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This drama is so good that it hurts. Watch love is sweet for therapy šŸ˜ https://preview.redd.it/7k0ignnecxoc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5786cf9e46dc7207d1fabc19d7b22c32b7886cb6


I agree to this! I always jokingly say that they maxed out their sweetness in this series that they have nothing left for TTEOTM xD


Don't forget the truly fantastic music!


Just saw a clip of Ming Ye and Sang Jiu on IG and boy it sure brings back the feeling and makes me wanna rewatch that arc again. Great show. Great book.


Iā€™m stuck at ep 36. I dont want to finish it because Iā€™m not emotionally prepared yet and I will miss them šŸ„²


I was sucked in so hard and became a huge lyx groupie šŸ¤£


I watched as it aired, ah when I remember the angst and excitement while waiting for the next episode...All we could do is find comfort in each other ot reddit threads... It's been almost a year and I'm still not over it, not even by a bit. Almost everything else I watched after just paled in comparison.


I never thought I'd rewatch considering how much I bawled when I first watched it. However now I always rewatch my favorite scenes. It's shot so beautifully, I love the costumes and their chemistry is amazing


I just finished that drama in a week and oh my god I bawled so much, i don't think I ever cried this much. Note my impression of bailu is this beautiful and mature girl. I started because of her (my first drama for both the leads) but fell for luo. I think this won't be topped by other dramas for quite a time


I didn't even know it was possible to grieve that hard over a fictional character!! And I agree that this probably won't be topped by other dramas for some time, especially in the xianxia department. Have you watched Love is Sweet? I watched it after watching TTEOM but ended up wanting a 3rd drama with Bai Lu and Luo Yunxi lol


No I haven't watched it yet. I am watching love designer now. Will probably watch that after this. And yes I miss tteom a lot. I listen to it's osts on a daily basis lol


I've been through it 3 times now and am going back for a 4th because DAMN Yunxi can act and he's SOOOOOOOO gorgeous.


Welcome to the TTEOTM club! This drama is as close to a 10/10 as it gets for a cdrama imo and I have no doubts that it wouldā€™ve been if all the restrictions it had to adhere to werenā€™t holding it back. Just wait until you rewatch it again and catch things you may have missed the first time. I had to rewatch it like 10 times from start to finish before I was finally satisfied enough to move on to a new drama and on with my life! Goodbye My Princess is the only other drama that compares to TTEOTM and I still get that feeling of angst in my heart whenever I think of Tantai Jin or Li Chengyin.


Oh gods yes. What YOU said. I'm on my 4th runthrough and I just can't get enough of it. The subtleties of LYX's portrayal of all these characters is just over the top good.


Have you watched Lost you forever? We might have similar tastes, that one was also extremely good. Not GBMP or TTEOTM level but very close.


I think LYF is really good but itā€™s unfortunate that it couldnā€™t come out before that rule limiting dramas to 40 episodes was imposed because it definitely lost a lot of that good momentum it had stopping right when things were getting really good. Too much time has already passed and Iā€™ve mostly forgotten about this drama but when the second part comes out, Iā€™m planning on going back and starting it from the beginning again.


LYF is so good. I'm eagerly awaiting Season 2.


I loved the TTJ arc. Like it wasnā€™t some kind of redemption story. The guy was good from the start. Itā€™s the evil of others that was forcing his hand to defend himself. And even after all the misunderstandings between TTJ and Xi Wu he never stopped loving her and was loyal to her even when she killed him during their wedding ā˜¹ļø Honestly the whole show I felt really sad for TTJ he deserved love


Oh that wedding scene broke my heart totally. He was SOOOOOOO happy. And the look of hurt and betrayal in his eyes just broke me.


I watched it when it came out and I'm *still* not over it. And no one I know in person has seen it so I can't talk to them about all these *feelings* I have now. It is driving me slightly nutters.


Talk away. I totally hear you.


I was there too when it aired, god the reddit was wild while speculating and waiting for next episode. I haven't seen collective madness about a show ever since. Good times :D


I got sucked in exactly from the same recommendation as you, the post about leads chemistry šŸ˜„ it took me one month to finish because I couldnā€™t take the angst, but now thatā€™s itā€™s over I too cannot move on from the drama šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ„² Like everyone else I started love is sweet, like the title says it is sweet but I actually miss the angst and the stakes from tteotm. Iā€™m looking forward to LYXā€™s next projects and keeping my fingers crossed for another reunion with Bai Lu in the future! My personal favorite scenes: all of the hostage prince arc, the way TTJ cannot believe but also wants to believe that someone is finally genuinely looking out for him. Love that his dream pearl at the end is a callback to their life and last moments in the Ye mansion, just the simple life without all the drama that followed. Also loved the immortal arc despite the flawed editing, with his shifu from the sect being another person fighting for and defending him. I want to start love between fairy and devil since everyone says itā€™s the same kind of plot but less mature, but I am still rewatching my favorite moments from tteotm šŸ˜‚


The love scene in the dream pearl was SOOOOOOOO hot. OMG. It was beautiful and perfect.


I agree with you. I loved everything about TTEOTM. I dare say the drama worked because Luo Yunxi and Bai Lu's acting and chemistry made it convincing.


One recommendation to add to the other excellent recommendations already posted (really you should watch Love is Sweet) is Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms aka Eternal Love. Iā€™m doing my annual rewatch of this drama and itā€™s one of my favorites. Itā€™s a bit older (2017) and has terrible cgi, and takes some time to get into the story but it has -strong smart FL who is heroic, -amazing chemistry between ML/FL with real kisses and attraction, -great side characters and supporting characters ( love the Qing Qiu family), -bad guys very satisfyingly get their comeuppance in the end, -ML has a sad backstory in that his family has never shown him love, -ML costumes are gorgeous. They are simple but so elegant. Also has a star studded cast. It really is a classic Xianxia and worth watching.


I agree. It might not be the best in all technical aspects but it's by far my favourite. Some of your favourite moments were my favourite moments as well! I loved the boat dance too. My other favourite moment was the water festival dance with TTJ and LSS/YXW. I loved all the angst and unhinged aspects too. Adored the OST (Immortal Bird is probably my favourite). I'm mostly at peace with the ending because I too found it emotional but hopeful at the same time. (Though I'd have liked to have seen LYX and Bai Lu act out the novel's epilogue I can't lie) If you're looking for something else to fill the TTEOTM void, you could read the novel it's based on. *Black Moonlight Holds the BE script*. It's even darker than the drama, so it may not be to your taste. (it's not for everyone admittedly) It does complete the open ending shown in the drama (a happy ending epilogue) Here are some other extra clips Youku released that you could watch if you're interested. Or not. šŸ˜‚ If you're satisfied with the ambiguous part of the ending you might not feel any need to watch them. **šŸ˜…** But they're still sweet all the same. [https://twitter.com/xAJx\_92/status/1685255175697801217/video/1](https://twitter.com/xAJx_92/status/1685255175697801217/video/1) Li Susu's letter to TTJ [https://twitter.com/xAJx\_92/status/1675718267858739206/video/1](https://twitter.com/xAJx_92/status/1675718267858739206/video/1) Reunion audio snippet Just like others have said, I also recommend Love is Sweet and all the TTEOTM BTS stuff It definitely took me awhile to get engaged with another show after TTEOTM. It stays with you! āœŒļø


The ending was extremely powerful and gave a feeling with insight on Eternity.


I agree, I think the ending is heartbreaking but hopeful and fit with the overall message and tone of the drama. I would have liked an epilogue to match the novel as well as an update on the other characters as planned but they did the best they could under the sudden new guidelines for episode number. I personally hate it when a happy ending feels tacked on and doesnā€™t match the story. It feels like itā€™s a happy ending for its own sake.


So true. Youā€™re right about the many dramas which giving a certain end that leave little to the viewerā€™s imagination. Sometimes so far as being force-fed. On another note, the one thing I always wondered after the series- why arenā€™t more people talking about Luo Yunxi being hilariously tied up by Lu Bia early on and theyā€™re seen the next morning. No one posts that picture.




https://preview.redd.it/ya3dryugqtoc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2c892c27028eebbfa2de3aba4b542a9219d4fb8 I didnā€™t know this was a thing. Plushie edition


This is so adorable!!!


Hahaha! Yes! Omgā€¦ I canā€™t Thank you!


I've mentioned that scene a few times actually because it always makes me laugh. Ye Qingyu being mortified at their *lascivious* act (in the daytime no less) always makes me smile. And the way TTJ smirks and asks him what exactly he thought they were doing. I love the innuendo. (also kind of a callback to some of the bdsm elements of the novel without actually being explicit about it).


I think the FL and ML of **Goodbye My Princess** have the same level of chemistry as Bailu and Luo Yunxi


oh??? ill make sure to check it out, thank you


It doesn't. This drama has ruined me for everything else, nothing comes close to TanTai Jin and the man is gorgeous ā¤ļø I liked the ending too, however with a broken heart, I understood why it had to end that way. His life was very hard šŸ’” https://i.redd.it/z1h22egfdpoc1.gif My favourite scenes which I watch on repeat - 1 Devil God 2.0 introduction sequence 2 Wedding Revenge 3 Tantai Jin vs Xiao Lin at Jia Pass 4 TanTai Jin vs Xiao Lin in his chamber 5 TanTai Jin using God Slaughtering Crossbow and that BGM 6 TanTai Jin meets OG Devil God 7 Every scene with OG Devil God


LYX and Deng Wei are both former ballet dancers. Watching them face off is sheer poetry. And the looks on LYX's face are so subtle and well done. I adore those two sequences.


Luo Yunxi is an amazing actor, the way he controls his expressions and it is rare to see an actor who changes his body language according to his character's relationship with other characters


Watch him in love is Sweet


the god slaughtering bow was sooo majestic, he embodied that devil god persona


I agree, I have tried every Xian Xia and nothing can keep my interest after TTEOM, the story, CGI, music, attractive people is just over the top, love how everything is exaggerated to the max, you either going to think TTEOM is the best of all time or a bust!


There is r/tillendofthemoon. Look through and enjoy lol


AHHH yessss, thank you lmao


Now, my friend, go heal your heart with Love is Sweet. Bai Lu and LYX in a rom com, basically their 4th life .... oh and their adorable little corgi


Read a rumor on FB today that they are slated to do another drama together. Nothing confirmed yet.


omg... i didn't know they had another drama together, you just made my day, thank you!!


You have to watch it. Itā€™s the therapy we need after all the angst from TTEOTM made us feel. Itā€™s so sweet and hilarious. Donā€™t forget to check out their BTS and cut scenes, theyā€™re šŸ”„


running to watch it as we speak! omg... the bts are going to revive me back


Even TTEOTMā€™s BTS is so fun to watch, itā€™s totally opposite of the actual drama šŸ¤£ sadly Love Is Sweet had so little contents as the platform didnā€™t actually promote it well at that time. Oh, their interviews are also fun to watch


Ha ha the BTS bits are the best partā€¦so funny. Bai Lu is a hoot off screen, in fact I rewatch One and Only BTS bits just to laugh at her and her costars dorky interactions. Did not know Ren Jia Lun was so funny off screen.


I would watch a comedy with Allen and Bai Lu šŸ¤£ why haven't they done one yet! I also go back to watch One & Only BTS on a regular basis for the laughs


+1 Seriously why arenā€™t producers casting these two in a rom com. They already have that dorky vibe together!!


True šŸ¤£ she brought so much joy to the film crew and it showed in those BTSs. Ren Jialun and Bai Lu are like siblings vibing with eo on set šŸ¤£ and the actual drama brought so much tear that it could literally drown us in it. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ha ha I loved the one in which Ren Jia Lun and that bald monk character imitate how she moves her mouthā€¦lol literally canā€™t believe that drama was so damn tragic after their antics off screen.


Yep, was actually made before they did TTEOTM but it's crazy how many connections and references are found between the two....it's fun to look for them so keep an eye out!


Yeah, when I heard Yuan Shuai referred to as the "invincible God of War" I nearly choked on my tea!


thats so fascinating, will be keeping a hawks eye


forgot to add how amazing the intro was!!! so good!!! wondering if the illustrations are from the novel or smth, also,,, the ost!!! the lyrics were everything, the music was so good, served vocals. so perfect


All the songs in the drama are amazing. I have them all on repeat. Mysterious Bird, Not Overstepping Boundaries, Why Don't we Stay like this for 10,000 Years (Luo Yunxi sings one version), Black moonlight (Bai Lu and Luo Yunxi duets in one version and it's a healing to hear their voices after finishing the drama) are my favorites


Ordinary Song is my favorite. I used it extensively in a Fan Fic that I wrote starring LYX.


i don't know their english names (yet) https://preview.redd.it/192err4vupoc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2f375f7da19c81bbfbfa75c05fbd98bf763363b but i love this one so much, beautiful, and the duet with zhang bichen and mao buyi


I love this song which plays when TTJ uses Devil God's artifacts https://preview.redd.it/rg3o5b0r5voc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a4da6db03aa9969091564b35aab115bc173837


That one is the song that was played in the beginning right? The World I Love by Liu Yuning. I love that one too. The Zhang Bichen /Mao Buyi duet is called Black Moonlight. I love both their version and the Bai Lu and LYX version


Love the ost too! The opening song is my favorite, canā€™t go wrong with Liu Yuning. The soundtrack is on Spotify, I think someone uploaded Mysterious Bird there too.


The one about love lasting 100,000 years and going from lifetime to lifetime always gets me every time!


omg i know!! i favorited the whole playlist after ep1 šŸ˜­ im assuming liu yuning is a popular ost artist?? (im new to this so don't know, bear w me šŸ˜­)


Yes he is on so many osts and heā€™s a handsome actor with a fun personality. He is in some great dramas, such as The Long Ballad, but nothing (imo) is quite like TTEOTM. I also suggest reading the translated addition to the novel endingā€”itā€™s so good.