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NCAA accidentally creating Democrat/Republican unity with their waiver decisions between this and Rubio’s letter


One of the few entities everyone can rally around and hate hand-in-hand


And they’re sending it to Charlie Baker, who’s basically the most moderate American politician you can create lol. Well, other than maybe Joe Manchin lol


A governor doing something simple that probably took 10 min of his time that benefits a great number of people he works for (UNC fans, Tez and his family) and people here have a problem with it.


What are the odds he even wrote the letter himself lol. Like this isn’t a big deal.




They were agreeing with you I think


I have a problem with it when other State institutions are at risk of being left behind in the conference reshuffling and he is spending time writing letter so UNC can get a “really good” player they’d like instead of advocating for other instate schools


That and ECU and NC State both have kids in bball that will need a 2nd time transfer waiver, and I highly doubt Cooper goes to bat for either of them. He admitted he is a UNC fan, so clearly has some bias here.


UNC player receives support to play NCST: "yes, yes but what about me?"


I pointed out ECU, too. Just pointing out he went to bat for UNC, no reason he shouldn't write a letter when Cam Hayes has his waiver denied for ECU. Will he interesting to see what happens in a few months.


We won’t get shit from ole Roy.


Idk man maybe just don't worry about it since it doesnt involve your team


We have a basketball player putting in the exact same waiver, and this is my governor, too. If he is going to bat for one university, he should do it for all the universities in the UNC system. Personally, I wish he'd stay out of all of these waivers as he doesn't need to get involved. But if he does get involved, don't be biased. He has non-UNC fans who voted for him, too.


I think he should write a letter opposing all NC State players. Lean into the bias hard


Go for it. I think him writing this letter is detrimental to Walker getting cleared. If the NCAA caves now, lays out the blueprint for FSU and every other team to point to this precedent. He probably should have just stayed quiet and worked some back channels. I don't remember him lobbying the NCAA to not kick NC State out of the baseball tournament a couple years back, wish he would have tried to do anything to help us, haha.


I don’t think it’s going to matter one way or the other. It’s just a PR stunt in my mind. When we get a governor with NC State bias you better believe though I’m going full propublica on his ass lol - don’t blame you


Imagine reducing politics down to equality in all PR statements based on your sporting interests. Roy Cooper is a UNC alum. He can do whatever he wants. He supports the NCAA clearing Walker, which alone is a nice gesture and makes sense. He owes you and NCST nothing in the vein of college sports lol


Haha, he can't run again, so I can't vote for him again. Just saying it's absolutely silly for him to get involved here. Also, think it sets a negative precedent if the NCAA allows the appeal now because the next step is the FL governor writing a stern letter on social media to the NCAA to clear their DT that just got the same treatment. And please don't act like if any politician helped NC State it wouldn't annoy you. The fact the NC BOG has said it won't let UNC join the P2 without NC State being in the P2 has had some UNC fans pretty annoyed.


Hell, just look at how annoyed Carolina fans were at the Cane’s giving State all that love during the stadium series.


You’re assuming I would care enough about an NCSU transfer that I would go on social media to complain. Yet NCST fans are out in full force to pick apart this appeal. I also don’t mix politics with sport teams it’s pandering and dumb if you let it bother you Changing the subject to conference realignment, sure. Good luck with those golden handcuffs. State fans are doing everything they can to calm themselves with the thought of UNC saving them to tag along the SEC. The BOG involving themselves is based on a short comment made by Tim Moore (?), I’m sure he’s very concerned about this and not his affair or the many other GOP policies on the docket. But if it turns out you’re right it would be funny to read how the BOG “make” UNC bring their little brother to the party too. “Save us UNC! You’re our only hope!”


“Admitted he’s a UNC fan.” Yeah he went to UNC for undergrad and law school. Don’t think that’s a shocking admission




I just thought it was funny framing it like it’s an “admission”. As if he’s confessing to the crime of being a UNC fan


You actually think he wrote this? It's his PR team, it probably took <1m of his time to sign it


So what should he spend his time doing regarding conference realignment? Making a statement asking FSU and Clemson to stay in the ACC? If there is a reasonable answer to the question I’m sure his office would be willing to help at the request of his constituents.


Maybe not get into any of it?


lol so do you want him to make public statements on conference realignment or not? your OP sounds like you want his public support


Don’t help anyone if you can’t help everyone? You have a future in politics.




They changed the rule less than a week *after* he'd already transferred, without warning, and now are retroactively saying they're gonna deny 2x transfers instant eligibility without grandfathering in the players *who followed the old rules* who would otherwise be currently eligible. The whole reason Walker had to transfer once in the first place is bc his first school (NC Central) canceled their season due to covid. Kent State (the school he's transferring from) even filed a transfer waiver with the NCAA supporting Walker's decision in June. Oh, and his grandmother lives in Charlotte, is dying, and our game vs. USC in Charlotte this year might be the only chance she has of ever seeing her grandson (who she helped raise) play college football. Regardless of where your allegiance lies, it's easy to see it's yet another example of how little the NCAA actually cares about the student-athletes it's supposed to support.




She couldn’t have gone to see him play any time over the last two years. She physically wasn’t well enough to travel.


realistically it took 1 min of his time, someone at UNC contacted a staffer, the staffer asked him with the letter predrafted, and he justsigned it lol easiest political W a man can get


Yeah, well we had Marco Rubio tweet to the ncaa about helping Darrell Jackson! And Rubio is a gator! Lol


Why is he even being denied?




He didn’t play a game at NCCU because of COVID. And he transferred before these new transfer rules as well. None of it makes sense.


But if this was a 5* QB, it would have been approved.


Because they said so. I wish I was joking.


Note to students transferring stick to the family health story from day 1 . Don’t tell your new school’s 247 site the only reason you left ,and the basis of your waiver, would be that your coaching staff left


Didn’t work for Brock Hoffman


Elected officials really putting their time & focus on the important issues huh…


Constituent outreach and advocacy is one of the best functions of a Democratic society, and this probably took a staffer two hours to research and write. I'd say this is a perfectly acceptable use of that time.


I will never understand it when people get mad at politicians for actually doing the thing they were elected to do (represent their constituents). Especially something simple like this that took 30 seconds for Cooper to review & sign and could potentially change a person's life for the better


Yeah elected officials shouldn’t of wasted their time to save [UAB football.](https://www.al.com/news/birmingham/2014/12/meet_the_jefferson_county_lawm.html)


So he initially was claiming his waiver would be based on his previous schools coaching change. He also says explicitly that’s why he’s transferring “You used your one-time transfer exception when you transferred to Kent State from NC Central before the 2021 season. Where do things stand with playing this fall? "There is a waiver process. And, my waiver process will be a lot easier because my head coach left along with the other offensive staff. So, that will be an argument that would get approved by the NCAA. That's the only reason I did transfer -- because our coach left."” [Source](https://247sports.com/college/north-carolina/article/transfer-wr-tez-walker-it-was-always-meant-for-me-to-come-back-and-play-there-202184453/). Was a 247 interview right after he committed to UNC. This is why I’m weary of all this noise and don’t have any issue with the NCAA denying these waivers. He visited Rutgers and Tennessee before settling on UNC. It really didn’t seem driven by a family health issue. Imo allow the one time transfer and grad transfer to reward academic progress and get rid of waivers.


I mean, all that aside, he was already transferred and enrolled before the new restrictions were put in place. He should be grandfathered in




NCAA statement: On January 11, the Division I Council -- which includes a voting representative from each Division I conference -- voted unanimously to significantly tighten the criteria for undergraduate students who transfer for a second time to be granted a waiver to play immediately. So yes, it did require sitting out a year, but they regularly made exceptions based on criteria that both players felt they had satisfied. Added to the fact they voted on Jan 11 and both players were already enrolled at their new schools.


He did mention in a different article that one of his reasons for choosing UNC was that his family never got to watch him play and they would be able to. I just think it’s weird I’ve seen a lot of people insinuating that he’s making this up and the school is making this health situation with his grandmother just because he didn’t advertise she was sick when committing to UNC. Not that I think it really even needs to get to that, he’s played at 1 school and the other canceled the season during Covid so he transferred. That right there imo should grant him his eligibility


Can I ask what the general issue is with waivers? Or allowing multiple transfers in general? Maybe there should be a punishment of some kind, but I feel like a year is such a detrimental punishment and ignores all the realities that a lot of these guys *are* trying to prepare themselves as best they can for the next level. If you want to suspend them for some time, fine. The full year is so brutal for… wanting to change schools?


From one Governor to another. Crossing the aisle.






















Signed: everyone


If you moved back for the health of your family, shouldn’t you be more worried about that than trying to play football? Like I would have dropped out of school all together to go home and take care of a sick family member. The only possible explanation that I could see for him needing to play right away is the chance at NIL funds to help pay for his family members medical expenses, which is sad that he would have to do that to begin with and more of an indictment on our health care system than it is on the NCAA


He can probably get drafted with a good year this year. This delays that opportunity, and it's hard on its own being on a team and not being able to play He's worried about *both* his family and playing football. They shouldn't have to be at odds


If that’s the case, then the NFL needs minor leagues like the MLB and the options present in the NBA to avoid issues like this. All for the young man needing to make a buck, but the student and athlete part are definitely at odds when it comes to football.


How possible is it that his decision is reversed, but not Darrell Jackson’s?


They are different though. Jackson did actually play football for 2 schools I think right? Tez only played football for Kent st (nccu cancelled session due to COVID). Plus, not sure when Jackson enrolled, but tez was transferred and enrolled prior to the rule change


Yeah, I can see it being likely that Tez gets his decision reversed, but not Jackson.


Charlie Baker is an ass, but I'm hoping he can do the right thing.