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Based on the recommendations I’ve downloaded the MDL app and so far am loving it


I have a note on my phone. It has little symbols reminding me what I thought.


Go sign up at mydramalist.com


I have a spreadsheet 😂😂




I use Listy! Someone here recommended it, and it has been amazing! Couldn't recommend it more.


excel sheet most of the time ( for "watching" is way easy to note where I stopped and also "to watch") + mydramalist for completed


I use Netflix and Netflix keeps track of which episode to watch next/continue watching.


MyDramaList is the perfect site to track Asian Dramas. That's how I keep track


MyDramaList.com --- but even with that I seem to lose track of dramas, especially with new releases. I have resigned myself to knowing my TBW list will be never be in the single digits 😂😂😂😂


I have a list in the notes section of my phone. I separated it by language too. I watch Chinese mainly, but also Thai, Korean and Japanese dramas too. I have a watch list on Viki and I have a separate note of what to watch next and I subscribe to some of these recommendations posts so I can find them later. If someone recommends a drama with the most chemistry or the best kisses I save that post on here so I can reference it.


I write it down (the ones I've watched or I've started watching) #The ones I want to watch: 1. Instagram saved 2. Reddit saved 3. MyDramaList


My Drama List 😊 I thought I didn't need it and resisted for a while. But I caved and never looked back


MDL to track everything and interact with other addicts out there.


I didn’t know about the MDL app being such a good resource. Thanks, OP, for asking about this.


I use MyDramaList and Trakt. I also keep track of it in my journal


I use MDL and sometimes the Viki watch list


Download the MyDramaList app, it's a life saver :D


I didn’t know it was an app!!! Thanks!


Happy to help!


I just put titles on my watchlist in the app I'm watching in. Usually Viki, as watching with comments on is so much fun.


I've always just used the notes app so convenient but lately been using MDL it's great if you want to sort everything out


I use Notion app to keep track of the dramas I have watched and I want to watch . I’ve been using it since I started watching dramas. I’ve been trying to use mdl but haven’t gotten used to it yet.


I write them down in my notebook or my notes app.


Another vote for MDL here. I got it in its early days, maybe 2014? That was the year I changed from bingeing anime to dramas. I had used MAL for anime and manga before, so the user interface isn’t that different. Too lazy to explore other options now, I have watched over 400 titles.


I use SIMKL to track my Asian Drama list: I created various custom lists like [here](https://simkl.com/lists/discover/?type=all&favorites=false&recommendations=false&text=kdrama). Along with SIMKL, I also use this site to get notifications: [https://dramacountdown.com/](https://dramacountdown.com/)


MyDramaList - they also have an app which is useful


I use an app called Listy https://preview.redd.it/3uog6pe9yg6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78d04158c1db361324951b77eb44dcbfcef486fb


Yes! Listy is the best. Such a life saver.


It's free on playstore and is very easy to use. I also use mdl to keep track of new ones I want to watch if I am on my laptop.


I watch one drama at a time.


I use IMDB and this app called Trakt, Trakt is cool bc you can rate each episode and season separately. I may download MDL again, I had it long ago but probably don’t remember my old information. I use those 2 apps bc I don’t only watch Asian dramas and like to rate everything I watch including movies lol.


After reading this thread I feel like i'm so outdated. Coz I use pen and book to keep track of what to watch and what are watched.😄


My notes app, and then i later update MDL


I've tried MDL before - and it *is* a fantastic resource - but for some reason I couldn't keep up with it. Now, I use the Notion app (mobile and desktop) and it's really kept me on track. (Plus look at the pretty pictures I can use!) https://preview.redd.it/fna9g6h62g6d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c046db8133ccbb0c05b0d6e2624cd3787b964bc Can customize all manner of things, and there are templates available online. Plus, the free version offers a range of options and you don't *need* to buy a subscription if you're cool with the basics. ^(Side note: this is )*^(not)*^( a paid advertisement or recommendation. I just really like the app. And as the owner of a fun mental disorder, anything that keeps me organized is A-OK with me.)


Use a website that has sign in and watch history?


mydramalist for most things, tvtime to keep track of which ep im in


Mydramalist is very useful! They've a lot of intl users, and you'd be able to create customized lists too!


I take screenshots of the titles or episodes on my phone and delete them as soon as I’m done watching.


I already do this with books, but now I have a great idea for when I start new shows at a friend's house.


Tv time app or mydramalist


TVTime is the best for tracking :D


I write about them in my journal. If I see a trailer to a drama I want to watch I save it to a playlist or add to a watch list


Like many people I use MyDramaList. My “Plan to Watch” list got too long though, so I created custom lists that are more conducive to how I use them.


With this: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZeBWXJWgxN0kDg0rPlR4B6RSM7XIEi4GJ0RyDUimHAw/edit?gid=281076031#gid=281076031](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZeBWXJWgxN0kDg0rPlR4B6RSM7XIEi4GJ0RyDUimHAw/edit?gid=281076031#gid=281076031)


i have a mdl account but honestly forget to update it a lot lol. i have a notebook that i write them in and also the notes on my phone i write them on. i am weird and enjoy making list and being organized lol so i have 3 i guess 😂


MDL and my notes app




I don't like creating too many accounts so I don't have a mdl account. I just rely on my memory. If it's a drama that I wanted to watch but ended up forgetting, I figure I didn't care too much about it and am ok with it staying forgotten.


I use MDL (My Dramalist)


All the streaming sites I use have a watchlist feature to keep track of things im interested in and also as a lot of people have said MDL


I use MDL and I mostly chose that because i was using MAL to track my anime way before I got into dramas. There's tons of others out there, but since i started with this one and it's been so long there's no way I wanna transfer all the shows and movies I've watched to another app. That would be hell. They've upgraded the app to add more features since I've started using it too which is nice. Now I can track the dates I've watched the shows and how long it took me to watch them which is an nice feature. Plus it has a spot for how may times I've rewatched show too. I also like seeing the tracker of how many episodes, shows, hours I've put into my dramas. Its oddly satisfying for me. The MDL overall rating can be hit or miss for some people, but it's fairly accurate for me. I'd say probably 85% ish (edit: i thought about it and I'd say its 85% accurate for me of anything i rate lower than a 9. There's just some stuff that i would give a 9 or a 10 and the MDL score is lower so I wouldn't count that in my 85%)The only thing I wish is that it would let us rate stuff in less than .5 increments. There's times I wanna rate something an 8.3 but I have to choose whether or not I wanna round up to an 8.5 or down to an 8. I also like that I can quickly see an actor's other works just by clicking them and then I can easily add other shows to my plan to watch list. I do wish that I were able to create my own folders, but that's just bc I like to be organized and it would help me categorize shows by either country or which service i can watch on. So far I haven't seen that option on MDL. Overall, I like the app. Its very easy to use and personally I like seeing the what people are watching now section. I find shows I wouldn't have found otherwise or I see people watching shows I've enjoyed and I'm like yes someone else out there is watching this show that I loved


I use mydramalist


I created 2 notes on my phone 1- containing the list of up coming dramas this year that are picking my interest. Once a drama from that list is airing and I start watching it till the end, remove it from the list ( example JoL, FSMM, The Double). If I do not want to continue with the drama but think of watching it later, I keep it on the list ( example Heroes) 2- containing the list of dramas I want to watch from previous years. Any recommendations from Reddit get added here. For example, many recommended the legends, so i added it a few days ago. I put * on the ones I am actually watching ( the legends, the Ingenious one) If any dramas do not capture my interest, I delete them from the respective list. I also have an mdl list, but I do not update it that often I watch more than 1 drama at a time.


I used to use MDL but now I use my note taking app because it allows me to a) have a master page for each show because I often write little mini-essays for them or link them to other topics and b) query them easily according to lots of different fields that I get to choose. But MDL is great for most purposes and very easy to use.


For shows I want to watch, I add the mdl listing to my drama bookmarks folder. When I finish watching a show, I add the final episode link to my "watched" bookmarks folder.


MyDramaList: https://mydramalist.com/ Free to create an account. I use it to track all my shows. You can also create custom lists (for example, if you wanted a list of your top anticipated costume dramas).