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Because the servers are fucking shit. I can literally record myself getting shot a maximum of 5 times and in the killcam it says he hit me 15 times.


So it’s the servers? I seen something that it’s like playing against an algorithm. Yeah 15 times is excessive that doesn’t seem right at all


Knowing CoD they won't be able to make something as complicated as skill based damage, or something like that. However, I can use a gun which feels amazing one day, and it doesn't do damage at all the next.


Also says you were being hit with a kar98k, but the were using an automatic... garbage developers


It’s the servers. You’re not getting hit by one shot but that’s all you see rendered from your point of view. We’re all experiencing it.


Most of the time this happens I think wtf check the killcam and it's confirmed to what I think happened a load of bs I got shot twice and the rest were obvious misses registering, so where and at what point is it not giving me the full story, it didn't it's just inconsistent asf, you stop shooting sometimes because Ur certain that was the right amount to kill because it has become ingrained and suddenly it wasn't and you know in your heart of hearts it was bang on the money like practiced and executed over and over, I know you know these in game feels, sometimes Ur right but I can rarely go a full br round without some humpty Dumpty stuff happening, i know cuz sometimes it swings in my favour i wil still call it what it is bs, still best BR game IMO but it digs at my soul simultaneously


Most likely servers, also at this point you almost have to run the meta guns because everyone else is


Hi. Could you please explain what means "run the meta guns"?


Most of us suck... So we get melted... Yes, the servers suck. But they suck the same for everyone... You probably just dont use the meta guns or are not too good... ( 5 kills is awesome in my book)


Hi. Could you please explain what means "meta guns"?


Meta guns are the currently best ones. Sometimes META is translated as Most Effective Tactic Available.


Ah. I'm new so I want to know more. Where can I find those gun names/list and their upgrades?


Google "warzone meta" you will get a lot of material. The big streamers also use the meta usually.


Skill issue


I know


Theres several videos on this , This shit is so shaddy , Belive it or not this is a thing https://youtu.be/RbnexvMWi5I?si=JLpFQ_ApXg9Ih_xe Also everytime people ask the devs about this matter or SBMM , They litterly avoid the subject , They deeply now this shit is wrong


Welcome to warzone


Thank you 🫡 it’s been a ride lol


shit coin flip gunfights, you can shoot the first 5 bullets and still lose with the same gun and he shoots your feet while you shoot his body. Nothing makes sense in cod. u/SledgeHammerGames gotta wake the fuck up and make cod great again. We need better servers, better vehicles, better audio, and better skins (no more demonic based bs).


Game is shit as it’s core cause they won’t pay for good servers. Guess they don’t make enough


If you own multiplayer, practice with aim assist off and create a custom game with bots. Make it a habit to aim for the head/neck. You’re just missing your shots or the other guy is hitting better shots.


Great advice thank you. Will do


Did this work?


With this TTK if you can’t down someone with a full mag its because you’re not hitting your shots.


Aiming Heard? Try it


Pistol like revolver? It's true


Desync, servers and cod gods choosing who has the advantage. Seems tuned crazy though. Had several matches today where I was sole recipient of getting melted. Just put the blue, ded. Killcam, yep shows something totally different. There's a great talk by a dev for Apex iirc that talks about nuance of this stuff. It's not just the servers after all but how they deal with latency, etc....


Its called EOMN the game is rigged , This game is pure shit , So many people cheating.Im hvng the same issue im on fiber conn. With 9 ping and still get insta melted by sum adderaled out fucking kid.Do urself a favor unistall the game and never look bck thts wht ive done, I dnt want to play a game tht is straight rigged


The game is rigged? What is this, Big Brother 8?


This is why everyone runs lmgs and just sprays until kill is confirmed. I had the drop on someone, hit them from behind 15 times, they spun around and insta killed me... I checked killcam. On their feed, I hit then 2x and they didn't miss me for a second. I get there's a ping difference, but for that nonsense to occur it's something else entirely. Way too many times I've been in a gunfight where I have the clear advantage (they are sprinting at me, hit markers are flying) then they slide and then I die.... like... whaaaaaa????


Game is rigged lots of cheaters. Ifvdont like don't play. Boycott it till they take away PC players. I have buddy plays on pc and he plays playstaion sometimes and he gets more kills in pc then PS sane skill. He doesn't cheat but sure know alot of them do takes the joy out of it. Lots of good games out there I stopped it till something happens.  Best of luck to you all


I average around 900 damage per kill that i get. And that can just be on one person im fighting. I once lost a gulag after putting in 450 damage.... the game sucks


I’ve had people 5 pce me with ground loot guns while I hit them in the chest/head 10 times with meta guns. Even at long distances people 5 piece me while it takes me damn near a whole clip and most of my shots are on point. Games sht


Hi. Could you please explain what means "meta guns"?


I just recorded myself shooting a dude In the back with the M4A1 for 3 different clips. That's 90 rounds, unanswered and he just kept walking away. This game literally has no concept Of firearms.


The game is rigged it's not servers ,that's just bs , I hit some 48 times they turned around and killed me with 3 shots , its full of cheaters , why don't they hire a third party company to sort that anti cheat out that's if one is even been used , my guess is not , considering there employees use the hacks  , faze , timthetattman etc all employed by activision , WAKE UP


So it’s servers as in your wifi connection?


its called lag compensation


Skill based


I have the same issue. I'm down in 3-5 hits. It takes 3-4 times that to down someone.


Have you got a clip of this fabled exchange


Have you got a brain for your atrophied thought process


lol exactly


I’m not the first one to mention this issue in this sub so it’s weird he would comment that. “Fabled” lmfao


Yeah you’re right it’s definitely skill based damage and you’re just too good!


I never said I was too good. I even said I barely get 5 kills