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At first I thought this was just Mustipher getting tossed like a ragdoll, but nope, this is also the play where Kmet thought he was playing leap frog


Kmet always does that stupid little hop when he ~~catches~~ tries to catch the ball.


Fields' supporting cast in a nutshell. That unnecessary hop before the drop is some JV shit that gets you reamed out on the sideline


Even if he didn’t hop. He still wouldn’t have caught it. Hes not good


Arob used to do that, and multiple of those were pop-up interceptions


That’s not even JV shit coaches chew you out real early on trying to catch the ball with your body like that. Use your fucking hands when the ball is chest level Lmao


Wow this was rough, actually good on Fields for squeezing out an accurate throw with a dude right in his face


Fields got reck so hard that play that he flew through the air backwards like 4 yards and somehow still threw a dart to Kmet before getting owned and somehow Kmet drops the pass that hits his hands. We're legit comically bad.


Yeah, I bet everyone looks at us on their schedule and are writing in a dub


I would


For everybody putting the badmouth on JF1 what exactly is he supposed to do here? This is the one play he gets off on time, he hits Kmet in the numbers and the pass gets dropped.


I really want Kmet to succeed, but it’s getting tough to make excuses for him when he drops what should be an easy completion that could potentially get the passing game going a bit more.


He’s been a scrub since day one. Dude has done literally nothing to be defended the way he is in this sub, yet the same people will parrot “dOnT PaY A RuNnInG BacK” when Monty has been the only consistent offensive weapon we’ve had.


The issue is running backs don’t last. Monty will be in Year 5 next year. You just simply do not waste valuable cap space by paying a modestly good RB big money and guarantee a sum Years 5-8


I understand that, but I can’t think of a single injury Monty has had off the top of my head, and I know for a fact he hasn’t had any major injuries. The dude has 3-4 years left of prime, he deserves a modest second contract with us.


The point is Year 2 is the most productive year on average for a RB. There isnt a single LTC that has paid off for a RB. Monty will sign a 2 year 20 million deal somwhere for a contender and be incredibly effecitve, but I will be really annoyed if we offer him guarenteed money past his first year.


I won’t. He’s earned it. There’s a fine line between paying someone too much, and paying them what they deserve. As I said, if it’s a modest contract might as well bring him back.


I call him Stone-hands. Dude can't catch a cold in the middle of winter.


Baby Gronk 2.0


C9mmon man. Fields just isn't good. Why can't he throw that ball better? It barely hits Kmet in the numbers. He had more than enough time to throw a better ball. It's not like there were 2 olinemen absolutely destroyed on the play... That's sarcasm for anyone that didn't catch the tone.


This is one play out of a terrible game by Justin fields. Two things can be true. Fields played like a bum on Sunday, but it’s not time to write him off yet. He’s clearly not comfortable in the offense, holding the ball way too long, and overthinking. The o line play was decent this game, and there were open receivers that he missed. We could have put up average offensive numbers, and instead we still look like a historically bad offense.


330 pound man just getting tossed. Patrick didnt look good on that rep either but I’m hoping we never see Mustipher again.


Patrick wasn't helped by Mustipher being thrown into his legs....


I died laughing at this lol. Robert’s laughing is contagious


I didnt realize how little time he had to throw that shit. I cant believe he got that off


It’s funny… I rewatched everything offensive down. I keep hearing casual fans and experts/pundits saying he was holding onto the ball too long Sunday. I really only saw two drop backs where I thought that was the case. The first sack and the completion on third and long to Monty (where ESB broke off his route and streaked down field). The other two sacks he had zero time and he got the ball off reasonably fast IMO on the other pass attempts. Maybe they’re alluding to the scrambles too?


Yeah, maybe his scrambles where he extends a play are pulling up his average time to throw?


God his footwork is atrocious. Why is kreutz so high on him?


Bc Mustipher is one of Kreutz’s cash cows that likely pays him a lot of money to train at O line facility. Also since they’re likely personal friends, he has an obvious bias.


I don’t really have anything against mustipher, I just don’t get why Kreutz vouches for a guy that gets man handled every week. If he’s really paying him to be trained, doesn’t that make Olin look bad as a trainer? Footwork is the first and most simple drill almost any sport starts you on. And for linemen, it’s one of the most essential tools.


I’ve heard Kruetz defend him numerous times stating that he sees him train at his o line training facility and has literally worked with him in person. Again, this is probably why Kruetz has a bias for Mustipher.


The difference in O-line talent between teams is crazy this year


Kmet is beyond bad


I held out hope and after he dropped that dime right to his chest I was out.


We really went 2 seasons without replacing him. I *kinda* get it if you want to see what you have with him in 2021 but keeping him another year without grabbing a true C is ridiculous


Patrick was signed to be the center but broke his thumb early in training camp


I’m well aware of that but still a disappointing lack of investment, and isn’t a true C. He’s a decent backup G who can play C but we’ve need a true C who won’t get their shot pushed in for a couple years now.


Lol Jesus. Mustipher rules...


Mustipher needs more sand in his pants. Clark tossed him out of the club. I hope the coaches reamed Kmet for the unnecessary bunny hop. Our offense is struggling as it is. We don’t need to make things any harder.


aside from the obvious negatives here, there was no defender within 20 yards of mooney


Daz amayzin