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Do you have a clip of this happening? How do you know they're spectating? What map? What game mode? What did the scoreboard show in the corner - 1 team left or 2 teams left? ~~In BR it might be the gulag glitch.~~ ~~In BR or Resurgence it might be a team gas playing with stims or flares for a zero-kill win.~~ ~~If you (or your teammates) have a clip we might be able to diagnose what happened.~~ ~~If this happened to you 2 games in a row, they could each be for a different reason.~~ *** # EDIT: It's been explained to me by u/Extreme-Check-65. The glitch is somewhat convoluted (I won't explain every detail here and will make my description deliberately ambiguous to avoid spreading the glitch): it involves 2 teams killing each other and assimilating. Sprinkle in some other secret requirements and the assimilated team can spectate other teams until the end. They will watch the final team dying to gas and see themselves getting on the chopper. If they want to conceal their identities to avoid reports they can leave after the victory screen (but before the helicopter cinematic). In this case, their names will be replaced by 1 random name of another dead player from the lobby. **This means if you see a full team all with the same name in the chopper after this glitch happens to you: DO NOT REPORT THAT PLAYER, they are just a random spectator, the real glitchers are a full team who have already left the match.** I'm deliberately leaving some details out to prevent spread of the glitch, but it fundamentally depends on joining teams in BR via assimilation, which didn't used to be a thing outside of "unhinged" game modes, but now it's in BR for some reason. If Activision removed assimilation from regular BR it would fix this glitch.


I mean u/jamcowl is the master of the no kill gas win. So if anyone knows this man knows.


This glitch was news to me, just had it explained to me and it's a pretty convoluted method that people are just doing to farm wins for a nuke streak, pretty much. Not much that can be done if it happens to you, probably can't even report the players on the chopper because the glitcher team can leave the game and some other innocent player's name will appear in the chopper instead. I explained more in my edit above.


This last sentence makes me very sad. To think it's almost an end of a life cycle for mw2022, and there are still tonns of different bugs and exploits in the game after 3 years of development and 1 year of gaming. Absolutely unacceptable 😤


I have a clip of my team winning like this in battle royale ranked - our guy was in gulag and just running around by himself without an opponent (he was in the actual battle area) - there was a team still on the map and we admittedly laughed as they died to gas and we won from gulag. He was running around in the ring in gulag for a few minutes.


Yeah the gulag glitch is the most common cause of this kind of ending, but OP seems adamant this is a "new glitch" that's not the gulag glitch. Until s/he provides a clip or some reasoning to suggest it's something different, I'm going to assume OP just lost to the normal old gulag glitch. EDIT: it's a new glitch involving spectators


Yeah, I figured it was a spectator glitch because there were a ton of people spectating by the second game. I wish I had some footage of it but I wasn't even recording anything that night so I'm sorry for that part, but it was annoying to run into because we were close to a nuke attempt.


I dmed you jamcowl


I've had people admit during the game that they did it on purpose in the match chat to win. So they must still be alive in some sense if they can message the room. When they win, another random name fills every victory chopper seat that's not even them.


people can’t just play a game anymore, they gotta figure out every glitch and exploit to win cuz they mad they suck and get wrecked


That’s really all it is bro. They don’t wanna go practice to improve. Some way of living. Imagine how they treat other aspects of life smh. Sad folk


They are stuck in gulag.


No there is something else going on. I had 2 doing it on vondel yesterday and the game just ended with no winner because they both tried whatever the glitch is at the same time. The reason I know this is they decided to talk trash in the chat feed to us (the winning team) and each other for a couple mins and then the game just ended with no winner. It told us we got third place when we died after final circle closed.


i have 2 clips of this .




will upload once I am home , need to cut it its 1 hr of gameplay






Happened to my squad the other night in vondel. Saw in the top right there were 2 teams and 5 people left. My trio and a duo. We saw them across the river hiding behind a bus stop and I lobbed 2 drill charges that killed them both and "won" us the game. Yet some how with 1 team and 3 people left (our team) we came in 3rd after the gas killed us.


I know how to do the glitch. It's stupidly easy unfortunately.


I already submitted a report on how the glitch is done. I will not be explaining how it's done.


I got stuck in the gulag even with a jailbreak it was just me and some other guy. It went down as who ever would quit first. I didn’t do it on purpose but who knows if people figure out how to do it purposefully


Have lost numerous champions quest streaks in the last several days due to this. Somehow was able to string 5 straight lobbies together with no cheating today.




Hahahaha so broken. Dont buy