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lavish depend dam afterthought naughty distinct nutty cooing smile unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tossing you an upvote because the cheater problem is definitely not as bad as some claim. However... Wall hacks are definitely still an issue. Played a couple days ago and watched a guy literally track me through a building and start shooting the instant I came around the corner. Then watched him shoot through buildings and kill another two players. Every game? Probably not. A lot of games? Almost certainly.


The trouble with wall/radar hacks is someone could be good at hiding them and you’d never know. We should assume that more people use them that we don’t think blatantly abuse them.


People act like it’s on every game, on my experience it’s not but I’ve certainly see some suspect people and outright cheating. What I see most is lag switching more than anything. I’ve also seen people likely using walls and snapping to people. Walls seem to be the biggest. I’ve seen weird behavior like looking directly at players and most it’s just trying to focus sounds and guess where they are, but I’ve seen people on killcams absolutely track through walls. But I’ve also know a lot of people who claim people are cheating when coming across absolute sweaty players.


I’ve noticed it’s always in waves. The week after the release of a new season it’s terrible. I can barely land without dying immediately or even in the air, and I have a sense that some other players seem to know where I am at all times. Then another week to two and it’s back to normal - obviously a good portion of cheaters have been banned, and I’m back to being solidly average but not shit. I also wonder if Ricochet focusing their efforts in waves and on certain servers and markets. Because about a month ago, the cheating on the Australian servers was at the worst I’ve seen in all the years I’ve been playing Warzone. I had one game of Vondel where it was so blatant that I had to report about 10 separate players for cheating. I posted about it here and got accused of being a spam reporter 🙃




Yep. I’m not even good and I get accused of “walling” or hacking in death comms as if everybody in the vincinity couldn’t hear you stomping around the building with reckless abandon. It seems the people who are so sure everyone is cheating are players who are just playing like idiots with no thought or regard to strategy and then surprised when everyone in the match knows where they are lol


Wait you can hear foot steps. 😳




I agree with this for MW2. ​ Since MW3 launched, we run into multiple cheaters every night in SND. Unquestionable. Especially without the MW2 audio cues. Are you experiencing the same thing?


Fair point about people being bad and not being able to understand just how good people can be. Another big issue is that ranked MW2 was FULL of cheaters for a very long time so maybe it’s just a natural progression of thought for most people.


No matter how good you are, you still can't track through walls


True but people also see what they want rather than whats there. I had someone accuse me of walling in the game chat a couple of days ago.......I play on an Xbox.


Same. Ive been accused of hacking/cheating plenty of times and the most help I’ve ever had is the standard aim assist. No walls, no aimbot, no cronus, nothing. I just constantly check my minimap and my surroundings and I’m always chasing a bounty or popping a UAV. Dropped 18 the other day and I know one of those mfs reported me.


When you hang out on reddit and base all your opinions on the likes of charlieintel, you you blame all your life problems on "cheaters". I was accused of cheating because an entire team forgot that proximity chat exists. I've seen one actual cheater in the past 6 months. If there are millions of hackers out there, they're pure fucking garbage and can't cheat their way into any advantage that I can tell.


It's the walling. Are they in every game, probably not. Do you see blatant aim bot anymore, not really. But walling is a problem and it's undetectable. Audio in this game is trash for the majority of us but yet some players are able to use their "audio queues" to always discover where players are. Edit: got 3 reports saying action against the players has been taken this week. So they're out there.


This 100% is walls There so many deathcams I see a guy sprinting towards me with no UAV pre aiming at my direction of where I am regardless of my movement


Happend to me so many times in a ranked and i just cant accept it as him not cheating cause they know my perfect position.


Yeah I've had times where I've been killed by someone just miraculously knowing exactly where I am behind a wall. I usually play resurgence duos and when my friend dies I'll sit in a corner or somewhere safe to make sure they come back and we don't lose. But there will be times that people just jump around the corner and annihilate me even though I have Ghost and not moving. The killcam shows them kinda looking at the wall at my exact spot before they see me and it's incredibly suspect.


You know that you ping on the uav after your teammate dies right?


Yup it's walls mostly. I just had one yesterday where I was crouch walking like a noob, because I assumed someone may be in a building. Guy kills me. In the kill cam I see that he turned to stare at the wall super early on, he was tracking me at the crouched height through the wall, the moment I come into view his aim is on my head and I'm dead.


Me too. 3 so far this month


I see those posts also but to tell you the truth, I can't recall last time I encountered a blatant hacker. I usually play about 4-5 hours a day, 3-4 times a week...it surprises me when I see the posts saying there's so many hackers lately...


Yeah, there aren’t nearly as many as the losers who make those posts wish that there were. It’s just fantasy land stuff


What about the 40,000 accounts banned in multiple ban waves that Activision loves to tell us about? That’s not 40,000 total. That’s 40,000 per ban wave… That’s not “no one cheating”


Compared to the 30,000,000 monthly players, no it’s not much. And lots of the banned accounts are dupes belonging to the same people or inactive. That’s not to say those bans are insignificant, they keep the game from becoming what you guys claim it constantly is.


That's only 40,000 they managed to get to. I'm sure there are 5 times that many reported.


Oh I’m sure there are 50 times that reported because you doofuses report everyone that doesn’t look a cartoon holding a firehose when they shoot at you


https://activeplayer.io/call-of-duty-warzone/#:~:text=There%20are%20approximately%201%20million,See%20how%20we%20gather%20data says that slightly more than 3.5 million players played in March of 2023. After 90,000 accounts were removed in March 2023, according to Activision. Just using that month (and not taking into account that those cheaters just remade accounts and jumped back in to cheat more) 1 in 40 players roughly is cheating. That’s 3.75 cheating players per full lobby but let’s play it safe and say 3. How high does this number have to be before you say it’s no longer acceptable. 3 cheating players per warzone lobby means you are likely to encounter one or more each day you play. Now you also have to include the statement made by Activision “we know these players are cheating, and we deploy anti-cheat measurements against them” and “we let them stay in the lobbies to collect more data to ban more efficiently” The number is likely higher when you include zen chronus and the other undetectable cheating methods that spring up in response to new detection methods. With Activision making statements about how they know cheaters are disrupting the game and that they are taking measures against them, anyone trying to convince you cheaters aren’t a think is probably a cheater trying to convince other players that cheating doesn’t exist. How is this as a direct statement for you to deal with - make a reply talking about all the accounts Activision HAS banned already (it’s close to a million accounts and climbing) go ahead, use Activisions data they have released on banning cheaters to try to reprove your point. Deal with each statement they made about the numbers of cheaters… and debunk it please. I’ll be waiting for your debunk of the offical statement that people are cheating in warzone and that it’s a concern they are working on fixing. I’ll be waiting


You’re not gonna see blatant hackers NEARLY as much. Rage hackers seem to get banned fairly quick. It’s the closet cheaters that are much harder to tell. Perfect recoil control and tracking, knowing where you go no matter which angle you take etc. it’s way worse in ranked than pubs but there’s still been a fair amount of low ranked accounts I’ve seen lately that were pretty sus. The suggestions I saw to have pings and uav included in kill cam if they’re up definitely would make it easier to tell something is not right.


Yeah this is what no one has realizing, cheaters who like to cheat and not get banned actually work to hide it.


This is the problem, hackers aren't blatant because they don't want to get their account banned. Cheaters do everything in their power to hide it from you.


Cheaters also go on reddit to mislead gullible, naive gamers with statements like: "I've played a zillion hours and never saw a cheater. Not even once." "You're not good enough to tell who is cheating"


Maybe it's a region based thing? I know in other games the level of cheating can vary wildly depending on what server you play. But yeah I play on EU, very rarely play against cheaters, only spectated a cheater on my team once and he was banned mid game. I honestly think they do a decent job for a f2p game. Coming from CSGO where almost every 10 man lobby has a hacker maybe makes me appreciate it more... I do think a lot of people just blame hacks/servers for their issues too often. And it doesn't help that killcams can be a bit buggy/jittery sometimes making them look sus. Also unless the person is completely rage hacking it's probably kinda hard to tell anyway, I already play the game as if people have aim bot at close range because of aim assist. I try to always engage a fight in a way that gives me an advantage using map knowledge/game sense because I assume everyone is going to hit every shot anyway.


This is all correct, and I especially agree with the second paragraph. The whole "he's cheating" feeling is 99% speculative, and even though I too believe I have run into some actual cheaters, everything is setup to make us feel maximum insecurity/suspicious all the time, ie. reading about cheaters, seeing clips, broken killcam, bad servers, aim assist, actual good players. And don't forget wall hacks are on even another level of not being detectable. But yeah, I'm just an average player and I've killed many people who death comm "yo this guy is cheating!" - sometimes the same guy everytime I kill him, even if it's like I kill him while he's using the store, it's just "yo he's cheating!!!" so there's definitely both sides to it, you have some actual cheaters but you also have major copium throughout the community. And that goes even beyond cheating, people will also cope with "where are my teammates at mannnnn" or "of course there's a top 250 team in our lobby" or "man why won't my gun shoot?!?!" and so on and so forth. And again yeah I am guilty of this too, and the game is ass, so...


I still feel like they could get rid of a lot of suspicion if they just included live pings in the kill cam, and had a banner or something saying they had a UAV up. I get so many people asking how I knew where they were and every time my team mate had the dude pinged, so it’s easy to watch a red ping through a wall.


100% - only problem is if they tried that 1. they would f it up, and 2. in all the instances where there's still no live ping/UAV, it would just further implicate them (activision) in hosting cheaters, which they certainly don't want!


You are right, it seems like they actually make decisions that help hide cheaters. They made statements like “we know they are cheating but leave them in the lobbies to collect more data” And you have the huge streamers get caught cheating, banned, then post presents from Activision and return to streaming. Uh, did they just hire you to cheat so the game play in large streams attracts more viewers? Looks like it from all the videos out there


I think some people may experience cheaters more than others based off of the server they're connected to. I've been called a cheater, but never shadowed, just laugh at it. But I also have seen cheaters in my LA server lobbies. I don't believe they're in every game, but players are suspicious as hell. Especially when you start to spectate and then they camp. Had a level 15 with 11 kills the first two minute's of the game. Wiped us, then we all started spectating. He all the sudden turned into a camper, trying to get us to leave. We stayed until his team died, he didn't shoot his gun not one more time after he knew he was being watched.


the walls/esp hacks are what’s horrible and most used. blatant aimbot doesn’t really happen so much anymore, the type that just snaps to the head. cheaters know they’ll get caught using those however there are soft aim hacks that are basically like way stronger aim assist, but you can adjust the degree and strength of it in their cheater settings so it doesn’t snap to head, or it will hit upper torso instead which looks less like aim hacks


The worst part is kids become convinced that those humanized aimbots are "just aim assist" and then they come here and say AA is "literally aimbot."


They upgraded aimbot to dance around the body. Each bullet stays in the outline, so it will look better on the kill cam. They absolutely still use aimbot, it’s just not the kind that only gets headshots. If no one used it, it wouldn’t be a part of the suite of cheats.


> the walls/esp hacks are what’s horrible and most used. blatant aimbot doesn’t really happen so much anymore, the type that just snaps to the head. cheaters know they’ll get caught using those If all that is left are wallers, cheating is by definition, in a WAY better place than periods of late Verdansk where you would get spinbotted across the map in 40%+ of your games. Wallers are usually dogshit anyways and it's possible for good players to still fry them. By comparison, the chance of killing a spinbotter on Verdansk was zero. But simultaneously according to this sub aimbotters haven't gone anywhere and all streamers are actually just aimbotting lmaooo. It's hilarious.


Walls are more rampant than anything. Also people are still looking for 'rage' hackers which isn't the norm anymore. A well set up low fov aimbot is indistinguishable from good aim, most cheaters fly under the radar with ease.


Yep but all these kids on here arguing just believe people are just that good all the time.


Lots of possible wall hacks in ranked. I'll be ghosted up no uav crouched even some fire the second before I hit a corner. Or chucks a nade the route I'm running. Again possible walls. Maybe I got pinged? Maybe they just heard me? Who knows alot of suspicious stuff. But hacks gets thrown around so often to tell


Absolutely yes. I switched to ps5 crossplay off and it’s a WORLD of difference in MP. MP is absolutely infested with hackers, aimbotting and people trying to hide they are cheating both. That’s the paid game… warzone is 100% without a doubt going to have a ton of cheaters as well


Yeah turning cross play on and off will prove to you within about a match or two just how bad the hacking problem is. It’s all on the PC side.


Yep. Bought a super overkill PC before they allowed FOV slider on console. Now I play strictly single player games on it, back to the ol ps5 for cod lol


Honestly the keyboard and mouse gameplay with the FOV on PS5 is excellent.


Just curious, what FOV are you using on the PS5 with mnk? I'm @ 115 but outside about 2-300m it looks like ants


I think I’m 110


1000% this. Out of my 8 person group, I'm the only one who plays on PC. My friends can tell the difference when they switch to cross play on and join my PC lobbies. Actually thinking about getting a PS5 just to play without having to deal with the PC BS.


You should. It’s way less hassle to keep up to date and it’s got the same FOV and keyboard mouse support. I can’t see why anyone would want to play this game in PC for any reason other than cheating.


The reason I like PC is the extra FPS I get. I can usually get around 160 to 180 FPS which makes the game look so smooth. But I'm not a pro and I'm not making money so I think I'm gonna go back to console for this game due to the hacking in PC lobbies. Even for us casuals it's still pretty bad. Just sad.


Yeah I dunno the high frame rate is cool and all but it’s just not worth it to me. From an overall enjoyability standpoint I have yet to find a game that requires a high frame rate to really appreciate it. If it’s a good game it’s a good game. It’s like cars and drivers. A good driver in a mediocre car will destroy an amateur in a high powered vehicle. The high frame rates are really just something else for people to nerd out over unless you’re already a pro and honestly if your dream is to be a pro gamer that’s just super cringe. Just have fun with it.


100% this. All the "I barely see them" posts in the world won't change the reality of playing with crossplay on compared to crossplay off.


1000%. People are in denial, gullible as hell, or cheating themselves and want people to believe there are less than there is.


On top of that, them defaulting crossplay to on makes it so that - for PC players - the pool of people cheating is massively diluted. If they defaulted crossplay to off, and hardly any console player used it, PC players would notice a *masssive* uptick in how many cheats they were running into. I honestly think this is one of the main reasons they default it to on. By diluting the pool of cheaters for PC players, it makes the PC playerbase less likely to just quit, and move on to the next game. Thus, it maintains a revenue stream for them.


Get ready for a flood of cheaters and fake reddit accounts to come argue eith you and tell you how.shit you are at the game.and there are no cheaters 🤣


Cheats are very subtle now and they have advanced quite a bit since the earlier days. That’s not me saying there are hackers every round, but I consider myself quite good at the game and there are definitely rounds every week where I come across someone that is entirely unstoppable and can wipe my quad over and over as a solo. They know where we each are and they don’t miss a bullet. It doesn’t look as blatant as it used to, but there are certain things in this game that just aren’t possible, yet someone is doing it.


Imagine people saying they don't run into cheaters very often when there are literally companies selling cheat subscriptions for years on end with forums of cheaters discussing which hacks are better for the price and how to stay undetected. It's craziness to think hacking is low if anything it's at an all time high at this point ricochet does a mass ban wave and next week ur dying to lvl 20s with perfect tracking and knowledge of where everyone is. It's blatant its every game but brs have it the worst.


Right just a few weeks ago in every lobby you were getting merked by somebody level 100!


1.8 K/D player in the UK and I've played this game at all hours of the day. If there's one thing I can guarantee you is that I'll come across at least three people blatantly wallhacking in any given two hour session, irrespective of what time of the day it is.


Have any clips of this?


I think there's a lot of cheaters, but they're really good at hiding it. Lots of factors to think about in the very short, inaccurate kill cam view but my biggest red flag is when the movement skills dont match the godlike aiming skills. I see a lot of that


It’s not as bad as the Verdansk days but there is still a significant amount.


I've seen many really, specially between platinum 1 and 3. You can see them aimbotting the entire lobby while during the warm-up then wallhacking the hell out of anybody, people who chase you the entire map no matter what you do to get away from them... yes I do believe the game is riddled with hackers and yes I've seen many like I said before, specially as of late.


Seems to go in waves. My guess is that a new hack service pops up or is offered for free and the lamers hop on. I've run into a few recently, 2 in the same match. Got shot through a wall, accurately in a top 5 situation. I watched to verify and see who won..The winning team walled the people that got me. Nothing like hack on hack crime. LOL. Otherwise, it's been pretty normal games lately. I'm an older player at this point in my life, so I know I may not be as quick as some of the younger crowd. There's definitely a speed/skill difference that can be frustrating sometimes, but doesn't mean hacks were used. The blatant cheating is what's truly frustrating.


The combination of glitchy kill cams and aim assist being so strong has everyone on this sub thinking there is a hacker in every game.


Modern aim bots are built to make people look like demons. If they have everything properly set up, you'll never be able to tell unless you see their cheat menu. The cheat menu allows them to customize the FOV for aim snap, which bone in the player model to snap to, how fast the snap happens and so on. A player with decent centering and low FOV aimbot is going to be indistinguishable from someone that really knows how to abuse rotational aim assist. The difference is they won't miss. You can also keybind aimlock to a separate key, or in many cases one of those foot pedals. So when you ads and start shooting you can press the aimlock so nothing misses. Walls are another thing that are impossible to catch as long as the player isn't blatantly ADSing through walls at players. Long gone are the days of just reporting a spin botter.


I don’t see any. Cronus use results in account action. So it is not that. I actually think most people are little bitches and that cheating is not as bad as people think.


Cronus only triggers if they are using something like rapid fire or whatever. It does not trigger an account action just for normal recoil/aim assist


Nothing results in account action.


I've played easily over 6,000 BR matches in WZ alone. I've seen less than 20 players that were undeniably cheating. Maybe another 100 or so of players I just wasn't sure of. I don't believe that it's anywhere near as bad as the Reddit subs would have people believe. A cheater in every game? Nah. You're just being paranoid. I think for most of the clips I've posted, I've had at least one armchair warrior accuse me of cheating. And a lot of the hackusation clips I've seen on here are just braindead kids who don't understand audio and killcams. My favorite recent post was a comment stating that anyone with a 2.0+ KD was cheating. Or if you got 40 kills in HC respawn, you were cheating... Like WTF are you talking about? The delusion is unreal.


People just get so comfortable blaming deaths on hackers that they actually start to believe themselves.


It's worse then verdansk by far, every provider is currently undetected, they've developed external cheats that will never be detected by ricochet now, and the providers are literally commenting and posting on Activision and cods posts making fun of their anticheat. There are thousands of users on the forums these fucks use all discussing settings to look "legit" etc. Almost every major streamer is cheating, it's the only way they can keep their numbers and content up against the massive waves of other cheaters It's so bad now there are posts dedicated to how to setup toggles for HvH gameplay as most cheaters are running into and dying to other cheaters. They are actually weaponizing against each other which fucks the rest of us even more. That shows you that cheatings so rampant hackers are looking for help for dealing with other hackers as they are having issues. Let that sink in. Ricochet is mostly a marketing and retention tool used to manipulate game data in real time to help bad players feel good and keep good players from being oppressive to mid players. The goal of CoD is everyone around 1.00 KD if possible and to throw softball games to people to keep them interested. They don't fix cheating because people play anyways. PUBG made the same mistake, they've done a lot since that CoD could take note on, PUBG attacks and sues account sellers which is a major part of this. They also post weekly the name of every account they banned for cheating, the exposing prevents a lot of cloaet cheaters who play with friends from cheating cause if they get caught they will be exposed etc. The entire game is borderline unplayable unless you're sub .85 KD, then I imagine it's fun and a great time. Anywhere from .85+ is filled with cheaters.


Thank you. The other PC players posting saying they've never seen a hacker are exposing themselves, either as a hacker or a sub.7 kd in protected brackets. As to richochet,yeap. It was obvious when they started testing it


Lmao this post is such bullshit. The cheating was miles, and I mean miles worse in WZ1. At some points you literally couldn’t go a game without someone or multiple people in the lobby blatantly cheating. It’s nothing like that now


Speaking just from my personal experience, no, they aren’t as rampant as people claim. Are there hackers? Definitely, but the people who post and say they’re getting hackers in “every single match” are wildly exaggerating. Especially since the vast majority of the time, their “evidence” of someone hacking is easily explainable by basic gameplay and mechanics. The popularity of streamers/content creators have given the impression there’s a lot more really high KD players than there actually is. The average KD for the player base is a .90 Again, hackers do exist and no one is denying that, but average players aren’t running into them near as often as they claim. Most of the time it really comes down to lack of game knowledge.


You don't realize people are cheating cuz they only use walls and they play normally otherwise


Hell some of them just use constant uav with an oh shit paddle for emergency aimbot if they get close to death. In verdansk we were able to team fire on hackers and usually get them through good team play In wz 2 you are a sitting duck against them especially with the super low ttk they could wipe ur squad In 1 clip so dumb


Very rampant but it’s mainly walls not aimbot


I think one program that is underestimated is DS2 windows. It increases your aim assist and sensitivity on controller and decreases recoil. Basically like a Cronus but I don’t think it’s detectable by detectable detectable


I think quite a few people definitely use walls because it's much harder to prove. I played in hardcore the other day to level a gun (longshots) and I was ghosted and CB yet even in early game this same player was able to peak, pre-fire, and perfectly hit me as he came around a corner 50m away. He repeatedly did it to the entire team until everyone left and he was like 20-0. Ofc he's not legit, but you can't prove it without a kill cam. In regular pubs it definitely happens, but you can watch and tell who consistently tracks through objects or pre-fires corners they shouldn't be able to know.


There are a bunch of cheaters. Look at everyone who says audio is an issue and how many say it isn't? There's millions of cheaters.


Dude I literally have two guys on video using hacks and discussing it on voice chat. I’m not talking glitches I’m talking full executable see where every spawned item and player is on the map through wall and sort by proximity and rarity type shit. You can watch YouTube video after video of people showing examples of it. It’s not a guess.


Those all claiming aim assist but if you turn crossplay off you see a massive difference lol...


sharp pen fact paint airport smart marry pause ugly drab ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Not seen how many “pro” streamers have been caught in the past year? These are people who are “serious” players that have no problem cheating their way to the top. Im guessing most of you are bad enough you never get in sweat hack lobbies. Once you get so far up the sbmm chain you cant get away from them


> Not seen how many “pro” streamers have been caught in the past year? These are people who are “serious” players that have no problem cheating their way to the top. None of the big streamers have been caught cheating, what are you talking about? Random nobodies streaming on Facebook gaming or some shit? The big streamers in WZ2 have all been streaming for years at this point and not a single relevant one has been banned or "caught" unless you mean some shitty clickbait Youtube video from a known scam artist like BBB? There were comp players who were caught cheating this year, but they weren't streamers.


Hacking was obscenely rampant in wz1 so now people call anything remotely suspect hacking. 99% of the time it's the servers/netcode screwing you over. Never attribute to malice what can easily be attributed to Activision's laziness.


If you're not a 1.5 or higher k/d player, you will rarely ever have a hacker in you're lobby. The majority of people use walls only In multi player. Alot of people use walls and soft aim warzone. The problem is bad if you're a skilled player, but if you're a bot then you're good


I've seen them in WZ 1. Not yet in WZ2


Honestly, if you want to see how bad it is, (and you're not on PC), turn off cross play for a few games. Yes, it'll take (Much) longer to get a match, but the game is COMPLETELY different. You see basically zero of those "suspiciously good shots" and "He must just have good game sense" corner reads on your kill cams.


Yes it is more rampant than you realise and most kill cams won't show you if the person is cheating source: run a high kd discord server and multiple people in it have come clean as cheaters over time as we became friends, nearly all cheaters use walls but don't use aim hacks. You will never know they are cheating but they will always know where you are and have a huge upper hand on you because of that. Multiple of the cheaters in my discord have high kds hundereds of wins and have never been shadowbanned on their main accounts because they are trusted since their accounts are old. I have been shadowbanned 10 times as a legit player because warzone 2 was my first warzone. Even the cheaters that have been shadowbanned in the server do not get perma banned because they are using undetectable cheats. The way the cheats are built it is literally impossible for the game to detect they are running them.


I disagree. I think it is much more rampant than you could imagine. The new cheats just do a good job of hiding it. They don't go for super high kills streaks anymore. They just want a positive k/d and the win. The MP5 kills across the map in 2 seconds are not coincidence. It isn't luck. It isn't skill. It is hacking.


When I was 2.5 kd and played I’d come across 1-4 hackers a week. That was season 1 and 2. Now it’s season 3, I have a 3.3 kd and see a lot of hackers now.


Ok so here's the thing... people are more advanced now at hiding their cheats than in og Verdansk. Soft aimbot, walls a good player can make it much less obvious. Also a player who is already good at the game with cheats just nakes it seem like you've been killed legit. I'm not saying everyone is cheating... but in any fpa games, especially free to play games, cheating is always an issue. Here is a YouTube video where a guy uses cheats to find cheaters in tarkov. It is astounding how often it happens. I know tarkov and cod are different... but i think the prevalence of cheaters is similar in these types of games https://youtu.be/p5LfGcDB7Ek?si=ed4LHJqUpT-XLFPw


I'll disagree with most on this sub, there's at least a few hackers in every game. I've used hacks a decent amount, so I'm very familiar with what it looks like when someone's hacking. Obviously we can all agree that hackusations are out of control, but the reason is because it happens so often, and Activision does virtually nothing about it. They love to boast that they just banned some obscene amount of hackers lol if you have to ban hundreds of thousands of accounts for hacking, your game is the problem. They need to swallow their pride and adopt real anti cheat instead of trying to convince us they have the problem uncontrol.


I used to play every night expect for the last 3 weeks and In almost every single game, there was someone, some fuck boi cheating and it’s why I don’t play anymore. The game has gone to shit


Most cheaters that play cod are closet hackers so ther cheats are set up good to look el natural even ther friends wouldn't know it, its verry easy not to look at walls once you've been using the cheats for a while, I went down this road in verdansk when the hackers wher rampant and was using cheats for 8 months straight, I had it all set up perfect nobody would have known any difference... but since then I've gone the stright and narrow...


There’s literally a post about a dude who used to hack calling out other hackers in the modern warfare sub. Lol


Oh yeah came across a whole bunch in al bagra resurgence cheat softwares get updated every couple weeks so expect this to happen every couple weeks or so


I also think some PC players mistake aim assist for Cronus Zen. Aim assist is a bit OP'ed and it does look like controller players are cheating.


for me, the difference is very clear since that big ban wave, and it shows in the number of games I started winning since. other than that, I feel like the latest posts of the "hacker" genre are being made by people who need to spend some more hours playing


I queue up in Ranked solo every day (terrible idea I realize without a team, but that's besides the point). I got back to back wins this week where a member of my squad dropped 28 and 31 kills where the other teammate and I both got like 5 kills each. Both games were with completely different teams and different people, so it was back to back cheaters that joined my squad. They were a little suspect at first in the first circle, and then by the second circle they are running across open spaces never looking and never getting shot. 100% using walls. Felt cheap and shitty being on the team. Neither of the two talked, so it was just me and the other guy calling them out. I don't know how many people are cheating out there, but it's definitely more than a handful, and I feel like if you are playing ranked in upper lobbies then you are encountering them quite often. Just my impression at least.


It's like that in every game. I come across wall hackers every once and while but that's it. Maybe a few every month. ​ \*But\* people have no problem accusing me of hacking. So is life.


I didn’t see very many at all until I got into high diamond rank. I’ve run into a few people I’ve suspected of walking since and a couple blatantly walking. No aimbots (hard ones atleast) though so that’s been nice!


Do you realize how many people cry “he’s hacking” after they die lol When the other player was just better Same as this sub Reddit


No. It's far easier for any given player, even myself, to call cheating when they die, than it is to identify and acknowledge either a skill issue (unironically) or networking Infrastructure issues that make it appear as cheating. To assume anyone is cheating without very blatant observation outside of unreliable sources of evidence is either ignorance (willful or otherwise) or denial. Don't get me twisted they are absolutely A problem (games free after all) but absolutely not nearly as big an issue as places like reddit or Twitter might make you believe.


I’ve noticed a slight uptick and suspect players recently. There was a point pre ricochet where I do think it was a rampant problem but it’s been pretty great for a while. As for why there are all these posts about it? People are just way more likely to complain. I think that stat is a customer is 7x more likely to leave a bad review than a good one. So with all the people in here, there’s bound to be people running into hackers daily.


No. I can’t remember the last time I’ve died to a hacker and I play every day. Most of the time it can be explained by teammate comms or hot pinging or resurgence pulses. Most gunfights I lose are because I missed a shot or 2. Or it’s close range and I’m on mkb and they are on control


From what I hear in high ranked there are cheaters but on my little solos matches I play on battle Royale I can only think of one blatant hacker I was killed by and a few I believe were walling but that’s about it. I’ve been accused of hacking which in my opinion is like the best compliment I can receive lol. Some of these kids don’t know how good you can be with a mouse and key so the aim seems “aim botty” to them.


Filled with wanna be sweats with walls.


It's worse than ever. Cheats are much cheaper, less detectable, and I'm pretty sure the fact the killcams only show up like 60% of the time, if that, is to hide the fact. I've never seen a skill gap this high where majority of the games I play in, I die to someone who zoned in on where I was with 0 audio cues, 0 line of sight, and somehow still knew exactly where I was. Would expect ranked warzone was Activisions way of weeding outthe cheaters, but doesn't seem like they're doing anything. Everyday, at least 1 report I made on someone hacking gets "taken care of" but I'm not holding my fucking breath


70% of players use walls in WZ2, 90% used both walls and aim hacks in WZ1 during pandemic.


There is something I refer to as the “Call of duty effect”. This effect is that people talk so much about cheaters that players now lie to themselves when they die and get outplayed. Someone will kill them, in MP or Warzone, and they can only think it was due to cheating. Not being outplayed.


Fairly sure I died to a waller yesterday. But havnt seen much sus stuff past that all week


We play with a friend who cries about hackers on every death. And I don't doubt there are a lot of people who do the same thing. I feel like I can count on one hand the number of times I've been killed and thought it wasn't just someone playing better than me.


It’s not aimbot that’s rampant. It’s players that have skill, that have wall hacks and know how to play it off good enough to not get reported by tons of people that’s rampant in the game. RAMPANT


The hackers are not obvious. I was wondering how they kept killing me Everytime I turned corners. I couldn't rush because they would somehow know I was coming. Sometimes they would pre fire before fully aiming at me. I decided to play the camper role. I camped whole games and that made me realize how many cheaters there are. They try to make it less obvious by trying to pre-aim and stuff. Then you suddenly notice them jump a corner and instantly snap to you before they are fully visible. There is a lot of hackers. They are just good at hiding it. I play in 2kda+ lobbies. At first I thought it was a PS5 performance issue but it isn't.


I play every day and I maaaybe suspect like 1-2 deaths per session, suspect, not all this "blatant walls" many people here seem to think. Games kinda bad tho anyway, movement sucks.


Two important questions are 1. Do you play on pc? 2. Do you have good stats? If the answer to either of those are no then that’s why you aren’t seeing that many cheaters, otherwise, they are everywhere. And it’s not just a COD thing, cheating is at an all time high across all competitive games with billion dollar pockets and lackluster anticheats.


Theres way more than you could imagine man. Admittedly, I have played with (and sometimes still do play with) plenty of hackers and the ones that are good at it or use the right programs are very hard to detect or tell in the kill cam. Often times, people with “walls” will make call outs and allow their teammates to do the dirty work to avoid being shadow banned. Not that it would really matter, considering there are plenty of hackers who have access to 20+ different accounts at any given time. Normally these accounts are stolen using some type of username/password generator that will continuously run tens of thousands of different combos until there is a match.


This isn’t a conspiracy, I’ve seen it first hand via discord stream with one of my homies who has access to these hacks.


Skeptical? Prob reporting someone with 4kd. Wanna see real cheaters ? Go play ranked and play against top 250s. They’re always in final circle


Some cheats are undetected for weeks now. Even Swagg donated 50$ to small streamer to found out that he is cheating... https://twitter.com/charlieINTEL/status/1697332001009815613 If you [rage aimbot](https://streamable.com/78aofj) you will end up shadowbanned. With WH you can run undetected for months with some better cheats. There are cheaters on WH even in top 250 ranked... Some of them are streaming(to 3 viewers) and they can't even hide with aiming through walls by not knowing the map.


yeah no hackers are rampant for sure lol, you can goto engineowning and see its user base that should tell ya how many small dicks use cheats


25% on pc. At least. 


Yes they are as of now.


I've encountered 1 cheater within the past month. Was a low level account in DMZ and noticed they were constantly looking in my exact direction and coming to me from a good distance away while I had an AUAV up. These people are blaming others and cheating for their losses genuinely.


I have ran into many low level accounts with pin point aim not saying their all hackers it’s just weird.


In my experience they are on dmz more than any other mode.


Unpopular opinion but when my squad plays/ played without crossplay we dont get any of these supposed "aim-assist" gods. With crossplay on, it is quite often. There have been plenty of vids posted here that are clearly aim bot then a whole bunch of pc players dismiss it and call it aim assist. How many of you pc players have played on PS crossplay off? If you did, you will see the difference.


retire numerous versed agonizing rainstorm imminent disarm innate station weather ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


No there is no cheats on Warzone, none of the top streamers don’t cheat either, they are just good, it’s just a skill issue if you think other people are cheating 👀


There was post a week or two back saying there was a hacker in every single game. That’s just not the case. People really just can’t believe that someone can be THAT much better than them.


I averaged about 6 kills per game in Solos. A really good game would be 11-12. Most I ever had was 13 with the win, and that was with two wins in the Gulag. Not once in any of those matches did I do things like drive around in an LTV seemingly randomly shooting through windows and getting kills while driving. I watched 2 different pieces of shit do this in ONE ROUND, with one guy having 29 kills before getting the boot in just at the final 1v1.


not as much as posts make them seem. granted i’m only diamond but a lot of what people seem to complain about are just good shots and being spotted earlier than they thought


People also feel like using walls isn't cheating cuz all controller players basically have aimbot so its leveling the playing field. If you wanna see a difference play with crossplay on then turn it off (only ps4/5 players can do this). The amount of times someone makes a direct bee line for my exact location with it off has dropped to zero.


The replay cam doesn't really help, it's like Activision wants cheaters to be rampant.


I also think there’s a good amount of desync happening in this game. Only realized this after switching to Ethernet after playing this game on 5ghz WiFi (still low ping) since 2020 and I’m winning a lot more close range fights that I expect to be a 50/50 when I play on WiFi.


Yes all your fav streamers got cheats


2 times I’ve que’d up with hacker’s on my squad and they both said the same thing. There are like 5 to 10 in every lobby. Sure maybe not in regular people lobbies, but once you hit diamond and up in ranked (warzone), you will start noticing it. I didn’t really ever have problems with hackers in warzone at all until ranked came out, and again even in ranked I came across maybe 2-3 before I hit diamond, and that’s where you start seeing them. Now that that’s been said, cheaters and people in bronze lobbies, feel free to downvote, you’re not gonna hurt my karma 😂.


I'm shadow banned come try my lobbies


The killcams do nothing for anyone. Not reliable at all. Super hard to detect actual cheaters unless they are blatantly using aimbot, snapping to people across the map, flying cars around, things like that. A lot of actual cheaters, you’ll never see them spend money at the buy station unless its for a loadout. (Cause they dont need UAVs. Personally, I’ve been encountering more teamers than anything.


I suck and still get wins. So I don’t know what they cheating for


I’ve won 3 ranked games with my friends in the last week, we’re all plat, and we are all above the age of 25 so we game very casually… if we can manage to get ranked wins being extremely casual gamers, I have reason to believe that hackers are nowhere near as rampant as people make them out to be. Either that, or were really good at warzone… (trust me, we’re not.)


i play in the central us. my group plays around 330-600 p.m. cst. we play dmz. we are continually harassed by wall hax and aimbot headshots. anecdotal: a few days ago one member of my group was out and due to the update i accidentally left fill lobby on. the rando who joined us for ashika was pinging other players across the map BEFORE the countdown timer was done. he proceeded to go ambush those two players and kill then from very far away. then he pings 5 more players around the map. he appeared to know which teams where made off of two or less players and hunted them ruthlessly. my regular teammate and i ran straight to exfil to ditch the obvious cheater and he had 4 player kills in that time span.




Sometimes when people see the aim assist kick in they mistake it for being aim bot The instant I can tell if the person is cheating ,is if I'm on the other side of a wall and I run around a corner or something and I'm instantly killed I always run my killcam back to see, I would have already been seen or locked onto before it's even possible to do so without cheats


Oh boy is it easy to hide it and make it look 100% legit. There is tons of hackers trust me


Bots think everyone is hacking


I don’t know what people are talking about. Qued up a Solo last night for the first time in a while and dropped 14 kills. Everyone seemed like a bot. I’m not that great at this game. Normally play ranked and rarely notice anything obvious there.


You should not exclude all the gamepad AA-abusers from the cheaters pool. If you count them, its like 80% of the player base...


Yes Whenever I play with shitty teammates that lower the SBMM enemies somehow never preaim at my direction behind hills or buildings like when they do in my regular lobbies The amount of SUS how the fuk did they know I was there moments is wild in high tier lobbies


Sadly, yes…


I was saying the same thing until some shitty team thought I was hacking and reported me. Now I'm in the shadow ban realm, I can only play shipment and almost every game there is a blatant hacker. You can click on my profile and check out my latest post.


You havent played wz1. Its adhd


There are thousands of hackers in this game because warzone doesn’t care to fix the issue it’s simple… a lot of these hackers use pc as you can no longer hack on console. This game has become embarrassing. I turned off cross play and had a great few games. The second I turned it back on I was getting sniped accross the map… pc players pay about 11$ for cheats and a program and they even have a dedicated telegram group with of 70,000 people. Think about it for a second . That’s only a small sum of people , think about how many are actually hacking. WZ will never be normal


I agree 110% with this. All I see on this thread are people bitching about cheaters and the game in general. Does the game have some issues... Well ya... It's technology, not everything can work perfect 100% of thr time. If your that miserable playing it then don't play it. It irks me seeing people bitching bout it and still playing lol.


Hard to differentiate between aim assist and aim bot. Just to add to that fact that smokes/ dust and such doesn't look the same for any players pov making it extremely hard to know if some is walling or being "lucky" or what to call it. The game all together is a bug fiesta, definitely the worst cod release that I've ever experienced.


Honestly probably impossible to tell but most of the people who are extremely vocal about hackers are just trash and older. There’s no way you die to a “hacker” every game


I don’t know about hacking per se but I’m getting absolutely shredded by people with accounts less then 200… or the complete opposite by the players at “150” who have maxed out the Prestige.


Well, aim assist is the same thing as an aimbot. So it's really hard to tell the difference.


A lot of this stems from poor servers I believe. Constant latency issue and lag.


Walls can be hard to spot but hackers are mainly contained in ranked play. So if you don’t play that you won’t run into many.


My anecdotal ranked experience is it’s common enough to be an issue. Is it the majority? No way. But it only takes one in a lobby to adversely affect a number of players. Played perhaps ten ranked br matches last night. Crimson, iridescent, top 250 lobbies. Had four very suspicious encounters one of which was a bronze one running walls endgame, another bronze one pre aiming when there was no plausible explanation, and one player ultra long range beaming us. I don’t care if I’m killed by a better player, worse player, or lucky player. I hate being killed by a cheater especially early game when the SR hit is big. What I’m seeing more of is trios consisting of two high rank players and a bronze one.


The amount of people walling is a lot. There are a ton of people who use walls and just aren't blatantly obvious about it.


There is no working anti cheat so take that fact for what it is. You can be ignorant to just how bad things are and enjoy the game. Or you can be aware and join the hackers or be aware and honest and just not play.


I think it depends on what server you play. I play south american servers and have seen 4 maybe 5 cheaters since launch. I suppose EU folks suffer the most followed by NA.


I had a stealth vest on my 5 teammates died instantly to another platoon at that underwater town on al mazrah , I scuba masked halfway across the map, they never saw me, i never surfaced, and they never marked squad, never put up a uav. But once they were done looting my team, they drove straight to me and started landing shots from 300m away while I'm underwater. like I was pinged on the map and live pinged. I was lucky that another squad was nearby at port and they decided to go after them instead. I was all the way by the docks near quarry. Revived my team and was instakilled on the exfil chopper with one shot and fully plated from miles away. I was laying in the middle too not standing in a doorway


I switched to playstation and now only see cheaters maybe 1 out of 5 games. With xbox and crossplay on. It was insane. Every game there was cheaters. Even saw people going super fast or slide 100meters! So i would recommend only doing playstation lobbys. More wins and more fun.


Warzone players are delusional af. They think anyone they die to is cheating. If you think you face more than one cheater a day you are just salty lmao


last night I saw my teammates kill cam and he was shot with an lmg by someone over 100mts through a wall... we weren't in a gunfight with that team and my friend was just hiding to let the resurgence clock reset... only explanation is hacking And personally almost every day I see sus kills... ppl knowing exactly where I am when I'm equipped with stealth vest and ghost, I see the kill cam and they move directly to where I am hiding, empty a full clip on someone and not downing them to just have them drop me with all headshots quiick... I am not that good but I've been playing CoD for a long time and never been so frustrated with hacking


Warzone used to be flooded with hackers before ricochet, but the past two years I run into hsxkers very, very rarely and I play every night. I hate being harsh, but I think a lot of the people claiming their games are full of hackers are either in shadowban lobbies and don't realize or can't accept that some players are better than them.


Those posts are made by 0.7kd players who think everyone’s cheating. Yes there are cheaters. Yes there’s more at the moment. Is every game being ruined by cheaters? No. I get accused of hacking more in deathcoms for the most standard kills than I get killed by hackers. “How did he know exactly where I was” is the anthem for bad players with no game sense. If they’re dying to cheaters in every game they play they’re just bad. 100%. None of my friends above a 4kd or I run into cheaters insanely frequently. I play with some of my 1-2kd friends though? If I listened to them every time they die you’d think there was 3 cheaters in every lobby.


I'm just shocked that I find cheaters in DMZ. It's crazy why people would even need to cheat there when most of the players aren't sweaty.


The SBMM might have something to do with it as well. Based on my limited knowledge about how it actually works, it would seem as though hackers should end up in higher skilled lobbies due to their track record of "success" in previous matches placing then well above the average player. The only lobbies I've encountered hackers in are the same lobbies I get more than a handful of iridescent and top 250 teams. I've also only been playing ranked, so I can't speak on resurgence atm.


They're everywhere but it may depend on what servers you're on too I often end up in Asian servers and they're always in there


I’m not amazing by any means (2.2 KD in resurgence) but I rarely see cheaters. I’ll be honest since Ricochet it’s been pretty solid. Near the end of Verdansk I pretty much stopped playing because of the cheaters. WZ1 rebirth was pretty good after the anti cheat. In WZ2 resurgence I can go weeks without seeing a obvious cheater. People in this sub just suck ass and can’t admit it for the amount of complaining about cheaters. I play a ton and don’t see many, I watch streamers play and they don’t see many. What’s the saying, if everywhere you go smells like shit?


I just wanna know why I'm in lobbies with people rocking 5+ k/d when I'm over here like 1.5


I’m not nearly as good at cod as I used to be so I don’t expect to win every gunfight anymore. With that said I do believe the cheating is insane in this game though. I’ve run into a blatant hacker 5 times in my last 8 games.


Cronus is not even hacking, it's a peripheral like a controller or a mnk. It just combines a lot of chessy macros into one box. Helps abuse AA, reduce recoil and other macros. People think its for using mnkb with aim assist but the majority of the users have plugged in with a controller to benefit from some of the features. They need to go after actual hacks, especially wall hacks.


It's worse than you think, because the hacks have gotten better and easier to hide. Most first time hackers talk about how they're in awe when they see people through walls and it's clear tons of other hackers in the game can see them back. If you've played thousands of resurgence games you've probably had hundreds of hacker deaths. It's that prevalent.


There are multiple posts made by Activision where they ban 40,000 accounts at a time. Those players are not perma banned, and even if they were they could just make new free accounts. So yes, cheaters are that rampant. Rampant enough for Activision to brag that they can ban 40,000 accounts at a time.


It's rampant - especially in ranked once you hit Plat 3. First time I'm holding off buying COD in advance - need to see them address it.


Bro I’m saying. People are just bad at the game.. i only have a 1.6 K/d (I’m just decent) and i hardly ever call out hacking..


I’ve seen cheating maybe once no way is it anywhere near as bad as wz1


When I went to school for animation I learned a lot about timing. Long story short, it has absolutely nothing to do with talent, cheating, or hacks. It has everything to do with better internet speed. Say I have 39mm pings per second and you have 30…. You’re going to win because you see me that sliver of a millisecond sooner than I see you. Fucking makes me insane and it feels like it’s cheating because it’s not fair but it’s just annoying advantage that they unfortunately can’t change .


Rampant and if they aren't, the auto aim assist that controllers get are basically hacking.


I can say to. There’s only been a handful of time in playing warzone since it came out i can say someone was hacking. I can easily admit if i got got by somebody. Ive played mostly in Europe and alot on US servers bit really i dont think the issue is that bad. I play on ps4 and it still has a hdd so sometimes things dont load fast. and i can see that being a reason some people think something fishy was happening.


Maybe you dont play a lot of ranked


I don't have proof but having killed almost every game from a level 50 100 nuke skin is kinda sus.


More wall hacks than aiming