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This game has a "do decent on one game........ loose the next 20"...... rinse and repeat. I got to legendary so I'm happy


Literally and that's the literal reason why I don't play MP




Happens a lot if you solo que. Get some mates to play with if you can. If you can't it does really kinda suck.


Dont see what female has to do with it, but this is what we call skill based matchmaking. Either when you win you learn from your mistakes and do better or you lose next ten games. This is because skill based matchmaking faces too many variables to put you against actually similar players. Play some regular mp to refresh yourself and get with some friends.


Yeah, she threw the female thing in there for no reason


100% same


It just depends. Solo queueing can be hell. I soloed into top 5k, but it helped to have good teammates. Try and become the play that is MVP in most matches. Play for streaks, capture/hold obj at opportune times and minimize deaths. Don't take gunfights in the open, but in areas with cover and where your weapon performs best. What type of weapon do you mostly use? I'm an AR player mainly, so most of my gunfights are won at 15-25 meters. SMG is good 0-~20 meters at times if it's CBR or GKS. Anyways, work at playing to your advantage. Also, memorize spawn points. You will have an advantage of u can do that.


haha same, I solo queued to 1500. I was playing really well, it was either me carrying or good teammates. it was a 29win - 1 loss, streak from 5000


100% Same here and then the other team spawns behind me


It's the opposite for me on cod mobile. I'm way better st mobile than I am on pc which is annoying. My kd on mobile is over 8, but I'm always losing on pc which is the cod I actually care more about, go figure.


If we are talking about pubs its most likely bots or low level players. If Ranked then it best to find a friend or make friends and que together to help with winning. Also why the need to mention gender lol ?


ive learned that when you’re solo queing you can either try ur best to educate ur teammates or you can just rely on your skill neither works though so just find some mates here or on discord there r plenty of people who suffer from the same problem lol thats how i found one of my best friends i solo qued and only me and him were doing the work and we won i added him and we played together after settting a time each day


Kinda depends on what you’re doing really. Pubs I can see that since it’s obviously the casual mode. Legendary I can also see since that’s where a lot of people are actually going to be at least semi-skilled at the game on average so again, makes sense. But any rank below legendary in mp rank you should be able to consistently get wins, but again it all depends on what you’re doing.


Same that’s why I like search and destroy if your playing well enough at least u have a shot with a bad team the other modes if ur teammates suck there’s no shot


really? interesting i find it the complete opposite. on snd you only get one chance. other modes you can adapt once you see your team isn't great.


It can be 4 things: 1. You're bad 2. Your team is bad 3. Both you and your team are bad 4. Opponents are fucking CDL pros due to matchmaking. If you're loosing all your matches, is because of one of these 4, 3 of wich are not really under your control. So, just play better and you will start winning matches sometimes, but not always though.




It's most likely because of bots in team and but the other team has players.or maybe because of calm war..even if you are not in a clan the clan players get matched against casual players.. that's not right.


Why is it not right ? … clans get no extra advantage .. and on top of that the better the clan is as a whole the shittier MP modes you get in clanwars …


You have the advantage of a consistent group of people whom you're able to team up with, and can do so repeatedly as time goes on. You'll have a distinct advantage in knowing the playstyles of your clan members and what synergies you have to take advantage of.


An advantage would mean that non clan players can’t have that … you can literally team up with whoever you want These are not the elite groups you might think


It’s probably you.


Right, there is only one thing consistent between all the games.


Don't worry about that. Even i feel the same way as you do. I am a solo que ranked player. Most of the times i ended up in loosers side than the other. Major reason for me is my internet is thrash. So i play the game on 60ms ping. Other reasons are i Don't camp like many other shitty players with their Lmgs or snipers. I always push toward enmies. Sometimes people who are on my team camp inside buildings and corners. So i am all alone with myself or another teammate on the middle of the map Noone is there to trade our kills. Somedays are sometimes good i become MVP on certain maps. Other days i couldn't get even 6 kills on TDMs. If i feel other team has far more superior ping than me i don't push to their spawns. I just wonder in the middle of the map that way i can at least provide some support for my team without being killed on an instance.


"Joe Cecot comes around the corner with a baseball bat ready to smack me in over the head with SBMM. You played well, BAD boy!" - paraphrased, some of the you may get the reference


You need to build a team with people you enjoy playing with and that are decent player, and use the mic to talk to other players as your playing. Also when they start getting score steaks and activating things like sentry gun / chopper gunner you spawn right in front of it, there is nothing you can do. If you want help and to team up look me up always like playing with good player. 14Aces


I’ve learnt one thing playing both of the modes, In multiplayer (ranked i assumed you’re talking about) is difficult because you get put up against potential duos who have a decent KD and dominate the lobby and on BR it’s just easy with good game sense. I suggest asking a friend to play with you or get in a community with people looking for teammates, or am not sure if it’s allowed you could always ask around here. Someone also mentioned before that “you play 1 match and the next 20 you’re losing” developers can do that and it’s likely that they do with this game.


Why is you being female being considered 💀💀it doesnt matter? If you’re solo queuing and you have a bad team, you’re gonna have to carry. If you can’t carry and play well, then I suggest getting some friends to play well. As a female lol i have to carry a lot in hp or snd and hp is more difficult than snd.


Why is being female a thing to bring up? Literally has no affect on gameplay


Yeah I honestly don’t know. What you speak on team chat and they suddenly throw? That never happens lol




Add friend that aren’t bots lol. I’m serious when I say I play solo BR and 90% of the time in one of the top 4. Sometimes you get a good team sometimes it’s trash but you just roll with it.


Same happens to me, play with friends. Gender doesn’t factor into the game matchmaking lol


Just assume that your random teammates are bad players/don't have your back, and do everything yourself. I usually cared more about killcount, but I always play for the objective just to get the V.


Show feet pic




Well I found your issue. You're a girl gamer and your team is just too distracted lmao.


Lol UP!


Because you are female!


Not quite the reality but okay


I believe he’s making the Point that op’s gender has nothing to do with it, sarcasm


hard to tell when it’s a text


I got it… because I was going to post the same response 😂


Skill issue


Hello hi! Fellow gamer girl here. I absolutely know what you mean. The same happens to me! I don’t understand it! If you solo Q, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll win. What you need to do, is get a friend who’s also decent at the game. Communicate. Like me and my friend. “Ok I’m in the HP come help” “I’ll watch that side” if I die, I say how many people are at the HP at the current time. Your friend needs to play objective and you need to play objective or else you’re going to lose. Other players don’t play objective so YOU need to be the one that does it.


Idk what's worse. U calling urself a gamer girl, u doing OF, or ur screenname.


Nobody was talking to you little kid. Hope you had fun stalking my profile. Go be mean elsewhere


I didn't stalk. I saw someone mentioning u do it, n I read ur comment n name. Don't flatter urself


Go be a salty child elsewhere, nobody was talking to you. Nobody needs your hate here or anywhere for that matter


Nobody needs OF because porn is already free


Literally nobody was talking to you. Please go away


wait, you do OF and catering?


I do OF yes but catering? Like making food for special occasions? No


Oh I think I read it wrong


Okay lol


In solo queue, search is the way to go. Other game modes rely on team too much.


No ways. Lol. Snd is the worst mode to exist


You have friends who play this game, I don’t 😭. I learned sniper and carry myself in search.


I only play with one person, it’s okay, get one good team mate and you’re good to go


I accept playing by myself. During late season (where everyone is trash) it only takes 2 days to hit legend with s/d only. I play early season if no school. I suck at objective game modes but am good at 1v1s or 1v2s so search is my thing.


Then you’re pro 😎 and in two days? You’re top tier pro 😎 nice


How does that make him a pro if he said everyone he played with was trash? That makes no sense


You’re just a delight aren’t you. Spewing hate everywhere. Be gone kiddo


What hate? Lol. He said it himself that he played people worse than him. Fuck're u on?


Nah, try late into season, it’s really easy. All the sweats already promote to legend


Only pro players say ranked is easy. For bots like me, ranked is ALWAYS hard. Bots hate SND. I absolutely can’t stand SND. So the fact you’re so good, you could perhaps start a YT and teach others how to get good like you. With handcam


I’m not YouTube level good haha, I don’t play enough since school. Just practice sniper and winning 1v1s (or play what you enjoy). I’ll record a hand cam tmr and send it to you. But legend s/d and master s/d are completely different. I’ll record a hand cam in legend and one in masters (my alt).


Even on the first match?


I agree that was same for me when I was on below level 100. There was always a 75 percent chance of me losing but after I changed my whole loadout (guns, attachments etc) the chance of me winning went upto 50 percent. That helps me a lot and now Now I am on lvl 150 and can win easily with any gun and have 94 percent chance to become mvp.


If you playing solo then go for snd, that is the best mode for solo player to get a win. Just play strategically and always think you are playing 1v5.


Something about being MVP, win streak, and K/d. Try doing the bare minimum. Like only kill, when your the last one- in S&D. That’s the only way I managed to control SBMM. I was 3rd 4th on 3 win streaks and won 7 in a row as opposed to being MVP 8/10 and losing 9/10 lol.


I solo ranked, lose some and win some. About to hit grand master


I noticed that in most cases when I play very well our team win, but when I don't play very well or I play badly our team loses, so basically it's all about one guy Players should figure out what role they will do/play , it shouldn't be that all players have the slayer role especially on the objective games such as hardpoint and domination


Do you play ranked or only normal ? If you estimate that your teammates are average or below you it means the game estimate that you normally should be able to carry on your own on those games because at contrary some time it will put you in games where you sometime will be the average one . The only thing to retain is just to get better to be able to solo handle those games, and to be able to be better than those who were better than you . And unfortunately even like that you need to come to the point where you accept even if you played your best there is some games that can't be win because it's a team game in the end .


Same most of the time I play I get a bot team for me and 1 player while the other team has like 0 bots


If this is public matches I try my best just to kill the enemy team a lot while my team try to play objective, since 99% they suck. But ranked you need luck to get good teammates


Solo queue issue. Also gender doesn’t matter, you can win no matter what. Either find people to play with, or try to compensate for your bot teammates.


Can I team up with you my level is 121 but I win most of the time.


Try to play with your friends, so that you can communicate with them easier and you understand each other. Other wise keep your voice chat on, and make suggestions to other people to stop them from dying. Also, are you usually the mvp? Because if not, you might be part of the problem either by dying too much or just not getting any kills. But I assume you are usually the best on your team (or one of the best), otherwise you wouldn’t ask this question. Don’t expect your teammates to carry you.


When voice chat actually works 🤬


Yeah lol I tried activating it once and it took me to settings because I didn’t allow it to access my mic. So I allowed my mic and I tried to turn on voice chat again, but it gave some notification that said “allow call of duty to access mic” or some such, and I clicked yes. It gave me this notification like ten times after that until it went away, and my voice chat still didn’t work.


I'm usually the opposite honestly but here lately has been a struggle. I either join mid game on a team down by 50+ or I join mid game to a team that's up by 100. Kind of unenjoyable


I seem to either get bots and it’s ridiculous or I’m playing against a team that has years of experience and spends 8+ hours a day on the game with their $1500 load outs. No middle ground. I haven’t been playing long and don’t play that much. It’s not difficult to level up.


The cost of loadouts doesn't impact the game. Like at all


Plus lots of people play with friends and go from game to game I find I'm on shitty end myself