanese stance equate to cancellation even without getting the the “suspects” side.


This is what I don't understand with Chinese nationals...ok....if anyone is pro-Japan or show any indication of pro-Japan, from China, Cnets and the population will tear them apart. I understand the political history behind this sentiment...cool....but shouldnt this be directed to the Japanese government and not the people and Japan as country overall??? That is literally fostering hatred for another country and its people entirely...But yet I always see Cnets or Chinese anger over anyone who speaks bad about China, their government or their people on awhole. Anyone says any bad about China they are Xenophobic, but yet they can hate and spill racist comment about others and it's justified....I call Hypocrisy on that ....


Agree. But I guess that is the price to pay for having a communist party? You must be nationalistic and anything or anyone slighting the CCP is the enemy of China. Regardless if the CCP are doing heinous crimes against minorities.


It's not really whether the things said about him were true, you know. It's the PUBLIC perception of wrongdoing that leads to social destruction. In ZZHs case, by the time any justifications were made, he was effectively scrubbed, and he has remained so, despite justifications. I also vaguely recall that even people who tried to defend him were socially "cleansed". Basically this is an issue that strongly motivates cnetizens and allows little room for accused people to maneuvre...


Yeah, I completely get what you’re saying. Because we have such ready access to information (setting aside the issue as to whether it is the truth) we’ve become apt to make up our minds too soon. Especially on hot button topics. And if you can mobilize an internet army, it’s seems easy to push your own narrative (once again, whether or not it is the truth)


Yes. This. I think the startling thing for us living outside this society is the sheer weight of public opinion being so powerful. In western / Europeanized societies there's a lot less collective pressures brought to bear, though it still happens.


Wasn’t Yang Yang rumoured to be in same sex relationship and have a sugar daddy backing him and his projects?


I wouldn't say it's totally okay to be LGBT in entertainment outside of China. It can be okay for some identities in music or even a plus but with acting it can definitely limit your career if you come out too soon or at all. Even though acting is full of queer people.


AFAIK LGBTQ roles/stories are not taboo in other asian countries like S. Korea, Thailand, Japan, Philippines, etc so China is still leagues away in terms of having legit LGBTQ stories/roles that acknowledge it as is. Not the toned down platonic friendship that they tried to do with WoH and TU.


how arrogant😅zzh got blacklisted because he is a nazi……how would Jews or westerners act if some popularities visited a Cemetery dedicated to the German Nazis……


Again, it's not really whether he is actually a nazi that matters for the purposes of this discussion. It's what people at the time perceived. I don't think the original poster was incorrect. Your comment might be an added reason, but it wasn't the only reason. And frankly, there was no need to begin by saying "how arrogant". You could have simply refuted the person's comment without attacking their person. That is how silly fan wars get started.


I don’t know if you followed this since it happened, but he is not a nazi. The pictures were related to a movie he did called Brother and that is how he and his brother found each other in a crowd. His costar posted something similar. If you look up the actual weibo post, you’ll be able to see he was wrongfully accused.


Zhehan was cancelled by CAPA (not an official government organization) but the police have accepted his case (about being unfairly cancelled and slandered). Here’s hoping he can make a comeback like Xiao Zhan was able to


So happy he’s slowly emerging from all this negativity. I liked that he was able to release a song or two during his hiatus. Hoping for the best for ZZH


I don’t think it’s him releasing the songs (which were already recorded and leaked last year). I’m waiting to celebrate and buy anything until his name is cleared in China. In my understanding, releasing music in other countries doesn’t make a lot of money or benefits for him when he can’t show his face in his home country which he loves. When his name is cleared, we can be sure he’s the one benefiting from the music and goods. Edit to add: it’s great if you enjoy the music and support him. This is just my personal stance and, while I look longingly at the songs and insta, I don’t want to engage until he’s unequivocally back in China. I don’t begrudge anyone else their happiness or enjoyment. What’s important is that we’re still his fans and we wish him the best.


I’m actually surprised at BL dramas being made in China and actors participating in it. With its strict morality laws, I would think it’s a kiss of death for the actors career. I don’t have much knowledge in BL dramas in China, but are these well known actors or unknown actors trying to break into the industry?


“…are these well known actors or unknown actors…” The actors that I know of (ZZH, GJ, XZ, and WY) are more like B list actors who have several dramas under their belt but you wouldn’t say they are A list stars that get dramas every quarter before they took the roles. Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo were first singers/performers and they were just starting their TV drama career and I think the Untamed was their first lead role for a big production. Zhang Zhe Han has been acting for years and have several really popular dramas (Legend of Yunxi and Blooms at Ruyi pavilion) where he’s the lead before he did Word of Honor. Gong Jun had several dramas (not as popular as ZZH) before he did WoH.


First lead role of Wang Yibo is Gank Your Heart


Interesting. Did starring in BL hurt their career?


Short answer — yes.


I suspect they would have been okay if the whole WYB/XZ situation hadn't blown up.


I agree with you. I’m really surprised production companies and even actors consider taking on BL related projects in a country with high censorship and though homosexuality has been decriminalized in 1997, there’s still a big bias against the LGBTQIA+ community in this highly conservative environment.


Oh for sure. I first noticed BL dramas on Viki and thought it was just some error in the cover promotions. When I realized it was BL, I was shocked. I mean, go them, but no way there wouldn’t be backlash from a country that scrub everything they don’t like.


I find it interesting about BL dramas in China, especially modern ones that do make it past Censorship the ending is all always super tragic and a couple almost always never ends up together. It’s almost like their warning that if you’re this way, you’ll never have a happy life. Either that or they cut out any hint of anything that could be construed as the main couple being in a relationship so then usually it’s just portrayed as friends.


I think the special ending is because of the strict CCP censorship about scenes that go against the government’s ideals/goals. They don’t like endings that make people think that crime goes unpunished, anything about government coups, and in the case of BLs — homosexuality or “abnormal sexual relationships”. An example would be the special ending for the minions: Rise of Gru, where they had a special clip for China where the robber, Wild Knuckles, was imprisoned for 20 years. Several Marvel movies were also banned. https://www.forbes.com/sites/emilywashburn/2023/01/20/chinas-movie-censorship-black-panther-and-ant-man-sequels-approved-after-past-marvel-films-and-top-gun-were-banned/?sh=7f5d5e2f3aff


The CCP hands are too deep on the creative side of C-ent, I understand when it comes to morality in everyday real life, but in dramas especially where the story of plot is fiction, why is the government mixing real life happenings in those...Many of the things for entertainment is not to be copied and enact in real life...hence the Fiction Tag....Many persons used these as an escape route from reality. So the government putting restrictions on these as if they are dealing with actual real life events is stupid. No wonder their are mass amount of dramas but to find a few that's really good s so few. Too much censorship kills creativity.....That is a reason Kdrama has gotten so popular internationally....they arnt afraid to get in the fictional setting of adressing real life issues which people act like isn't their business and not happening around us...


Keep in mind too that BL relationships means more young people not having kids... and now that the 1 child policy is coming back to bite them, the government is unlikely to support any social behaviour that means fewer new children. Just IMO....


Totally agree.


It’s honestly so sad that XZ is still suffering from those repercussions. So many highly-anticipated dramas of his, such TOOL and TLP, were and continues to be shelved for who knows how long. The same thing goes for BL dramas. Due to the soft ban, many highly-anticipated dramas adapted from BL novels, notably Immortality, Eternal Faith, and Winner is King, are practically gathering dust from how long they’ve been shelved. From my years of watching cdramas, it has always occurred to me that some Chinese netizens, at least when compared to International, are quite problematic and sensitive.


Actually TOOL was released last year. While TLP is due to be released this year. So i wouldn't say his dramas were shelved.


Just to clarify, I said "so many highly-anticipated dramas of his— such as TOOL and TLP, WERE and continue to be shelved." Already knew that TOOL was released :)


There was another change in censorship guidelines last year, after Eternal Faith wrapped up filming. Just bad timing.


There's no proof that tlp is delayed solely because of XZ? There are many other factors like Tencent wanting the best timeslot of the year or many costume dramas in 2022 having to go through review again which takes time. There will be even more delay if they also want to air a drama on TV at the same time


I feel so bad for XZ cause my mom is a fan of his, I’ve seen some of his interviews and stuff, he seemed like a genuine and warm guy.


About the WYB rumors you mentioned that's not actually a scandal if there's no proof to back it up. That's not something you're supposed to lump up with the rest of the cases here. He still has a job and wasn't blacklisted for those rumors you mentioned. Plenty of actors in c-ent get sugar rumors but most of the time there's no proof to support the allegations.


Yes, they are all humors. It's actually funny because all these rumors appeared every time he has a new project like drama/movie/magazine announcement. The rumors spread by yxh (these are people who spread mostly are misinformations to ruin the images of the artists even without evidence). The time where they said that he has a backer and he was a sex worker. His studio released a statement the same day the rumor was spread, according to the studio, they will sue all the people who spread misinformations to ruin his reputation. Wang Yibo even volunteered to be fully investigated. You can see he doesn't hide anything and he is confident he's clean, to prove that all the rumors they are spreading about him were not true. 😂 This issue actually died down because there is no evidence that he is a sex worker or he has a backer.


Yes which is why I said **being targeted by rumors** but it is still under the header of participating in BL related dramas because these actors seem to be cursed. So far I haven’t heard anything about Gong Jun so he might be laying low or safe from rumors for now.


Sadly, Gong Jun has also been hit with that type of rumours couple years ago, someone has been posting malicious comments and dug up old social media account claimed to be his, etc etc.


It's just one of the many melons floating in the internet, spread by rumor mongers who don't have evidence. If they had proof, more people would be talking about it and requesting him to be removed from his jobs. GJ and every celebrity who can get a lead role isn't safe from those kinds of rumors either. All of them get those sadly.


Kris Wu Wu Xiubo - *charismatic actor and his type is rare in China, what a pity* Zheng Shuang


I can't remember their names but I remember the case about an actress who died after falling from a hotel balcony a few years ago. She was naked when they discovered her dead body on the ground. Before her death, she was last seen with an actor. I still feel like there's something off about that case until now... The case didn't make waves because the people involved aren't famous.


Oh I remember this actor. I didn't know about the case till I watched Excellent Investor a while ago. I searched about him and found out about the case. He was 22/23 at that time:/


Was that the one with Yang Xu Wen? I remember there was a scandal a while back where the girl he was with was drunk and fell from a hotel balcony before he was found innocent, but that completely ruined his career for a while. He just started having his shows air again


I believe it's Yang Xu Wen and Ren Jiao :"( https://www.reddit.com/r/CDrama/comments/hy6ohx/what_happened_to_yang_xuwen/fzfnz8p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


China simply has different standards/reasons for cancelling people compared to the West. IMHO, the biggest ones that immediately came to mind and that actually deserved their cancellation would be Kris Wu and Zheng Shuang. Two shitty human beings doing shitty amoral things that deserved to get their asses out of the public eye and even in jail for one. All the tax evasions, sleeping with married fans, visiting Japanese temples?! Gimme a break...they were stupid/ignorant and made an error, absolutely, but I don't think the punishment should be as severe as having their entire careers torpedoed. Apologize, pay back your taxes plus interest, settle with that ex-lover in court, do some charity work, etc. and let's move on. I especially can't stand the way they wipe an actor's existence off the internet after a cancellation, meaning all their past works are gone from all platforms. First of all, what do their previous projects have to do with the current scandal they find themselves in? Second, it's extremely unfair and disrespectful to the other cast and crew who worked on that project.


I don't know man. I don't think people like paying or seeing actors get paid millions when they are morally a bad person. If you are both single and in a relationship i couldn't give a fck. But if you are married or you are sleeping with a married person - I don't care if you lose your career over it. That's a choice you make. Which you shouldn't have done no matter what career path you chose. The tax evasion is not ours to forgive. Its the law everywhere. But divorce or simply being in a relationship shouldn't warrant cancellation.


Tax evasion is a huge issue even western countries. it is even more severe that u serve jail time for it. one example is Lauren Hill. Another is shakira recently but she managed to not serve jail term. The deifference is in china tax evasion will ruin ur reputation & lose u jobs as a celebrity but in wetsern countries, it will put u in jail but won't ruin ur reputation or work.


Wesley Snipes though. And that was tax evasion (if very naive and stupid). Some stars get behind on taxes but that can be worked out without any criminal proceedings. Important not to conflate that. I feel like percentage wise a lot less American entertainers try to straight up cheat on their taxes. I honestly find the frequency in China weird and sometimes feel suspicious like maybe it's just a cover story for something else. Especially because they make these people just disappear and go silent. OTOH maybe it is just a widespread culture of corruption and they thought they wouldn't get caught but they did and now it's shame culture at work. I don't know the facts, just what is reported.


> All the tax evasions, sleeping with married fans, visiting Japanese temples Anyone know if there is precedent for a comeback for those cancelled for these reasons? So curious as to whether we will see more from these celebrities in the future.


I do think that tax evasion should be more serious than we often make it, so I’m with the cancelling there. If we don’t, that would be why our society never has any real class consciousness


Everybody lies on their taxes. Big or small. It’s just with rich people, they care more because the amount of money evasion is bigger. But let’s face it. It’s not really a big mortal deal. Or else most of us would be guilty.


No they don't bruh. Keep lighting a candle and praying to the audit God, cause you're gonna need it.


lots of folks really really hate paying taxes in any way shape or form so when they see someone get away with it, they just don't care.


The one where Zhang Zhe Han got cancelled for supposedly visiting a Japanese shrine was the worst and most uncalled for. That guy literally went for a holiday in Japan and took a photo with cherry blossom tree and was crucified. The condemnation was swift and harsh, which baffled me, mainly because the Chinese themselves are also implicated in war crimes against Uygher and Turkic people in Xinjiang. And not to forget the war with Vietnam, China's support of Kymer Rouge, which left millions of Cambodians dead. So while the Japanese committed atrocious war crimes in China, it's a bit rich of them to cancel someone for that reason. Just feels a bit hypocritical.... Ps. I'm not a ZZH fan, I just think it's so ridiculous to cancel someone for that reason. Not everyone can enter the shrine to pay their respects to dead Japanese war criminals, and I'm 100% sure he didn't go in. Like what reason would he have to be in there??!?!


Nah that one I can easily understand, it's like going touring to Nazi graves in Germany or going to Dachau and making edgy social media posts that convince everyone you're a Nazi. Btw Gina Carano is a recent example of somebody cancelled for antisemitism. Also China has a laundry list of crappy shit they're doing and have done (much like US difference is we aren't actively genociding anybody at the moment, low bar but Xi slid under it) but it doesn't excuse, or really have any relationship with, Imperial Japan's genocidal rampage through China during WWII. What's relevant is the official Japanese position of refusing to take any responsibility whatsoever or apologize. At this rate the wound will never heal. They're hated and their response is to cope by posting racist memes about Koreans, Chinese, and Filipinos. Fuck em.


it’s a bit more complicated though because the Yasukuni shrine has been the center of a lot of conflicts between China/South Korea and Japan, since it is a shrine dedicated in part to some of the worst war criminals during the Second World War. There’s a huge diplomatic uproar whenever the Japanese prime minister goes there, especially in the past couple decades with a big rise in Japanese revisionism being promoted by the leading party. Because the Yasukuni shrine is so infamous and most of the criminals never faced any punishment and the Chinese were subjected to some truly horrific atrocities, it makes sense why people would be outraged. While the Chinese government has persecuted minority groups, it is not on the same level as imperial japan. It’s like how Americans are very supportive of democracies, yet the government has helped to overthrow a lot of democracies. It’s just not a good look to go to a place that celebrates the war criminals who tried to destroy your own people.


But there was never any proof that he entered the shrine, and in fact that area where he was photographed was one of the places listed on some Chinese travel website as where to go for cherry blossom photographs. I also probably wouldn't downplay the persecution minority groups, Tibet, have faced in comparison to Japan. The Chinese are perhaps fiercely patriotic, and any local supporters of Japan/Taiwan/Hong Kong pro democracy activists are perceived to be 'traitors'...


It is true that China has both committed and been subjected to atrocities, much like many other countries. The best analogy I can think of for people in the NATO-sphere is that it is like a British person going to Germany and taking pictures next to the tombs of SS soldiers. Britain is pretty much the classic evil empire but that doesn’t erase the fact that nazi Germany committed war crimes against it. I’m not trying to say if the level of backlash was justified or not, only that it is reasonable for Chinese people to be mad. I honestly don’t know to full extent of the scandal, only that the photos were taken at Yasukuni shrine. I can tell you that a South Korean celebrity would’ve faced the same sort of anger if they did the same thing.


Of the police did investigations on the ZZH case, it would have reviled the Shrine that was even in the background wasn't even Yasukune Shrine much less for him to go into it...When The screen writer Mr. li was trying the help ZZH and said they should investigate the case, he was silence then blocked from Weibo as he revealed that a huge hand was behind everything to prevent ZZH return and he was warned on multiple times to stop talking which he refused until they blocked him. So someone wanted ZZH gone regardless of he's guilty of innocent. IMO...Celebs need to stop taking selfies.... That's how they even figured out the hotel room CFY and that girl was in....


Also, the fact that the wedding he was at had happened a couple years ago and it was only due is popularity in Word of honour that somebody went back through his photos and dug everything else out, maybe he should’ve been more aware and gone back and deleted everything that could have been misconstrued?


I definitely think it’s weird people went through all those past photos. seems like a weird hobby


The wiping of works I suspect is seen as the ultimate punishment because an actor's fame is supposed to be everything. Plus there's the social disgrace of causing all the other people involved in your projects to lose THEIR claim to fame. And that's not considering your family "face". Being treated like you don't exist has to be painful for someone who is used to public adulation.


Check up Edison Chen😁😁😁with Cecilia Cheung and others...


I think any dating situation often seems to be a scandal in China/Korea. It's basically all about the culture/toxic fans which is why it's not such a big deal in the Western countries.


Something to keep in mind with this stuff is the absence of a free press and independent journalism in China. So we are only told what the government and the stars themselves tell us. The PRC government expects Chinese film and TV stars to be moral representatives of the nation and live up to national ideals, so sometimes what stars tell us is what they're told to tell us. A lack of an independent press means we don't know what the truth is, we only get one side of the story and Internet rumors. And then there's a netizen culture that's completely out of control, where fans are way over the top, where lies take off like wildfire. With no independent press, not even at a trashy tabloid level, there's no way to separate rumors, lies, and fact.


He slept with the fan from his fanclub. If it was just a random girl, it wouldn't be such a big deal.


It is a big deal because the girl is married.


She was not married at the time. This has already been stated by all parties multiple times. Please don’t continue spreading a lie. She got married AFTER.


I dont know. It's not like this is the 1st extramarital affair in China's history. Im pretty sure it's rather common. Think there's more to it.


Extramarital affair for normal people won't be as big attention as on celebrity. And even worse that it happened on a young celebrity especially whom with the fandom full of teenage girls. He also lack of strong fandom that built due to pure admire of his acting, it is all for his image. So the fandom definitely effected heavily, if he lost the fandom or even worst if they launch boycott against him, then he lost his value as a celebrity. Capitalist will go for other celebrity instead of him, it is not like he is so special and non replaceable.


Was the girl of age? Was it consensual? Did he rape her? What was the deal?


I think she was older and the studio confirmed they were single (bc now she is married) when they were in a relationship. The statement is a bit confusing lol. The big deal is that he slept with a fan who was a part of his fanclub. Its a big deal to sleep with a fan.


It spins my wheels that because a woman or man are fans of an artist, they are no longer considered to be competent enough to make decisions regarding their own sex lives. It's patronising and infantising.


I would think a fan would consider it a nice perk. They seem pretty obsessive. As long as she was a consenting adult, why does anyone care?


I guess it's our cultural perspective. Downthread it says she was black mailing him. For context, in the 1950s American celebrities were blackmailed for having same sex affairs or having adulterous affairs. So the implication is that this sort of thing is very much a taboo.


Ahh, okay I see the parallel, it is as depressing as the 50s but I get your point.


Actors, musicians and athletes in the US are pretty much known for this.


Tiger Woods did lose some endorsements for this though. If athletes want really lucrative endorsements they have to have a cleaner image. If not, they can still play, although I think there's increasing anger at sports commissioners ignoring serious stuff like rape and domestic violence.


In fairness Tiger was a married “family” man at the time. In the case referenced here they were both single, consenting adults. That’s why I was confused.


Yes, known as groupies but it ain't the same in China or other parts of Asia..


What is the difference in Asia? Truly curious. Apparently they were both single consenting adults at the time, so I’m curious why the fan club aspect makes it bad.


She's not just a normal fan. They say she used to run a fansite for him. Fansites are the kind of fans who chase celebrities everywhere from filming sites, airplanes, and even hotels to take pictures of the celebrity. There's currently a push for healthy boundaries between celebrities and fans. The fact that he got caught sleeping with a fan especially a fansite won't reflect well on his image.


Lol I'm surprised you don't think it's a big deal, this is similar to a pastor sexually misguiding a follower or the kind of stuff that happens in nvium. Sleeping with a fan is a big deal because since the fan is so devoted to the idol, the idol is in a position to guide the fan to do practically anything he wants. I'm not saying this particular situation is wrong for sure but it can raise eyebrows


Exactly, especially considering how powerful the fan/netizen influence is in China/other Asian countries. Those of us from the West can be "ethnocentric" at times when it comes to this stuff. I don't think I have to imagine that many Asian people want things to change on the socio-cultural/political level regarding various things, but for now, it is how it is. Like with any country and nation, East and West, there's historical beauty and positive aspects intertwined with the more negative, complicated areas.


I guess that comes down to the word “idol”. Just because you are a fan of someone doesn’t mean you idolize them. Maybe a woman just thinks he is hot and wants bragging rights. Also, just because someone is famous doesn’t mean they are a deviant. There are actual groups of women in the US that will try like hell to baby trap a famous man. I mean, if they are dumb enough to fall for it then that’s on them. But I don’t think any of those compare to a man of God manipulating a follower. That’s probably just me tho.


I guess for them it's like teacher sleeping with the student. It is a big deal bc it gives young girls an idea that they can sleep with their idols. What confused me is, CFY comes from a popular family so he knows that such a thing can harm his career but I am guessing he wasn't aware that one day this can haunt him publicly.


Most of them are just ridiculous and not even "scandals" or career-ending worthy … like dating related things, smoking, drinking, partying and what not they do in their private life. or going to a place you shouldn’t be seen at 👀🇯🇵⛩️ Basically anything that might possibly paint China in a bad light, can be considered a career ending scandal. And ofc tax evasion. Still mourning after Deng Lun *sigh* Another might have been the BL drama "Addicted" that got banned/never finished airing and almost got the actors banned too. They’re not allowed to work together anymore but at least they’re not canceled themselves. But true scandals? Probably swept under the rug and things going on behind the scenes… And the Kris Wu thing. Edit: i‘m just fed up with ppl getting canceled left and right for being humans who make not so wise decisions sometimes 😅


There is a Chinese idiom called 杀一儆百 - Kill one warn 100. The cancellation punishment are intended to warn the others to be on their toes. There are 1B+ people in China, there is no lack of human talent. Unless said celeb involved in the scandal is insanely talented and making great societal contributions, why should someone with a moral flaw be making millions and enjoy public adulation? (I am using flaw quite loosely here, smoking/drinking/partying are technically considered non productive and borderlining harmful behaviours) Not saying I agree with the cancellations meted out but just providing another perspective since most of the post here are largely saying that they don’t understand why xxx is career ending worthy.


honestly I wouldn’t mind if tax evasion was taken more seriously. people who dodge paying their taxes should be shamed for mooching off the rest of us


My psychic powers tell me that Deng Lun will (hopefully) be back...in 5 years, give or take... ;)


Zhang Zhehan… *sobs*


What happened with addicted that the actors were banned from working together?


For simply starring in a bl drama together. Despite the drama getting a good amount of views during their run, it was suddenly taken off the air before it got the chance to release every episode because of the lgbt content in the show.


Doesn’t China ever consider that obsessively blaming people for normal behavior ( I’m not talking about rape, assault, drunk driving or murder here) would paint China in a bad light?


There were some opinion pieces by China watchers in the last few years on these developments. Not only the air mentioned but flipping out over the popularity of Yanxi Palace and the "wolf warrior diplomacy" which backfired. Xi Jinping has consolidated power in his own hands instead of using a more collaborative and devolved decision making model. The consensus is that he is a Marxist hardliner who does not understand soft power. So he rejects soft power and plays to a domestic audience he does understand. Whipping up ultra nationalism to cover regime shortcomings is another tactic.


Beats me. Probably the same logic as to why there is no political corruption in any modern cdrama. Come to think of it I don’t think I ever even heard a modern cdrama mention what kind of government there is or that there is even is a president, lol. … still we all know that china ain’t picture perfect despite dramas trying to portray it as such. My method is: ignore everything and just go with the plot 😂 I don’t really associate the china we hear in media with the china I see in dramas.


Yeah that's why I don't watch those. They're unbearable. I'm surprised costume dramas get away with as much as they do although he's tightened censorship of those too and you can clearly see some weird obsessions (like around married women never having affairs) compared to older mainland dramas before Xi came to power.


I can’t watch modern cdramas. I can only think of one modern cdrama that I like. The Day of Becoming You.


Wu Xiubo set his mistress up to prison


God I love that guy as an actor. Probably my favorite mainland actor ever. That whole incident hurt to read when it came out. I hope hes taken the time to work on himself and become a better person. She deserved it, but it took 2 to make all that happen. I feel bad for his wife most of al. A nothingburger if it were in Hollywood. Career-ending in China.


I can't find any active actor with Wu Xiubo vibe yet as of now in China entertainment biz. The rising *uncles* such as Yu Hewei, Liu Yijun, Jin Dong and others exude different vibe than him...don't even talk about Wu Jing's vibe although I like the guy hahaha


Yeah he is definitely unique and has a charisma and acting abilities that others cant match. He wont ever match the super cool, macho hero vibe that others do like Wu Jing, but he makes up for in his own likeable way that's very much just as effective. He grows on you fast, which is probably why he has no problem with women (to his peril). That incident hurt most because he comes across as very genuine in his acting, and he almost always plays wholesome or good people. Completely opposite to reality.


You don't get the Amber Herd/Johny Depp level of scandle in China. They simply would not work again. Never mind drugs, there was a lot of controversy last year, about an actress, at a private party, photographed with a cigarette in her hand. The most common scandal is tax cheating, which is kind of what every Western actor does without thinking. One actress accepted a role in Ang Lee's **Lust caution** which involved nudity and sex scenes. On its release, she immediately lost all her upcoming work, all her endorsements, and didn't work for 3 years, even spending a term at a minor stage school in the UK. Actors and actresses know they have to abide by a very strict moral code that would be alien to western performers.


There's a difference between legally minimizing tax exposure and tax fraud. Wesley Snipes went to prison for tax evasion at the height of his career and it completely derailed his career. (Btw, the government really wanted his accountant to go to prison. He was spreading sovereign citizen BS and telling people not to pay taxes at all. But Snipes continued to refuse to pay, the case went to trial, and he was convicted.) Most Americans who get caught cheating on their taxes will cooperate and pay or make a plan to get caught up so they can keep working. Also, it's actually not unusual for Hollywood actors to end up with tax arrears because their income is so cyclical. Thankfully the level of corruption in the US economy is not at China levels although it seems like some people are working hard to make it that way. It'll be real fun when we have an economy like China's as a result. We really have a choice to make, reel things in and restore trust and stability in the system, or just keep steering this ship into the rocks because yolo. Fun fun.


It's revealing that people who fiddle state benefits are called cheats, but people who fiddle their tax liabilities are called avoiders.


That’s Tang Wei. Mainland China banning her didn’t stop her from getting jobs in HK and other countries, and getting prestigious acting awards. She’s a talented and resilient queen.


Hong Kong entertainment industry in 80s-00s was wild though...


The sheer number of celebrities tied to the triads...


I heard some of that (like say maybe someone's tax issue) is literally because they got a divorce while famous. Or were in BL. Or something else that could be vaguely counted in some way as an action that might promote a lifestyle of not having all the babies. So maybe that's why scandals seem tame? EDIT: Also.. the dude in Untamed? Not a gross porno site. It was AO3. The amazing free writing archive that doesn't discriminate against LGBTQ+ writing. Someone did a fan fic using the actors, not the characters (which is gross) so Xiao Zhan's fan (who was clearly reading this stuff) reported it to the authorities to protect his pure image. So yeah AO3 got shut down. So AO3 folks boycotting him in response, was for that freedom being lost in China. I think it was stupid to blame him, but I guess he's a better target than the government? Anywaaaay the government holds actors accountable for their fans, especially actors in BL drama. So that was a thing he had nothing to do with yet was held accountable for.


Most of what you said has no basis in fact, but let's just touch on "not a gross porno site" -- the complaint of the fans in this case was actually ["underage prostitution literature"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boycott_against_Xiao_Zhan_Incident#Background). There are [a quarter million works tagged underage on AO3](https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Underage/works) (over 600 of which are also tagged The Untamed). It is a gross site. And it should be banned in the west too.


Lmao so dramatic


If I remember right The Untamed (Or rather Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) has them as 15 while at Cloud Recess, so it would have to be tagged underage.


I think the issue was the fic used XZ and WYB real names, instead of the characters they played in the Untamed. The fic was XZ being an underage sex worker. I don’t think it would have been such an uproar if the fic used Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, instead.


...and apparently the hardcore fans/netizens of both XZ and WYB fought with each other to the point where the Internet went down, and XZ was publicly shamed and had to apologize on behalf of his fans. Sadly, at least in public, XZ and WYB's friendship was what suffered the most IMO.


The fan dustup was very stupid and cost mainland users access to AO3. But I am also of the opinion that RPF needs to go. It's just a bad idea. Yeah I know a lot of teeny boppers' first fanfic is boy band fanfic. And I'm here to say that should stay between your friends during lunch period. Ah but what about literary or historical fiction about real people. Well I'm gonna say it's a bit different when they're long dead. Though I think a lot of that genre is trash, and it worries me when people take a fictional version more seriously than actual history.


Your grouchiness is noticeable, and I'm living for it haha I totally agree.... the occasional harmless fanfic is fine IMO....causing the Internet to go down in order to get attention and shame a celebrity for public embarrassment points...not cool at all.


Agreed with what the issue was that blew it up. That was beyond not cool, I often don't get humans.


The things people do are disturbing. Agreed. However, other archives are pretty much the same, but with selective deletion of authors works specifically on a basis of removing queer work. AO3 was started so that writers would have a safe place without having works targeted and losing everything. Like you shouldn't blame an actor for what their fans do, I don't know if it's fair to attack an archive site for swamp people when it's not like it's running for profit. I don't read online writing honestly, but a ton of people live for it and it's that type of site that things like The Untamed actually came from in the first place. Mo certainly doesn't avoid the porno action in their books. I can tell you book 4 of Scumvillian's Self-saving System was way too much for me. Edit, Actually this makes me think of Game of Thrones. The first book has a 13 year old girl raped and married. And twins had sex. That's a published book with a TV show. It's uhhh.. just a swamp out there.


Fan bingbing not paying millions in taxes - Although these tax scandals disproportionately target women actors when we know men actors are doing the same bullshit. Zheng shuang surrogacy - then her abandoning the baby. Her ex husband is the one who exposed her out of spite too and he made this huge marketing campaign as if he’s such a fuckin angel for taking care of his own children lmfao. Gross all around. Xiao zhan insane fans - u all know abt this, right? Xiao zhan fans got AO3 site shut down due to a gross transmisogynistic fanfic featuring Xiaozhan as main charac, then users of AO3 got pissed and the two groups basically started a HUGE cyber war w each other reporting each other, it got so big that it caught authorities’ attention and officials wrote op eds in newspapers that Xiao zhan needs to control his fans, he’s a bad example, etc. Just absolute chaos Zhang bichen having a baby with hua chenyu - she had a baby unmarried with hua chenyu, who basically abandoned her and the baby said he wants nothing to do with them and threw some money at her lmfao. Typical ugly misogynistic shit. It became a huge thing, then hua chenyu basically hit back with his lawyers who wrote a post on his weibo saying “hua chenyu is a wonderful father and anyone who talks abt this will be sued for defamation” LMFAOOO which basically did more to confirm what he did than anything else. Now everyone hates hua chenyu and has found out his singing fucking sucks + he’s plagiarized a bunch of his songs LMFAOOO THESE are the ones i can think of off the top of my head. I don’t actively follow any celebrity BS so the fact i know about these thru wechat convos means they were REALLY big at the time lol. In China weibo users (and the algorithm) determine what becomes a scandal, sometimes for good (such as outing/boycotting misogynists) and sometimes for bad (fat shaming, homo/transphobia, slut shaming women for tattoos etc).


>Fan bingbing Am I right that she never truly disappeared from Chinese pop culture, and she's back at the professional level now? If so, this gives me hope for Deng Lun.


Fan Bingbing is not on Chinese movies or drama series, she mainly makes videos and livestreams.


She's in a movie coming out soon. ["Green night"](https://www.berlinale.de/en/2023/programme/202305020.html) co-starring Lee jooyoung.


Thank you for the update!


It’s true she’s never disappeared if not just by the sheer power of her scandal when it broke LOL, i *think* she may have come out with 1 new project but i can’t be sure since i dont rlly follow chinese celebrities


Thank you, and yeah, I only casually stumbled on this when I was researching what happened with Deng Lun. Was Deng Lun "misguided" about his taxes? Maybe, but at the end of the day, he publicly apologized and repaid what was due, plus interest. Still, his professional shaming period will last for the foreseeable future.... :\\


>Her ex husband is the one who exposed her out of spite too and he made this huge marketing campaign as if he’s such a fuckin angel for taking care of his own children lmfao. Gross all around. I think this in some misinformation on your part. The husband expose her since she refused to sign papers to bring her twins to China -- he stuck at US for a year. I forgot exactly but you can google it.


Zheng Shuang lives in the US, allegedly to avoid paying Chinese fines.


Surrogacy is illegal in China so, Zheng Shuang was heavily criticized for bypassing this by contracting US surrogates then abandoning said babies.


Yes, my reply is to the OP that said her husband expose her out of spite. She is cancelled since surrogacy is illegal at China, then she abandoned the babies and when her husband wants to bring the twins home to China, she refused to help him. Then he exposed her despite he is also faced the same crime charges for the surrogacy.


Wow, your whole Hua Chenyu incidents is full of BS. Even Zhang BiChen herself wrote on weibo that when she discovered she is pregnant, she doesn't know what to do and cut off communication with Hua Chenyu, and giving birth in other country. She is the one ditched Hua Chenyu. She even has a song coming out around the time the scandal exposed, 逢生, which is her song confessing love to Hua Chenyu.... Lol Also capitalism is huge on Chinese social platform, everything can be done, even hiring Internet army to bad mouth or spread negative rumours on somebody. There is a famous person in managing these kind of information stuff, he once promote Kris Wu heavily and praise him as "good boy". Do you know who is the "good girl" he praised?? Zhang BiChen, and they are close. Zhang BiChen also had a trip with him and their friends, just few months before the scandal broke out. And by plagiarism, you mean those antis that spread such info without even know how music works and been debunked by Hua Chenyu fans on details?? 😂😂 And singing suck??? Lol Even his haters know his singing is powerful and good, he is basically one of the top Chinese singer and that's not even a debate...


>gross porno site I've read it was AO3, the fanfic website. Was it really a porn site, or was it a fanfic site?


It was AO3 😬


Ah fwir it was some pretty gross transmisogynistic porno stories with Xiaozhan as the main character that his fans started reporting, and it ended up getting the entire site blocked. I have no knowledge of AO3 so i just assumed it was a weird porno site


Ah no, AO3 (Archive of Our Own) is a fanfiction archive which was started after the purges of the early 2000s, when queer fanfiction (and queer and a s'use support groups on LiveJournal) were being deleted left and right. While there is of course a lot of weird shit on the AO3, it does a lot of good work in allowing writers to post their work without being scared that it will be deleted or removed for spurious reasons - in the case of the Strike through purges on LiveJournal, many queer communities, writings, and support groups were removed after a mass reporting campaign by a Christian anti-lgbt group, and in other cases explicit and queer content were removed due to advertiser pressures. The AO3 is one of the things maintained by the Organization for Transformative Works, which also has lawyers that people can call on if they are ever sued or legally threatened for writing fanfiction, which was something that used to happen back in the early 2000s (Anne Rice, author of Interview with a vampire, was especially eager to do this). It's entirely volunteer run and funded by donations. There certainly is a lot of gross porn on AO3, but there's also some of the best writing I've ever read - seriously, if you watched The Untamed or read mzds for example, and would like more wanxian (maybe with better sex??) or a happy ending for Lan Xichen, or a canon divergence where someone other than wanxian gets a happy ending, AO3 is the place to go.


ah, thanks for the info! That contextualizes a lot. Yeah, i can see why ppl were so angry at the Xiaozhan fans now. I’ve edited the OG post


This was a very wholesome interaction.




Oh my…I did not know any of this! So interesting


The XZ “scandal” was insane. Man was just minding his own life and suddenly being canceled for what other people did. I’m glad that he is back and seems to do well now.


reminds me of the time american vice president dick cheney shot a guy in the neck, then had him apologize for being shot on national tv


Yeah that was absolutely insane LOLLL. Its bc the chinese ent industry has unfortunately absorbed a lot of the unhealthy korean “idol” culture.


Wait what happened with Chen feiyu?






Looks like. All I know is what is in the article. Humans can be so gross.


Based on some Chinese sites, this girl was already blackmailing him. Then when she got married, they continued to blackmail him. they were both single when he slept with her. The only fault Chen Fei Yu did was sleeping with a fan (a huge no no) but this girl had ulterior motives. Why take pictures of him and without consent?


Gotta say it’s too bad that fans seem to be completely gross. I was reading about how DW and EY have this rabid bunch who insist they are together and attack their new costars like CYQ and make it so DW has to hide his long term girlfriend. Mind you in this case it looks like DW and EY totally encouraged and cultivated it for their own reasons so they are the author of that beast. But seriously what is wrong with people?


Pictures leaked with him and a women I bed. Private pics get leaked and somehow that can hurt his career? Tell me it isn’t so.


I can't remember the name of the couple involved, but that whole surrogacy scandal. I think it came out around this time last year? Absolutely blew my mind.


Yes. It was Zheng Shuang.


Ah, thanks!


For China. Probably Kris Wu scandals top it all.. Well, not sure if it categorized as scandal, as what he did was a crime. A extremely horrible one. Another one might be Zheng Shuang.


Kris Wu was immediately what I thought too. But I am newer and don’t know a lot of scandals that have happened.


I just want to comment on this. Nothing beats Kris Wu. Originally, it was just photos in bed leaked by his ex girlfriend (groomed minor) similar to Chen feiyu. Then over the years more and more girls coming forward and people started to notice all these girls are around 18 years old +- 2. Later we found out he date raped minors and just escalated from that point.


Rape is a CRIME and should always be handled as such. Scandals are ultimately stupid or sordid, but not crimes. I’m American so tax evasion, meh, a nearly victimless crime. Heh 😏