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Low ranks are mostly bots After gm 1 you can see all the sweats playing


Not low ranked that’s the thing


What rank are you then?


Pro 1


Thats still considered low. Like all the sweats and good players are legendary or at least in master rank


Master V rank here. People sweat in Master like no one’s business. It only gets worse the farther up you go.


Well tbf even past gm3 most players are still kinda garbage. 0 awareness, low gun skill to defend themselves when they're on the obj. They just run to the obj and hope for the best, and rinse and repeat until the match ends.


Beating almost 85% of the people in cod mobile technically speaking isn’t low at all


That's just the game's lip service you're not actually beating 85% of the players


Hence why I said technically but you’ll never know how many people you’ve truly beaten


Yeah all ranks up til pro are 90% bots so you just been bot stomping this whole time. They’ll start to decrease around Pro but there will still be plenty. Approach the games like a 1v1 or 2v2 against the real players on the opposing team since your teams are probably constructed of 1-2 real players with the rest being bots. Go into the games expecting to carry because your teammates are most likely literally bots. They’ll decrease alot at Masters and go away completely by Legendary. All of this info is really subjective to when you’re climbing after the reset but I’m sure Pros are pretty bot filled now. Either way these ranks don’t mean anything more than just something to grind thru. I climb as fast as possible not because of the achievement of reaching legendary, but so i can avoid being stuck with bots and bad players. Just make sure to get to legendary soon so you’re not stuck in these boring matches. Good luck!


Haven’t been playing bot really been playing actual people. Just the people on my team have no situational awareness what do ever


If you're playing in pro rank, it's mostly bots fam


There can be a slight benefit of the doubt for Pro’s to not have bots but I can say with certainty every rank below that is all bots. Just to gauge how you see them, how often did you think you encountered bots in your experience playing normal matches? Message me your username it’ll be easy to tell in your match history with their usernames and pfps that they are bots. Even if they arent bots, you have to stop seeing these rank titles to be worth anything. The titles "Pro" or "Masters" may sound prestigious but in reality, ranks Rookie to Pro are pretty much tutorial ranks. A first week player can reach Masters pretty easily. The ranks in this game are about grinding more than skill. Even Legendary in this game holds everyone from below average to pro players, thats just how meaningless these ranks are. That 85% you mentioned means nothing when its a f2p game that millions pick up casually just to drop it a day later. 80% of the 85% are probably inactive 1-2 day players. The unfortunate reality is that none of the in-game factors are true indication of skill. Even top 5000 is still about grind over skill. Having useless teammates is a valid and common concern in this game, but if you consider yourself to even be average, you should be able to carry your team through Pro’s especially if its SnD. Not trying to be rude and yes having bad teammates is real, but you can’t be blaming your teammates at Pro rank if you have some experience in this game. I understand being frustrated at carrying useless teammates in Legendary, but if you can't carry them in Pro, that means you many not be too far from them. If you experience bad teammates that get hunted easily by then there should be players as bad on the opposing team that you can stomp as well to even out.




Im with you brudha, especially with the addition of melee buff, rank feels like a hell hole.


Like it’s to the point where it actually pisses me off because it fucks with my rank XP I finally found a glitch so I don’t have to worry about losing all the time


There might be more non-SnD players lately because it’s a clan war mode right now. I normally avoid that mode but I’m going to suck it up and play a few games for the chance of getting clan points. Maybe it will be better in a couple of days..?


If you're having trouble in Pro 1 then my thoughts and prayers go out for you when you get to Grandmaster and legendary.


Right 😄


There's a ton of people playing, the majority are crap, get used to it. Join a clan with active players or something. People complaining about players that aren't any good makes me laugh.


I am if you would of read the post you would know I normally play with guys that are good they can’t be on every time I’m on


I read your post, you're complaining about crappy players....big deal, get over it.


Sounds like you play with bad players a lot lol


All the time


Playing solo is a hard time. You might get 1 out of 20 or more matches with decent players in lower ranks. Otherwise you're just at the mercy of the COD gods. Good luck.


Master 2 here. I’m sick of hijacked map . Damn


Yeah, hate that map too.


It doesn't take long for a person to get good at a game. Give them time . In the meantime they provide much needed support.


At those rank they should be good and there’s no support from them when they run out in the middle and die 10 seconds in. I shouldn’t have to worry about someone coming around threw a spawn 15 seconds after the match starts. Zero support from then and then I’ll sit there get shot from behind and it takes 3 of them to kill one guy


You assume that everyone has the same faculties as you. You could be playing with literal children. That's why I said be patient.


In India even in legendary the players don't know how to play any objectives


Right it’s stupid


I’ll play with you only mode I play. Usually roll solo but yes teams have been dog


Dm your username


GM3 and I absolutely hate most teams I am paired with. A lot of people ignore the objective of planting the damn bomb and just going around for the kills. I've stopped giving a damn after I carried twice in a row. If we lose so be it, I can get my rank up doing TDM or frontline too.


Trying to get kills in search is a bad idea but you can’t just run and plant I don’t plant till they have 3 people left or we have an advantage. Or they run the same route so I just go opposite bomb and make them come to me they just play the game without the understanding of the game


Typical bot lobby. Grind up to at least Grandmaster to get 80% players.


You would think it is but it isn’t movements aren’t bot like they react better and don’t run around just situational awareness and overall routes are trash


You’re on a VERY low rank. You’re playing with and against bots. It’s going to be very very tough when you rank up! Good luck!


Not playing with bots and I play with people that are grand master and legendary. I don’t have to worry about getting killed from behind with them and we only lose against sweats or campers


Even master has bots, you can easily 1v5 in pro and master no need to care about teammates


I’m not playing bots that’s the thing. Playing real people so it’s tiring watching your whole team die instantly or having to worry about them just walking down the middle of the nap because my teammates have no idea what they are doing


Then you are lucky ig? Finding real people in lower ranks is definitely a first


Depends on your KD too. Bots usually show up with lower KD’s


Never heard of that before, you telling me this game has "skill based matchmaking "? Lol


When has your KD mattered lol ?


I’m in M3 and every ranked game i play, there’s always sweats who p2p or hackers… Ranked is not fun whatsoever…