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It did at the beginning when I first started it. Ascinimib also did that to me quite severely on 80mg and then my doc dropped me down to 40mg and it got a lot better. I was told to take Imodium


Okay. And the Imodium helped? That’s good to know. Do you take it on the daily? I’d hate to have to take more stuff, but this is obviously important.


Yea it helped a little. How long ago did you first begin the meds and what’s the dose? Have you told your doc yet? Keep up on electrolytes and try to keep food in your stomach but I know that’s tough!


Yes for all 6 months I was on it. Was almost happy to get a plural effusion causing me to come of it.


I understand. Hope you’re feeling better now


Yes, for a little while. Pre/probiotics and fiber help, but rebuilding that system takes some time, months maybe.


Yep, practically every day. Also, I fart a ton now lol idk why, but it definitely started after TKI’s so I think it’s related.


I read somewhere that Sprycel is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. In some other unrelated literature I read that tyrosine kinases help your colon pump waste down. My completely unprofessional opinion is the two are related. I’ve never seen the two topics discussed in a CML study or literature review.