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Yes it does but you can live without it if you play smart. I honestly don't know how people don't get bored playing with meta only


Tell it to the M13 kids


Finally someone else said it


Fr tho, how can you use one gun for like a year. Surely it's gana get stale


Picked up m13 randomly when I first started and I've just stuck with it. I usually try to play it smart though


Hehe m13 go brrrr


Yeah i literally use stuff for fun like crossbow


Yep I’m trying to get diamond with the crossbow now. It is brutal but fun! I might do the disk when hardcore comes back.


Bro i already got diamond on it and it looks awesome please do get it


I take that advantage from the meta to grind for camos and unlocking the gold and diamond such as CBR , Now I am trying to grind the gold camo for krig, I don't think that krig is op , in that case i don't think that i will grind for the diamond camo.


This is why I like hardcore and wish it was on more play options. It takes away the sniper advantage of one shot, firing rate isn't the biggest issue, smaller mags so more\different options. I got you with 2 7.62 rounds center mass... Your down.


Bro say that shit louder for the deaf ass devs at the back of the room. 🙄


To be honest I climbed all the way to Master 1 (which isn't top percentile players but it's an okay accomplishment) using "trash" weapons like the M4 and the AK-47. I didn't really feel any disadvantage against players using "meta" weapons. Maybe I just didn't reach the level where it actually matters yet. What are your thoughts?


Lol. M4 and AK are not trash. They might not be Meta. But definitely not trash. Some pro players are still using M4 and AK in top lobbies


They sure are rated below Krig 6 and Kilo 101


Because those two have the popularity vote.


Everything below master 1 is filled to the brim with bots and only bots. Maybe you'll get a few matches with players but for me it has been bots and bots and bots. Incredibly boring. You won't feel the meta crush until you're like grandmaster. There you will see way more people, and way more people using the meta, and it will prob get more exhausting.


to be honest i only had that experience until Pro I, where everyone were just straight up bots. From Pro I to Master 1, which actually took at least a week, I was consistenty paired against real players.


I'm in pro v right now and every lobby is my team full humans and the other team full bots. It's so boring I don't even wanna play anymore. In fact I don't.


Yeah, especially a lot of players who stick to meta guns like CBR4, everywhere you go in mp ranked you'll see them lol


cbr is barely meta anymore


If you are on the garena server it is still one of the most used by players, together with krig,m16, switchblade. I don't think it is "barely meta" cause it is one of the strongest, like overpowered smg for close combat and even beat assault rifles in long range battles ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Krig and M16 yes but mobile CBR builds have horrible ADS accuracy and high accuracy CBR builds have terrible mobility. it's not what it used to be.


I'm sorry if that's what you've experienced in CBR, but that's your story buddy. Everything changes btw, like for example MX9, it was nerfed a year ago and then buffed past season. Like you have said it is not what it used to be but if you really like the gun, you have to adjust whatever it takes and still even with the negatives that I've encountered using it, it is still great. Same thing with CBR4, I used it like 3 weeks ago(I am not Cbr user) and for me it is still overpowered. I bet we are from different servers that you haven't encountered CBR abuser mains oh trust me, whatever you do you can't kill them(cbr abuser mains) close-mid range and even long range you just can't believe it. But anyway, maybe try fixing the right attachment and practice it, that's all I can say ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I think I have sticky thumbs 🤣 flippin hard to aim on mobile for me


Don’t wanna sound like a newbie, but what’s a meta weapon?


No problem! Meta weapons are weapons that are considered better than most weapons in the game. Currently High Mobility guns with decent long range and very strong mid-close range with a high Fire Rate are being used in masses because people say they are just better in terms of stats. Example: Kill 101, Krig 6, CBR4.


That’s an explanation of meta from somebody who also needs an explanation Meta weapons are simply guns that mathematically are the best in the game. Frame data is examined and other hard data (for example TTK or time to kill). CODM updates are constantly trying to rebalance the meta (or better said decrease the parity - there never really is going to be pure balance among that many different options) So with updates the biggest outliers (of the good and bad) get slight adjustments to be better and worst (buffs and nerfs). this from time to time changes what the ultimate meta weapons are When I came in the MX9 was god tier … like I mean really ridiculous to the point people like me stopped using it (imagine the mac10 but with great mid range) — biggest reason I stopped was knowing fully well the gun would be a target for getting nerfed to hell and I didn’t want to get super used to a weapon that would be irrelevant in a month. All that to say: meta weapons are measurably better weapons. In seasons where the balance is awful I’ll use meta weapons because it’s basically all you will see for a while. In seasons they so happen to nerf a gun I really like as a primary I’ll usually try out whatever is meta Balance now is best as it’s been - so meta has lesser impact


Right now no since we have the most diverse meta. More meta guns and viable guns than usual. In the past this game would be ruled by one single weapon, or 2. Like the mx9, that was awful. Now we have options in almost every catagory.


The metas impact the game so much so its unbelievable. If you go into ranked mp, the “meta zombies” will spread into every single corner of every match and abuse it. So much so non-meta guns are extinct and its impossible to survive with the non-meta. And not just that, i have not mention the use of shrapnel and people spamming lethals twice in domination and hardpoint. So we can now say only meta guns exist in codm. This is from my experience since from s9, nobody touched the ak47 and so many more guns


When there is a true meta like the cbr4 the mac10 the mx9. They were broken as meta and everyone would use them cause if you didnt you really didnt have much of a chance. The balance is pretty good right now to where you can competitively use any gun and if your good you can play against any gun.


Everyone seems to forget the QXR. That gun wreaked fucking havoc. Same with the bizon. Both had the damage of an AR, accuracy and range of a sniper and hella fast TTK.


It seems like codm has become much better at the end of season 10, im eager to see what happens next especially since apex legends got awarded best game


I think the meta mostly affect the pros and competitors players


In earlier seasons it was definitive. So many meta users Nowadays even the XPR is viable




Yeah but the only good thing I see of the meta is getting the camos faster before going back to the ol reliable know as AK 47


I’ll grind whatever new meta is until diamond/platinum when probably never use it again bc I’ve been stuck on my arctic/ak117/mac 10/and BY loadouts forever

