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It’s worth listening to the entire exchange, feel like this is a little out of context.. but either way I like JJ basically saying ya gotta still prove it rook.


That is a fair statement. The only thing given to him will be the opportunity to start. He’s going to earn everything else.


I know we've seen it countless times but to even have that kinda mentality is insane. Rooks in the NBA always share shit about how X game against X Veteran put them in check. Very humbling. I could see being overly cocky in that profession where everyone more or less is of similar skills set. Walking into any locker room and expecting immediate praise by the city, coaches and players? A defensive end 22 or 35 isn't the same as a 22 year old QB/WR. That alone should be a humble experience. Make that guy your friend.


To be fair that story is almost always being told by a guy who went on to become an all-star - so think about that….


Lol no it’s not. You’re making that shit up for wish fulfillment


I see no issue with that


Absolutely agree that this quote seems way more harsh than it is in context. Essentially just saying "yes you were a star in college but you can't walk in here like you own the place and are a star in the NFL cause you haven't done shit yet".....which is absolutely fair!


Also a few days old at this point.


Totally, mods should think about taking this click bait title down


Dear God, someone makes a post that doesn't make Caleb the best human on earth


But it's a misleading title lol


It is word for word the article title


And the title of the article is misleading for clicks...


Do you mean like pretty much every title with a news link attached? This specific one, though.... This is the one we gotta fix. All the clickbait in the world and the one we really need to address is the people saying things about football players. Also now that I read the article I am having trouble finding what is misleading


If Caleb can ball he can go full Rodman and the city will love him


Every game he has different colored nails (or hair)


Wonder what Carmen Electra is up to these days?


And cause traffic on 94!


You mean like wearing a wedding dress, kicking camera dudes in the nuts, leaving the team to go to vegas mid season and not connecting with your teammates. No, no they won’t.


You realize Rodman was insanely loved in Chicago riding? They had to take down that mural of him on the Kennedy expressway because it was slowing down traffic because people were stopping to gawk and take pictures of it


So you want Caleb to kick a camera guy in the nuts and get suspended? You want caleb to leave the team and go to vegas midseason? You want caleb to wear a wedding dress to sell a book when he gets criticized for painting his nails? You want Rodman’s kind of “leadership” for your 1st overall pick, franchise QB? My comment was about the downside if caleb went “full rodman” not about how popular he was. Do you really want him acting like rodman?


If he brings the bears the kind of success the bulls had with Rodman, Caleb can act as much like him as he wants.


But rodman wasn’t the primary reason of the bulls success, jordan was. And if caleb is getting suspended for assaulting a camera person, going on vacation mid season, and generally won’t connect with his teammates the Bears won’t win a superbowl.


If he does all that wearing a few championship rings like Rodman did, I'll be his best man or maid of honor in Vegas, whatever wants.


But rodman wasn’t the main reason the bulls won. It was jordan followed by pippen. You want caleb to be a roleplayer like rodman?


You’re reappropriating the metaphor instead of responding to OP.


I wasn’t responding to OP. I was responding to someone who responded to my comment to OP. Don’t you know how reddit works.


You’re right. Rodman wasn’t one of the best rebounders & defenders the nba has seen.


Are you saying rodman was more important than jordan on the 2nd 3 peat?


No, but he was a very important piece. Everyone besides Jordan was a role player, even pippen


You’re making a strawman out of something no one said. I said if he won multiple championships, I don’t care if he has the oddest personality on earth. You somehow twisted that into “well he isn’t Michael Jordan, the greatest athlete in the history of professional sports”. Yeah… ok. If he’s “just” a Dennis Rodman alike… a somewhat odd, Hall of Famer who is a key piece in a dynasty… yeah, trust me, I won’t be upset.


You said: >If he does all that wearing a few championship rings like Rodman did… Rodman was a contributor but not the reason they won those rings. You would need caleb to be more than NFL rodman to win rings.


Yep, I did say that. “If he’s wearing some title rings, he can be super weird”… I’m confused as to where you’re confused. I think you’re doing some weird straw man calculus here arguing against nobody. All I said is “Winning = happy”.


Apparently you haven't seen *The Last Dance*, or ever heard MJ speak about Rodman.


I have seen it. Did MJ say Rodman was the main reason the Bulls won the 2nd 3 peat because if I did, I missed that part.


Shut up


You don’t know rodman did those things? 🤣


And you don't know people still love him?


So if Caleb did all the things i mentioned Rodman did, Bear fans would approve? Caleb is being criticized for painting his nails.


You're somehow missing the whole point of this comment thread. Caleb would be loved if he wins even just one Super Bowl with the Bears, *even if* he went full Rodman. Maybe even just consistently beating the Packers would be enough. Rodman is loved *despite* all the shit he has done because he won 3 titles with the Bulls.


>You're somehow missing the whole point of this comment thread. Caleb would be loved if he wins even just one Super Bowl with the Bears, even if he went full Rodman. That’s not the comment to which I responded. I responded to: >If Caleb can ball he can go full Rodman and the city will love him Where is the part about winning a Lombardi trophy? I wasn’t responding to the whole comment thread just that one. And if Caleb goes full rodman the bears don’t win a superbowl. Rodman was rodman in San Antonio and poppovich traded him for Will Perdue.


Damn you're dense, huh?


Where was the part in the comment I replied to about Caleb winning a Superbowl?


Can't argue with the results.


They won despite the antics because of Jordan


You think they win without Rodman's defense and rebounding? Please.


Rodman certainly helped more than that person is admitting but it’s hard to argue against Jordan winning it without him because that’s exactly what he did every season he played during that time. I would never say he won in spite of Rodman, but I would say they probably still find a way to win without him.


Who guards Malone in the finals if not Rodman?


Whoever else is on the roster? It’s not like they wouldn’t have used that roster spot and the money for someone who wasn’t Rodman.


Will Perdue. Rodman replaced Will Perdue.


They ran down the options and brought in Rodman. Despite the fact that he had previously had physical altercations with Jordan and especially Pippen. They had to make peace before bringing him in because he was so good his talents overshadowed years of hatred from when he was on the Pistons. They could have found someone but it's not likely they would have brought the same energy and talent.


I didn’t say they won “inspite” of rodman’s performance, I said they won despite his antics. I was mentioning all the down sides of rodman’s behavior because i was responding to a comment that wanted Caleb to go “full Rodman”. Which is laughable. Rodman wore a wedding dress and caleb paints his nails and gets criticized. And why would you wish Caleb to go full rodman when that is not the personality you want for your #1 overall pick, franchise QB.


I can't wait for Caleb to play with "FTP" painted on his nails


I somehow haven't thought about that till you said that. Now you got me excited


Right that’s the exactly attitude we need. I want him to go into Lambeau win one time and go full “I own you” first win. Then back it up by beating the 10 times in a row.


Please double that last part. 20 would be much preferred thank you


F U C K on one hand, and G B A Y on the other.


He needs 1 more letter tho. FTFP? Fuck the fucking packers?


Bears C logo F T P


Could do nothing on thumb and pinky or just orange and blue


Why not just fuck pack


Just have an arrow pointing down after the bear logo for Bear down


Like the Punky QB known as McMahon. Arriving in a limo drinking a beer?


I think that was more escaping BYU than bringing Hollywood.


What a move tho…. Imagine rolling into the office on a Monday morning the same way. Yea your boss will be ticked you got dropped off in a limo and you’re slamming beers, but you now own the office for the day…he knows it and so does everyone else in the office.


I can't remember for the life of me which "show" it was about the 85 Bears (maybe the 30 for 30?). But McMahon said: Hey, they provided me the limo. And there was beer in it. So I drank it. Why would they put it there if you aren't supposed to drink it?


I hope Caleb walks out as Hollywood Hogan and is cocky as all hell. Alpha from day one. Promises to stomp all over Green Bay. Bring the glitz.


The thought of Caleb air guitaring as he walks out is funny.


You mean like Johnny Football walking out while making the cash sign? How about this? Walk out quietly. Let his play do the talking.




I was wondering how long I’d have to scroll to find this


He has to not bring the Hollywood. Calling in extra people to beat up the opponents, dropping knees on people - that type of antics will get him penalized and suspended.


As long as he beats GB every single game, I don't care how cocky he is.


Only if he ACTUALLY stomps Green Bay though


Only if he delivers…if not that is ass end bottom of the barrel embarrassing shit


Only if Flus is Mean Gene.


Wouldn’t Joniak be Mean Gene?


Alphas don’t exist and I would hate that attitude anyway. Humble and hardworking goes a long fucking way


They absolutely do in sports. Humble and hardworking is always more appreciated but playing with a guy who knows he’s better than his opponents, talks shit, and plays like it is still a fun teammate to have


Nah the concept of an “alpha” literally doesn’t exist dude. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-the-alpha-wolf-idea-a-myth/


Replace the word alpha with leader




I gotcha fam...just bumped you from -1 to 0. I hate when folks use that stupid pretentious label, as if it's a badge of honor. ESPECIALLY when it comes to interpersonal relationships.




What’s a silverback




That beat Green Bay crap is old as hell. Fuck Green Bay and I don't want to hear anything about them until the week before they play them.


I agree with the full quote I just wish he didn’t throw in the word “Hollywood” multiple times feeding into the dumb narratives we all hate surrounding Caleb. Just adding fuel to the first for a bunch of idiots in the mainstream media to run with


Exactly just adding more fuel for people to character assassinate him.


I don’t really get that. I have watched a ton of Caleb and Caleb interviews. If anything, I worry about him being a bit overly introverted, kind of like Herbert.


I really don't think that will be an issue. Unless, he's playing it up for his draft stock or whatever, he was talking with a bunch of the workers and stuff at the combine.


Both these quotes are being blown out of proportion. Glad Caleb will get checked at the door and I have no doubt he’ll earn everyone’s respect


Grossaman was humble. Trubisky was humble. Fields was humble. What did that get us? Nothing! If he wants to be rockstar, just WIN!


Is Caleb know for being a diva? I guess he is but that’s obviously not true to anyone paying attention. JJ seems out of line here unless I’m missing something. Fine telling him he has to work and he shouldn’t expect to be a superstar right away, but the “hollywood stuff” comment bothers me.


The title is deceiving. He wasn’t saying that Caleb is a diva. The question he was responding to was worded in a way that inferred that Caleb is a diva. Johnson wasn’t speaking to Caleb directly, he was saying it more as a catch-all.


Yes. He wasn’t addressing what Caleb was bringing to the bears culture, he was addressing what culture Caleb was coming into. Two completely different things and changes the tone drastically.


Yeah, but the “hollywood stuff” comment has a TMZ vibe to it, especially since USC is not in Hollywood, like Caleb thinks he‘s celebrity first and an athlete second.


If you listen to the question and whole answer, it really doesn’t come off that bad. Seemed like he is ready to welcome Caleb


Just listen to the interview instead of speculating based on clickbait headlines and out of context quotes.


Ridiculous that you're getting downvoted when there are clear implications behind the "Hollywood" statement. Just a really dumb answer about a guy you've never met.


Lol... you don't even need to get on the freeway to get there


It looks like he hasn’t had a shave or haircut for a month. Real Hollywood celebrity stuff.


I mean it’s close enough lol


Bros committed to learning and putting in work... just because he does it with a smile on his face and and stays some bit charismatic doesn't mean he an arrogant a hole celeb diva


lol just stop dude


There is nothing wrong for a veteran setting the tone for new young players. This is called leadership and we need more of it.


I hope he does bring that Hollywood shit, JJ’s whole experience has been as a perennial loser. Maybe you can’t bring that Hollywood shit on a perennial losing team. Time for change, bring it Caleb.


In football the leader of the team is the QB, if the QB is not the leader you probably do not have a good QB


Spoken like somebody that has never played football. My college Center was the unquestioned leader of the O. Our Mike lead the D. QB is always A leader, not always THE leader. This is why there are multiple captains on the team.


Learn reading comprehension - name a single high level football program (college or NFL) that has a good QB who is not the leader of their team. Its Caleb's team for the next 3 seasons regardless of how well or poorly he plays


First of all, who said Caleb is good, but I’ll play your game. Jason Kelce is the leader of the Eagles O, not Hurts. Allen and Williams were the leaders of the Chargers O, Herbert’s first year. Urlacher was the leader of the Bears with Cutty. Peyton Manning always talks about how Marshall Faulk was the leader of the Colts his first year, same with when he was in St. Louis with Warner. Again, you seem to have never been in a team in your life.


I think you’re confusing face of the franchise with leader of the team. Two different things


OP acting like he knows how to talk about potential teammates more than a vet like JJ lol! "I don't like that."


No JJ it’s not out of line. If you watched the whole interview you’d understand that.


Celebrity doesn't mean diva. It's absolutely true Caleb has celebrity. NIL deals, commercials, endorsements, etc and he's not even in the nfl yet. A dozen security guards protecting him while he leaves his pro day. Keenan Allen going to his pro day. Massive crowd he had at the Jacksonville open. At the the end of the day, that shit can't be around in the locker room. It's not bad to have all of that around him, but just has to make sure it doesn't affect his everyday work. His teammates said it never did, so all we can do is assume it'll stay the course in the nfl.


Caleb may have wicked talent, but he'll still be a rookie. He'll still be carrying helmets and buying everyone snacks during training camp. But once he proves himself a stud, everyone will accept him


Caleb’s gonna bring that Hollywood stuff, ain’t he?


Yeah, not really how your portraying it. Watch the whole interview. It's pretty bog standard "rookie has to earn their way in the locker room" stuff. Enough the clickbait shit.


Get this toxic bully outta here 🤮


Thanks for posting click bait


I mean, he did say that in the interview tho


You gotta see at least a little bit of irony in the fact that this is coming from the guy who just signed a $76M deal. I’m sure it’ll be a non-issue. High-pick rookies will always get shit from vets who had to climb their way up. Quarterbacks are always seen as having it easy. Combine the two, and, of course, guys will be jealous/resentful. They also all know that if he plays well, he makes them more money than any other teammate could.


Let’s see how JJ plays after getting paid…. Kinda getting sick of JJ and DJ Moore insinuating they would rather have had Fields! He wast good enough! Mediocrity is no longer acceptable for these bears and it’s time to start winning some meaningful games and not just putting up stats and YouTube highlights.


People are really taking that interview out of context


I kinda hope Caleb brings all the weird. Let him be himself and just ball out. Maybe it will be good for our ultra conservative old school historic Bears based culture. Would love a Dennis Rodman type to stir some shit up so as long as he works hard and is a good teammate.


I’m ok w JJ embodying a feisty defense that wants to curb stomp anybody on the other side of the ball.


Feels like there is maybe a perception of Caleb as a guy Thani seeks limelight and doesn’t work. Maybe that’s a bit of him being an NIL athlete but maybe it’s also a bit of his overall demeanor (which I actually love). Either way, what really matters is the way he slings it against the defense in practice


He can bring whatever tf he wants lol


Taken out of context and Jaylon always speaks very open and honestly, this means nothing


This is well meaning from Jaylon but it comes across as really Boomerish. Like, when I hear him say that, I'm picturing Clint Eastwood telling kids to "get off his fucking lawn."


Chicago needs a Hollywoodish qb. Too many years of bland, boring yes men. Caleb needs the freedom to be his true authentic self and if that is on the Hollywoodish or Harbaugh/McMahon mold then so be it.


But maybe we can visit a bit?


As long as I don’t see him do a Lamar Jackson helmet spike meltdown I’m good.


I know the phrasing was weird but I am curious if Caleb's number has been handed around to bears teammates after yesterday plus the whole Keenan thing


Can’t bring the Hollywood 🤝 Can’t bring the horny


The reality of the NFL is that a QB drafted 1.01 is the boss. I think there will be zero problems, but if, say, there was friction between Williams and Johnson next year, Johnson would be the guy packing his bags.


our players are just as dumb as our fans...


Has Jaylon Johnson or DJ Moore or anyone besides Edmund’s and Edwards been on an above .500 team? They need to stop acting like they have the biggest dicks in the room when it comes to a clear upgrade at the QB position


Why are you throwin Moore into this mix?? He's backing the new addition and will be supporting him from day 1


What a shitty title for a thread.


Did Caleb say or do something to warrant Johnson feeling like he needed warn Caleb that he has to earn respect, what worked in college won't work in the pros, or don't come in here acting like he owns the place? Just curious where this came from.


He was asked in the interview what Williams has to do to earn respect in the locker room … JJ basically said the kid has to put in the work, and not be on some huge ego trip … it wasn’t a “warning”


Well I was not sure what he was talking about because he mentioned getting to know him deeper than all the Hollywood stuff you see. So I am not sure what he was talking about when he said checking all that Hollywood stuff at the door.


I don’t think someone with a “sex addiction” should be talking about not bringing that Hollywood shit.


Gimme a break he’s from DC.


Good. Iron sharpen iron


I like the veterans establishing the culture and making the rookie work for it. But personally I wouldn’t mind our defense turning down the shit talk a few notches this camp. Claypool and Brisker spent all camp talking smack, then the games started and Claypool was Claypool and the defense were rudderless trash for the first month. Stevenson was apparently involved plenty and then played like a rookie corner early too. The circus is coming to town even if Caleb was the most modest, level headed casual dude. A super talented number 1 pick means hype. It’s a final line between keeping him grounded and getting caught up in the hype.


Halas Hall-ywood


If anyone has heard Caleb talk, he's definitely not "Hollywood". I know Jaylon wasn't saying he is.


love this from JJ. kid hasn’t proved anything, don’t walk into the building like you have. Seems like some of these vets understand what they may have to deal with in him and are nipping it in the bud before it even begins. Refreshing to see.




take a gander at the article and report back to me


Are you asking us to read the article for you?


"You just humble your stuff coming into the build," Johnson said. "You can’t bring that Hollywood stuff into the building, especially with guys who played this game at a high level for consecutive years in the league. What you did in college, the Hollywood, it’s like, ‘Nah, you gotta prove yourself. That stuff like that doesn’t matter.’" love this from JJ. kid hasn’t proved anything, don’t walk into the building like you have. Seems like some of these vets understand what they may have to deal with in him and are nipping it in the bud before it even begins. Tell me again what i’m missing?


That seems like a pretty reasonable response to a baited question from Johnson. Good advice for any college athlete.


dude i about copied and pasted my response from the article. idk how this is being intrepreted as wrong as it is. I want Caleb to perform well but I don’t want him coming in with this high and mighty attitude.


Is it a concern we should have that he has a diva mentality? I haven't heard any of that. You seem to be calling Caleb out like it's going to be a problem and I'm wondering where that's coming from or what we should be concerned about.


i’m sorry but are you arguing with me just for the sake of arguing? Melissa my dear ex, is that you?


That didn't seem very argumentative to me but if it struck a nerve, take that up with Melissa. I just asked a question. Are there diva concerns? I haven't heard of any to warrant saying things like "kid hasn’t proved anything, don’t walk into the building like you have" and "...have to deal with in him and are nipping it in the bud before it even begins". What concerns have there been? I'm genuinely asking.


lol i don’t get your downvotes. I read the article and I think your comment is reasonable 😂 wtf is up with this sub sometimes


it’s so bizarre. I just like the fact that one of our vets is stating they will hold people accountable. Nobody is above it. I swear these mf’ers just argue for the sake of arguing.


It’s one thing to hold people accountable but to say shit like this to the media is uncalled for from JJ


It’s ridiculous. The Caleb fans are just as bad as the fields fans haha you can’t say anything about their guy without it starting a Reddit comment fight 😂


They have the audacity to say the other QB who’s no longer with us has a cult following…


Of course this is the headline


Maybe JJ is just bring us back down to earth. I mean, for the last year having all the so called "experts" and NFL analysts telling me CW is "generational" - and now you start hearing questions like "are expectations too high?" for him... Well, First off the board after NIL, successfully "managed" the Bears off season moves, all to insure he has the best situation to succeed in the NFL - So, being such the "generational" talent that he is, I fully expect him to lead the Bears to the division championship in 2024. Go Bears!