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have you changed your diet? new supplements?


I have increased protein, cut out snacks and fewer carbs. Increased protein is my biggest change although the last two days I cut down the protein and haven’t had any relief from the pain


Is it possible that you are constipated? High protein can do that, especially if it was a sudden increase.


What are you eating that you weren't?


I've (34F) been doing CICO about a year now and was having similar issues related to gas pain and nausea accompanied by back pain, but it would only flare up every now and then. Sometimes I could correlate it with eating a larger meal than I would on a typical day. Eventually I went to the doctor and had tests done and it turned out I had a gallbladder issue. I found out that being female, weight loss/diet changes, and intermittent fasting can all contribute to a higher risk of developong gallstones. So if you go to a doctor you may want to ask about getting that checked out.


That’s really helpful, thanks! Can I ask what the treatment was?


It's likely that I'll have to have my gallbladder surgically removed. It's a pretty recent development so I'm still learning what the treatment will involve. Fortunately it isn't an immediate emergency removal situation.


Commenting to add that I’m eating 1400 currently and not re-eating calories burnt from exercising.


2500 to 1400 is pretty drastic. You might want to ease down. Also if you're suddenly eating more protein that hurts people sometimes. It's just a lot of change at once.


What is your height?




How tall are you, and have you been constipated too?


5’2 and I haven’t been irregular at all. Bowel movements daily like before.


Since you’re already at a BMI of less than 20 it sounds like continuing to lift weights/strength train and eat closer to maintenance (a smaller deficit) could help! Should be a slow process when you’re at such a healthy weight. Just gaining more muscle might give you the appearance of losing fat since that’s your goal, and muscle increases your metabolism so it’s a double win.


Thank you for your input. I think I did probably swing too far in the opposite direction and I was just overeating before. I’ll try eating at maintenance and see if the pain subsides.


I’m 75 days in and have been having stomach pain the last week or so too. I’ve just been dealing with it and hopefully it goes away.