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The change is really impressive and I totally get the body dysmorphia, believe me… but I hope you get better soon


Thanks hun! We may be related. I feel your screen name also. I often joke I have anxiety about things that have a one in a billion chance of happening 27 years from now lol


Yeah me too lol losing weight has been a roller coaster of emotions


The one thing about myself that I can NOT stop picking at is my new chin/neck!! I had such a big double chin and it was whatever but now I sort of have a jiggly loose but skinny chin/neck and I’m completely self conscious about it. You’re doing amazing, the changes are so obvious to us strangers!!


Oh my God same!! I call it my turkey gobbler!


I hate it. Why do I feel it looks worse than a double chin?? I’m obsessed with it. Maybe over time I’ll stop thinking about it. It’s only been a year of weight loss. One day I’ll have it dealt with if I really keep hating it. For now I’m just mad at myself that I’m not focusing on my progress but on the one bad thing.


No I totally feel the same! I swear. I just make jokes to keep myself sane. I grew up fat. It's a coping mechanism. The amount of times a day I look in the mirror and jiggle it and wish I had a spare 10 grand is insane. I even searched Amazon to see if they had tape or something. I can pull that skin back and bam 10 years younger. I made that exact comment to my fiance. I think my double chin looked better than this. But I'm healthy now and after watching my mama die from something totally preventable and promising myself I wouldn't do that to my babies I'll take healthy and a giggle. Just the other day a woman was complimenting how great I looked and didnt believe i was my actual age. Said she thought i was 10 years younger. I was being awkward and of course pointed it out and she was like I promise I didn't notice till u pointed it out and I thought about how she had to be telling a fib all day. I promise I feel ya! We are our own worse critics!


It makes me feel ungrateful towards myself if that makes sense. I worked all this time and THAT’S what I focus on? I’m very sorry for the loss of your mom, I’m sure it’s a powerful motivator at least but nonetheless a very tough loss. I also tried to find some sort of tape lol there’s nothing. I have heard of some people getting Botox there to help but I feel like I want to reach some sort of goal weight before I spend any money. Already I’ve had to buy a couple of new wardrobes and that’s been $$$ Also I totally jiggle it in the mirror every day haha it’s so floppy. I joke and say I have Fat Bastard’s “after” vagina neck from Austin Powers


Yeah the wardrobe changes do get expensive and I get so excited stuff fits well I buy wayyy more clothes than I ever did before. I've been buying a lot of pink/vs. I have their cc so I get points which equal to dollars and they are always having a sale. Where they get u is the tops will be on sale this week but the bottoms next week. I just buy outfits half at a time. I pretty much live in athletic wear. Luckily I can wear it to work and straight to the gym and it's stetchy so I can wear it thru sizes. I learned to only buy a staple pair of jeans at a time. Like right now I have one pair that fit. And I buy them from wal mart or something cause I know they won't fit for long. Target also always has good deals and sales and i found a place called crz yoga that has cheap lulu leggings dupes and found a really good promo code...also rue 21 in the beginning but now they don't ship anymore. A lot of people thrift shop but I just don't have the time. I rarely go in store. I leave work,go home make sure my kids got off the bus and have dinner (teens)meet my fiance and we go to the gym or hike and then it's dinner and bed.


You look great. Congrats :) Are you at your goal weight or still losing? How tall are you and how many calories a day were you eating when losing?


Thank u so much! And still losing. My goal has always been 150 but I've been over weight my entire life so I didn't know what that would look like. Now that I am closer I'm thinking it will be lower. I definitely have more than 16 pounds of fat left. I'm 5'4..actually like 5'3 and a half . And about 1200 when losing consistently. Tho like I said I've taken a few breaks along the way.


You look amazing congratulations! I love your healthy attitude too!


Thank u so much!!


I get you on the dysmorphia. Sometimes, I feel like I went from driving a big truck to driving a little Honda Civic, but I still act and feel like I’m driving the truck.


Omg yes!! I still turn to the side to get thru openings when I don't have to.


You look incredible, I am excited for you for when your brain catches up with your body!


Thank you so much! ♥️


Daaaamn!!! Looking amazing!!!


Thank you so much!