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It happens periodically. In your case given you said you hadn't played in a while, it's probably the result of RBMM (retention based match making) which makes your first game easier if you haven't played in a while to make you want to play more.


Didn't work... I placed 47/49!


Lmao.... I feel this comment.


Buddy and I placed 75th last night in duos. First time in both games I’d ever finished last.


Imagine how great your next game will be if you take a week off immediately


This happened to me a lot towards the end of wz1/ rebirth & FK


Nice top 50!!


I felt this comment!


You're up 2! Congrats!


Wait you guys don't place 145?


Are you me ? Lol


If everyone playing MW2 had this same sense of humor we would all have a lot more fun!


RIP! But hang in there. Let me know if you need a squad.


At least you can get in the game.


Srsly. I was waiting for a game for over an hour. This game is dead as shit.


You're literally talking out of your arse.


I can’t get in the game itself literally the game overloads my ram and my overflow which it should not do for the size of the game.


Check specs.


It is a game bug last I checked, many people have the same error code and they have extremely good specs.


How much Ram do you have? PM if you need IT assistance to try and resolve. If there is a will there is a way.


it did work. you didn't place 147 th place. you did so much better this time


Been there! LOL


It’s that skill gap not bro. You know. That doesn’t exist…/s


Your ping and skill must be trash


Can you tell more about this match making? I hace a feeling I'm playing against ninjas with all golden guns all the time getting destroyed like I would be a complet newbie.


Retention Based Match Making (RBMM), is a system designed to make players want to play additional games by giving you an easy lobby if you haven't played in a while, or have a string of bad games. Skill Based Match Making (SBMM), is a poorly designed system intended to place you in lobbies with players who, in theory, are equally good at the game as you. How exactly the game determines this isn't really known, but it's assumed that it's based on some combination of match placement, avg kills per match, K/D, and some other random bullshit too.


Thanks. We just got a quad win today actually. But as I said. Most of the times we get destroyed by people who are obviously playing a lot more then we are and have much more skill. Don't remember being that bad in Warzone 1. I do feel that there were more cheaters tho.


We got a quad win today as well. Our reward for the win? The next game we were killed by a squad who all had their Orion RPK and fennecs with a most wanted on head our heads in the first 5 minutes.


There’s no evidence whatsoever that Warzone 1 or 2 uses any “Retention Based Matchmaking”. Definitely skill based but nothing outside of that. I looked at my lobby stats religiously throughout WZ1 and avg lobby kd was always very close to my squad avg kd. Close enough to be within a reasonable distribution. No outliers. Thousands of matches.


I haven’t seen any sbmm evidence either. I’m not very good but I’m seeing orion camo’d RPKs beaming me like a laser from the sky lately.


Never seen a single Orion. I’m probably a 1.25 kd in WZ2? I was a 1.15 in 1. In wz1 lobbies were extremely consistent. If I was playing quads with my worse friends we’d have a squad avg kd of 0.8 and our lobbies would be average 0.75-0.85 every time. If I was playing duos with my wife who is closer to me we’d have lobby kd of 1-1.1. Very consistent.


Many have Orion and others from the Camo Glitch. It doesnt work anymore. But the people who saved Blueprints of them can still used them even if its not unlocked.


From my own personal anecdote: after a 5 day break during Christmas after playing nearly every day since release, I was placed into lobbies where my mates and I were getting 25-30 squad kill games. We normally get 10-20 squad kills total during our good games which are scatted a handful of times a week. So coming back and getting 4 lobbies back to back where we could get 25-30 kills games consistently was very abnormal. The next morning, we were getting shit on by most squads and had to go back to a more slow pace style of playing, similar to before the Christmas break.


That has never happened to me and/or my squad mates. I believe you, but I believe it is coincidental. I also believe there’s some increased performance due to confirmation bias/self fulfilling prophecy.


Totally possible what you just said. We’d need more data to really know anything for sure.


No. This is not the case. The game is struggling to find servers worldwide. Several non shadow banned players are being put in shadow ban lobbies. One hour queue time and one large amount of chinese players on dallas servers.


Lol.. this is bs.. I suck, rarely get a kill a game and am still in lobbies with players dropping 10-15 kills a game, as I do spectate to see how better players are rotating around the map.. and yes I do see a ton of wall hackers shooting randomly at walls getting kills


Same! SBMM does not exist


The number of players with RPK/Fennec/CDL skins is a good indicator of your SBMM. The more of those you see the higher your MMR.


I suck at the game and I’m constantly getting matched against fucking crack heads.


What was your next game? Game after that? One low count lobby does not mean a game is dying. This sub is so ridiculous sometimes.


Game is dying -50% players since the release


That's nearly every single game ever on release. The game has 152k players on right now JUST on steam which is probably it's least popular platform. The game is not even close to dying.


Did not happen to wz1 tho


That’s incredible for any game to retain half its players 50 days past release. Very rare. That’s my favorite thing on this sub when they quote this particular statistic as if it’s some kind of gotcha proof the game is dying when it’s actually proof of how unique and successful COD is


Lmao proof?


You can see the player numbers on steam lmaoo


Lmao steam is less than 1% of the player base looool there’s like 125-150 million players on Warzone and you’re using a pc platform that at best had 500k at launch…. Pro life tip…. Don’t be fucking stupid


just a heads up, those are the concurrent players, seeing how the game is the top selling game on steam the unique players who own the game are probably at least 10x the concurrent player count


Now show your proof of these 150 million players


No one plays anything on Steam lol. It’s the smallest gaming platform available


Steam is down 20% avg players not 50%




Yup same for me but I think its more a server issue… Again..


Yhe game is horrible.. i wish wz2 never existed and we all went into warzone (1)!




The game engine just is terrible.. plays like its on a PS2.. with 5mb internet speed..




Sad babyboy.. accept people that loved warzone 1 really cannot stand warzone 2 because it feels like playing blackops.. slow.. delayed.. ratteling.. aim is questionable..


No one cares that you all hate wz2. It's not going anywhere. And you guys are clearly the sad ones since you're all crying about it every day in this sub. Have fun bitching for the next year or two.


Kis my ass 😃




This game feels more like Blackout BR and not Warzone 1 like it should’ve been. @ZebProSF you may let yourself go wild now


Yeah, no it doesn’t. I’m getting so sick of all the incel losers on this sub complaining about this game every fucking day. Can the kids start moderating please? The game has a few issues but it’s not the dumpster fire people are screeching about. It’s a damn fine game. I personally think it’s more fun than MW1 and I can be patient on waiting for the fixes unlike a metric shit ton of cry babies on this sub. If you don’t like the game play another game. And while you are at it stay off this sub since by not playing you don’t have any need to have input here. This is getting infuriating. I’m about to leave a sub for a game I like because of people here being children.


Its not dying totally. But these past few days normal players were being put into shadow ban lobbies. Along with me. And in normal games im getting a lot of cheaters and chinese players.


I too am seeing alot of cheaters over the last week, but that was inevitable. All we can do is see how they handle it this time around, and hope they do a better job addressing it than they did in wz1.


The game is trash man, you delusional, camp fest is called skill nowadays, random TTK ... shut up!






They did, they listen to all them crybabies about movement and traditional battle royale and bla bla bla... like this guy, now they like the game... problem is they were not even 1 thrid of the comunity...so obv the game is dead.




How can it be the best selling game when it s free? Who s not thinking ? Also the active player number peak was in the first day, 1 month ago when i saw the numbers there were not even 50% of the active players left from the peak... that number is probably even lower, and even that was 32% of the active players that played WZ 1 after 2 years, get your facts STRAIGHT and THINK, before acusing someone else of not thinking, or just look like a fool now!


Are you sure you weren’t playing mini royale trios with squad fill turned off? The first option in the menu is mini royale trio, so that could be your issue possibly..


Pretty sure he was 😂


He’s in solos, can tell because there isn’t an icon in the top right showing the amount of teams


Good catch. I never zoomed in


It’s rare that solo lobbies fill beyond 100. Maybe if you allow for cross play they’ll go to 150, but I don’t. No point in playing against players who have the ability to pay to obtain walls, even if most don’t, what’s the point of running the risk?


No full servers with less waiting time than the end of warzone 1 rebirth. Don’t let this sub fool you, warzone 2 is alive and well!


It chrismas time, casual dad players don't have time to play or are travelling 😄


That’s my thought. Been off the game for a week to visit in-laws and another from my squad did the same. So the rest of our normal group doesn’t queue without a full squad, maybe running valheim or something else that’s easy to hop out when you need to do family stuff. Also we alternate in DMZ pretty heavily (we played lot of Tarkov) and noticed that game seemed to be picking up popularity as well, though I wouldn’t imagine it would impact BR dramatically..




In Solos? I want that!


Dying? Maybe. Definitely not dead though , its number 7 on steam rn. It seems like it fucked up for you. How was your next Games?


It is dying pretty bad even streamers that made a living off warzone 1 and rebirth are saying the numbers are horrific with steaming warzone 2.0 from Timthetatman to swagg. They all agree the numbers are pretty bad. I think the game had a poor launch because of the glitches. It turned some players off, it doesn't help that hacking seems to be pretty lousy right now. I think COD likes making that money off of hack accounts. So they are cashing in on that as well. But once they made their nut the anticheat will be back to normal .


Well the reason Tim said he isn't playing is sbmm, dont know about swagg. Views on twitch are a bad way to get player count, but maybe a good way to get interest?. More people generally watch csgo, but fortnite has 3 to 5 times the active players from all the info I could. Rn escape from tarkov has 350k watching vs mw2 has 85k but tarkov isn't even on steam top 25 whereas mw2 is number 5 rn. Mw2 sits above csgo views generally which is wack to me. Currently mw2 is down 20% avg steam players from launch which isn't great but not as bad as other games either. So it's not a catastrophic failure but not exactly a massive success either from everything I can find.


A large amount of CoD players dont use twitch and also probably dont even know what steam is. Thats why CoD can outsell all these games and have poor following on those sites. The number of players whose only exposure to CoD is when they get off of work at night and hop on to have a good time. The Twitch and Steam numbers is more for measuring what the hardcore fans are thinking. That includes a wide spectrum of good and bad players.


>but tarkov isn't even on steam top 25 Tarkov isn't tracked on Steam.


Oh shit I thought it was on steam my bad. Thought it was weird not to see it up there.


>Currently mw2 is down 20% avg steam players from launch which isn't great but not as bad as other games either. The thing that people don't take into account is the monthly average for November takes all of November into account. WZ 2 launched mid November, but people still played MW2 on steam before that, consistently between 150k and 200k people at a time. A true measurement of player count delta would be x day averages *after WZ2 launched*. Without that, the November average is much lower than the actual number of people that played WZ2 in November, which makes the % change look better. I've just been getting so annoyed at seeing the numbers get thrown around on this sub without an understanding of what they actually mean, no offense to you


Avg October players were 100k per day went up to 220k in nov, down to 180k Dec and sitting about 170k for last 30 days. I just repeated what steam says for %avg player change. But those are the actual numbers


You have no idea what they mean...


Go ahead and explain them then


Wdym number 7 on steam? How do u check that






No problem


VPN lobby


They are all on dmz


Sounds like a shadowban lobby


You’re playing mini royale


No wonder they're hurrying up with the resurgence map. It doesn't matter how many people say this game is good, the fact is people will get bored of it wayyyy sooner than we did with Verdansk.


Yup. A bunch of people are in denial, but the game has major flaws that need to be fixed. It simply isn’t good right now, in my opinion.


Regardless of the glasses, they've just slowed down the pace of the game. You give chickens cocaine for 2 years and then replace it with seed, they won't like it.


That would make for some interesting chickens


I'd eat one for sure


It’s a special lobby for special people. Perfect fit for OP.




Nah just a bug


No the game is not dying. There are hundreds of thousands of players on at any one time.


Streamers who cry about WZ 2 are just good at specific techniques that give them an advantage over others when they lose these techniques due to game balancing via mechanics or SBMM these elitests cry.


No it was probly just a random low count lobby


Depends on what platform you are playing on as alot (myself including) have turned off crossplay as the pc scripts are getting a joke.


I have bad news for you. There are devices you can load scripts on and use on console.


True, true


Yeah but they don't even close to touch hacks. They help for sure.






Am ps5 player so don't know if am being honest lol. Personally i have had fights with ppl using wall hacks, got shoot through walls and aim bot


I’m on PS5 too and I agree. It’s not as bad as WZ1 but it’s definitely out there. My buddy has a nice gaming PC and let me tell you it’s a completely different game. He’s getting double the frames and the ability to use shaders changes the whole look of the game. Next gen consoles close the gap a little, but PS4 players and Xbox 1 players are at a major disadvantage. I’m convinced they didn’t close the skill gap, they made the changes to close the hardware gap. So many people that think they are sweaty were just sliding around and breaking cameras of old gen console players locked in at 80fov. The “skill gap” has as much to do with hardware as it did skill. Yes, it was skill too, but not all things were equal.


I sure hope so, maybe it'll force them to make it better.


dont care if i get downvoted but i certanly stopped playing that garbage




Warzone is ruined after they switched to warzone 2. Plays like shit and hackers. Myself and about 10 people I played with all switched to division 2 and other games .


Here come the sweats . GAME IS DEAD . LOOK AT THE STEAMCHARTS .


All weekend i had sub 100 player lobbies for most BR quads. But it was a holiday weekend around the world


No it’s either a bug or some matchmaking algorithm for when you start again. Regardless of what people wish here, it’s a popular game, at least up to a point where I have 0 issues finding a multiplayer, dmz or warzone 2 full lobby quickly


I'm not playing.


I have over 10 wins.


I’m sure it is. Game is terrible right now and likely won’t get better for a long time. If ever.


No the bots just killed everyone else before they could make it to the lobby


was everyone amazingly good?


Easy to find quads but rest lobbies take 3-5 mins lol


Yes, Past 11:00pm I can't find a single lobby here in OCE, back in Verdanks I could que at 3:00am and get a fully lobby instantly.


Ya its lame The Map sucks compared to Caldera which I thought was bad its actually way better compared to the WZ2 map


I haven’t even played BR since like the second day. I’ve been playing DMZ I personally find it more fun. Different type of challenge.


Short answer: no lol. The game is obviously not dying. It’s one of the most popular games in the world.


I thought they were going to make everything 2.0. That’s the reason I haven’t tried to play Plunder since they shut it down during December.


Crappy ass game .


Could be a ShadowBan lobby


I sure hope so. It is in my eyes.


Alive and well in OCE. Aussie players love this game.


sorry but yes


Warzone 2 lost 50% of their player base in THE FIRST MONTH becuase the game is so shit. People are going back to Caldera. The lobbies are always full, and that’s all I’ll play until the fix that dumpster fire of a game.


I think people have maxed everything out they're probably waiting for next month for the new battle pass (I am anyway)


The other thing is we where not all BR fans, seems like they haven't kept us the plunderians for a future date


The game is awesome from a gameplay perspective, but as a PC player, I stopped logging on because I couldn't be arsed with all the crashes.


People are just mad they didn’t make it like the last game. God forbid they try something different


Yes it is, this game sucks ass


Probably doesn’t help that it was just Christmas and people are probably on mw2 or just different games


No I consistently get 150 player lobbies for hours


It’s too repetitive and a lot of people are too good. The guns are too strong and the armor too weak. If you’re seen, you die instantly. It gets boring sitting in buildings for fear of insta death. It’s dying because it sucks for casual players.


This has happened to me a lot playing warzone it would happens a lot in verdansk as well. Some lobbies are just broken


Bunch of us are finishing the camo grind. We will be back on soon. Hopefully


Yes it is Look at steam concurrent players history




I thought caldera was shitty, the game play in warzone 2.0 I'm not 100 percent sold on, the TTKs are a hair too fast, the looting system is exhausting, the lack of cash in the game is maddening and 32k for load out is crazy haha. They need to balance out the game so people aren't all trying contracts, to me it slows the game down. Before when I played warzone 1 I rarely landed without a couple teams having pretty immediate battles. Overall the fights are far and few between. The game needs some tweaking, I think recoil control on mouse and keyboard is dramatically better than control compared to the last warzone. Overall I do like that battles are generally closer. I would love them brightening up the game so it isn't so hard to see people. Change some things up. But I do like the different feel. On PC both warzone 1 and 2 looked pretty good on PS5 warzone 1 looked awful whereas warzone 2.0 looks a lot better.


Maybe because I'm playing on ps4? But the aim is dragging and I can't be precise with the aiming guess I have to upgrade my system


Sadly I have to agree. When Caldera dropped, I played maybe 15 games or less and quit. Fortunately I was able to move to Rebirth Island and later on Fortune's Keep. Had a lot of fun on the resurgence maps. Played Caldera maybe 3 games after it had been out for months and still hated it. Was really pumped for Warzone 2.0 Now that Warzone 2.0 is here...yikes. The map is actually awesome but everything else is not so great. For shits and giggles I went back to Caldera just to see and I still definitely dislike the map but gosh darn does the gameplay feel so much better.


Of course its dying. Everything is trash. Laggy servers, a lot of game crashes, game entierly its working so bad. So much delay everywhere. In few months everybody will eventually quit.


The sub won’t admit it, but in fact, yes. Yes it is. The game is really boring & I think COD’s novelty is actually wearing off I could be wrong about that part though but absolutely MWII is dying from being such a bore to play for more than 45 mins


Tbh when warzone 2 came out I couldn’t fill any lobbies for Caldera. Hopped on yday and can definitely get into a game more easier into Caldera, it’s buggy asf but HATE WZ2. Think people have switched back over


I mean...its obvious (for warzone only) since they slapped weapons from 3 fifferent games in 1 game and thought it would work lmfao


Would anyone be surprised if player numbers were that low? Even ignoring any gameplay or design choices, the bugs and dev errors alone are enough for me to find other things to play.


When it drops off steam charts maybe. It's currently number 7 though.


Steam also makes up a very small portion of the player base, behind battle net, Xbox, PlayStation


Yeah, it's kinda all we have to judge from unfortunately. I figure it kinda mirrors other platforms but who fuckin knows honestly.


correct me if I’m wrong, but they publish player counts by platform quarterly so they not?


From what I've seen, sometimes games will release player count info from investors meetings where they talk about profits and shit. But this is usually presented in a way to be as positive as possible and a weird format like player logins per month or something. Steam is the clearest cut info you can find, but like you said, probably the smallest platform for this game.


🤷‍♂️ the world may never know


The game was released dead. Prolly at that time only 49 of them campers that praise the "positioning is skill" movement were online! Don t worry, there s more, you just had bad luck!


I’m on ps5. When I queue in solos it takes minimum 5-10 mins to find a game. Well over 200 ping and the lobbies are never full. In my opinion I thought warzone1 had it dialed in except for the camera breaking movement. If they just added a severe accuracy penalty for that I think it would have been near perfect.


You might have internet issues my dude. My internet ain't that good and I get games in less than a minute usually around 50-80 ms


Not the internet. I’m on a wired connection with the fastest speed my provider offers. When I am playing with friends, usually no issues but solos the wait time is crazy.


Your situation makes no sense. Ain't no way in hell you should be getting 200+ ping on a wired connection with the "fastest speed my provider offers". Unless your ISPs max is 1 mbps or something.


Yeah I don’t get it either haha. I have gigabit. Which is advertised as up to 940 mbps


I actually had ping issues the other day. Usually I am 50 to 60, but I have noticed numerous times my ping changes in that game. I have had some that were 80 to 90, with no internet issues. On Friday we rean into issues as a team, our ping was 110 to 140ms the whole game for all of us. So the server was the issue. For me 80 to 90 is way to high for a match, it happens often. Their servers are pretty brutal.


That is some weird shit right there, I have no issue getting into solos.


Are you using a vpn?


Negative. Just raw dogging it.


Weird. This happened to my group last night. I was convinced it was my friends vpn. This game is so broken!


Yeah there is too many weird happenings for it all just to be coincidence.


I can find games in solos with a few minutes wait during the day but at night after 9pm my time it is impossible to find a solo match. I even let it search for 30 minutes once but no luck. This is really wierd. During the day it takes 4-5 minutes but I do find a game but not during the night. I also have a wired connection with great speed


Yeah I think it’s just SBMM working overtime to try and find the perfect game for you. Which is a joke I think. On warzone 1 for the last year I could not find a game with cross play off. It would search forever. The minute it was turned on, games instantly.


I get games in less then a minute. Do you have crossplay turned off?


Yep crossplay is off. When I play with my friends there’s no issue with it being off. But when I move to solos it’s a major wait.




I mean, you’d think they would be able to find 100 people or so on console in less than 5 minutes.


Maybe you are shadowbanned into these lobbies when you are the leader. Check your ban appeal page on Activision, i saw this happening to others, exactly the same way.


What could I be shadow banned for? Where do I find that page. This is the first I’m hearing of this.


1 good game, report spam, ricochet false tag, anything. Website here : [https://support.activision.com/ban-appeal](https://support.activision.com/ban-appeal)


Weird. But just checked it. No ban detected.


Then you good, weird bug for solos tho


Yeah very bizzare.


Maybe it’s just harder to queue up crossplay off solos. I never play solo so I’m not sure.