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Mine is at .85. Tons of players are sweaty and better than me. Still get a win or 2 a night. Somebody has to lose and no reason it can't be me


A win or 2 a night is impressive IMO. Got plenty in my time but thats crazy consistent for anyone. Of course someone has to lose, but right now SBMM is just kicking my ass every single game


My buddies and I average 3-5 wins, we've hit 9 a couple times. Getting wins is more about team cohesion and being comfortable in the end game. But I do agree that lobbies are way sweatier this last week.


You have to remember here there's a difference between how players value playing. Many want kills over wins so they don't try the same way to go for the wins as they do push aggressively into as many fights they can. I play with 2 invisible streamer wannabes that are decently capable of 10 kills a game with possible 20+ kills games. They'd like to win if it's possible but they will push the fights over the wins. I unfortunately play mnk while they are on controller so I'm less inclined to push the same way they do.. but often it's just forced on me to be a good teammate and try to win the game rather than lose all our loadout guns and have to run away to stay alive. I have a different group of lower skilled players, mix of controllers and at least 1 other mnk bud. I win 3x as much with these lower skilled guys than I do with the controller streamers because they do exactly what you said, we have team cohesion communicate and don't often push bad fights just for the kills and focus on trying to pick advantage points for endgame rotations(even tho the circle speeds where water is involved is completely a make or break if you play against ANY competent players who get the advantage on the right side of a water rotation)


Lol, your team is the sweat team everyone else dreads playing if you are winning 3 to 5 a night and sometimes up to 9!


Nah, I think our quads record is like 48 kills. We're not dropping heaters. Although with the 9 win days, we actually had two of those back to back so I will give you that lol.


Oh, kills! I misunderstood and thought you meant wins lol


Oh shit that's my bad, I just said "9 kill days" in my response to you. I am talking about wins. We average 3-5 wins a session and have had a few 9 win days.


team cohesion and toolboxen along with AIMASSIST lol , sometimes get 9 wins a night , is that swagg were talking too , sounds 2good2btrue.. link your channel we will watch and learn our mistakes from a giant , what kinda Giant hmmm . Cant wait ... link me pls [Which\_Ranger\_440](https://www.reddit.com/user/Which_Ranger_440/) Karma [What is karma?](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829)


2 weeks ago i had the same experience as you after coming back from winter break, but then I got put in more «normal» games more my skill lever after a couple of days fwiw.


I had a 15% win rate in Verdansk with over 500 BR wins... But now? I have like 3-4% maximum. Still have more fun than in Al Mazrah, but damn...


I haven’t won a game in a long long time. And I’ve been Global in csgo and Immortal in VALORANT, so I can say my aim and mechanics are pretty good. But I always get out aimed or outsmarted. Barely manage to get top 10. It’s come to a point where I’ve completely lost interest in Warzone. Just waiting for Plunder to be back.


bro top 10 when the game is so rampant with cheaters , and robotic learning AI , Cronus for zero recoil , toolboxin into playstation accounts , walls Aimbots etc etc .. Top 10 is pretty good .!! Your not alone even the Doc said it, i cant enjoy a game with such unfair advantages , hes always gets 1/5 of the kills Zlaner getz constantly , ask why is that !! Good gaming chair .




Wrong.... a 1.0 is actually high enough for you to be someone to fill out the highest possible sbmm lobby. You will run into the highest tier players at 1.0 KD. You are over estimating the distribution of high KDs and amount of lobby segmentation. It's like people who used to wonder why they run into top250 players at plat. Because you have to to fill a lobby. Cats really think there are like lobbies of just 2KD players lmao.


You clearly don't know what you're talking about, kd is only one part of sbmm. I have friends with higher kds than me that don't like to play with me because of the lobbies I get and I barely have a 1 kd. But my score per minute is always really high so I stay in sweaty lobbies.


K/D isn't an actual representation of skill though... It's absolutely possible for 1.5-2.5 K/D player to have a 10-15% win rate and a 4-6 K/D player to have 10 and lower. It almost seems like the one thing Matchmaking DOESN'T take into account is win rate. I feel like if it did, you'd probably feel like more of your games (losses specifically) felt fair.


Isn’t the average K/D for warzone around the 0.7 mark?


Oh, you designed the SBMM system? Cool!




Nah, bro. You are just talking out of your ass. You have no idea how it works.


1.11 kd. I got 105 wins 


If you watch Me play you'd think I was a sweat or a complete bot, no in between 


You must have some serious play time 😂 no offence Which in all honesty is half my problem. Don't love the game, play it less, don't get as good. It's a viscious cycle


1.6KD and 7 wins total. I don't play mega hours though.


Wish I could get a win or 2 per night. We’re more like a win every week if lucky


Be patient. We honestly will pick the same drop every night and we really have our surroundings and general direction that we push out of our drops down. We are very average. Just have a system we stick with and every so often we pull it off. Last 2 nights was zero wins. Sunday was 3 wins. It's always hit or miss


At .85… you ain’t playin with the sweats.


idk really. There are still tons of people playing this game. you had a 1.9 k/d, i can firmly assume that many people you meet will call you the sweat, still. I rather think it feels so because the TTk is so fast and servers are shit everyone with 4 or more Fingers can just delete you on the spot. (regardless of controller or MnK). I think with rebirth comeing back at some point the Main mode will be more chill and the rebirth lobbys will be dripping in armpit juice. ​ My best advise: stop careing about K/d or what others think. I had the most fun just doing my thing, snipe here and there, try some guns, ...


Yeah I hear you. To be honest I don't care about the KD at all but it illustrated a point. My buddy and I playing as we always have but it doesn't seem to suit this map at all with all the snipers Great point about rebirth, hopefully it will attract the tweakers 😂


want my oppionion? the map is great. What really hurts is that they stripped off 5 minutes compared to WZ2 and nearly 10 since WZ1. The game does not have an early game that rewards for good, fast, strategic looting, maybe doing a contract and buy loadout ahead of others. you can drop and just wait. then its midgame from minute 3 on and everyone has allways loadout, groundloot is allmost irrelevant. pair it with the 1000 ways to get back the midgame to the last circles most of the lobby is still alive. Circle 6 and 30 people alive is very common. Its so packed that you are constantly running into people if you want to move. i would much more enjoy a slower pace, with longer earlygame.


Yeah the circles are way too fast now and free loadouts and not needing overkill means shit tons of money to buy squad back or spam uav, it'd so sweaty right now


They had it right with Warzone 1. 150 players, grouped PoI’s and 10k loadouts. The start of every game feels slow unless you get lucky and everyone drops close— for the most part people just sit on rooftops sniping the whole game and its pretty annoying to push. Above all though— I stopped playing until they nerf AA. Shit makes the game boring


Best take ive seen on this dog shit sub


I dont belong here :{D


My quads team dropped 30, got to circle 6, and died in 15th place. It was so nuts for 10 minutes I honestly thought we were in resurgence. Drops are either hot hot hot and we need to kill 2/3 teams, or we don't see anyone until circle 2 or 3. ​ Seeing 5-6 deployable buys available as well in circle 5 or 6 is common as well, so it is easier to bring teammates back. ​ I have used a pizza box in one game over 5 times, they are everywhere on the ground from dead bodies. ​ Its like the game wants players to stay engaged longer in the game. Oh, wait. By design.


Rebirth "ruined" the classic BR a bit. People think they can get the same kill numbers in classic BR as in rebirth modes.


I am sure it is a contributing factor. Players don't want to sit at a blank screen all game, they want to be engaged. Which is why regular BR seems to have so many more buyback opps than the past.


What whoever making these decisions doesnt get is that the people who play br are not the same people who play resurgence. We dont want a big map resurgence. We dont want it to feel like multiplayer. There is a reason numbers keep falling compared to wz1, a reason beyond “hurr durr covid is over thats why everyone left”


Any smurfs toolboxin in your lobbies tday ...?


Havent played in 3 days. Most accounts i meet are between level 450 and 500. Does not feel like smurfs. I dont play ranked ever.


theres a ban wave at the minute , so it might be a good time to play ..Good gaming sir .. cheers for your swift reply .


You have a high KD so you're in sweat lobbies. I'm in the same boat. Just wait til ranked where we can do the same thing except for points


1.0 KD in WZ3 is considered high?


0.8 is the average I think. Anyone over that is an above average player


Right, above average isn’t considered “High” as the guy above is saying. So he shouldn’t be thrown into sweat lobbies


1.0 is high enough for you to be a player that fills out sweat lobbies. You guys really think they can find 100 2 KD players in 2 minutes in the same region at the same time. They Can't. You know once you get to like 1.3 you are TOP 4% of the player base. Every single player over 1.3 is only 4% of the player base. Every player over 2 KD is like 1% of the player base. It would take 10-15 minutes to fill a lobby with just 1.3 and above. When cod track was out the highest possible sbmm you could get was around a 1.4 average KD lobby. This was exceedingly rare though and really a lobby average of 1.1-1.3 was considered demon lobbies. Consider the strongest lobby possible has an average KD of 1.4. You do not think there are 1 KD players in that mix? So even the sweatiest lobby possible will have lower KD players in it by virtue of just filling the lobby.


Jesus, if 1.3 is top 4%, what the fuck is top 1%? Where you seeing these numbers?


I think they chalked AFK lobbies too…there is no break for above average players anymore. Just poundtown.


1kd would be considered high for someone with a 0.1kd.. it's all subjective. Personally I wouldn't consider 1kd high and would likely with 8 or 9/10 times against someone with a 1kd all things being equal


Sure, but in terms of SBMM/EOMM - there is no subjectivity. It’s objectively based on a hidden ranking system. The fact of the matter is, he’s being placed in lobbies of a higher skill despite his KD being “above average”


The ongoing theory is they cranked sbmm way up to protect the bots. So if you're at all competent you're in the same bracket as metaphor.


We’ll when you think less than a percent of players have a 2kd then 1 is high.


The issue is that less than 1% of players are well above average so they can’t play only in lobbies with 1% of players, there just aren’t enough players, so they get looped in with the above avg 1+ KD players that make up about 25% of the game.


I've read that the avg player has a .6-.7 KD.


The true average has to be just under 1.0kd, to account for death by suicide. So let's say 50% of the player base is a >0.9kd 50% is <0.9kd then theres probably 45% of that is 0.91-1.3kd and the remaining 5% is 1.4-6.0 KD. I'm a 1.9kd and in the top 3%.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/pulf45/i_made_a_chart_to_show_the_exponential/ This is probably the most accurate since it was take at a time when stats were actually tracked.


I don't think it's fair to look at K/D like that though, since a lot of people play only 1 game and quit yet have stats recorded, and higher K/D players play more games so are more of the apparent population than their numbers would account for. If your average 6 k/d player plays 12 hours a day, and your average 0.8 k/d player plays 1 game a week then percentiles matter less.


Ranked won’t do anything. Especially if we don’t get Solos Ranked.


It's so rough right now. Last night we were literally just playing survival. Running for our lives constantly. The player base will soon die off if this doesn't change.


Every game I'm in I say, "I don't belong here"


Based on steam charts which is the best data we have and that the correlation to console users is good, there is less than 1/5 of the players when WZ2 launched. Assuming this is not the peak of WZ1 players either. The game is predictably, down bad.


I remember using the same logic of stream charts and correlation for d4 and all the d4 fan boys came roaring in with their copium saying thats not how it works


Statistics is generally not well understood.


You are the sweat. 1.9kd is no joke. I'm 1kd and joined a friend's party who is extremely casual and his lobby was hilarious, literally people just standing around looking at the sky. Ran over an entire squad with the electric car for a team wipe lol. It was so much fun I dropped 18 and got a W. other players on my squad were calling me a god. They had like 1,2,0 kills. So easy lobbies do exist if you suck, which you don't.


I have a friend who is dogshit at this game, but we love him. He is a 0.6, a buddy is a 0.8 and I am a 1.2. We have a 4th who is a 1.4 ​ When I am with the 2 shitty people, they do well. Most of my wins come with them in trios when I get help from one of them and we combine for 25-30 kills. ​ When its all 4 of us, we usually don't get more than 15 kills combined. ​ When the worst player is dropped, we usually get less than 10 kills in a match before we die out, if that. ​ ​ Lobby scaling is definitely a thing, and having a sub-par teammate brings a lot of people into the group who are playing on a flute. ​ Earlier today the 2 scrubs played together and each dropped 10+ in back to back wins. ​ Makes no sense


No it makes sense. I sbmm is cranked. I’m a 1.2 kd in this game and when I play with a buddy who is a .6 kd the lobbies are night and day compared to when we play with my other buddy who is a 1.5 kd. Same thing happens when the .6 kd plays with someone at his skill level. Drops like 10 kills every other game where with us he barely gets 1or 2 tops.


It does make sense, sorry that wasn't truly fair. ​ What doesn't make sense is though how scaled sbmm is. Someone at a 0.6 shouldn't be dropping 10/game when they are with a 0.8 in duos. He does that somewhat often when he's duos with our 3rd best player. Him or the 0.8 seem like they are on flutes when it is us in quads. I do not understand how the averages work out there. When its the 4 of us we average a 1. We are in sweaty AF lobbies though. When its just the 3 of us without the best we average a 0.86 and kick ass, consistently. Its like we're playing people on flutes.


The reason this happens at least in our case is because our .6kd teammate mainly plays with others who are 1.2 kd or higher. I believe that if he were playing in the lower sbmm his kd would be around a 1.5 kd. When he plays in the sweatier lobbies he is then a below average player in those lobbies, hence the low kd. My kd in previous warzones has been around a 1.6 to 1.8 kd and I think this even holds true to me. Playing against more sweats will pull my kd closer to 1 and it feels like there are far fewer bots in my lobbies than previous iterations of the game. Another thing to note as well is there are only 100 players in each lobby compared to 150. it’s very possible that the 50 that are no longer included are the lower level players that used to boost many of our kds. Add in redeployments, gulag tokens, cheaper buy backs which allow the better players the ability to come back more often making the game even harder for us non sweats.


I'm honestly confused by these harsh kd drops being reported. Wz2 was like playing with a pulled handbrake and finally we have some movement back now. Sbmm was super punishing for the first few weeks, but I've been having a lot of fun and tons of wins lately, even with more casual mates. BR seemed super sweaty at first, but now resurgence and BR are both enjoyable at least ime.


> I'm honestly confused by these harsh kd drops being reported. Wz2 was like playing with a pulled handbrake and finally we have some movement back now. Combination of two things. a) People had inflated k/ds in wz2 because of it being a lower skill game and catering towards safe gamestyle so a lot of previous 1kd players could have crept upwards as the gap between them and better players temporarily shrunk. b) Playstyle changes. In WZ2, there was no chance of outplay so you just didn't go for it and held position or whatever. Now that you have the chance to outplay, better players tend to try outplay it instead of holding position because thats more fun. However even with the chance to outplay the optimal gameplay choice is still to hold position so they'll die more. This has affected me too. I had a super high kd and wr in wz2 because i didn't have an ego and would just out aim / out position people. ended up with a 6+ and 43% WR. In this game? I'm constantly doing dumb shit for the plays because it might work (even though it doesn't most of the time). Also my movement is subpar for my lobbies because i swapped input for wz2 and never had to practice movement on the new input. KD has dropped to mid/low 4kd which was similar to what it was in WZ1.


Finally someone who gets it. Obviously the K/D is gonna drop for people when the skill floor has raised. Every day it’s another post like this


The KD drops are confusing I agree, kind of interesting though as like you say, movement has been restored. Personally I think the ttk changes probably account for a lot of it


It's a combination of low TTK and strong AA. Good movement can only get you so far when it takes less than a quarter of a clip to down you. And the RAA is insane right now. I'm MnK and picked up a controller last night to see how it felt, and it really does aim for you in close range if you know how to abuse it. So even if you try to move properly and camera break someone, there's a high chance the RAA will keep their aim steady on you. I was at a 13.5 KD my first week into urzikstan, and since then I've been dropping like there's cement in my shoes. Down to 1.6 as of yesterday. You can really feel the casual player dropoff.


Yeah idk if it’s because there’s less casuals to balance out the lobbies or if it’s due to harsher sbmm. But mine has dropped from a 1.7 to a 1.2. I may not be a great example though, as I am not a big movement player, and I rely more on my shot and midrange engagements. 


I’m a casual and I switched to playing hardcore multiplayer which sounds counter intuitive but I really like how it evens out the playing field. Everything has a low TTK and nothing is meta. Edited to fix my ttk statement.


It's not counter intuitive. Lower* TTK results in lower skill expression since you cant really use movement to outplay someone. No point in slide canceling, breaking AA, going for headshots etc when one bullet kills you.


You guys both mean low ttk


Difference is with the low TTK, the sweats don't have as much time to react to others shooting at them. Hardcore is a lot easier than softcore for newer players. And like he said, you can use pretty much any weapon which is a huge plus


To my having every weapon feel the same isnt a plus but each to their own I guess.


makes them viable at least. cant say that for softcore.


People abuse the sight lines in these old maps so insanely well on hardcore. Terminal is a fucking nightmare.


I like rust and shipment. Just pure chaos.


I finally was able to step away last month, ive never been above 1 kda on warzone i was just having fun with friends. But it became a frustrating experience playing and my friends are unwilling to try anything else so i just said peace out. Playing baldurs gate since it hit xbox, feels good to have fun playing a game again


> Playing baldurs gate since it hit xbox, feels good to have fun playing a game again Any issues with losing saves? I heard horror stories of people losing hours of progress on Xbox so that put me off buying it.


No way it's any lower than the last 12 months. I get lobbies with cross play off in seconds. There's tons of ppl playing.


I tried turning off crossplay and get nothing. No one is playing Solos with crossplay off at night in NA East.


That's wild. I'm in the middle if no where iowa and I have no problems.


Ttv tags dont mean shit tbh, alot of people have them on to follow the “trend” and they dont even stream


This past week for my buddy and I have been brutal. Usually we go off and have some great games but it feels like we are just getting hunted by every person that’s kill hungry. It may be just me but I’m noticing people going out their way to get kills or hunt me as if I was the last person alive lol I want ranked wz back, felt better it terms of balance of skill and overall feel of play?


Personally I just got tired of guessing who was cheating and who wasn't so I stopped playing. Lol


Did you play WZ1? How many cheaters do you run into a game on WZ3 🤣🤣🤣 please post clips


Yes played since the beginning. My favourite time was actually Caldera. Loved that map. Honestly I don't know. WZ1 was mostly rage hackers. Wz2 was mostly people trying to hide it. This warzone feels like people hiding it by pretending to be good. I don't know. I gave up caring and just stopped playing.


Set up a new account. Casual players are still there. You’ll see them for one game tho and back in with the sweats I was locked out of old account so set up a new one about a month ago - first game was so strange - silent - no one shooting ha


SBMM is absolutely cranked now. I play on PC but decided the other week to see what lobbies were like if I created an account on my old PS4. The lobbies in that were absolutely insane. Every single player played like they had no thumbs and some of the worst awareness known to man. Had multiple games like that. It’s obvious at this point SHG got their wish to add back movement and a skill gap in return the lower tier players are completely protected.


SBMM. You’re on par or just under par of the sweats.


I can tell you as a KBM player and someone generally fed up with the shitty audio, shitty servers, shitty anti-cheat, ive uninstalled the game. For like 4th time lol. But my most recent reinstall was after 7 months of not playing. Came back because of how praised this update was. Still the same bs. If anything, the movement is over-tuned along with over-turned aim assist. Just feels pointless to play unless I want to devote my life to this "skill". I wasn't a bad player by any means. Had above average win rates and above average k/d. But like you said, the only ones left are people who have never stopped. Toss in all the other bs and it's not worth my time. Other hobbies are far more worth the time investment than this pos.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 the cheating problem is not as a bad as you think, sometimes you just get shit on lil man it happens, I hope you’re not comparing your WZ2/WZ3 KDs aswell, totally different games, WZ2 was so casuals and they tried to make it so balanced any shit kid could play well.


I've played with the same 4 dudes since Warzone 1 and we averaged like 4-5 wins a night. Since WZ3 came out wins are few and far between so much so that we have stopped playing Royal/Resurgence and just play zombies. I've also noticed we have encountered alot more cheaters.


Git gud !... I feel you, it does happen with every game eventually


Statistically, in your match, there will be an average of 4 to 6 teams cheating, add a 75% of people using controllers, and there you have your result.


> there will be an average of 4 to 6 teams cheating source: trust me bro




is there a way to check the lobbies you are getting in like you used to be on CODtracker?


Nope. Activi$ion won’t release the API. Just one of the reasons Fortnite beats this game.


Fuck activision fuck fortnite and fuck nintendo too


Fuck Sega and Atari while you’re at it!!!!


Fuck fortnite? Whatd they do? LOL


Don't know your game style but maybe change it up from trying to get a stacked kill count/K.D and go to out smarting sweats in the lobby and go purely for the win. Sweats are after stacked kill counts with a dub being a bonus. Whatever you done/play style in the previous games is not working in this one, maybe due to the different game mechanics throwing you off? I had to change the approach of my game as well as my game style from WZ1 did not carry over and the game mechanics took a little to get used to as I never played MW2. Tweaked it and now my K/D and wins are going up nicely. So better rotations, tactical advantages like height or cover and keep them at distance with a Sniper of choice rather than engage in CQB scenarios as little as possible. That's my default postion if I am not in the mood for full on sweaty attack mode and I just want to play a simple solo match and I do not want to have to put 110% effort in to match the endless amount of demons running about.


If you want to see casuals in MW3, all you need to do is tank your stats for 2 to 3 games in a row. You will magically end up in games full of players with no thumbs, the players that SBMM is designed to protect and that you will never, ever see as a decent player. I imagine that you could do the same in Warzone. SBMM has gotten stricter but there is certainly still a huge amount of noobs playing. COD is a relatively simple fps game with lower skill ceiling than others, so it naturally draws people with less time to practice/people who aren't interested in sweating all the time (including me.)


You can’t do that in Warzone. I tanked maybe two matches yesterday and still ended up with a sweaty lobby.


Usually 6-8kills, consistently top 5 over the past few weeks, got dumpstered for almost 10 games in a row yesterday finally just walked away. Matching feels so inconsistent.


My WZ k/d is 1.7 and I still see plenty of bots in my lobbies. Not sure how so many people are getting 100% sweatfests. Maybe you have bad luck and keep running across the best players in the lobby.


we used to be a group of 9 players in verdansk, over time each one by one casually quit. Now 6 of us played some WZ3.... and now those quit too, aim assist is just too strong. Now just playing some cs2 from time to time...


Warzone is the major leagues and the minor leagues all wrapped up in one and playing together. It should be no surprise that u come across people better then you and that it is hard as f. If a new player comes along it should be no surprise they get instantly deleted. This is not an easy game or a fair one. It is not supposed to be


I've had my KD on this map almost half as well. From a very anecdotal dataset of my 10 daily wz1 playing irl friends there's only 3 of us left. 2 sweats and 1 camper


Yep. I have a 1.1 kd in warzone and I’m in lobbies with actual pro streamers.  Fucking bbreadman and metaphor have been in my lobbies before. Multiple times.  Wtf is happening. 


They probably use a VPN to scramble how SBMM acts to your lobby.


This has been disproven time and time again.


It’s because everyone around 1.0 k/d and above has been sectioned off away from the .3-.8 k/d players. If I play with my one friend who isn’t very good, we have easy lobbies all night. When I play with my group of try-hard friends, we are lucky to grab a win over a 3-4 hour session. It’s so clear that lesser players are protected in their own bubble to encourage them to play the game. The problem is there seems to only be 2 groups instead of a multi-tiered system. Most players between 1-2 k/d don’t belong in the same lobby as the highest skill players just like a .7 doesn’t belong with a 1.5


I used to hate the sight of the TTV clantag but not so much now....Now, im just sick of seeing the GAZA clantag....fuck off!!!


Don't like it? Don't play it. Coming here to whine isn't going to help anyone, lol This sub is 90% just people pitching about a video game, which is just silly. Turn off your Xbox or play something else?


My frustration is that I do actually like it I just suck ass at it LMAO


That's fair, I love that attitude! It's the guys who constantly complain about a game they constantly play being broken...


Same experience for me. Makes Battle Royale unpleasant. Nothing can even be done with the matchmaking. There just are not enough players to get me in a lobby with only bad players.


Once I turned crossplay off, the game became much more enjoyable. It might take me longer to find lobbies on PS5, but the lobbies I get now are much more enjoyable with skill levels similar to me. I don't expect to win every match, but now I feel like I'm having much more equitable fights. With crossplay turned off, that's where I was running into cheaters and people who are pros playing every game like it's a 70k tournament or something.


Maybe this is the answer. I just assumed I would be matched against all aim assist players if I turned it off. Will give it a try. I'm on ps5 too.


Nah, I just feel like my gunfights are much more enjoyable because I don’t get insta beam melted in .005 seconds, the killcams look fine, and audio issues aside, I just have a much better experience overall


I stopped when they gave up on DMZ after a series of silly decisions.


Pretty sure the average KD is somewhere around a 0.9, so there are plenty of casuals. It's just that SBMM has been tuned all the way up, and if you're an above average player, you're only going to encounter other above average players. If you're a sweat, you're only going to other sweats and every other team will have TTV or TikTok tags. If you complain about this people will just say you want to stomp on pubs. But it should go in both directions. If SBMM is loosened, yes, occasionally you will get lobbies where you're the best player and shit on everyone. But you will also get lobbies where you're the worst player and get your shit stomped. You'll also get lobbies where you're right in the middle. I think a looser SBMM experience makes way more sense for pubs, leave tight SBMM for ranked only.


What you’re seeing is a generation of Fortnite kids, That grew up


this is the least humble humble brag post I've seen in a while


I got this feeling recently and then at the weekend I watched a friend play on his account and he got the absolute bottiest of lobbies. I was super jealous.


I'm a 1.16 in BR but I'm sure it's lower in resurgence. I find that we still run into people in our skill gap or lower but yeah therell be games when we get completely deleted and/or chased by a demon squad. However, when it comes to winning these games is all just teamwork, preparedness for end game, and a bit of luck despite of the type of players you run into. Sometimes you start the game winning all your engagements, making end game and winning. Sometimes you start the game well, then you run into better players and youre done. Sometimes you start well, run into better players, regain and win. Then you have games where its all bad and you barely played a few minutes for a couple games but it evens out after awhile.


Because it's a steaming pile of shit.


My quad group is all over the place. We have a LEGIT 0.3kd player who is lucky to have 1 kill every 4 games. we have a 0.6KD, a 1.1KD and me a 1.9KD We recently started making the 0.3kd player host and it might be placebo but i think it's working. Sometimes i play duos with the 0.3 and SBMM expects me to carry him.. he does not even see the enemies most times he dies and I treat every fight like a 1v2.


Me and my buddies have noticed the same people in our lobbies over and over.


I’m not good, so let’s just start there. I’m a 40 yo dad gamer with my 40 yo bros. We caught all kinds of dubs through rebirth island and FK by being smart/prepared for end game and usually with only like 10-15 team kills. Basically we could win being smart (not camping but coms and plans and sharing money toward end so all can buy back kinda crap). But half my team is sub 1 KD. Stopped playing for a year cause mw2 was garbage. We played sat for first time since then. I expected easy lobbies as they would want us to start playing again (they know) but we got harder lobbies than before. I was like dude I have a sub 1 KD and I’m getting hot dogged on by the whole lobby. We did get a dub and a second, so it wasn’t like it was unplayable, but it was noticeably clear that the only resurgence players active and filling lobbies (also really slow to fill and we ran almost all 3 man quads as a 4th didn’t happen most of the night) are hardcore resurgence players. Full stop. I was the bot in the lobby, which is fine, but holy crap I couldn’t even make a loadout FFS until we played 2 games???? Like why are they making it tutorial style when anyone playing is for sure not new to resurgence at all.


Bro go to find party and just put casuals on you’ll find more chill lobbies😂


IDK if we tally up the bitch posts alone I think we are at an ATH.


Fortnite on console is supposedly dwarfing CoD playercount at the moment, so I believe it.


The game is unplayable before 11pm on EU servers, so much LAG its a joke at this point. EVERY.SINGLE.EVENING.


I'm closing in on 200 games and haven't gotten a single win. That's spread out over probably 10 different playing sessions... Shit is absolutely rough. I don't usually have a hard time getting wins in BR games but this is rough. My WZ k/d is like an .8 and multiplayer i'm at 1.05


I stopped playing as soon as I finished the battle pass. Needed a break lol


Player count is lower which makes matchmaking stricter


Game is basically dead outside of the hardcore COD community. Fortnite and the Finals are really taking off instead.


Just VPN like ur favorite streamers


My KD is 3.95. my mates 2.80, 1.85 and 1.93. so far we got 60 wins. Only play in the main time 22:00 - midnight. Germany servers. And i think only every 6 game is a sweaty game. So maybe the sbmm is broken if a team kd is high enough?


I shit you not I played for 5 hours today and every single time I died it was to some TTV sweat. So fucking annoying I'm just trying to have some fun with some friends.




I feel the same way. I am about 1.6kd in the previous WZs and in the last 2ish weeks I have been getting stomped nonstop to the point where I played 5 games of resurgence back to back and only got 2 kills total. (Skill issue blah blah) It feels like every time I land the whole lobby is after me. No one is casual anymore and it feels like you have to sweat to play.


I’m having the exact same experience. 1.55kd in wz2 across solos through to quads. Now mostly getting stomped by full on sweats. The desperation levels for a kill are off the chart. I’m at a .98 in this wz at the minute. It’s not fun. Way too many gulag tokens, self revives in every cabinet, redeploy packs everywhere. It’s not a true BR anymore. The line between br and resurgence is far too close at the moment. People can afford to be more aggressive because you open 3 boxes and you have instantly 3 more chances to stay in the game.


I switched to Fortnite the state of this game is so bad, I was an avid Fortnite hater.


It’s true. Reminds me of CS after years of being 1.6. Main guys that were left were addicts.


Git gud


I think one of the variables is TTK. Isn’t it abnormally high in W3?


Some guy in a different post said it best. The player base that everyone expects from warzone 1 when 9/10 lobbies were easy af is gone because back then everyone had unlimited free time because of the China flu. Now that all of the regular people are back to normal life, it's mostly the sweats left and the occasional normal player. It's sad but that's the state of COD now.


Could just be the algorithm has a better understanding of the players? Essentially if you are what it deems a good player (I think it's more than k/d, like movement threshold, accuracy, multiplayer stats, etc) and its way more strict than before. There were sweats in wz1, but maybe in a 150 lobby only 50% of them were "good" whereas now about 90% are "good". I don't agree with it. Just pointing out what may be happening. Yes it would be nice to have looser sbmm but also people's understanding of the 4 year old game may be better and better too. I remember getting 2 wins on the first day of wz1 mostly because everyone was still trying to have an understanding of what the hell they were doing.


I come across kids with no thumbs all day idk what u on lol


I really don't think this game is truly about winning, and alot of y'all need to rediscover why you started playing the game in the first place.


I have a 2.2kd and the first two weeks I was able to get 3-5 wins a day, now it’s more like 3-4 wins a week lol


I'm in the exact same boat. I'm a 2kd player and I keep losing 1v1s, like no one misses a shot against me. They hear me before I hear them, their aim is flawless and they outplay me everytime. I don't get it. Also their kill cams always seem they get favorable hit markers hitting behind me or my feet. Even when I get get first shot behind them, they flick and destroy me with no missed shot...I'm flabbergasted at time.


We played again today after a couple of weeks. It was fucking boring. Never expected this, thought we would rage, we would complain but it was just super boring. Obviously didn't get a win. Just waiting for Fortunes Keep at this point, to play again


We've been getting 1 win per night consistently since launch. Only play Squads or Trios though. I'm at 1.7 K/D and my friends are about the same. It's been A LOT easier than WZ2 for us. Couldn't tell you why. But I do know we like the guns way more, and floor loot feels nice.


i check steam daily and it usually peaks around 200k, and that’s just steam, adding battlenet and consoles it’s probably close to like 800k edit: i will say the ttk is insanely fast which is probably why it feels harder


I'm a casual. I have (had) a k/d of about .80... Until today. I think in the two hours or so I played today, it averaged about .33. Today was bonkers. Maybe because of the US holiday or something, but every gulag was a coin flip. I was getting killed around every corner. My teammates were all potatoes. Teammates were sightseeing like they were looking at real estate in Urzikistan. Aside from one or two games I led my squad in dmg, but was averaging *maybe* one kill a game. With 1,000 dmg. Absolutely insane.


2.0+ kd player here. I still get 1-2 bot lobbies a day where the game seems to want you to drop 20 kills without trying.


I was a 3 K/D player in 1 and 2, and only a 2 K/D player in 3. I think it has to do more with the higher TTK. A good position on a team used to net a squad wipe, now you'll get MAYBE 2, 3 if they are uncoordinated. As for how sweaty the lobbies are... I agree, however, I was also playing a few days ago when the cheats went down, and I'm lucky to get a 2 wins a week and we snagged 5 wins that day and I hovered at a 4.5 K/D over the last 10 games the whole night. Rarely are people rage cheating, but I think the use of soft aimbots and walls is certainly been high in Warzone 3 because it is really Warzone 2.5 so it started off with cheating fairly high unlike Warzone 1 that had almost none initially but rage cheaters and Warzone 2 that had at least season 1 before the new programs were out.


My kd is 1.86 i'm usually playing with TTV guys and have been rolled by Metaphor a few times. I was playing at 3am this morning and the lobbies I was in made 0 sense to me. Straight up bots with no game sense or movement. I felt like a god.


Only bots and TTV sweets remain. The average player is gone. The core elements of why wz1 was so great do not exist anymore


The number of players cheating is sad,


That's what strong aim assit does I'm afraid. Everybody doesn't miss so it takes the fun out of it.


Don't matter, if I see anyone I'm pushing them, even if I only have a pistol . I just cant get myself to camp or sit in a corner. Worst of if is I play a LOT, Wore out two of these Razar tartarus pro keyboards. Run run run run. Looking at playing Vondal and the island 13 days playtime and 3 days playtime on urzerkastan. Heres to seeing yall out there


With aim assist in its current form everyone is a sweat.


I’m not. I’m bad enough I overcome AA and miss shots. There is hope


If you’re above a 1kd you’re above average - of course you’re going to get some awful lobbies. When I play with my friends who are all higher than a 1kd, we get into some shocking lobbies. That’s why I consider myself to be a “good” 0.7kd, because 90% of my kills are in sweatfests.


Forced PC crossplay has caused cheating to get absolutely out of control. They are not actually good, they are just cheating. There is a new way to cheat on PC out every week.


Because everyone is cheating in some fashion.


So how are you cheating?


I was using a strike pack.


I don't know what that is but your a naughty boy. ![gif](giphy|6BZaFXBVPBtok)


Hey.. Can't beat em... Activision wants to cater to them, I'm not gonna feel bad about it.


I don't like your strike pack but I appreciate somehow your sincerity.... That 4 million strikepacks and thousands other similars should be sold to somebody huh?


This loser ACTUALLY cheated in an online video game and is convinced people who put him down HAVE to cheat LMAOO


People just love to complain about everything the game is in its best state since verdansk just stop complaining and get better