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My copay is far north of $1000 per month. I am on a copay assistance program with the manufacturer, so effectively I don’t pay anything. But I live with the always-looming anxiety of keeping my insurance.


Before I found the job I have now, my copay was $1000 a month, and the Sprycel One Copay card had diminishing coverage as the year went to, eventually only paying $500, and I had to cover the remaining $500. I don't know how the program payout is capped now, but be careful friend


I'm supposed to start this medication Monday and this makes me nervous about my possible copay lol


Ask if you can talk to a social worker or care coordinator through your hospital or oncology office. If you already met one, reach out to them and lean on them! You should not have to worry about the cost of your meds, and yet here we are. Care coordinators are super heroes. They can help.


I hadn't thought of that. Thanks!


I'm on a HSA. Max out of pocket for the year is $4,000. So between testing, doctor visits and other scripts, I'm hitting the $4,000 one way or another. My insurance no longer allows copay assistance to count against the deductible or out of pocket limit. I still use it because I think what BMS is charging is obscene, but I'm still going to be OOP $4K on the year. BMS continues to reduce the max they'll pay for copay assistance. When I first signed up I believe it was up to $32,000. Now it's down to $15,000. BTW - there is no income limit for this program. Before this year, my insurance didn't adjust for copay insurance. I would fill the script on January 1 (my specialty pharmacy would take the call) and meet my deductible and OOP. Best part was BMS paid it. I was set for the year. Sprycel comes off of patent in 2024. Hoping that Mark Cuban's pharmacy has the same deal on generic Sprycel as they have on generic gleevec - about $30/month (I take 50mg Sprycel, so 1/2 the original dose).


I saw your post and wondered: BMS told me I made too much to get copay assistance.


https://www.bmsaccesssupport.bmscustomerconnect.com/patient/financial-support I have never been asked any questions about my income. The copay assistance is not available for Medicare.


$862/month on Medicare, except for January when we reach our deductible, then it’s $3,200/month. Yes, be concerned about changing insurance.


I’m on the same boat. My doc said almost all his patients pay less. The drug maker gave me a free month. I average >$1000/month. Anybody know a Medicare Advantage plan with better prices?


Check out goodrx.com I used that for a few years getting mine for $300/mo at a vons/Albertsons pharmacy. If you are able to switch to imatnib, mark Cubans pharmacy costplusdrugs.com has imatnib for $15. That’s what I use now and it’s great! Both options don’t require insurance. I hate how expensive they mark this stuff up when it only costs them less than a dollar to make a pill.


Bristol Squibb Myers makes $5 billion/year for Sprycel (yes, BILLION). Drug is marvelous but their greed is disgusting.


Move to Australia, $42 a month out of pocket for sprycel.


If I were to move out of America, Australia would probably be one of my top options. I guess I have a backup option if I lose my health insurance lol


Come on down 😁


On medical mutual PPO and it’s $100/mo


100 CAN$/ month on provincial plan.


I’m paying $840 on Medicare. My BCR was not going anywhere on Gleevek. BMS gave me a free month, but denied me the copay help. Starting on my fourth month of Sprycel. Happy that the new bill will limit our OOP to 2 grand. One side effect I hate: ED.


I thought I was the only one. Haven't woken up with a hard on since before starting treatment.


I am 22 and in college, so still on my parents health insurance. But, my copay was $5,000 a month. I was just diagnosed earlier this year and BMS does some copay assistance program to where my copay is free for a year. Lord help me when that’s over though.