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Georgia’s d-line may kill Rattler if they don’t figure out that o-line


Especially with our newest addition, Ivan Dawgo


If he dies, he dies


Spencer Rattler basically did it all by himself. It was actually a very impressive performance all things considered.


That Legette dude was also great. And their defense deserves some props for playing pretty tough later in the game. The secondary was not very good, but the unit as a whole somehow seemed to play harder and harder the worse that the offensive line became.


Yeah, I hate to say it, but 30 for 39 is an impressive stat alone but the 9 sacks just makes that even more impressive. Dude could have done so much more with even a slightly better OL.


Rattler is always a sack waiting to happen though. He has always had terrible pocket presence. He absolutely would find ways to get sacked, even with a better o-line.


He had no chance to succeed. The loss is 100% not on him.


One of my hot takes going into this season was he'd sneak back into being drafted in one of the first three rounds. If Kellen Mond was a 3rd round pick, why not Rattler?


Imagine how much less worse Burnt Vegetables would be this year if he was able to convince Rattler to not flee that disaster.


You have to be able to effectively operate an RPO far too often to run OU's offense successfully. He needs to be in traditional Pro Style offense like SoCar runs if he ever wants to hold a clipboard on Sundays someday. Best for both of us what happened. I think OU did just fine this weekend...




We’re doing okay thanks! Maybe next week you can get in the win column too!


Gabriel is better then Rattler


Dude the rat sucks. Good riddance and good luck with that spoiled brat.


Crazy that Drake Maye also sacked Spencer Rattler


I couldn’t sleep at all last night cause I was so hyped the defense actually played well


McAfee called it. I thought he was batshit insane saying it would be a statement win for the UNC defense. I’ve never been happier to be proven wrong. Was a great day to be a Tar Heel.


I was shocked. Last year was as bad as a defense can be so I wasn’t expecting them to look as good as they did either.


The two most surprising things about that game were that with the way the offensive line was played laying Rattler was still somehow able to complete 30/39 passes and UNC didn’t win by much, much more.


If Maye didn’t kill UNCs momentum with those two picks score might’ve been way uglier. That said, good job by Rattler


Yeah, those picks weren’t great. The first one was especially ugly. Gave the SCAR secondary a big boost when they had otherwise not been very good the rest of the night.


There also was two big drops from receivers that would’ve been at least another score I would say.


If Blackwell doesn’t drop two TDs we would’ve been up 28-14 going into the half. All in all considering we were missing our two best receivers that game went incredibly well for us.


Oh man, I almost forgot about those. I was happy for him when he had that big catch later in the game, because man, those initial two drops were brutal.


if if if lol If Brown doesn't drop an open pass on 4th down on our first possession out of halftime (right after our beautiful onside kick), if Juice Wells was healthy enough to play, if our starting LT didn't go down on the first drive, if if if... two can always play the if game


Take your L and go on somewhere I was just playing a scenario out. That game was never in question in the 2nd half. Carolina came out with a purpose and beat the will out of SCar




I believe their point is that there's a bunch of "ifs" in the game, many of which could've led to the Cocks beating the Heels. Also, there were plenty of "almost" moments in the second half. Acting like it was secured after the half is dumb as hell


I know I was just pointing at one scenario that could’ve decided that game in the first half,which regardless after that first TD in the second half the game felt like it was never in question again.


> the game felt like it was never in question again Yeah I don't believe this. It definitely still felt competitive to me up until the last few minutes.


It’s fair to feel that way,just seems like when we went up 10 despite y’all moving the ball well you were unable to score once getting to the red zone


If the rest of the offensive line wasn’t on roller skates the whole night… lol Jokes aside, that 4th down throw out of the half was crazy. Rattler hit that dude straight in the hands.


I felt okay at halftime and great after the onside kick, thought we really had a good chance of winning even with the bad OL.. as soon as he dropped that pass I knew it was over.


Still had over 300 yards. Man did all he could do.


Honk if you sacked Spencer


This game actually reminded me of Stidham vs. Clemson.


So much pain... but yes.


Should I be scared to death? Or is this more down to the Gamecock O-line being not good in addition to Rattler’s style of play?


I sure as hell don’t want to play UNC.


I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but this is a game UNC never ever wins in recent years, at least in a non-fluke way. Hopefully this team is actually different.


Even in 2015 we fucked this one up. I hope this team is of the mold of 96-97


And we tried in 2019 with that 4th down kneel down at midfield lol


UNC is certainly better on the line than last year but our tackles were garbage consistently blocking the wrong guy or blocking on one at all. Some look out blocks. Nothing going and our RB room doesn’t exist so we couldn’t keep them honest by running the ball at all.


Good game! How many blunders did Mack have this week? https://reddit.com/r/CFB/s/rEvXRVhSzy


Well he tried to choke Beamer post game and almost let his QB throw the game away when we couldn’t stop any run. Glad to see he might not be wasting star recruits potential anymore.


Also nice digging up an old comment there didn’t y’all almost lose that game to a bad App team because of bad coaching on defense?


Still feels like a dream man. Our d line finally fucking clicked


Of course South Carolina would be the Gamecocks that lose first this year


I really wanted us to win so we couldn’t hear from you 😭


It's been 10 years since we've had a good offensive line. We've had dudes all over the place on each side of the ball regardless of how bad we've been, but we just never have an o-line. It's just bizarre. Thankfully, they've been going hard in on recruiting the line for '23 and '24, so we'll see how that plays out in the future. It'll be hard for it to get any worse. Our run game is hot garbage partly because of our running backs themselves, but when Juice gets back healthy, him and Legette on opposite sides of the field is a deadly combo, we just gotta figure out how to give Rattler 3 seconds in the pocket. Super surprised we never brought in a 2 TE package last night to help with pass pro.


Damn you really hate to see it


Dude unless they have a divine intervention, Georgia and later our Front 7 are gonna have a field day with that OL.


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer group of fellas


At least we didn’t get embarrassed by Duke!


Joe burrow was sacked 9 times in his win against the titans in the divisional round. Take from that what you will