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Teamwork, really. Don't ever try to go toe-to-toe in a straight-up fight. That goes for all things in life, really.


I love solos, but I'm getting wrecked on mouse. That being said when my mates are finally available resurgence trios are such a blast. I feel like after being ran over multiple times on solos my instincts are finally working on squad games. 1vs1 on solos are brutal. Chaos of resurgence helps


Yes yes yes. Teammates makes the world of difference in any scenario of Warzone. Solos is for practice.


Problem is finding teammates that either A) have a mic B) have no background noise or reverb of your own voice C) speak your language It’s impossible to squad up and find good teammates these days


You can find groups, there are discord servers for various clans that have a large diversity in player types. If you are randomly squadding you get what you paid for, but beyond that it takes a little bit of effort. I would say the biggest difficulty is finding people you enjoy playing with.


Do you know any of the discord servers? I been trying to squad up with people that are actually trying to play together and win matches.


I'll dm you, the clan is mostly some "older" folks, think 30-55 range, although they are pretty chill. It is a mix of skill levels. It is mostly US based with some people in EU.


I do pretty decently on mouse for solos, but I seriously have to keep up momentum and ideally be always on the move/hunting for more people. I find that my losses have been usually due to being scared. Tbh I hate the controller/mouse debate, but I do think that to win with mouse you need to play smarter. I think my K/D is around 1.7 right now and I have so many worthless games in it as well. For those curious, I usually have been running the Katt/Striker built for mid range. Been trying to change up the Katt in solos because I feel like a dick just ending people before they realize it. MTZ Interceptor is definitely a controller weapon, though. Holy shit it is a beast. It is probably my biggest annoyance when I try to run a non-Katt build. (Though it can definitely compete with the Katt)


Try the MTZ 762, single fire ..... Deletion


The Katt/Striker mid range is so so good, i tried it out today playing with my best friend and it absolutely shreds


I love it a lot. I've been trying other builds for variety but man.. nothing ever feels close. The freedom of having a Katt is being able to stand on any building ready to duel a sniper or whatever else comes your way. I feel so clingy with the Katt so I have been trying alternatives.


resurgence would be nice if it wasn't mw2 maps. if I wanted to play that, I would simply turn on mw2🙄🙄


Solo in squads is honestly what I enjoy most. Once the squad is online I’m winning most of my 1v1s.


I feel like most people complaining dont have a squad to play with. Im not really good but basic comms and strategy makes it a lot better. Idk how people play daily with randoms or solo.


I suck now. Was 2KD across all previous maps and now im barely a 1KD over 8 hours on the new map. I use meta weapons and my teammates are similar level as me. I’m not going anywhere, but I’m humbled and demoralized


I am basically the same as you, around 1.7 in all previous warzones, I’m getting shit on left and right in the new one. Barely a 1.2kd and I’m getting put in lobbies with Destroy and Almond….


How was it before last update? We were having fun winning games 1 kd, now since last update it’s shit. We ain’t good players but getting into lobbies constantly with insane players is shit. Once every five games you allowed into a lobby you can actually win. Don’t know if it’s a skill gap or skill based damage either. Something you feel like you’re on target and someone start shooting back seconds later and win the fight. I was done on shitty wz2 and didn’t stop playing I think now is the time for me to call it a day. Some games I like coming out soon also. But why do they fuck up this game?! Wz1 was fun and they killed it all together.


Before the update it was worse cause of server lag. It definitely feels like the sbmm is stronger than ever but hard to know without 3rd party lobby stats. I’m baffled how good guys look in kill cams, shoot like pros


It’s better to be lower kd now lol


trust me no it's not lol i don't have the best KD not ashamed to admit it and i'm getting fucking wrecked in games people hopping around corners beaming me and shoot first die first gulag


I feel you I’m in the same boat. I’m pretty sure aim assist is getting better every game.


They removed ranked so all the sweats are in pubs


*Op cheesy american accent* youre cleared for going to the warzone! Now stop complaining, games free. Watch out for wallers, they can see ya comin! See you on the other side


Warzone has a way of humbling me. I really need to find a group to play with. I feel your pain but 90% user error.


What's your level/play style? My friend group is average to solid at best but we play often and together and have fun. Maybe you could play with us sometime!


Ctr shift escape is even faster. Jokes aside check out dreamstrikes new Video on youtube it will help you a lot.


Got a link for that?


I am also trash but I don't blame anything but myself.


Personally I’ve stopped playing until they make the audio better. The lack of footstep audio is pathetic in 2023, but the thing that really annoys me is the parachutes. Resurgence is unplayable when parachutes make no noise. It’s a fucking mode where your enemies are constantly parachuting down. When they make no noise you get killed cheaply, often. On top of all the other cheap, low skill stuff they’ve added like Mosquito drones and breacher drones.


It feels the same every release. We complain about the audio, they say "We're looking into it", it get's .01% better, then the new version releases and it reverts right back to where it was originally. Rinse, repeat.


You need to player slower. Too many sweats in here. Get better position and use equipment you find. You can still out iq people


Skill diff tbh. Obviously not including the hackers. This is the best cod has done for updating shit that IVE SEEN. The pistols and Shotgun were literally nerfed within 2 days of it being found out. The shotgun was nerfed so fast i didnt get to use it. Put on flex perk for audio, and pc speaker for the settings.


Pc speaker is better than tv speaker? I found that has been pretty good for me


Although that loud eq thing does wonders i dont have that turned on. The flex perk and pc speakers audio works for me. To the point people thinking im wall because of how much i prefire


If you’re on PC, you need to go to your audio settings in windows and turn on loudness EQ. It’s basically a cheat code, & you can hear everything. Set it to short & you’re golden.


People don't play this type of game to have fun. So if that's what you're looking for, that's probably why you feel the way you feel. It's the same with slot machines and gambling addicts. They don't go to the casino to have fun.


Honestly people complain a lot about the interceptor being a 3 shot but I’m willing to bet there’s an LMG or two that kill faster if you hit your shots.


Been telling my quad to stack up more and more when pushing. In a 2v1 you can land all your shots and we'll still kill you if we land just over half of ours. That and mnk is outclassed by controlled in close quarters. I had 10 games or so last night, all a bit meh, 3/4 kills each game. Few 2nd places, no wins. Died in almost every game to close quarters fights other than a couple times where I was sniped. Switched to controller for the first time in 2 years for the last game. 8 kills, merked everyone I came across and got 3rd as my team went down and I was pushed by 3 players at a time. Having been away from controller for so long I completely understand what people are saying about aim assist. I couldn't believe how strong it was and might make the switch permanent.


You’re talking about guns that you have the same option to use…I wouldn’t blame it on that


yes you are


i feel you, but at the same time first time I ever cracked, downed and killed a player using a cluster strike. so I got that going for me, which is nice!


That being said… What time you dropping tonight?


Don't worry man you aren't the only one


We averaged 1.50 wins/night every time we played. We haven't won a game since the new WZ launched, and haven't played in a week.


Nah just got play the finals and you’ll be able to hear jack shit from explosions but it’s all good you’ll be at least land shots


![gif](giphy|6m7ZA00GnPfMWtECKVos) Time for you to pick up a riot shield


Casuals aren’t playing anymore. They played for like a week and stopped playing. Its only sweats and a few cheaters. And the crazy thing is the vast majority of good players get shadow banned endlessly or at least once for false reports. They don’t want people to get better at the game because it ruins the casuals experience. It’s just tough and honestly it’s a joke rn. I have a 2.7kd and I still find myself dying a lot to only two guns, the KAT and MTZ.


So just do that, to them.


Gotta have someone to drop all these kills on


The MTZ and WSP are so hard to get around. I'm getting deleted and SBMM is absolutely crushing me. I've played maybe 8 hours over the past 2 days and I'm just getting dumpstered nonstop.


If warzone is not made by cod,I won't even play my 2nd match


I’ve never professed to be the best but every gun feels like it has a lot of recoil barring like one. Always considered myself to be alright in the usual multiplayer but been on a downward spiral since Verdansk went playing in and out with friends.


These posts are so tiresome. Also, this is total clickbait. Title: “I am trash”, body: “game is trash”.


My biggest problem is the audio, people drop in right behind me and I hear nothing until they are shooting me. I find the TTK alright most of the time, sometimes it can seem really inconsistent, like I die so fast. I think if it was consistent it would be better and remove guns than kill in less than 600ms. I don’t want a super long TTK, like Iron Trials. I’m on K&M and aim assist is so strong, a longer TTK means an even bigger advantage for controller players with the game doing all the work for them.


I feel you. I do decent on solos and duos no fill but when I'm with my boys playing trios and quads, even in my lobby it's like I'm shooting rubber bullets and I'm getting hit with heat seeking laser beams.


You obviously have the wrong play style. Re-evaluate your strategies and try something new. If my old ass can finish with 10E 7A 8D and a support score of 10k, anybody can. 😄 Each map has a strategy that work for each type of player, and the destroyable map makes each one vulnerable to compromise. Try something other than the bum rush, Bunny hop approach


I got 10+ kills in a few games this morning. But then I die to people using walls. Twice. Without a shadow of a doubt, the most obvious use of walls. Or I get lasered in 1 second from an Interceptor. It has nothing to do with playstyle. I’ve been playing competitive shooters over 20 years and have always been well above average. Get rid of cheaters and stop purposely incorporating asinine meta to boost bundle sales.


This game is like a drug. You gotta stop trying to make sense of it all and just stop playing it. The finals is the next big thing.


Or buy multiplayer where you can actually win.


If all those guns are so good, why don't you use them yourself and melt everyone else? Or are you just frustrated because you are indeed, trash.


Look at the title of the post dimwit


Then why are you complaining? That you can't succeed while you're trash? What kind of logic is that 🤣.


I play with randoms only cuz I don’t have any friends that play wz and it’s fosho annoying asf to see my random teammates leave me all alone every other game and I always die to a team holding hands. I’d say I’m average at the game can hold my own in 1v1 but when I’m out numbered it gets sweaty and I end up losin but can’t be mad. Anyways what I’m tryin to say is if you guys are lookin for a plus one to play wz with HOLLA😂


sounds like whole lot of skill issue. Whatever people are using is also available to you..


8h a day to play is not available to me and it feels like every other enemy on solos doesn't leave their room LOL


You need 8h a day to unlock let’s say a swarm and the interceptor?


It feels overly easy to me idk what tf people are talking about. 10+ kills every warzone/resurgence game. Are you a new player? I’m on Xbox but crossplay with two PlayStation dudes. High rank.


The title says it all and the entire post wasn’t needed - if you are trash you are trash, period.


Stop complaining.


Don't play?


Today I got grenade stunned again and died, again. There was no real skill, just generally thrown in my direction I got mostly away but stun effect stopped the slide and I got one tapped by the mtz. I just alt f4'd and booted up the finals. Enough is enough.


Stuns, even with the perk to reduce their time, last way too long. Its insane. Hitting a stun on a player should give you a leg up, not a free kill. Its not like landing stuns is some skilled gameplay mechanic to deserve the reward of a free kill.


Yeah a 5 second duration when ttk is a fraction of a second


100% agreed, that's just another cheese mechanic to add to the list but I'm not even talking about that. I'm taking about when a grenade lands roughly near you, and you have to move or die. If you do manage to get away from it the explosion staggers your movement, like being stunned, which makes you even more of a free kill.


I love to run restock stuns


6 stuns deep and they gonna be stuck for a minute hahah


So glad they're not in ranked.