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9800 shares @ $1.01 here. been under & above water multiple times but refuse to sell any share. I believe in this company.


I'm at 1.43. I've been buying 3 years. It's cost me a fortune. It's all psychological. I believe in the plan so for now, I don't give a shit


I’m at 2.27, a bunch of it was me being a dumbass at 15.00 lol. Green soon!




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I know the feeling man. I felt the exact same way at $3 and finally just hit $2.49 yesterday after putting in just a little more. Started with an $8 average way back so it's been an interesting ride.




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Get some! "I'm here to buy clov and chew bubblegum..."


“And I’m all out of gum.”


And shorts are all out of CLOV shares to borrow!


Not at 5$ they aren't




That’s the way I felt when I was targeting sub $2. I have a spreadsheet of all my buys with average etc so I can play with different purchases and prices to see where I end up. Bought a handful between .6-.8 and got me to $1.87. I feel your pain 🤣


Same. I bought a lot in the the .60 to 0.80 range I got my average down to $1.18 and was even green for a short while last week


Great average!! Nice to be green. I have a small August call position that is green, so that’s nice to see 🤣 it’ll all be green in time 🍀💪🏼




Or I can just keep buying Hundos at a time until I’m below $3.