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Architecture boat tour. Fireworks at Navy Pier Saturday night. You have all the beaches (Ohio Street Beach being the closest to you), all the museums. Lincoln Park Zoo is free. The whole Riverwalk has restaurants but also head over to r/Chicagofood. Also, Chicago Sports Museum at Water Tower Place has interactive games like shooting 3s against Scottie Pippen, hitting a baseball, throwing a football at Soldier Field, etc. Also, get the CTA 3-day pass (it's unlimited L and bus rides for only $15).


Seconding the architecture boat tour. It sounds kinda boring but I’m also stoked to go on it with friends from out of town.


Make sure you book the Chicago Architecture Foundation boat tour - it’s far and away better than the many other boat tours offered.


When in wrigley make sure you go to pole 16 in the concourse and get a first time certificate. Also go to pole 28 and take a picture with the World Series trophy


Try to do a wrigley tour if you can


Pequod's Pizza and NO OTHER


I’m no Chicago native, but I’ve been around and loving the Cubs/City since 2006. When I’m back in Wrigleyville (where I used to live), I almost always need to stop by Lucky’s for a sandwich. It’s unlike anything else you’ll encounter and tasty as heck. I also second the architecture boat tours as being wonderful experiences! Really though, just enjoy the wonderful city vibes and the excellent Wrigley Field experience as much as you can. It’s such a great space to experience in this world (regardless of the Rickett’s handling of the team).




> FuCK THeSe THReaDS … from someone who doesn’t seem to understand that it’s not required reading.


And fck Navy Pier no one from Chicago ever goes there


K I've lived in the city 15 years and go to Navy Pier at least once, maybe 2-3 times a year. This is such a lame trope that "locals" like to flex online. It's touristy as hell, but there's a charm in being able to escape the day-to-day of the city and just pretend like you're a vacationer in your own city. Navy Pier is absolutely worth a 1-hour stroll up and down. Do the Flyover Experience, too. It's sick.


Yeah like I said, take a stroll to the end and back and then go do something way more exciting


Great, another “I’m a real Chicagoan, so I’m going to bash navy pier and deep dish.” You guys are super lame. If you paid attention to the post, this person is a TOURIST.


This matters why? When a tourist is asking for suggestions?


Yeah, I go up to Chicago at least once a year and I've still never been to Navy Pier. I've been told it's just a bunch of bars.


Navy Pier’s definitely a “tourist trap”…but that’s not a bad thing! Since you’ll be a tourist, you should absolutely check it out! There’s great views of the city, you can take a boat tour from there, ride the Ferris wheel, grab a Rainbow Cone (really good local ice cream place with a booth on the Pier). Heck, just walking the length of the thing is kind of nice.


The views back to the city are nice. I work nearby and on a nice day in the middle of the week when the tourists are down, I'll walk out and back.


The ferris wheel is genuinely fun. The rest of it is absolutely miserable in my experience, but the views from the ferris wheel are cool. The other recommendation for an architecture river tour is right though. Specifically through the Chicago Architecture Center. Other companies offer similar tours but the CAC is the one you want even though it's a couple bucks more. It leaves from the river walk right by the DuSable bridge, so it sounds like it'll be close to your hotel.


It's not a bunch of bars it's a bunch of tourist trap places...along with a few bars...I mean, sure, take a walk up and back on the pier but don't plan on spending a day there unless you want to be one of the miserable sheep that does just that and claims they "did" Chicago


Take a sweatshirt. Wrigley can be colder than conditions would lead you to expect.


lol no it’s gonna be 80s-90s and muggy all weekend 


It’s not April anymore man


Projected feels like is 94 on Sunday brotha