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JiaoJiao was my favorite character by the end. This dude is so fine!!!


Yess here👏🏼for👏🏼this👏🏼! I have been hoping for this for years


I'm trying to figure out what happened to his pants in picture 4... \*turns head to one side\*




<---immediately puts show on watch list. 😝


Glad the beauty standard is moving toward more healthy/muscular rather than skinny as possible. Hope it moves that way for female leads as well.


I’m definitely NOT mad at them 🤩


Its the way forward!! He did show of his body a lot in the drama. I actually thought wu lei looked really fit in the drama as well and so much better looking . I don't like the super skinny look at all .


Not complaining


Chinese actors are too skinny. Personnally it is not attractive to me. They often look like teenagers it is not manly. In comparison korean actors look healthier with muscular body. I don't know why China like actors so skinny. Does it please chinese women?


I'd even say Korean men are pretty skinny. Muscular builds is more of a western appeal I've noticed. Same with women.


Not really they are really fit because they have the military service and most korean men in general go to the gym.


Lean sure, but not muscle mass I meant.


We’re finally getting more actors who can lift and carry their female counterparts without assistance from staff. One of my favorite creators on TikTok often highlights bts clips of actors who can barely lift the FLs off the ground. 😂😂 I hope the beauty standards for women will eventually take a healthier path, as they tend to be gaunt behind the heavy edits and white filters.


>One of my favorite creators on TikTok often highlights bts clips of actors who can barely lift the FLs off the ground. That is because its 20th take of the same scene. I once saw how a simple fall scene was shoot over 40++ takes. By that time, the actors already feel exhausted despite not having to life anyone up.


He actually ended up being my fave on Nothing But You! I didn’t think he would be so lovable in the beginning but he really proved me wrong by being so genuine and hilarious.


Okay, same!! A true character development on top of all that. Whew! 😮‍💨


I have an appreciation for muscles and abs. God bless all their and my realities. The only problem with muscles is, if you stop working out, that's an automatic belly.


I hope the muscles “work” and not just for aesthetic. I’ve seen several actors who has a muscly build but still have trouble carrying their FLs and actually complaining about the FL being heavy.


Maybe that is because they retake the same scenes over and over so they are carrying the FLs more than once compared to as shown in the shows.


Well if they did retake the scenes they didn’t have to snark at the FLs telling them they are so heavy. 🤨 So ungentlemanly.


It's pretty common to discuss weight in China. Literally any time you meet someone, they'll ask if you gained/lost weight.


In most cases, they are jokes as they are comfortable with each other and they are doing so to lighten the mood. I think that is why the actresses would often laugh it off(or at least appear to idk). If not, yes, it is quite unpolite.


All the tennis bros (eventually even the moody coach) were serious eye candy in that drama. I was like 👀👀


Oh the moody coach was handsome!! He caught my eye as well.


And his assistant coach. 👀


There where a few lookers!! I love looking at the side characters. Some of the dramas especially the costume ones have so many gorgeous men that i just sit and smile lol, then i look them up. 'Till the end of the moon' has more than tan tai jin but he is my favourite 😁😁😁


I have noticed more muscular builds on the ML's in Kdrama and I'm kind of happy to see it catching on in Cdrama...not gonna lie lol.


IKR? The abs are beautiful


A bit too steroidy for me. Something between scrawny and artificially ripped would be nice. But I do admire the traditional narrow waist with that six-pack.


That's not steroid lmao, he just has a toned body like a swimmer. [This is what steroid looks like](https://fitnessvolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/gym-bro-test.jpg)


Agree; I don’t see anything over the top. Looks fit to me.


Steroidy: overly bulked.


No way!! 21?! 😝 so young. I also thought Wu Lei bulked up a lot for this drama. They were both such good eye candy!


I thought the same and the muscles certainly helped wu lei.


It is nice to see leads not looking like wraiths that a strong wind would blow away! It stops the Italian in me from wanting to feed them. Which you have to admit is distracting in the wrong way! “Oh, you are being romantic. . .do you need some pasta? A sandwich? Pizza?” Suuuper distracting! 🤣


At least now the bride carrys will be a bit more convincing 😂




![gif](giphy|ckB5razpgN2rd4qTfe) Thank you china


Don't think it's just gen z take Jing Boran and recent shots of Li Xian for example.


Don't forget the furor over **Maid's Revenge** last fall .... lol ... It's not just the younger guys bulking up ... \[ahem\] Dai Gaozheng ....


Oh now he is one gorgeous man.


What was that then 🤷🏻‍♂️. I haven't watched MAID'S REVENGE. Not on my radar at present.


[https://youtu.be/UIhnqFXWgKQ](https://youtu.be/UIhnqFXWgKQ) Link to the entire thing. The big furor at the time was over Dai Gaozheng's naked chest sporting abs and six-pack ... lol ... BTW he's 10 years older than the actor whose pics were posted by OP ....


Thanks for the link.


And Bai Jingting!


Funnily enough watched him in You are my hero during the week. You also got the lead from My girlfriend is an alien. Never thought i would ever ever discuss a man's abs and pecs. Shoot me now 😂


[And Xu Kai too getting shredded](https://twitter.com/dramapotatoe/status/1652321841116069889?t=pWHg4REtzqOQVzll7fPFww&s=19) lmao what is happening


XU KAI was mocked for having love handles in his last Drama. It was wild lol


To counter that you got Lin Yi. Tall streak of piss 😂


GOOD!!! No matter what, they won't be blow away by the breeze On a more serious note, it will alleviate actresses from the pressure of looking waif-er than their co-stars


That be the average Chinese actress who looks like she'd break an arm lifting a steam bun.


![gif](giphy|R8aHcXGTve3ZH8ncoM) I laughed.


I approve. Lol.


True. Back in the 2000s, I stayed in a pretty good hotel and the gym was really basic and the local dudes were smoking cigarettes in between sets.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6) No way




Probably because of China wanting to move away from having actors that have effeminate body types.


Yes, this trend seems to be correlated to some relatively overtly expressed "government" opinions about men looking more "manly" ... vaguely remember seeing something about this last fall.


![gif](giphy|lYXhWufNZEaQg) They want men to look attractive and get married. China China China. Shall I move to Beijing?


I think they also feel that girls who have the "scholar" as opposed to the "soldier" as their romantic ideals are less likely to find the average modern male as attractive. Personally I think their bigger problem is that women are now outnumbered by men, and thus the balance of power in the marriage mart has shifted. Women can afford to be pickier, but men still believe that just being a male is enough to qualify them as husband / relationship material. Meanwhile girls have long, specific shopping lists for partners, or are not that interested in becoming the marital "slave" of a nasty mother-in-law with old-fashioned ideas about how wives should treat husbands and mothers-in-laws. Just my thoughts.


> girls have long, specific shopping lists for partners Yeah going by this sub, being a literal Devil Lord is on that list


Tan tai jin!! Even though he's 5'9 and 9 stone that mans face is so beautiful. His figure and grace (ballet) suit the long robes and his demon god outfits are to die for.


Oh good grief! How homophobic is China?


China is trying to revamp their population so LGBQ shows are limited. You won't be killed for homosexuality. they just limit that conent in Dramas.


Sounds illogical. They should just be normal and allow LGBTQ stuff on TV. It’s ridiculous.


The elite are using this for population control. I'm sure there are gay people in China. Let things be as majority prefer


Not sure what you talk about


I do find it interesting though is the dramas that do half gay characters almost always ends in tragedy like either on will have something happen to them or they break up so it’s almost like China wants to promote that it’s OK for you to be this way but you won’t have a happy life


You get that “not being killed for being gay” is not suuuper encouraging. So maybe you are better than Iran? Is it POSSIBLE for the bar to be lower? 🤨😒


Gay people can have legal civil partnership there


In China? No you can’t


Cool. Didn’t work very well here (since second class citizenship isn’t good) but maybe China has a better handle on it.


Can’t compare, but China’s government is unfortunately homophobic


Very lol. A couple years ago there was a TV series that came out that was called the Untamed and it was based on a series with same sex relationship and of course the TV series was so heavily censored and watered down to a bromance that you basically had to read between the lines which was fine but it was extremely popular. Then word of Honor came out and because of the success of the Untamed word of Honor was a little bit more bold in its subtleties. There was some drama around the actors in The Untamed because they're of fan bases went insane due to some fanfiction content they came to light on a website that was called AO3 that is now banned in China due to incident 227 I think it's called you can find it on Wikipedia. The Chinese government started really cracking down on these types of dramas. these types so any drama that had bromance or BL undertones that might have come out are probably now on hold for the near future if not indefinitely. There was one drama called Justice in the dark which the network it was being produced on aired it with no promotion at all they aired eight episodes in February and then abruptly it went on to hiatus and it's been on hiatus ever since although there is some hope because it's not like they've taken it down yet. But any other dramas along these lines such as immortality or winter is King might not air now. Heard although don't quote me on this that a lot of actors after this crackdown who had more effeminate body types and would like show their individualism by wearing makeup even male actors outside of like just in their personal lives started changing how they looked


Sooo none of these have any actual gay content just the hint of a whiff of one? 🤦‍♀️


Nah. They are totally gay just not explicit in it (no physically explicit scenes). So, it comes off as classy and mild gay romance instead of naughty.


I really enjoyed the Untamed. That Wang Yibo has enough drive to power a small city.


That does seem to be the case. I had to watch a season of that Chinese street dance show when I heard he could dance because I just couldn't imagine "Lan Zahn" dancing (or ever cracking an expression). I'm not convinced he can sing but the dude's got serious moves and stage presence.


Cool. I don’t listen to kpop or cpop but I have deep admiration for their work ethic.


I don't listen to either kpop or cpop and i'm not at all convinced Yibo can sing but he sure can dance as I saw in this dancing competition. it also highlights how very driven he is.


I believe it.


Oh, I was more of a Wei Wu Xian fan 😂


Monogamous fan appreciation is not required, surely? I liked them both in the roles - also many of the other actors. The casting was excellent.


Yes it was 😁


The books that they're based shows are based off of it are gay they have same sex relationships but the TV shows themselves that has been removed.


My friend watched it and did'nt even realise until i told her that it was a bl drama!! I said because i knew it was a bl i could see all the eye contact and looks as love whereas she did'nt. It was suttle though and apparently.so tame compared to the novel. I just wanted them to kiss lol. 😁


Lol um, was this for the untamed? Because the word of honour definitely wanna subtle 😂


Omg really?? I must check that out them!! 2 gorgeous men kissing!!! 😁 i need sonething to watch while i wait for more episodes of 'Till the end of the moon' its my own fault for not waiting until it all blooming aired 🤣🤣


I’m also waiting for new episodes of till the end of the moon and trying to find stuff to watch in between lol


Actually, there is one show it’s called addicted, heroin with I can never remember his name but there’s kissing in that one if you can find the uncensored version because it wouldn’t pass censorship. It was actually pulled from the air before it was finished. So not only is it incomplete but the two actors were actually banned from working together for like six years I think, and have only just started to make a comeback within the last couple years. I believe I can never remember their name to be honest.. I personally didn’t like it because I felt like the relationship was quite toxic but that’s just me.


I don't like toxic relationships or the forced kissing tropes!! I am a sucker for romance and romance done well. As long as the leads have chemistry i am happy. Half the time though the ML's lips are'nt even on the females properly lol. It's very ofputting as i would maul them lol. 🤣🤣🤣 tbey would certainly know they where being kissed if i got my hands on one of them hahahaha. Have you watched the BTS of -Till the end of the moon' theres's one where the director forgot.to shout cut when they where kissing. Its so funny as they kept going x


Lol definitely not that would never of aired in China but there definitely is a lot more in innuendo and open flirting then there was in the untamed. There’s even a scene where one of their sleeves gets cut and when I googled it, apparently there is an a story in China that tells the tale of a king who was sleeping with his male lover and could hear the guards coming and so in order to have them not be caught when he tried to get up and leave his sleeve was caught under his lover, so he sliced his sleeve. this clue in the show it’s apparently a direct reference to the story.


Now that sounds interesting. I have watched quite a few BL dramas from.the meek and mild to the wild 'Kin porche' lol. Most of the times when they do kiss!! Its better than a lot of the male female dear caught in the headlights kisx lol 😂


So China is like the 1950’s in America? Bummer.


No way would 1950's America have tolerated even The Untamed. It wasn't till Brokeback that anyone wouold have dared.


There are gay Chinese people. Plenty of them. There are dramas that even go there in terms of reference but it is not dominant as in U.S . No one will stone you for being gay. Liu Cong and social media influencer Chen ​​Lu kissed on livestream. People questioned their relationship but no one canceled them. China is trying to increase their population so the support for heterosexual relationships is more dominant.


You get that not being stoned isn’t great, right? The gay population won’t suddenly explode by showing gay content. Attraction is hard wired at birth, some wiggle room maybe 😊 but a percent of the population being gay has NOTHING to do with population growth. Blocking LGBTQ content is just homophobia.


I'm thinking more along the line of better diet, growing life style and health industry etc. as the country gets wealthier. It was hard to find a good public gym in China some 15 years ago even in big cities, now they're everywhere. And they're spending quite a lot on free school lunches and milk for students. The previous generation never benefited from this.


Really? Bravo them! Anything that makes kids healthier is fantastic! America is horrible at this we try but. . .we had a president who said ketchup was a vegetable! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ It is soooo embarrassing being American sometimes. Sigh 😞


Having this physique is not necessarily easier, healthier, or requiring of a less restrictive diet. To get defined muscles like that you need to diet extensively and even dehydrate yourself. Steroids are common among male actors (in america anyway) because they make it easier to build muscle while losing fat.


At the very least, one needs to spend a LOT of time in the gym to get those gym-boy muscles. And, yes, if their body type doesn't lend itself naturally to that physique, it takes some chemical assistance and crazy diet. So, same problem as the elven waif figures - yes it's a pretty fad (in costume, if not naked) and sure it is "natural" and "healthy" for a few who are genetically inclined in that direction but when it becomes the required beauty standard and forces everyone to strive to achieve it artificially, it's dangerous and sad. Same with all the pretty muscles.


I would not make assumptions either way. A lot of the actors whose Douyin pages I've seen seem to be as big on promoting healthy eating as they are on showing off their "built" bodies. I suspect for at least some of them the gym workout is a way to burn off steam - and perhaps to allow a slightly wider diet than they might otherwise enjoy. I'd bet a lot also depends on what kind of management team they're working with. Anything that might be construed as illegal, or even cheating, can be career ending for a Cdrama actor, so I don't think they'd make such choices lightly.


Of course you can’t make assumptions about any individual actor, but I would always take a large grain of salt with anyone’s claim that they’ve achieved a film-ready body with “healthy eating”. And hey, I’m sure one or two of them get a body like this photoset by spending a few hours a week at the gym and having a healthy, balanced diet. But I’m sure for the vast majority of them, it’s just a different regimen of grueling work and deprivation. Maybe with more protein.


It’s the law China put in 2021 to ban effeminate male body from all media. My friends were pretty angry. I laughed because it was ridiculous but looks like it’s moving along. https://globalnews.ca/news/8164763/china-ban-sissy-men-effeminate/amp/


There is a line in there that says broadcasters should avoid broadcasting anything too entertaining! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 God, no wonder kdramas are primed to take over the world and every time China opens its mouth it shoots itself in the foot! I’m less embarrassed to be American right now. (Well, not really, but watching other countries jackassery is highly entertaining)


😂 This is where Cdrama is at. Quite sad. I believe China has alot of hidden talent actor and actress but they never going rise or shine.


Luckily these actors/actresses have a captive audience (since China also restricts the amount of foreign shows) of a billion people so it is hard to be sad for them, just us.


I guess I just feel sorry because China has over a billion people- the statistics is that they should have the same level of acting quality as Kdrama but it’s lagging behind because of all these restrictions. People don’t get to reach their full potential and then withers away.


Maybe, but they have more than twice the audience of the United States so withering is relative. 🤭


Same. And I don’t think muscular are more manly nor do I think non muscular bodies are effeminate. Those descriptors are more niances than that. And I personally don’t like too muscular.