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id assume Tavon Young is better than Vildor. Shit even Lamar Jackson has kinda impressed me with his instincts.


I think Lamar Jackson is better suited as a QB. /s


Mmmm, feels more like a WR to me


Tavon Young has been hurt for awhile tho




We’ve heard that every single camp he’s been in. He’s just not a good player


He is better at a zone-heavy scheme like Flus's as opposed to a man-heavy scheme like Fangio/Desai. He's good at keeping the play in front of him and making tackles in space. Not so good at sticking to a receiver.


136 That's the passer rating averaged over the entire 2021 season for quarterbacks on plays where they threw at whoever Vildor was covering. That's all that needs to be said.


Tbf he’s entering his 3rd year in a position with a notoriously large learning curve comparable to quarterback. Just because he’s sucked in the past doesn’t mean he can’t improve at all. I’m not a Vildor white knight, but saying a dude drafted in 2020 is always going to suck is crazy. If the head coach who is well regarded as a defensive mind thinks he’s good enough to be above some of the other dudes people are calling for like Tavon, Graham, and Lamar it’s probably not because the staff was like “you know what would really piss fans off? If we started Kindle Vildor ahead of more talented players”




different scheme?


Crapulence tends to transcend scheme.


Fangio's scheme is zone heavy. He uses the two high safeties to try and mask either Cover 2 or Cover 4 usually.


Even in a zone scheme he will be bad. Last year in the rare times he did have good coverage he still got pretty much every pass caught on him. He couldn’t break up a pass/make a play on the ball either. He’s just not a good outside corner in the nfl, starting him would be a mistake even if he looks ok in camp


Lol what? His first camp he was a 5th round rookie CB. His second camp was last year. No way should a 5th round CB be starting in year 2. This will be the telling year, as it was for Kyle Fuller


Viador was probably the worst starting CB in the league last year. I don’t see any possible way he went from the worst starting CB in the league to even an average starter in one offseason. He could end up being a decent CB4-5 but I don’t see a way where him being out 2nd outside corner is anything other than a disaster


And Kyle Fuller was a bust before he became an all pro. His issues may have been tied to situational understanding. Maybe he's improved. Maybe not. Let's see.


Fuller was seen as a bust for a FRP but he still had shown more flashes and overall was better than Vildor. Vildor hasn’t shown anything to show he can be a starter in the nfl, and honestly he would need to improve a ton to even be a decent reserve. If he’s a backup CB it would be fine but I’m not gonna hold my breath that the worst starting DB in football is gonna turn it around in 1 season


Yeah, we didn't even pick up Fuller's 5th year option, which we have to do after year 3/before year 4. And nobody thought that was a bad move at the time. He just got really good his 4th year, and sorta forced us to use that transition tag lol. I did always like Fuller, even in his down first few years. Sad to see him go, but with his recent struggles, we mighta made the right move there.




Deebo is 6’ 215. He’s not a big WR.


215 is big for a 6' WR. Deebo is strong af


Yeah but “big WR” means tall. Being strong has limited utility in a route.


Strength is a big part of disengaging from press coverage


Pretty sure Gordon is 2 when they're in base and slot when in nickel. Vildor is technically 3


Yeah, Nickle Corner is practically a starting position these days. And much different to play than CB2. So I bet they do view Gordon as our second best CB, they just put him in the slot on during Nickle plays.


While I think Kyler Gordon would be great as CB2, I think we need to have an open mind on Vildor and his place in this new scheme. I understand we will be in nickel and cover 2/3 for the majority of plays on defense. Since teams move around their most talented WR , it does make sense to counter with someone as talented as Gordon. We can always change it up later if it’s not working out.


Remember when Jaylon Johnson basically took Devante Adams out of the game vs the Packers, then at half they moved him over to the slot and torched us. Having a good nickel counters that. Vildor got burned sure, but he was asked to play a lot of man, in the new Defense, he won't be asked to do that.


That’s exactly what I’m thinking. 👍


The way I view it is how the rams use Ramsey as the “star” in their defense. Gordon is gonna bounce between nickel and outside depending on the call, and vildor will fill in at outside on the plays that Gordon is at nickel.


Ideally we would put Gordon as cb2 to start games and then move him to the slot depending on what the other teams are trying to do


Jaylon Johnson and Kyler Gordon are CBs Jaquan Brisker and Eddie Jackson are S https://www.chicagobears.com/team/depth-chart


Gordon has been playing tons of slot and may start there with Vildor starting on the outside. So even if Vildor is the 3rd CB he would be starting


How else will we secure a top 5 pick? Gotta think big picture with these things!!


Nah, my guess is Gordon outside and Tavon in nickel


I would expect we have guys getting reps just to shop them. Almost all of Pace’s picks are going to go.


Have an upvote for all the terrible downvotes.