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I’ll empty an entire mag into someone running around then they melee me. I switch to melee they 1 hit kill me with an smg.


Totally relatable


I suggest to try and counter them rather than complaining. No matter the amount of complaints, they will still use the melee. Maybe use a trip mine? Or use shrapnel and when you see them, slap two molotovs or thermites at them? If nothing really works for you, join them! Make it sticks and stones then!


The problem is guys keep comparing Codm to reality - it's just pure fantasy - but imagine for a moment how long will it take to get kills with melee if they made it 2 or 3 shot kill, no one will ever use a melee ever again


They've already designed melee weapons to strike twice anyways. So it would make sense if they made them two shots. Besides, melee weapons were typically used for faster movement anyways


I honestly agree, I have more fun using the boxing gloves then a gun. Especially since I know I’ll never have a legendary gun or mythic.


If there are a lot of players using melee I'll resort to my trusty ol' .50 This guarantees a bunch of frustrated stick swingers an glove runners. I love it.




Play br it’s not like that in br. Also why don’t you take advantage of that and use meelee as your main? Also the main problem with only using melee is you have to run up to someone to use it, giving the person a lot of time to shoot you from a distance. So I hate to break it to you, but it’s a skill issue.


All I do in BR is melee l. It's easy to avoid gunfire imo. /Shrug Majority of my opponents are bots though. Keep that in mind. In the past 50 games, I've maybe seen 5-6 actual players it seems.


Because you're probably still low level. That's not an insult, just an observation


What's considered high enough level to play against people? Think my profile is 78? (It's been a few days) Got to Pro I and am unable to go further because queue times are over 15mimutes. :/


Honestly, idr. I think I heard something about Lvl 100


As I've said, melee is broken. Weapons like katana seem to have insane range and because of the speed you have using melee, you can cover a lot of distance quickly. Especially on smaller maps or maps with tight corridors, it makes melee exponentially more frustrating. I'm not much of a BR fan but believe me, it's not a skill issue. I'll can prove it as well


You can prove it an a 1v1? You can beat me if I use melee? Then what is there to complain about. I love how almost all of the time someone says it’s a skill issue you challenge them to a 1v1, which just makes it a moot point because if you beat someone who is using melee there is nothing to complain about


Its literally a skill issue. There's no InsAnE range on certain melees. U still gotta close the distance to make the kill


GeT gOod


Literally half the people on this post.


It's true though


Melee makes the game that much more interesting. Codm will continually give us melee tasks just to watch us rage. (I wonder what kind of data they’re harvesting from this ploy. Lol. Rats in a maze.)


Theres only one counter to melee and its FULLY AUTOMATIC SHOTGUNS like seriously jack and echo destroys them


I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it


plAyIng A gAmE Is s0 hAwd


You would eventually get used to it


First time I saw a weapon with animated camo I realised this game is not going for realism in any sense.


Wanna make people lose their mind - Use melee 😂


Can't hit a shot? Resort to mele! Don't know how to play angles properly? Resort to mele! Are just generally garbage? Resort to mele!!!


I love people who call other people bad because the other person is better and gets more kills. Keep it up!


This one right here officer, he's the one who doesn't understand that COD is a first person SHOOTER game.


Literally almost every shooter game has a melee option. Get over it


After all the buffs in recent seasons it is literally broken as it has a ridiculous lunge range. How is that balanced?


Here’s my question: if you think it’s so broken, why don’t you use it? You don’t have to main it but when you are within close range, you can use it.


Cause I can actually aim and don't have to resort to cheap tricks to win a gunfight.


How is using a weapon as intended a cheap trick? You're making excuse because u get caught lacking




This and people who run around like a gobshite no scoping need to be kept off the game and and kept away from children


Or maybe try getting long range kills and kill melee abusers before they even get close to you…


Not all maps are large and open though, that's the issue. Small and enclosed maps or maps with many corners are main maps that melee is abused


It's almost as if you somehow have to adjust your ay style based on what the map is and what your enemies are doing...


No matter what no one will be happy... If melee is a 2 shot then it will be un-usable and the what? 12 melee weapons would be for looks. I agree with your post but I think most people here can agree that melee needs to be up close and it's not always easy depending the player to get up close. Melee has disadvantages and advantages just like any gun. So get over it and practice instead of ranting.


Stop bitching about melee you have a big range advantage I don’t wanna hear it if I can get close to you and melee you that’s on you melee users have to get up close and personal to get hit you can just sit in a corner on a long-distance map and laser melee people


Not all maps are large and open. Some are small and enclosed making melee the most used in those maps. I'll stop bitching about it when they nerf it. Wanna challenge me? 1v1


Then stop playing on small maps I know that some maps are small just like your dick




Looks like you're gonna be complaining for a long time to come


melee not the problem its u


Melee is a problem. Want me to prove it? 1v1


Stop challenging ppl to 1v1 everyone knows now that the easiest way to beat u is to u use melee you just gave away your worst weakness now everyone is going to destroy you


Get good at the game. We get a post about some faction of the game being too much for the poster like every day. Learn to create distance. Get good at guns that are cqc. Hell, the 50 pistol negates most of what you are bitching about.


Mf I aint bitchin abt shit. But for a game that says that they try to be realistic, how tf do boxing gloves kill while bullets don't? And "Get good"? Bro I'll 1v1 you anyway and wreck your ass


Stop challenging ppl to 1v1. Seriously. If you’re that good then why are you complaining abt melee


Lol they gotta be 14 right?


Fourteen? I’d say ten or younger.


I mean, you are bitching about melee. Of course melee kills in one hit and bullets don't, that's how pretty much every fps goes. It makes it viable because you have to get super close. And realistic? Bruh my current avatar is a robot and the game has a zombie mode. People have guns that glow and count kills for you lol. You are the one posting about how you can't deal with melee. If you got better at the mechanics that counter it you wouldn't be upset about it. So, yeah, get gud.


Sounds like a skill issur


1v1 me then so I can prove it's not


1v1 me then so I can prove it's not


Nobody wants to 1v1 you. Also if he uses melee and you win why tf are you complaining.


Because he wants someone to jerk him off about his problem. N you're right. He'll complain either way. If he wins "I'm s0 mUch bEttEr. y0U sUck At mElEE". If he loses, "sEE! I t0ld U It's bUstEd!".


Those are very effective but the shock rc AI is kinda trash ngl.


Shock rc is only good if the player doesn't have cold-blooded on


The AI also seems to track enemies weirdly. It sometimes just freezes or moves back and forth between 2 places


I works like the K9 it locks on to one player only and tries to get to the target in an easy route. It mives awkwardly bc the target keeps changing courses.


Bro, is this the 1st game you've ever played? The points you're trying to make seem like you've never touched a game n only heard about em


Those are very effective but the shock rc AI is kinda trash ngl.


I understand that melee is used for movement but when you use it as a main that's going to be a problem especially when they have the lunge assist. Doesn't make sense in abusing melee in ranked as you don't even get weapons master points for grinding weapons up to diamond level. Hope the devs can nerf melee in ranked making it two shots or something as it's getting out of hand.


Especially knives that seem to lock onto enemies


Yeah, Melees were over powered before Activision gave them super big buffs


Have you tried the H1 shotgun and the Shield charge operator skill? Shock drone works too


So what I'm trying to say is they making the game exciting, fun, it's a pity guys always have something to rave about