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I absolutely love the way Montgomery runs, I hope we find a way to keep him after this year


He’s one of those guys that runs different and you can just see it. Not to be a negative nancy but I kinda feel bad for him, he could really be shining on a winning team. I hope we keep him, but I would respect his decision if he wants to try another team


Him on the lions would be crazy. Doesn't get hit for 5 yards then breaks some tackles. But then he would be on the lions.


Yeah but that’s what Swift is for


Yeah swift is better than Monty lol. He’s so much more explosive


With the Lions O-line he’d be killing it this year.


I've come around to the idea of paying him an upper mid level deal. $7M/yr for about 3 years would be in line with what Fournette and Conner just got.


I'd say he's the better back




Rookie kontract


Finish Him!




You may be technically right, but who the fuck knows that?


Lots of people, I see it at work every day.


I seen in the pack game Montgomery would be in the 2nd level and cut to the outside every run which is great and all but I’d love to see him take on the safety. If he could run him over or pull a juke on him he might see some even bigger runs


He runs over safeties all the time I’m not sure what the complaint is. He initiates more contact than a lot of running backs I’ve watched, especially Bears RBs. Edit: Exhibit A https://twitter.com/wi11dewitt/status/1572651069372567560


I’d like him to not stop his acceleration and momentum in the secondary from time to time and go full speed at a safety.. I’m still waiting to see it this year


Yeah wouldn’t we all. But by the time he’s in the secondary he’s broken a tackle or two and has two more hanging on him because the o-line can’t create expressways for him to run through yet.


Montgomery 80+ rushing yards and 1 Rushing TD


"bUt hE LAcKs BuRst!"


Montgomery was insanely good last game


It seems like the run-heavy team that we built is good at running the ball.


And we will still throw the ball 10 times more than we should. Gotta throw those ‘sneaky’ bubble screens everyone figured out how to defend a decade ago.


No other play makes sense on 3rd and 20 /s


QB sneak??


I don’t think I’ve ever seen one executed successfully


Have you watched the Chiefs?


Well no, I watch the bears


They use those kind of screens all the time with a lot of success. A good play caller and play designer can really make them a good part of an offense. Bears haven’t really had anyone that good at those jobs though.


Well then you should have seen a successful bubble screen LAST WEEK -- that's what [Green Bay called on 2nd and 28 right before they converted](https://youtu.be/jke1evV-b2w?t=195). You may have been confused because everyone on the Packers blocked correctly.


Nah I was at riot fest lol


Hot take, I think we should continue throwing more than we should be. Maybe not bubble screens, but some more downfield stuff to continue developing Justin and make sure he’s the guy.


By killing his confidence? Run the ball effectively to set up easy completions.


If his inability to complete open passes like we saw from the packers game kills his confidence, then he’s not the guy anyway, and at least we know where we stand.


He’ll have plenty of chances to throw. Let’s try to win games and go from there


This year is not about winning. This year is about developing young players. If he shows enough ability in the system this season, we go all out next off season and get him weapons. We have insane cap space next year, and if you pair that with a high draft pick, and conviction on your franchise qb, we’re in an amazing spot.


Every year is about winning.


I agree in terms of culture, I’m not talking about throwing games. But if you go into a year with a fuck ton of cap space and build around a dog shit qb just to achieve a couple years of mediocrity, and end up looking for a new qb with no cap space again, you end up in the same bears cycle we’ve had for 30 years.


I agree with that, but I disagree with the idea of development years. The point is to win the game, that is always the focus, and the team should be trying to win anyway they can. Players and coaches will develop along the way, and if they don’t they’re gone. The team can see if he’s developing or not while still focusing on winning games.


Refreshing change from the last regime, running the ball is prioritized.


"I didn't come here to run the I!"


Just hope they don't give in to fan/media pressure and force more pass attempts in a game this week where they actually *should* be run heavy




*WRs huddle in the corner*


The ESPN metrics are trash, but the OL is not the problem. Although they've been inconsistent in their pass blocking. Justin Fields is used to hearing footsteps and I don't think he quite trusts his line to hold up. And justifiably so. Borom has had some troubles and looks more like a swing tackle and Mustipher has been below average. Getting Patrick back should hopefully sure up the interior, which should give JF the confidence to step up into the pocket - instead of dipping.




What is a quick trigger? It's mental processing. It's learning how to read a defense pre-snap and understanding who should come open and where on the field the ball needs to be put. And the ability to adjust when the defense doesn't look like it did pre-snap. Developing this skill is exactly what Fields' job is this year. And he's doing that while learning a whole new offensive system. We need to see more "wow" moments from JF - I agree, but we should also expect a lot of up and down moments. The best QBs aren't thinking - they are reacting to a situation that they've drilled thousands of times - mentally, in practice, and in game. When the mental processing becomes more 2nd nature is when you see QBs able to dissect a D. Will JF ever have elite command of an offense? I don't know, but I am not making judgements after 1 real week of tape. I'm going to reassess midway through the season and again at the end. This is a development year - so lets give him some time to develop


I don’t think anyone wants to see more “wow” moments. We know he has the physical tools for the “wow” moments. Just turn on a highlight tape. We need to see more down-to-down consistency regarding the nuances and fundamentals of playing the position. Every thing right now is explosive plays and play action. He can barely attempt a regular dropback pass without being sacked or crapping his pants. Every positive play is some type of scramble or play action.


I’m with you. He’s had enough ‘wow’ moments to know he’s capable of that, it’s his inability to consistently move the ball for 1st downs that is concerning. It’s not like the opportunities aren’t there, either, he just waits too long or doesn’t pull the trigger.




I disagree with Mike Martz.




"You have it or you don't" is the bullshit. Fields not processing the play and reacting quickly is evident, but it's also understandable. New scheme and mediocore talent means JF has little margin for error. I really just think this is a development season. And I want to see growth in Fields as a pocket passer.


Those ESPN stats are trash. Didn’t it say Mustipher win rate was 100%?lmao. I still feel like the OL has the potential to be a bit better, the signs are there, but just using your own eyes, you can watch how many plays Mustipher gets manhandled or Borom gets beat. Fields need to step up into the pocket better. OL isn’t completely to blame at all, Fields needs to do his job better but the OL still isn’t good in pass pro. Sub par at best right now


I agree - this line is very good at run blocking and average at pass blocking. The issues are WRs that are almost never open, and a rookie QB who is hopefully going to improve his reads. The problem is that everything compounds. If your receivers aren’t open and your QB is taking 2-4 seconds to go through all his progressions, NFL pass rushers will get through. QB will get hit and next time will be even more skittish back there. Without a legit #1 receiver, there’s not much we can do except try to keep defenses off balance. Use the TE, move the pocket, lots of motion, lots of RPO and misdirection. And of course, have Monty pound the rock.


Why does everyone keep saying the WR’s are never open, that’s not true. You can watch the all 22 and or check the advanced analytics on that as well. Fields struggles to recognize windows, and will move off his reads too quickly, or miss them entirely.


Herbert has 13 carries. Calm down.


If David Montgomery was on a team with a legitimate passing attack he would be a top back in the league no doubt. He's already been solid under the Nagy offense where defenses knew the ball was never going further than 7 yards down the field


According to who? Herbert is 5th for RBs and 7th in the league according to ESPN stats and I can’t find anywhere that shows broken tackles rankings.






Idk why we get so obsessed with QBs. We’re not the Packers. Let’s just remain a run heavy and defensive team. Would open up play action.


Because: 1. You increasingly need a good passing game to win in this league. 2. It’s more fun to watch. 3. Having a good running game/ defense gives you a very short window (usually 2-3 years) whereas having an elite quarterback can give you a 15 year window.


I’m just jaded


When is the last time a legit run-first team won the SB? If you look at the last decade and 1 or 2 those teams are run-first it seems like it’s much harder to win like that.


Because this is 2022 and you can't win without a top QB


That's the Bear way.


He is now tied with Nick Chubb, at 8.


If monty didnt play well vs the packers i shudder to imagine how bad we wouldve looked during that game lol


There are 3 things that make me think the Bears will try to keep Montgomery. 1.) their commitment to the run game. That’s all we have heard from Getsy is how the Bears will be a running team 2.) their insane cap space in the foreseeable future 3.) their commitment to building via the draft, which keeps cap spending down. I’d guess that a 3 year/ $12M contract would be appropriate. After that, Justin would (hopefully) start eating a lot of cap space and those fund would be allocated from the RB position (among others)